Integrated Transport Network

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The Integrated Transport Network (ITN) is a dataset containing details of Great Britain's transport network. Produced by Ordnance Survey – the national mapping agency of Great Britain – it forms part of the OS MasterMap suite of products.

Intended to facilitate route planning and resource management, the dataset consists of three elements: Road Network (road geometry), Road Routing Information (routing information for drivers concerning mandatory and banned turns and other restrictions) and Urban Paths (man-made path geometry in urban areas).

The network is a link-and-node based network containing such details about each link as:

  • the class of road (A-road, B-road, etc.);
  • the nature of the road (single carriageway, dual carriageway, roundabout, etc.);
  • road names;
  • road routing information (RRI) (e.g. prohibited turns, one-way streets).

These data are supplied in Geography Markup Language file format.


The main benefits claimed for this product are that

  • it accurately maps all 545,000 km of roads in Great Britain in a consistent logical link-and-node network;
  • it contains 1.7 million road routing and information features;
  • all road changes are captured within six months of their implementation;
  • the Urban Paths Theme complements ITN's road information by adding path networks in all urban areas;
  • it is designed to relate to other OS MasterMap layers.

ITN is used as the roads network by Transport Direct Portal for its car and cycle journey planning; is referenced in the CycleNetXChange schema; and forms a key element in the UK Digital National Framework (DNF).

Future developments[]

From 31 March 2019 the Integrated Transport Network product will be withdrawn. It is in the process of being replaced by the , launched on 31 October 2016.[1]


External links[]

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