Help the Aged Canada

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HelpAge Canada

HelpAge Canada is a non-denominational, non-profit charity in Canada dedicated to assisting impoverished older persons living in Canada and the developing world. HelpAge Canada was previously known as Help the Aged (Canada) until Fall 2010.

HelpAge Canada offers programs for impoverished older persons in eleven developing countries worldwide. Programs focus on primary health care, agro-forestry, food aid, emergency assistance, capacity building, training and sponsorship. All of HelpAge Canada's overseas programs are coordinated through local charitable organizations such as the Oblate missionaries, SOFEPADI, Ahero Joot Social Services, the Salvation Army and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. They work in collaboration with other national and international nongovernmental organizations.

HelpAge Canada obtains its funding from Federal and Provincial government sources, corporations and foundations, and individual donors to support their programs. Primary Government sources include Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Over 50% of their funding is raised through general donations and donations in-kind. Government income is used to supplement general donations. Administration costs were 2.7% in 2009-10, fund-raising costs were 6.2%.

HelpAge Canada is governed by an elected volunteer Board of Directors. The Board also appoints Management Committees to advise the Executive Director, who is hired by the Board of Directors. The charity receives support and professional expertise through its affiliate membership with HelpAge International and through its membership with organizations such as the Alberta Wild Rose Foundation.

Among the many issues tackled by HelpAge Canada are:

See also[]


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