List of Chinese animated films

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This is a list of Chinese animated films, sorted by year then alphabetical order. Also listed are the 20 highest-grossing Chinese animated feature films at the Chinese box office.


  • August First Film Studio will be abbreviated as 81FS
  • Beijing Science & Education Film Studio will be abbreviated as BSEFS (which was incorporated into CCTV in 1995)[1]
  • Beijing Glorious Animation Co. will be abbreviated as GAC
  • Beijing Television will be abbreviated as BTV
  • Changchun Film Studio or Changchun Film Group Corporation will be abbreviated as CFS
  • China Television Production Center will be abbreviated as CTPC
  • Department of Cartoon, China Central Television will be abbreviated as CCTV
  • Nanjing Film Studio will be abbreviated as NFS
  • Liaoning Film Studio will be abbreviated as LFS
  • Shanghai Science & Education Film Studio will be abbreviated as SSEFS
  • Shanghai Animation Film Studio will be abbreviated as SAFS
  • Shanghai Television will be abbreviated as STV


Year Title Chinese title Director(s) Studio Genre Running time Notes
1968 The Great Declaration 伟大的声明 SAFS Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
1972 After School 放学以后 Yan Dingxian Traditional 11 min
1972 Battle Hymn of the Domestic 10,000T Hydraulic Press 万吨水压机战歌 Hu Jinqing
Wu Qiang
11 min
1973 Trumpeter 小号手 Wang Shuzhen
Yan Dingxian
40 min
A Little Soldier of the 8th Route Army 小八路 You Lei Stop-motion
with puppets
49 min
Little Guards Securing the East China Sea 东海小哨兵 Hu Xionghua Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
20 min
1974 Whistling Arrows 带响的弓箭 Hu Jinqing 32 min
1975 Before Departure 出发之前 Qian Jiaxin
Zhou Keqin
32 min
The Night of Spring Tide 大潮讯之夜 Tang Cheng
Wu Qiang
Traditional 21 min
A Ferry 渡口 He Yumen Traditional 21 min
Gallop 骏马飞腾 Jin Xi
Liu Huiyi
with paper-cuttings
44 min
1976 Golden Wild Geese 金色的大雁 Shen Zuwei
Te Wei
46 min
The Bamboo Shoots Grown Indoors 长在屋里的竹笋 Hu Jinqing
Zhou Keqin
Traditional 19 min
Sea Trial 试航 Yan Dingxian Traditional 57 min
Main Lesson 主课 Chen Zhenghong Stop-motion
with puppets
40 min
Sapling 树苗 Fang Runnan 26 min
Scull 大橹的故事 You Lei 50 min
1980 Black Rooster 黑公鸡 Pu Jiaxiang Traditional 11 min
My Friend Little Dolphin 我的朋友小海豚 Dai Tielang 17 min
Old Wolf invites Customers 老狼请客 Yan Shanchun 10 min
Snow Kid, a.k.a. "Snow Child" 雪孩子 Lin Wenxiao 20 min
Jiaojiao's Adventure 娇娇的奇遇 Jiao Yesong 16 min
Three Monks 三个和尚 A Da 19 min
The Black Bear's Adventure
(Snatching Bride)
Fang Runnan Stop-motion
with puppets
23 min
Yuanyuan and Robot 园园和机器人 Zhang Chaoqun 10 min
A Song of the Friendship 这是一首歌 Qu Jianfang 20 min
Little Careless 小马虎 Liu Huiyi 21 min
Eight Hundred Strokes of the Whip 八百鞭子 Ge Guiyun
Zhou Keqin
with paper-cuttings
19 min
Dingding Versus the Monkey King 丁丁战猴王 Hu Jinqing 28 min
Trumpeter 吹鼓手 Jin Xuelin
Sun Nengzi
28 min
Zhang Fei Adjudicates on the Melon Case 张飞审瓜 Ge Guiyun
Qian Yunda
26 min
Three Wolves 三只狼 Yu Zheguang Stop-motion
with paper-foldings
9 min
Quacking Ducklings 小鸭呷呷 Yu Zheguang 10 min
1981 The Monkey King and the Fruit of Immortality 人参果 Yan Dingxian Traditional 46 min
Smashing Censer 摔香炉 Lin Wenxiao 19 min
Kindhearted Xia Wudong 善良的夏吾东 He Yumen 22 min
The Nine-Color Deer 九色鹿 Dai Tielang
Qian Jiajun
26 min
真假李逵 Zhan Tong Stop-motion
with puppets
22 min
Dragon Tooth Star 龙牙星 Fang Runnan 20 min
