Iterative Viterbi decoding

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Iterative Viterbi decoding is an algorithm that spots the subsequence S of an observation O = {o1, ..., on} having the highest average probability (i.e., probability scaled by the length of S) of being generated by a given hidden Markov model M with m states. The algorithm uses a modified Viterbi algorithm as an internal step.

The scaled probability measure was first proposed by . An early algorithm to solve this problem, sliding window, was proposed by et al., 1989, with constant cost T = mn2/2.

A faster algorithm consists of an iteration of calls to the Viterbi algorithm, reestimating a filler score until convergence.

The algorithm[]

A basic (non-optimized) version, finding the sequence s with the smallest normalized distance from some subsequence of t is:

// input is placed in observation s[1..n], template t[1..m],
// and [[distance matrix]] d[1..n,1..m]
// remaining elements in matrices are solely for internal computations
(int, int, int) AverageSubmatchDistance(char s[0..(n+1)], char t[0..(m+1)], int d[1..n,0..(m+1)]) {
    // score, subsequence start, subsequence end
    declare int e, B, E
    t'[0] := t'[m+1] := s'[0] := s'[n+1] := 'e'

    e := random()
        e' := e
	for i := 1 to n	do	d'[i,0] := d'[i,m+1] := e
	(e, B, E)  := ViterbiDistance(s', t', d')
        e := e/(E-B+1)
    until (e == e')

    return (e, B, E)

The ViterbiDistance() procedure returns the tuple (e, B, E), i.e., the Viterbi score "e" for the match of t and the selected entry (B) and exit (E) points from it. "B" and "E" have to be recorded using a simple modification to Viterbi.

A modification that can be applied to CYK tables, proposed by Antoine Rozenknop, consists in subtracting e from all elements of the initial matrix d.


  • Silaghi, M., "Spotting Subsequences matching a HMM using the Average Observation Probability Criteria with application to Keyword Spotting", AAAI, 2005.
  • Rozenknop, Antoine, and Silaghi, Marius; "Algorithme de décodage de treillis selon le critère de coût moyen pour la reconnaissance de la parole", TALN 2001.

Further reading[]

  • Li, Huan-Bang; Kohno, Ryuji (2006). An Efficient Code Structure of Block Coded Modulations with Iterative Viterbi Decoding Algorithm. 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. Valencia, Spain: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ISWCS.2006.4362391. ISBN 978-1-4244-0397-4.
  • Wang, Qi; Wei, Lei; Kennedy, R.A. (January 2002). "Iterative Viterbi decoding, trellis shaping, and multilevel structure for high-rate parity-concatenated TCM". IEEE Transactions on Communications. 50 (1): 48–55. doi:10.1109/26.975743. ISSN 0090-6778.
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