Lattanzio Mainardi

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Lattanzio Mainardi (fl. 16th century) was an Italian painter of the late-Renaissance or Mannerist period. Originally from or near Bologna and referred to as Lattanzio Bolognese by Giovanni Baglione. He was part of the studio of painters under Cesare Nebbia that painted frescoes for the Chapel of Pope Sixtus V in Santa Maria Maggiore, including the figures of Tamar, Fares, Zara, Solomon y Boaz. Died at the age of 37 in Viterbo, while returning to Bologna.


  • Santa Maria Maggiore description.
  • Marchese Antonio Bolognini Amorini (1843). Vite de Pittori ed Artifici Bolognesi. Tipi Governative alla Volpe ed Nobili; Oxford library digitized June 26, 2006. pp. 100–102.

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