The Taoist Priest in Mount Lao 崂山道士 Yu Zheguang 26 min
Reed Pipe,
a.k.a. Mr. Nan Guo, Nanguo the Musician
南郭先生 Qian Jiaxing
Wang Bairong
with paper-cuttings
19 min
"Plash" Is Coming! 咕咚来了 Hu Xionghua
Shen Zuwei
19 min
Monkeys Fishing on the Moon,
a.k.a. Monkeys Chasing the Moon
猴子捞月 Zhou Keqin 11 min
Lifting Donkey 抬驴 Wang Bairong 17 min
1982 Little Red Face & Little Vlue Face 小红脸和小蓝脸 Dai Tielang Traditional 11 min
The Blind Girl and the Fox 盲女与狐狸 Pu Jiaxiang 21 min
Tiger learns Art 老虎学艺 Jiao Yesong 19 min
The Deer's Bell,
a.k.a. Lu Ling
鹿铃 Wu Qiang 21 min
Cricket 蛐蛐 You Lei Stop-motion
with puppets
27 min
Cao Chong Weighs An Elephant 曹冲称象 Liu Huiyi 17 min
The Peacock's Fireworks 孔雀的焰火 Lv Heng 20 min
Cry Wolf 狼来了 Xia Bingjun 17 min
If I Were Wu Song 假装我是武松 Zhan Tong 26 min
Porcelain Doll 瓷娃娃 Fang Runnan Stop-motion
with ceramic sculptures
18 min
Naughty Golden Monkey 淘气的金丝猴 Hu Jinqing Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
18 min
Country of Paper Men 纸人国 Qian Jiaxing 19 min
The Fox gives Grapes 狐狸送葡萄 Hu Xionghua 18 min
The Apprentice Carpenter Little Panda 小熊猫学木匠 Zhou Keqin 18 min
1983 Wallet (Moneybag) 钱包 Dai Tielang Traditional 19 min
Legend of Sealed Book,a.k.a.
Secrets of the Heavenly Book
天书奇谭 Qian Yunda
Wang Shuchen
70 min
The Hairdresser Little Squirrel 小松鼠理发师 Pu Jiaxiang 11 min
Passing the Bridge 过桥 Zuo Rongguan 11 min
A Black Guard Dog 看门的黑狗 Zhang Chaoqun Stop-motion
with puppets
18 min
Old Pig chooses Cat 老猪选猫 Xia Bingjun
You Lei
23 min
The Fight Between the Snipe and the Clam 鹬蚌相争 Hu Jinqing Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
11 min
The Mouse Marries, a.k.a. The Mouse and His Bride 老鼠嫁女 Wang Bairong 10 min
The Monkey's Fish 猴子钓鱼 Shen Zuwei 20 min
Hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 Ge Guiyun 10 min
小八戒 Jin Xuelin 21 min
长了腿的芒果 Zhou Keqin 18 min
1984 36 Characters 36个字 A Da Traditional 10 min
Happy Digits 快乐的数字 Qian Jiajun 16 min
三毛流浪记 A Da etc. 10 min
Stone Lion 石狮子 Zhan Tong
Zhang Chaoqun
with puppets
30 min
Hornet's Nest 马蜂窝 Fang Runnan 11 min
Saving Mother, Part I 西岳奇童(上) Jin Xi
Liu Huiyi
58 min
Little Star 小明星 Shen Zuwei Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
20 min
The Tale of Chinese New Year Eve 除夕的故事 Qian Jiaxing 19 min
Little Fox 小狐狸 Ge Guiyun 21 min
Fire Child 火童 Wang Bairong 30 min
1985 Yan Shanchun Traditional 10 min
女娲补天 Qian Yunda 10 min
The Great Cleaning 大扫除 Ma Kexuan 11 min
A Toothless Tiger 没牙的老虎 Pu Jiaxiang 19 min
夹子救鹿 Lin Wenxiao 19 min
Scramble for A Pillow 抢枕头 He Yumen 19 min
海力布 Huang Wei 21 min
Little Eggshell 小蛋壳 Xiong Nanqing 20 min
园园奇怪的旅行 Cheng Zhongyue Stop-motion
with puppets
18 min
The Instant Optimum 连升三级 Xia Bingjun 32 min
Straw Man 草人 Hu Jinqing Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
20 min
Big Flower and Little Flower 大花和小花 Jin Xuelin 19 min
Water Deer 水鹿 Zhou Keqin 30 min
The Witch, the Crocodile, the Little Girl 巫婆、鳄鱼、小姑娘 Li Rongzhong Stop-motion
with paper-foldings
11 min
1986 Super Soap 超级肥皂 A Da
Ma Kexuan
Traditional 6 min
The New Doorbell 新装的门铃 A Da
Ma Kexuan
5 min
The Dog Has His Only Day 一夜富翁 Che Hui Stop-motion
with puppets
10 min
A Little Tailor 小裁缝 Cheng Zhongyue 21 min
1987 飞翔的小鸽子 Traditional 10 min
Snow Lion 雪狮子 Huang Wei 11 min
A Story of the Belle Contest 选美记 Wang Shuchen 10 min
老虎装牙 Pu Jiaxiang 17 min
The Rabbit Trailing A Long Tail 长大尾巴的兔子 He Yumen 11 min
Ants and Elephant 蚂蚁和大象 Fan Madi 10 min
An Easy But Considerate Touch 有求必应 He Yumen 19 min
