Ivan Olshansky

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Ivan Olshansky
Full name
Belarusian: Іван Гальшанскі
Lithuanian: Jonas Alšėniškis
Polish: Jan Holszański
Diedin or after 1402
Noble familyOlshanski
IssueUliana Olshanska
Alexandr Olshanski
Andrew Olshanski
Micheal Olshanski
Simanas Olshanski
FatherAlgimantas Olshanksi

Ivan Olshanski (Olshansky) (Belarusian: Іван Гальшанскі, Lithuanian: Jonas Alšėniškis, Polish: Jan Holszański, died in or after 1402) is the first known and undisputed member of the princely Olshanski family. Historians only know his father's name, Algimantas. Ivan was a faithful companion of Vytautas the Great, Grand Duke of Lithuania. They both were married to daughters of Sudimantas of Eišiškės.[1] Ivan's daughter Juliana became the third wife of Vytautas in 1418.

When Vytautas escaped to the Teutonic Knights in 1382, Ivan followed him and Jogaila took away his estate. However, as Vytautas and Jogaila reconciled few years later, Ivan gifted Jogaila with a golden belt and received his estate back. Ivan followed Vytautas when he escaped to the knights once again in 1390 during the Lithuanian Civil War. In 1391 Ivan escorted Sophia, the only child of Vytautas, to Moscow where she married Vasili I of Russia. After Vytautas gained a powerful ally in the east, Jogaila agreed to make peace and Treaty of Astravas was signed in 1392. Ivan became the right hand of Vytautas, and after Skirgaila death, he ruled Kiev as viceregent.

The influence Ivan had in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is showcased by the fact that he signed many treaties, including Treaty of Salynas in 1398 and Union of Vilnius and Radom in 1401. Ivan was mentioned in 1402 for the last time, and it is believed he died in that year. There are four known sons of Ivan: Alexandr, Andrew, Micheal and Simanas.


  1. ^ Lietuvos valdovai (XIII-XVIII a.): enciklopedinis žinynas (in Lithuanian). Vytautas Spečiūnas (compiler). Vilnius: Moklso ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas. 2004. p. 78. ISBN 5-420-01535-8.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  1. Jonynas, Ignas (1933). "Alšėniškiai". In Vaclovas Biržiška (ed.). Lietuviškoji enciklopedija (in Lithuanian). Vol. I. Kaunas: Spaudos Fondas. pp. 347–359.
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