List of Croton sections

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The sections and subsections of the genus Croton:

  1. sect. Cleodora (Klotzsch) Baill.
  2. sect. Cyclostigma Griseb.
    1. subsect. Cyclostigma (Griseb.) Müll. Arg.
    2. subsect. G.L.Webster
    3. subsect. Palanostigma Mart. ex Baill.
  3. sect. Klotzschiphytum (Baill.) Baill.
  4. sect. Eutropia (Klotzsch) Baill.
  5. sect. Luntia (Raf.) G.L. Webster
    1. subsect. G.L. Webster
    2. subsect. G.L. Webster
  6. sect Eluteria Griseb.
  7. sect.
  8. sect. Ocalia (Klotzsch) Baill.
  9. sect. G.L.Webster
  10. sect. G.L.Webster
  11. sect. Tiglium (Klotzsch) Baill.
  12. sect. Müll. Arg.
  13. sect. Cascarilla Griseb.
  14. sect. Baill.
  15. sect. Baill.
  16. sect. Anisophyllum Baill.
  17. sect. Furcaria ex Baill.
  18. sect. Monguia Baill.
  19. sect. Müll. Arg.
  20. sect. Podostachys (Klotzsch) Baill.
  21. sect. Chodat & Hassl.
  22. sect. Geiseleria (Klotzsch) Baill.
  23. sect. Pilinophyton (Klotzsch) A. Gray
  24. sect. Eremocarpus (Benth.) G.L.Webster
  25. sect. Gynamblosis (Torr.) A. Gray
  26. sect. Crotonopsis (Michx.) G.L.Webster
  27. sect. (Müll. Arg.) G.L.Webster
  28. sect. (Müll. Arg.) Pax
  29. sect. Julocroton (Mart.) G.L.Webster
  30. sect. Adenophyllum Griseb.
  31. sect. Barhamia (Klotzsch) Baill.
  32. sect. Müll. Arg.
  33. sect. Baill.
  34. sect. Medea (Klotzsch) Baill.
  35. sect. Lasiogyne (Klotzsch) Baill.
  36. sect. Baill.
  37. sect. Baill.
  38. sect. Klotzsch ex Baill.
  39. sect. Astraea (Klotzsch) Baill.
  40. sect. Drepadenium (Raf.) Müll. Arg.
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