Please Take A Rest, Mom 妈妈请休息 Liu Huiyi Stop-motion
with puppets
20 min
1988 独木桥 Wang Shuchen Traditional 9 min
金币国游记 Xiong Nanqing 20 min
A Story in Summertime, a.k.a. Mantis Stalks Cicada 螳螂捕蝉 Hu Jinqing 5 min
安宁 Hu Tian
Xu Zhou
3 min
强者上钩 Hu Jinqing 4 min
追鼠·斗鸡 Xia Bingjun
Hu Jinqing
1+3 min
Feeling from Mountain and Water,
a.k.a. Love of Mountain and Water
山水情 Te Wei
Ma Kexaun
Yan Shanchun
20 min
To Shoot without Shooting
(Fusha no Sha)
不射之射 Kihachirō Kawamoto Stop-motion
with puppets
25 min
小鹅与红房子 Qiao Yuanzheng 20 min
鱼盘 Fang Runnan 20 min
争执 Xia Bingjun Stop-motion
with material objects
18 min
邦锦美朵 Qian Jiaxing
Zhou Keqin
with paper-cuttings
19 min
孤独的小猪 Shen Zuwei 10 min
The Eight Immortals and A Flea 八仙与跳蚤 Zhan Tong 9 min
The Blue Skeleton 蓝骨 Li Rongzhong 19 min
1989 A Red Balloon 红气球 Xue Meijun Traditional 5 min
高女人和矮丈夫 Hu Yihong 11 min
安宁 Hu Tian
Xu Zhou
3 min
西游记·三件宝贝 Xiong Nanqing 24 min
Reineke Fuchs, a.k.a. Reynard the Fox 狐狸列那 He Yumen
Zhuang Minjin
79 min Cooperated, with Germany studios
小小画家 Sun Zongqing 5 min
笨狗熊 Wang Shuchen 10 min
The Marvellous Mongolian 奇异的蒙古马 Chang Guangxi
A Long and Lili 阿龙和利利 Chang Guangxi 11 min
1990 Laments for the Drowned 哀溺 Qian Yunda Traditional 5 min
I Was Wrong 我错了 Qian Jiaxing 5 min
Planting Trees 种树 Pu Jiaxiang 11 min
A Little Nail 小钉子 Zhan Tong 10 min
Done A Half 一半 Lu Chengfa
Zhan Tong
10 min
Alone Lily 孤独的莉里 Fang Runnan
Xue Meijun
20 min
森林、小鸟和我 Dai Tielang
Fan Madi
19 min
Little Voel in A Winter 冬天里的小田鼠 Qiao Yuanzheng Stop-motion
with puppets
19 min
Deer and Buffalo, a.k.a. Deer and Bull 鹿与牛 Zhou Qin 11 min
1991 Laments for the Drowned Yan Shanchun Traditional 5 min
自作自受 Zhang Songlin 5 min
Dongdong and Guagua 东东和瓜瓜 Jiang Youyi 11 min
嘴巴、耳朵和眼睛 Jiang Aiqun
Yang Kaihua
10 min
夜半怪声 Shen Zuwei Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
10 min
智斗乌鸦 Hu Jinqing
Wu Yunchu
11 min
Happy Memet 快乐的买买提 Shen Rudong
You Yang
12 min
"Glabella" 眉间尺 Ling Shu Stop-motion
with puppets
27 min
1992 谁怕谁 Lu Chengfa
Pu Jiaxiang
Traditional 10 min
Dream of A Desert 漠风 Yan Shanchun
Yao Guanghua
10 min
十二只蚊��和五个人 Ma Kexuan 11 min
古书新说 Fang Runnan 22 min
Princess Lotus 莲花公主 Hu Yihong 11 min
谁是冠军 18 min
Little Voel in A Spring 春天里的小田鼠 Qiao Yuanzheng Stop-motion
with puppets
19 min
桥下拾履 Cheng Zhongyue 20 min
大气球 Wu Yunchu Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
20 min
猫与鼠 Hu Jinqing 7 min
1993 Mendicant Monks 游方僧 Wang Jiashi
Yao Guanghua
Traditional 10 min
小黄鼬的故事 Liu Shuwei 19 min
The Doe Girl 鹿女 Lin Wenxiao
Yan Dingxian
31 min
警犬救援队 Dai Tielang 78 min Co-operated
Red Nose: Eating Contest 红鼻子:比吃公开赛 Zhu Bing Stop-motion
with puppets
21 min
The Invisible Det Sup: Hallucinatory Flower 隐身探长:梦幻花 Liu Huiyi 21 min
1994 珍珠泉 Wang Genfa Traditional 28 min
The Foreign Monk 胡僧 Lu Chengfa 10 min
Red Nose: The Menu Brought Trouble 红鼻子:菜谱惹麻烦 Zhu Bing Stop-motion
with puppets
21 min
The Invisible Det Sup: Dinosaur Dggs 隐身探长:恐龙蛋 Liu Huiyi 21 min
1996 天堂乐园 Shen Shoulin Traditional 28 min
1996 百鸟衣 Lu Chengfa 20 min
1997 蝶双飞 Mu Duo
Wu Yunchu
with paper-cuttings
21 min Co-operated
1997 鹤的传说 Lin Wenxiao
Yan Dingxian
Traditional 21 min Co-operated
2002 回想 Chang Guangxi
Yao Zhongli
3 min
2002 谁的丈夫离的最远 Chang Guangxi
Shen Yi
Yao Zhongli
11 min
2006 Saving Mother, Part II 西岳奇童(下) Hu Zhaohong Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
58 min
1987 猫咪的胡子 Zhou Shumin BSEFS Traditional 10 min
1987 歪毛与噪声 Liu Zuofeng 11 min
1988 光、影、像 Zhang Baoyi Stop-motion 19 min
