List of BBS software

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This is a list of notable bulletin board system (BBS) software packages.[1]


  • Citadel – originally written for the CP/M operating system, had many forks for different systems under different names.
  • CONFER – CONFER II[citation needed] on the MTS, CONFER U on Unix and CONFER V on VAX/VMS, written by Robert Parnes starting in 1975.
  • Mystic BBS – written by James Coyle with versions for Windows/Linux/ARM Linux/OSX. Past versions: MS-DOS and OS/2.
  • Synchronet – Windows/Linux/BSD, past versions: MS-DOS and OS/2.
  • WWIV – WWIV v5.x is supported on both Windows 7+ 32bit as well as Linux 32bit and 64bit.[2] Written by Wayne Bell, included WWIVNet. Past versions: MS-DOS and OS/2.
  • (ENiGMA) – Node.js based. Any computer that can run Node.js can run ENiGMA½. Written by Bryan Ashby.[3]
  • PETSCII BBS Builder – Creator: Francesco Sblendorio – Java framework, developer-oriented.

Altos 68000[]

Amiga based[]

  • AmigaBBS
  • Ami-Express – aka "/X", very popular in the crackers/warez software scene.
  • C-Net – aka "Cnet" [4] Still in development today as well.
  • DayDream
  • DLG
  • Excelsior
  • Paragon
  • Spectra – This BBS software, incorporated ALL the Ami-Express BBS functions and more besides. And was released to SysOpS in the crackers/warez software scene.
  • Tempest
  • TransAmiga
  • Zeus
  • Xenolink
  • Max's BBS
  • Max's Pro
  • NiKom.

Apple II series[]

  • – Written by John S. James and online in Santa Cruz, CA in 1978
  • Diversi-Dial (DDial) – Chat-room atmosphere supporting up to 7 incoming lines allowing links to other DDial boards.
  • GBBS – Applesoft and assembler-based BBS program by Greg Schaeffer.
  • GBBS Pro – based on the ACOS or MACOS (modified ACOS) language.
  • HBBS – a hi-resolution graphical dial-up BBS and client package for the Apple II, supported threaded, rich media messages including graphics, shapes, sound, fonts, sprites and animation via its desktop client entitled Pixterm.
  • Networks II – by Nick Naimo.
  • SBBS – Sonic BBS by Patrick Sonnek.
  • – message boards and built-in RPG, coded in Applesoft BASIC by Guy T. Rice
  • Warp Six – Message forums, file transfer area, door games. Programmed in Applesoft with some assembly for drivers. By Jim Ferr

Apple Macintosh[]

Atari 8-bit computer[]

  • Atari Message Information System – and derivatives
  • Carina and Carina II, by Jerry Horanoff and later maintained and expanded by David Hunt: Written in Atari Basic the Carina uses a machine-language 'fossil-driver' called "MOE", for Modem Operating Environment. Moe provided protected memory for user information as Atari Basic does not have global variables. When modules were loaded and unloaded, they could retrieve needed session data from MOE. Moe redirects all console input and output to and from the RS232 device, simplifying the Basic code considerably, adds speed, and makes the board modifiable from anywhere you can dial in from. Carina had a working network sharing email between the boards. One bbs would dial the next on a schedule and exchange messages, forwarding the ones not meant for it specifically.
  • BBS Express and BBS Express Professional, by Keith Ledbetter, now Orion Micro Systems. Probably the most used of all Atari Bulletin Board systems. written in machine language they were nevertheless modular and expandible.
  • FOREM, FOREM XL, Written in Atari Basic, very popular bbs in the early to mid 1980's. FOREM stands for Friends Of Ricky E. MOOSE.
  • Technical Difficulties BBS, by Kenny Sallot, (The Timelord). Written in Atari Basic, or Basic XE for the TDXE. Used primarily on The TARDIS bbs, but several were sold and run by other sysops.
  • BBS Construction Set, a BBS written in Atari Basic, highly customizable. Crashes often if tried to be used now. It was an Magazine contributed Atari Basic language bbs.
  • Puff BBS, written in Atari Basic and machine language by Robert Puff of Computer Software Services, Rochester, NY. Primarily used by his company's BBS, this software supported multiple users on multiple lines and modems via the CSS Multiplexer! Much admired. No working multiplexer bbs is currently in operation.

Atari ST[]

  • FaST BBS - Jeff Molofee AKA NeHe
  • FoReM BBS ST - Matthew R. Singer(original) Commnet Systems
  • ForeSight BBS - Brian Hauer, TSO Software

Commodore computers[]

  • – by .[5]
  • Blue Board – by .
  • Superboard – by Greg Francis and Randy Schnedler.
  • C*Base – by Gunther Birznieks, Jerome P. Yoner, and David Weinehall.
  • C-Net DS2 – by Jim Selleck.
  • – by Ray Bacon.
  • Color64 – by Greg Pfountz. [6]
  • Does the Job BBS – by Andrew Bernhardt.
  • – by Bill Jackson. [7]
  • McBBS – by Derek E. McDonald.
  • Prometheus – by Martin Brückner.


Many of these needed BYE and KMD to handle modem interactions and file transfers.

Microsoft Windows[]

MS-DOS and compatible[]


Tandy TRS-80[]

Unix and compatible[]


  1. ^ BBS Software Listing, Jason Scott, 2005.
  2. ^ WWIV BBS Software Official Site
  3. ^ Enigma BBS Official Home website [1]
  4. ^
  5. ^ Apollo64 BBS GitHub Repository
  6. ^ Color64 BBS Official Site
  7. ^ (Picasso) Ivory BBS 3.1
  8. ^ FBB official web site
  9. ^ Kenny, Garnder. "Kenny Gardner".
  10. ^ MAUS official web site
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