International Tunneling and Underground Space Association

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The International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 1974, comprising currently 78 member nations and 310 affiliate members, aiming to encourage the use of the subsurface for the benefit of public, environment and sustainable development, and to promote advances in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space.The organization is made up of a community of professionals very involved in the tunnels and underground space industry: engineers, building owners, urban planners, architects, industrial designers, companies specialized in public works and major works, suppliers of construction equipment and materials, lawyers, political representatives, researchers and academics, economists, finance experts, and other stakeholders.

Since 1987, ITA has got the Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It has been involved in Habitat II, studies for crossing of the Gibraltar Strais, reduction of poverty program, World Urban Forum.

ITA is composed of 4 committees: Committee on operational safety of underground facilities (ITA COSUF), committee for education and training (ITA-CET), committee on underground space (ITACUS) and committee on new technology (ITAtech). Officially created in 2014, the ITA Young Members Group (ITAym) is currently present within more than 20 Member Nations.

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