1989 ��花花 Li Geng Traditional 19 min
1989 小品集 Cao Xiaohui
Liu Zuofeng
11 min
1990 守株待兔 Liu Jikui
Wang Qizhong
18 min
1990 小品集2 Liu Jikui
Wang Qizhong
11 min
1991 果实 Jia Fou 11 min
1991 Rainbow Flower 七色花 Cao Xiaohui 11 min Adapted from Valentin Kataev's story
1991 小品集3 Liu Zuofeng 11 min
1992 相似 Jing Lili CG 10 min
1992 方脸爷爷和圆脸奶奶 Jia Fou Traditional 10 min
1992 古堡夺命 Wang Bairong 31 min
1992 麻雀选大王 Fan Aoshuang 10 min
1992 魔手套 Dai Fulin
Jing Lili
10 min
1993 好邻居 Sun Lijun 10 min
1993 辣椒先生 Zeng Qinqin 21 min Co-operated
1994 周处除三害 Su Da 10 min
1988 毕加索与公牛 Jin Shi 81FS Traditional 10 min
1988 龙的传说 17 min
1994 黄土黄人 Jin Shi 11 min
1987 Zhong Quan CFS Traditional N/A
1987 泼水节的传说 Duan Lian Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
20 min
1988 出诊记 Zhong Quan 18 min
1988 Wang Qian 5 min
1988 蜗牛上天 Duan Lian 10 min
1988 Wen Debin Traditional 10 min
1988 童心 Wang Gang 9 min
1989 猴子下棋 Wang Shuzhen Jikui
Wen Debin
11 min
1989 五比一 Duan Lian 22 min
1989 PanPan, the Panda 熊猫盼盼 Duan Lian 27 min Around the mascot of the 1990 Asian Games
1989 牛冤 Zhong Quan Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
10 min
1990 金镜 Hu Jun
Zhong Quan
19 min
1990 魔瓶 Duan Lian Traditional 11 min
1990 医生与皇帝 Wang Qiang 11 min
1990 雁阵 Wang Gang
Zhong Quan
11 min
1991 雪鹿 Wang Gang 10 min
1991 开店 Hu Jun 10 min
1991 The Empress Dowager Cixi Inspected by Rail 慈禧坐火车 Wang Gang
Zhong Quan
with paper-cuttings
10 min
1992 痴雀 Wang Gang 10 min
1992 沙燕儿 Duan Lian 11 min
1992 神马 Hu Jun 10 min
1993 白猫 Tao Xin Traditional 20 min
1993 人与神像 Wang Gang 10 min
1994 没毛狗 Tao Xin 10 min
1994 千年梦 Wang Gang
Wang Xingfeng
11 min
1994 小鸟 Xiao'ou 10 min
1994 舞马 Wang Gang 21 min
1987 猫养老鼠 Ji Qinghe LFS 10 min
1989 少女与魔鬼 Ji Qinghe
Wu Juan
21 min
1990 老鼠开会 Yang Suying 19 min
1992 长鼻子丑八怪 Ji Qinghe 10 min
1992 卷发的刺猬 Wang Yitong SSEFS 11 min
1993 合影、泳装 Cui Shiyu
Yu Zhuyuan
10 min
1984 熊猫胖胖 Huang Wei CTPC 14×2 min
1985 聪明的兔子 Duan Jia 10×2 min
1986 小熊与小小熊 Duan Jia 10×2 min
1987 Ksitigarbha and Conical Hat 地藏菩萨与斗笠 Li Geng
Zhang Xiaoan
20 min
1987 Fishing 钓鱼 Guo Bing 6 min
1987 布口袋的秘密 Zha Kan 10 min
1987 我丢了 Zhang Xiaoan 11 min
1987 学步 Liu Xiangdong 7 min
1987 星星梦 Duan Jia Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
10 min
1988 美丽的鹦鹉 He Yumen Traditional 20 min
1988 架小桥 Zha Kan 10 min
1988 小公鸡下水 He Yumen 10 min
1988 乘赤豹 Chen Jiaqi 10 min
1989 The Legend of Morin Khuur 马头琴的传说 Zhang Xiaoan 15 min
1989 Reading Medicine Books 看医书 Hua Fangfang 7.5 min
1989 急中生智 Kang Baojing CCTV 5 min
1991 Lifting Donkey 抬驴 Cai Zhijun 10 min
后羿射日 Xiao'ou
Xiao Xiao
10 min
夸父追日 Ji Qinghe 10 min
野外的朋友 Kang Baojing 10 min
快乐王子 Cai Zhijun 20 min
俩兄弟 Xiao'ou
Xiao Xiao
20 min
1992 冻的画 Li Jianping 10 min
Sinbad the Sailor 水手辛巴德 Chen Jiaqi
Zuo Meizhong
16 min
妮妮画家 Cai Zhijun 10 min
孙小圣和猪小能 Zhang Xiaoan 30 min
小玛莎和大熊 Lai Dongmin 10 min
1993 哆哩哆嗦历险记 Li Jianping
Lin Qiao
30 min
1993 青蛙的王国 Pang Yuping 12 min
1993 布伯的故事 Kang Baojing 11 min
1998 红蜡烛和人鱼的故事 Duan Jia 20 min
1999 猫咪小贝 Cao Xiaohui 93 min
2000 大战千年虫 Liu Fengyu
Yang Zilan
25 min
2004 宝葫芦的秘密 Li Jie 15 min
1992 小草 Kang Baojing GAC Traditional 11 min
1987 越打越响 Yang Kai STV 10 min
1988 粗心和细心 Chen Guangming 6 min
1988 谁是鱼 Gong Yulan 6 min
1988 巴拉粮仓 Qiao Yuanzheng 40 min
1989 我是男子汉 Chen Guangming 10 min
1989 小熊分饼 Yang Kai 10 min
1989 狼犬福克 Qu Yongbao Stop-motion
with paper-cuttings
10 min
1990 少年柯雄 Qiao Yuanzheng Traditional 10 min
1991 阿福 Gao Yi NFS 19 min
1993 黄鼠狼的故事 Liu Weishu 20 min

