Kamal Mehdi Abdullayev

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Kamal Abdulla (Azerbaijani: Kamal Mehdi Abdullayev; born 4 December 1950) is an Azerbaijani scientist, national writer, public figure, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, honored scientist, full member of ANAS, state counselor of the 1st class.

First rector of Baku Slavic University (2000–2014), state counselor of the Republic of Azerbaijan on inter-ethnic issues of multiculturalism and religion (2014–2017), rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, chairman of Azerbaijan Culture Foundation (Azerbaijan Creative Foundation), full honorary member of Turkish Linguistic Society, full member (academician) of the International Personnel Academy (Ukraine), honorary doctor of Moscow State Pedagogical University and the Urals honorary professor of Poltava University of Economics and Trade, member of International Academy of Sciences of Turkic World Studies, academician, member of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Georgia, member of the Russian PEN Club (Moscow). Laureate of the Supreme Award of Sofia University "Honorary Blue Ribbon Insignia".

Research interests – linguistics, literature, Turkology, cultural studies.


Abdullayev was born on 4 December 1950, in a noble family in Baku. His father was a teacher, but mother was a doctor. After completing his secondary school in 1968, he was admitted in 1968–1973 into the Philological Faculty of Azerbaijan State University. In 1973–1976 he was a full-time postgraduate in the department of "Turkic Languages" at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In January 1977 he defended his PhD dissertation "Syntactic Parallelism" (on the language of the Epos "The Book of Dada Gorgud") in Moscow. In 1977–1984 he took the position of a junior scientific researcher, then a senior scientific researcher and later head of the Department of "Comparative Research of Turkic Languages" at the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS. Since 1983 author and presenter of a number of monthly and weekly literary and social-scientific TV programs, such as, "The Azerbaijani Language", "Goshma", "Defina", ("Treasure"), "The Mystery of Word". In 1984 he defended his Doctoral thesis "Theoretical Issues of Syntax of the Azerbaijani Language" in Baku.



  • In 1984–1987 – head of the Department of "General and Azerbaijani Linguistics" at the Institute of Foreign Languages.
  • In 1988–1990 – first deputy chairman in Culture Foundation (now Azerbaijan Creativity Foundation), in 1990 – Chairman of the Foundation staff.
  • In 1990 – head of the Department of "General and Russian Linguistics at the Institute of the Russian Language and Literature named after M. F. Akhundov.
  • From 1993 to 2000 – head of the Department of "General and Azerbaijani Linguistics" at the Institute of Foreign Languages again.
  • In 1994–1995 – professor of the Department of "The Turkish Language and Literature" at Bursa Uludag University (the Republic of Turkey).
  • In May 2000 – appointed as the Rector of the Institute of the Russian Language and Literature named after M.F. Akhundov by the Order of the President of Republic Heydar Aliyev.
  • In 2014 he was appointed the state councilor on multiethnic, multicultural and religious affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the President of the Republic Ilham Aliyev.
  • In 2015, he taught "Azerbaijani Studies" at the University of ADA.
  • Kamal Abdulla – a member of the Guardianship Council of the Knowledge Foundation attached to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was elected the Chairman of the Guardianship Council at the first meeting of Baku International Multiculturalism Center on 18 November 2014.
  • Since 2017 he has been rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages.

İnternational organizations[]

He delivered lectures at universities in different countries (United States – Columbia University, Harriman Institute, France – Inalko University, University of Strasbourg, Germany – University of Mainz, Russia – Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Institute of Linguistics, Turkey – Uludag University, Poland – University of Warsaw, Georgia – Tbilisi State University, Italy – Papal Salesian University) gave lectures. Organizer and participant of a number of international symposia, conferences, and colloquiums (Georgia, Russia, France, Germany, England, Sweden, Greece, Italy, etc.).[1]

Scientific activity[]

In 2015 Academic Kamal Abdulla (in co-authorship with E.A. Najafov) compiled teaching programs "Introduction to Multiculturalism" (for bachelors) and "Azerbaijani Multiculturalism" (for masters) on the subject of "Multiculturalism". Author of the researcher on ancient epic literature of Turkic peoples. He (with E.A. Najafov) is the academic editor and one of the main authors of the teaching manual "Azerbaijani Multiculturalism" for higher educational institutions. He is the author of more than 300 papers, more than 20 scientific books, teaching aids, and monographs. Also, He was the supervisor for tens of masters and post-graduates.


