Hip Hop Congress

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Hip Hop Congress
FocusHip Hop Congress is a network of individuals and organizations that are driving the necessary transformation of the world by uplifting culture for the creative development of artists and young people through education, civic engagement, and equitable resource exchange.
OriginsOxnard, California
Area served

The Hip Hop Congress (HHC) is a non profit, international grassroots organization. Its mission is to evolve hip hop culture by inspiring social action, civic service and cultural creativity within the community. This includes events and workshops focused on the Hip Hop arts of DJing and turntablism, MCing/rapping, breakdancing, graffiti art and beatboxing. Its headquarters is located in San Jose, California.


  • Chapter Program — The Hip Hop Congress currently works with more than 30 chapters on university campuses, high schools, and communities around the world. Chapters engage in a range of activities promoting hip hop culture on their campus or in their community. Each chapter responds to the needs and the personalities of their local community. Many chapters produce Awareness Weeks: a week of different events focusing on hip hop culture including but not limited to festivals, concerts, academic discussions and movie screenings.
  • Artist Program — HHC Artists are not only defined by their ability to entertain, but more importantly through their ability to understand the important role that creative expression plays within the community. HHC seeks to elevate the status of the “Artist” to that of “Cultural Worker” through HHC-sponsored events that represent a professional standard within the fields of arts, education, and activism. These events are designed to help hip hop artists pool resources, sell music and take advantage of opportunities the music industry has to offer without losing or giving away the rights to their works in return.
  • Online Program — Hip Hop Congress' online program fosters collaboration with like-minded websites and helps to connect chapters, artists, and Members.

A mirror organization, Hip Hop Congress Europe, which is based in Paris, France, networks organizations in France, Africa, England, Belgium and the Czech Republic with the intention of creating after school programs and sharing projects created in these schools through the use of technology.


In 1993, (Producer, Entrepreneur) started an artist organization called The Hip Hop Congress (HHC). In 1997 after meeting Shamako Noble in San Diego, Ca. They formed the first North & Southern community chapters. In 2000, and started a campus activist group called by the same name. The two groups did not know about each other until the summer of 2000, while surfing the web. Instead of arguing over who should keep the name, the two organizations merged and formed the current Hip Hop Congress.

Key Members[]

A national office of nine members serves as a think tank that devises new initiatives using the Congress' tools to create new inspiration and action in local communities, develops strategic partnerships with other organizations and is currently working on developing a fundraising campaign.

Rahman Jamaal, National Executive Director, Chairman of the Board
, Co-Founder (1993), Vice Chairman of the Board
, National Secretary
, 'Co-Founder (2000), Treasurer
, Boardmember
, Boardmember
, Boardmember
Paradise Gray, Boardmember
, Boardmember
, Co-Founder (2000), Legal Agent
Shamako Noble, Co-Founder (1997), Former Executive Director
, Cultural Education Director
, National Recruitment Director
, National Radio Director
, National Events Touring Director
, Finances & Operations
Michael Crenshaw, Northwest Regional Director
, West Coast Regional Director
, Southwest Regional Director
, South Regional Director
, Midwest Regional Director
Maurice Taylor, Northeast Regional Director


External links[]

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