The others[]


English Name Year Chinese Name
Shuzhendong Chinese Typewriter 1922 舒振東華文打字機
Dog Treat 1924 狗���客
New Year 1924 過年


English Name Year Chinese Name
The Camel's Dance 1935 駱駝獻舞


English Name Year Chinese Name
Princess Iron Fan 1941 鐵扇公主
Emperor's Dream 1947 皇帝夢
Go After an Easy Prey, a.k.a. Turtle Caught in a Jar 1948 甕中捉鱉


English Name Year Chinese Name
1952 小貓釣魚
Little Hero 1953 小小英雄
Good Friends 1954 好朋友
Magic Brush, a.k.a. Magical Pen 1954, 1955 神筆
The Dream of Xiao Mei 1954 小梅的夢
The Proud General, a.k.a. The Conceited General 1956 驕傲的將軍
Why is the Crow Black-Coated 1956 烏鴉為甚麼是黑的
Witty Goat 1956 機智的山羊
Cross Monkey Hill 1958 過猴山
1958 小鯉魚跳龍門
1958 木頭姑娘
Pigsy Eats Watermelon 1958 豬八戒吃西瓜
Chuang Tapestry, a.k.a. Chwang Tapestry 1959 一幅僮錦
Fishing Child, a.k.a. Fisher Boy 1959 漁童
The Radish Comes Back 1959 蘿蔔回來了
1959 蜜蜂與蚯蚓
Cricket Fighting by Ji Gong 1959 濟公鬥蟋蟀
Inscription of Dragons 1959 彫龍記