  1. "Syntax problems of simple sentences in the Azerbaijani language" (Russian: Проблемы синтаксиса простого предложения в азербайджанском языке) (Baku, Elm, 1983);
  2. "Theoretical Issues of Syntax of the Azerbaijani Language" (Baku, Maarif, 1999–2016),
  3. "Compound Syntactical Wholes in Azerbaijani" (in co-authorship with a group of authors),
  4. "The Russian Language in Azerbaijan" (in co-authorship with I. Hamidov),
  5. "The Journey into Linguistics or Linguistics for Non-Linguists",
  6. "Let's Speak Azerbaijani" (Paris 2008, Bucharest 2010, Budapest 2011, Abu-Dabi, 2012).
Literary criticism, criticism, and essence[]

His books on Literature studies and literary criticism:

  1. "Author-Novel-Reader" (Baku, Yazichi, 1985),
  2. "What is Written Nevertheless (Baku, Yazichi, 1990),
  3. "The Start and End of the Road" (Baku, Azerbaijan State Publishing – House, 1993),
  4. "300 Azerbaijanis" (Baku, Mutarjim, 2007) reflect the problematic aspects of World Literature and shed light on the invisible sides of the ancient and contemporary Literary processes. Literary conversations of Kamal Abdullah, Salam Sarvan and about the works of K. Abdullah and current and interesting issues of culture and world literature were published in the form of a book titled "Moments" in 2011.

His book "Lectures in Baku Slavic University" (Russian: Лекции в Бакинском славянском университете) (Baku, Mutarjim, 2003) (co-authored with Acad. A. Mirzajanzade) is about issues of Literature and Poetics.


He wrote and published his monographs on Gorgud studies, such as:

  1. “Mysterious Dada Gorgud” (1991),
  2. “The Epos in Mystery or Mysterious Dada Gorgud – 2” (Baku, Elm, 1999),
  3. “From Myth to Writing or Mysterious Dada Gorgud”,
  4. “Introduction to the Poetics of “The Book of Dada Gorgud” (Baku, 2017).
  5. “Mysterious Dada Gorgud” was translated into Turkish and published in Bursa (Bursa, Ekin Basınevi, 1995), in Istanbul (Istanbul, Ötükən Basınevi, 1995) and re-published in Istanbul “From Myth to Writing or Mysterious Dada Gorgud” (Istanbul, Ötükən Basınevi, 2013).

Literary activity[]

His plays, stories, novels, essays, and poems were published in Azerbaijan and abroad. His works were translated into Turkish, Russian, Georgian, English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, Ukrainian, Finnish, Arabic, Japanese, Montenegrin, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and other languages. His plays were staged in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Estonia. Kamal Abdulla is the author of many novels, poems, and books of stories, such as, "The Incomplete Manuscript", "The Valley of Wizards", "There is Nobody to Forget…".

A number of his books consisting of dramas were published in Azerbaijani, Russian and Turkish. He has Collections of plays:

  1. “There is Nobody to Forget” (Baku, Azerneshr, 1995),
  2. “The Ghost” (Baku, Azneshr, 1997),
  3. “Three, four – shut the door” (Baku, Mutarjim, 2003),
  4. “Spy” (Baku, Mutarjim, 2004), "The Spirit" (Ankara, 2006)
  5. “All My Sadness” (Baku, Mutarjim, 2009).

