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The Hoensha was a Japanese Go organization founded in 1879 by Honinbo Shuho. The Hoensha was the successor to study groups set up by and other players. It was the major Go organization of the later Meiji period.[1] Like the many Go organizations today, the Hoensha awarded professional grades. The Hoensha house magazine was . The Four Heavenly Kings of Hoensha were , , , and . The Three Wunderkinder were , , and Tamura Yasuhisa (Honinbo Shusai). When Nihon Ki-in was established, the Hoensha was dissolved in 1924.

President Years Run
Honinbo Shuho 1876–1886
Hirose Heijiro 1920–1924

See also[]


  1. ^ Shūsaku Honʼinbō and John Power (1982). Invincible: The Games of Shusaku. Kiseido. pp. xi, 25–26.

External links[]

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