English Name Year Chinese Name
A Clever Duckling 1960 聰明的鴨子
Where is Momma?, a.k.a. Little Tadpole Looks for Mamma 1960 小蝌蚪找媽媽
1960 小燕子
Havoc in Heaven, a.k.a. Uproar in Heaven 1961, 1964 大鬧天宮
Ginseng Baby 1961 人蔘娃娃
1961 誰的本領大
1962 絲腰帶
1962 等明天
1962 小溪流
Scatterbrain and Crosspath, a.k.a. Scatterbrain and Crosspatch 1962 沒頭腦和不高興
Peacock Princess 1963 孔雀公主
Golden Conch 1963 金色的海螺
The Cowherd's Flute, a.k.a. The Buffalo Boy and his Flute 1963 牧笛
1963 半夜雞叫
1964 差不多
1964 湖上歌舞
1964 紅軍橋
Campo Hero Sister 1965 草原英雄小姐妹
1965 我們愛農村
1965 畫像


English Name Year Chinese Name
1972 放學以後
Little 8th Route Army 1973 小八路
Little Sentinel of East China Sea 1973 東海小哨兵
Little Trumpeter 1973 小號手
1975 大櫓的故事
1975 渡口
1976 試航
1976 金色的大雁
1976 長在屋裡的竹筍
One Night in an Art Gallery 1978
The Fox and the Hunter, a.k.a. The Hunter Hunted 1978 狐狸打獵人
1978 兩隻小孔雀
1978 愚人買鞋
Nezha Conquers the Dragon King, a.k.a. Nezha Fights the Sea 1979 哪吒鬧海
1979 喵嗚是誰叫的
Cat Mimi 1979 好貓咪咪
1979 母雞搬家


English Name Year Chinese Name
Colour Old Master Q 1981 老夫子
Old Master Q Water Tiger 1982 老夫子水虎傳
Fox and the Bear 1983
Old Master Q 1983 老夫子
Passing the Bridge 1983 過橋
The Butterfly Spring 1983 蝴蝶泉
, a.k.a. The Monkey King and the Skeleton Ghost 1984 - 1985 金猴降妖
1987 不怕冷的大衣
1989 獨木橋


English Name Year Chinese Name
Goose: the video 1991 雁陣
Music Island 1992
1992 狐狸分餅
Pistachio Nuts 1993 開心果
Kid Monkey and Kid Pigsy 1994
1994 珍珠泉
Cyber Weapon Z 1995 超神Z
Little Heroes, a.k.a. Young Heroes 1995 - 1996 自古英雄出少年
1996 神馬與腰刀
Sun Moon Lake 1996 日月潭
Little God of Confusion 1997
1997 神笛
1997 妖樹與松鼠
A Chinese Ghost Story: The Tsui Hark Animation, a.k.a. Xiao Qian 1997 小倩
Kerabans phantastische Reise, a.k.a. Kerabans Fantastic Journey 1997
Dragon Guardian 1998
Korla Pear 1998 庫爾勒香梨
Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen, a.k.a. Around the World in 80 days 1998 八十天環遊地球
The Girl and The Monster 1998 潑水節
Toys Family 1998
Torch Festival 1998 火把節
1998 紅石峰
Animated Karoke 1999, 2000, 2002
Lotus Lantern 1999 寶蓮燈
Reise zum Mond, Die' 1999
Trip on the Moon 1999 登月之旅
1999 熊貓小貝


English Name Year Chinese Name
Magic Umbrella 2000 可可的魔傘
Music Boat 2000
The Quick Detective 2000
Across the Desert 2001
City Field Platoon 2001
Father and Son 2001
My Life as McDull 2001 麥兜故事
The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea 2001
The Fighting Against the Millennium Bug 2001
Fünf Wochen im Ballon 2001
Legend of the Sacred Stone 2001 聖石傳說
Chestnut Dog and Banana Fox 2001
Our Homeland 2001
We're from North 2001
Coco-Cosin's Family 2002
Little Tiger's Way Home 2002
Master Q: Incredible Pet Detective 2003 老夫子
McDull, Prince de la Bun 2004 麥兜菠蘿油王子
The Butterfly Lovers 2004 梁山伯與祝英台
Zentrix 2004
DragonBlade 2005 龍刀奇緣
Panda Monium 2005 魔豆傳奇
Little Soldier Zhang Ga Zhang Ga, The Soldier Boy 2005 小兵張嘎
Rest On Your Shoulder 2005
Thru the Moebius Strip 2005 魔比斯環
I Go Youngster 2005
Century Sonny 2006 精靈世紀
Devil Soldiers in Mao-er Mountain 2006 帽兒山的鬼子兵
SkyEye 2006 天眼
2006 黃飛鴻勇闖天下
Tortoise Hanba's Stories, a.k.a. Hanbagui 2006, 2007 憨八龜的故事
The Big Fighting between Wukong and God Erlang 2007
Monkey King vs. Er Lang Shen 2007 孫悟空大戰二郎神
Sparkling Red Star 2007 閃閃的紅星 孩子的天空
Storm Rider Clash of the Evils 2008 風雲決
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf - The Super Adventure 2009 喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天