He is the author of the Collection of translations “Mysteries of the Silver Age” (translation of poems written by “Silver Age Poets of Russian Poetry (Baku, Mutarjim, 2001). The poems of the author are published in the books “Strange, isn’t it ?!” (Baku, BSU printing house, 1998), “Pomegranate bloom” (Baku, Mutarjim, 2014).

All his essays, poems, stories, translations, and plays were collected in his book “Sad Selections” (Baku, Mutarjim, 2002). “The Incomplete Manuscript” was published in many countries in different languages, such as, in France entitled “Le Manuscrıt inachevé” (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2005), in Turkey – “Eksik El Yazması” (İstanbul, Ötüken, 2006),[2] in Russia – "Неполная рукопись" (Moscow, Khroniker,2006), in Brazil – "O Manuscrito İnacabado" (João Pessoa, İdeia, 2009), in Poland – "Zagadkowy Rękopis" (Torun, 2009), in Egypt – "رلمخطوطالمبتو" (Cairo, 2012), in America – "The Incomplete Manuscript" (Houston, 2013), in Kazakhstan – "Tолык емес колжазба" (Astana, 2013), in Austria – "Das unvollständige manuscript" (Vienna, 2013), in Kirgizia – "Tолук емес колжазма" (Bishkek, 2014), in Italy – "Il Manoscritto İncompleto" (Rome, 2014), in Montenegro – "Nepotpuni rukopis" (Podgorica, 2015) and in Japan (Shusheyra, 2017).


"The Valley of Wizards"[]

His novel "The Valley of Wizards" devoted to the life of Sufi santons was published in Baku in 2006, then in Istanbul with the title "Büyücüler deresi" (2010), then in St. Petersburg entitled "Долина Кудесников" ("Zlatoust", 2010), in Lithuania as "Stebukladarių slėnis" (Vilnius, "Edukologia", 2013), as well as, in Japan in the "Michitani" Publishing – House in 2013. in Iran in 2014, under the name "Valley of the sorcerers" in the United States of America in 2015, under the name "La velle dei maghi" in Italy ("Sandro Teti Editore", 2016), under the name "Cămpia Vrăjitorilor" in Romania ("Princeps Multimedia", 2019).

"There is Nobody to Forget…"[]

His novel "There is Nobody to Forget…" was firstly published in Baku in 2011. The novel "There is Nobody to Forget…" was published in 2015 in Baku, the Qanun publishing house in Russian, in the book "Under the shadow of Karagach" (Moscow, literature, 2016). His book "Undated Diary" speaks about his school life and was published in Baku in 2005. In 2007 this book was published in Russian in the collection book "Открывая друг друга" under the title "Дневник с заметками на полях". His book "Undated Diary" was published in the book "Collection of Novels" in 2007 on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Head of the Foundation – First Lady of Azerbaijan Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. In 2007 this book was published in Bulgarian under the title "Дневник с бележки в полетата" in the collection "Един кьм друг".

His book of poems and plays "Master of the Way" was published in Moscow (Moscow, Rif Roy, 2004). His collection of stories published:

  1. “Stories” (Baku, Mutarjim, 2009),
  2. “Labyrinth” (Baku, Ganun, 2012),
  3. “The Mystery of Time” (Baku, Mutarjim, 2014),
  4. “Execution Time Cannot Be Changed” (Baku,2017).

The following books were published about Kamal Abdulla in Azerbaijan: “The Mystery of Sadness” (by Elchin Seljug); “Kamal Abdulla: Morphology of Choice” (by Asif Hajily); “Kamal Abdulla: From Writing to Myth” (by Rustam Kamal); in Turkey “Kamal Abdulla’s works in Turkish” (by Mehman Musaoghlu), in Rumania “Kamal Abdulla: Philosophy of Completeness” (by Lyudmila Bejenaru). Many articles and papers concerning his scientific and literary activities were published in Russia, Turkey, France, Italy, Brazil, Poland, Lithuania, USA, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Japan and so on.

