Ivan Shcheglov

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Ivan Leontievich Leontiev (Леонтьев, Иван Леонтьевич Saint Petersburg, 1856-1911) was a Russian army officer who wrote plays and novels under the pen name Ivan Shcheglov.[1] His best known work is The Dacha Husband (Dachnyi muzh). The first English translation of Shcheglov's novel was made by Michael R. Katz in 2009.


  1. ^ Anton Chekhov; Stephen Mulrine, Jutta Hercher (eds.) Chekhov on Theatre ISBN 1623160294 2013 Notes: "Leontiev-Shcheglov, Ivan Leontievich (1856-1911) Writer and dramatist, whose one-sided infatuation with theatre Chekhov persistently tried to discourage, since he regarded Leontiev-Shcheglov as a much better prose writer. Leontiev, who wrote under the pseudonym Shcheglov, accused Chekhov of having plagiarised his Tragedian Despite Himself from his play A Husband in the Country."
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