English Name Year Chinese Name
A Jewish Girl in Shanghai 2010 犹太女孩在上海
Piercing I 2010 刺痛我
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Tiger Prowess 2010 喜羊羊与灰太狼之虎虎生威
The Dragon Knight 2011 洛克王国!圣龙骑士
Kuiba 2011 魁拔
Little Big Panda[2] 2011 熊猫总动员
Moon Castle: The Space Adventure 2011 喜羊羊与灰太狼之兔年頂呱呱
Seer 2011 赛尔号之寻找凤凰神兽
The Grow 2012 金箍棒传奇
I Love Wolffy 2012 我爱灰太狼
Mission Incredible: Adventures on the Dragon's Trail 2012 喜羊羊与灰太狼之开心闯龙年
Seer 2[3] 2012 赛尔号大电影2之雷伊与迈尔斯
2013 开心超人
I Love Wolffy 2 2013 我爱灰太狼2
Jungle Master 2013 绿林大冒险
Kunta[4] 2013 昆塔:盒子总动员
The Mythical Ark: Adventures in Love & Happiness 2013 喜羊羊与灰太狼之喜气羊羊过蛇年
Roco Kingdom: The Desire of Dragon 2013 洛克王国2圣龙的心愿
Seer 3: Heroes Alliance[5] 2013 赛尔号大电影3之战神联盟
The Ultimate Task[6] 2013 终极大冒险
Xi Bai Po 2: Wang Er Xiao 2013 西柏坡2英雄王二小
The Adventures of Sinbad 2 2014 辛巴达历险记2
Armor Hero Atlas[7] 2014
Boonie Bears: To the Rescue 2014 熊出没之夺宝熊兵
Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn 2014 龙之谷:破晓奇兵
The Legend of Qin 2014 秦时明月3D电影龙腾万里
Farm House II[8] 2014
The Firefox of Bunnington Burrows[9] 2014
Food War[10] 2014
GG Bond 2 2014 猪猪侠之勇闯巨人岛
[11] 2014
Happy Little Submarines 4: Adventure of Octopus 2014 潜艇总动员4:章鱼奇遇记
Kuiba 3[12] 2014
Legend of the Moles – The Magic Train Adventure[13] 2014
The Lost 15 Boys: The Big Adventure on Pirates' Island[14] 2014
Magic Wonderland 2014 魔幻仙踪
The Magical Brush[15] 2014
McDull: Me & My Mum[16] 2014
Meet the Pegasus 2014 喜羊羊与灰太狼之飞马奇遇记
One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes[17] 2014 十万个冷笑话
Roco Kingdom 3[18] 2014 洛克王国3:圣龙的守护
Secret Plans 2014 新大头儿子和小头爸爸之秘密计划
Seer 4[19] 2014 赛尔号大电影4:圣魔之战
Shi Er Sheng Xiao Cheng Shi Ying Xiong 2014 十二生肖城市英雄
Snow White The Power of Dwarfs 2014
Tale of the Rally[20] 2014
Xin DaTou Er Zi He Xiao Tou Ba Ba Zhi Mi Mi Ji Hua[21] 2014
108 Demon Kings[22][23] 2015
10000 Years Later[24] 2015 一万年以后
Alibaba and the Thief[25] 2015 阿里巴巴:大盗奇兵
Aola Star[26] 2015 奥拉星:进击圣殿
Bicycle Boy[27] 2015 龙骑侠
Boonie Bears: Mystical Winter 2015 熊出没之雪岭熊风
Brave Rabbit 2 Crazy Circus[28] 2015 闯堂兔2疯狂马戏团
Deity Hunt/God Hunter[29] 2015 西游后传
The Grow 2[30] 2015 金箍棒传奇2:沙僧的逆袭
Happy Little Submarine Magic Box of Time[31] 2015 潜艇总动员5:时光宝盒
The Invincible Piglet[32] (live action/animation) 2015 无敌小飞猪
The King of Tibetan Antelope[33]Ju Ping 2015 藏羚羊之王
Kung Fu Style[34] 2015 特功明星
The Legend of Lucky Pie[35] 2015
Legend of the Moles – The Magic Train Adventure[36] 2015
Legend of a Rabbit: The Martial of Fire[37] 2015 兔侠之青黎传说
Mr. Black: Green Star 2015 黑猫警长之翡翠之星
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf – Amazing Pleasant Goat[38] 2015 喜羊羊与灰太狼之羊年喜羊羊
Polar Adventure[39] 2015 极地大反攻
Rabbit Hero[40] 2015 超能兔战队
Roco Kingdom 4 2015 洛克王国4:出发!巨人谷
Seer 5: Rise of Thunder 2015 赛尔号大电影5:雷神崛起
[41] 2015 少年毛泽东
Where's the Dragon?[42] 2015 龙在哪里?
Big Fish & Begonia[43] 2016 大鱼海棠
Boonie Bears: The Big Top Secret 2016 熊出没之熊心归来
Dragon Nest: Throne of Elves[44] 2016
Godbeast Megazord: Return of Green Dragon[45] 2016
I Am Nezha[46] 2016 我是哪吒
Kung Fu Panda 3 2016
Little Door Gods[47] 2016 小门神
New Happy Dad and Son 2: The Instant Genius[48] 2016 新大头儿子和小头爸爸2一日成才
Rock Dog 2016 摇滚藏獒
Smart[49] 2016
Spiny Life[50] 2016 天生我刺
Animal Crackers 2017
Backkom Bear: Agent 008[51] 2017 大卫贝肯之倒霉特工熊
Boonie Bears: Entangled Worlds[52] 2017 熊出没·奇幻空间
Dahufa 2017 大护法
Drizzling After Sunshine[53] 2017 饮湖上初晴后雨
GG Bond: Guarding[54] 2017 猪猪侠之英雄猪少年
Have a Nice Day[55] 2017 大世界 / 好极了
One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes 2[17] 2017 十万个冷笑话2
[56] 2017 赛尔号大电影6:圣者无敌
Xing You Ji Zhi Feng Bao Fa Mi La[57] 2017 星游记之风暴法米拉
SXD: Middle Kingdom (working title)[58] 2018
2018 熊出没·变形记
Crystal Sky of Yesterday[59] 2018 昨日青空
Flavors of Youth[60] 2018 肆式青春
New Happy Dad and Son 3: Adventure in Russia[61] 2018 新大头儿子和小头爸爸3:俄罗斯奇遇记
The Wind Guardians[62] 2018 风语咒
Ye Si[63] 2018 夜思
2019 熊出没·原始时代
Mosley[64] 2019
Nezha 2019 哪吒之魔童降世
Seer Movie 7: Crazy Intelligence 2019 赛尔号大电影7:疯狂机器城
The Legend of Hei 2019 黑传奇黑传奇,Hēi chuánqí
UglyDolls 2019
White Snake 2019 白蛇:缘起
Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms[65] 2020 我的师父姜子牙
[66] TBA


