Himno a Tlaxcala

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Himno a Tlaxcala (English: Anthem of Tlaxcala) is the official anthem of the Mexican state of Tlaxcala. The music and lyrics were created by Carlos Cea y Díaz.[1]



Como el sol que corona el Matlalcuéyetl
con un halo de luz casi divino
es Tlaxcala el futuro esplendoroso
que te forja invencible nuestra fe ...

Tu pasado de gestas prodigiosas
que ilumina imponente tu destino
es la fuerza que impulsa vigorosa
el anhelo creador en nuestro ser.

English translation[]


Like the sun that crowns the Matlalcuéyetl
with an almost divine halo of light
Tlaxcala is the splendorous future
that forges our faith invincible ...

Your past of prodigious deeds
that illuminates your destiny imposingly
is the force that vigorously drives
the creative desire in our being.


  1. ^ "Sabías que?". Ministry of Public Education of Tlaxcala. Archived from the original on 2013-06-24. Retrieved 18 November 2020.
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