Karabakh Economic Region

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Karabakh Economic Region

The Karabakh Economic Region is one of the 14 economic regions of Azerbaijan. It includes Aghjabadi, Aghdam, Barda, Fuzuli, Khojavend, Shusha, Tartar administrative districts, as well as Khankendi.[1] It has an area of 7,330km². Azerbaijan estimates its population (including refugees and IDPs living outside this economic region in Azerbaijan) at 900.3 thousand people.[2]


It was named the Upper Karabakh Economic Region from 1991 to 2021. The economic region covered Aghdam, Tartar, Khojavend, Khojali, Shusha, Jabrayil, Fuzuli administrative regions, and the city of Khankendi. Since 1994 Tartar, Khojavend, Khojali, a part of the Shusha region, and the city of Khankendi have been under the control of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno Karabakh. Since December 1st 2020, Azerbaijan's controlled Aghdam, Jabrayil, all of Fuzuli's districts, Tartar, Khojavend, Khojali, and a part of Shusha. The Karabakh Economic Region was formed with the Azerbaijani President's decree dated 7th of July 2021 about "The new division of Azerbaijan's economic regions".[3]



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