Highest-grossing films[]

The following are the 20 highest-grossing Chinese animated feature films in China. Gross in million yuan.

Rank Title Gross Year Ref.
1 Nezha 5,037 2019 [67]
2 Jiang Ziya 1,590 2020 [68]
3 Kung Fu Panda 3 1,002 2016 [69]
4 Monkey King: Hero Is Back 956.7 2015 [70]
5 715.1 2019 [71]
6 605.5 2018 [72]
7 Boonie Bears: The Wild Life 600.0 2021 [68]
8 Big Fish & Begonia 565.3 2016 [73]
9 Boonie Bears: Entangled Worlds 522.5 2017 [74]
10 White Snake 500.0 2018 [75]
11 New Gods: Nezha Reborn 456.0 2021 [68]
12 Boonie Bears: Mystical Winter 295.7 2015 [76]
13 Boonie Bears: The Big Top Secret 287.8 2016 [77]
14 Boonie Bears: To the Rescue 248.1 2014 [78]
15 Wish Dragon 200.7 2021 [68]
16 Mission Incredible: Adventures on the Dragon's Trail 167.6 2012 [79]
17 New Happy Dad and Son 3: Adventure in Russia 158.2 2018 [61]
18 Moon Castle: The Space Adventure 139.3 2011 [80]
19 One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes 2 133.6 2017 [81]
20 Spycies 127.7 2020 [68]

See also[]


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