Awards and honors[]

  1. In December 1999, by order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, Kamala Abdullayev was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science” for his contribution to the study of the epos “Kitabi Dada Korkud”, an important historical and cultural monument of the Azerbaijani people.
  2. in 2007 – Pushkin Medal of the Russian Federation;[3]
  3. in 2007 – "Humay Award" in Azerbaijan;
  4. in 2007 – "The Novel of the Year" Prize by the 525th Newspaper;
  5. in 2007 – "Literary Man of the Year" by the Monitoring Group;
  6. in 2009 "Karl Kramej" Medal for his exceptional role in the development of relationships between Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic;
  7. in 2009 "Great Cross" Cavallier Orden presented by the President of Poland Mr. Lech Kaczynski;
  8. in 2009 a Special Diploma of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland for his exceptional services in promoting the positive image of Poland;
  9. in 2010 – the "National Dada Gorgud Award" by Dada Gorgud National Foundation and "Gold Medal" “Vatan Ovladi" founded by the international journal "World of Azerbaijan";
  10. in 2010 – the award "The Literary Work of the Latest Ten Years" for his book "The Incomplete Manuscript" in the III Nasimi National Literature Contest;
  11. on 21 May 2015, the "Award for His Scientific Activity" in the V Congress of Qafqaz Universities Union (KUNIB) in Tabriz, Iran;
  12. on 21 September 2015 – Special Prize on Literature of "Scanno" ("Skanoprize") Award founded by one of the biggest Italian foundations – Rikardo Tanaturri Foundation;
  13. on December 2015 "Shohrat" Order by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for his useful activity in the field of education;[4]
  14. in 2016 – the highest "Gold Delvig" Prize in Russian Literature for his book of stories "Platon Seems to Fall Ill.." (Platon, kajetsa zabolel...") published by the popular Russian Publishing – House "Khudojestvennaya Literatura".[5]
  15. In 2017 – the Regional Agency for the Selection of the Most Talented People in Eastern Europe and the magazine Euro manager published by them, Kamal Abdullah, was awarded the prize for "The best European manager world personality of 2017. For science, literature, and multiculturality.”
  16. in 2019, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, he was awarded the honorary title "National writer" for his merits in the development of Azerbaijani culture.
  17. Kamal Abdulla won a social survey for the title of "the best rector of the 2018–2019 school year".[6]
  18. On 10 July 2019, the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev was awarded the commemorative medal "100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918–2018)"
  19. On 19 July 2019, the decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic was awarded the commemorative medal "100th anniversary of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1919–2019)"



  1. ^ "Veranstaltungen – Historisch-literarisches Kolloquium am 10. February 2014: Lesung und Diskussion zum Erscheinen des Romans Das unvollständige Manuskript von Kemal Abdulla" (in German). Humboldt University of Berlin. Retrieved 11 June 2019.
  2. ^ "Eksik el yazması" (in Turkish). 7 December 2016. Retrieved 8 June 2019.
  3. ^ "Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 29.11.2007 г. № 1599" (in Russian). President of Russia. Retrieved 10 June 2019.
  4. ^ "Azərbaycan Respublikasının mədəniyyət xadimlərinə fəxri adların verilməsi haqqında Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidentinin Sərəncamı" (in Azerbaijani). president.az. Archived from the original on 28 July 2019. Retrieved 28 July 2019.
  5. ^ "K.Abdullanın kitabı "Qızıl Delviq" mükafatının laureatı olub" (in Azerbaijani). senet.az. Archived from the original on 28 July 2019. Retrieved 28 July 2019.
  6. ^ "Kamal Abdulla "İlin ən yaxşı rektoru" seçilib" (in Azerbaijani). az.trend.az. Archived from the original on 28 July 2019. Retrieved 28 July 2019.
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