List of English women artists

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This is a list of women artists who were born in England or whose works are closely associated with that country.


  • Evelyn Abelson (1886–1967), painter
  • Ruth Abrahams (1931–2000), painter, illustrator
  • Judith Ackland (1892–1971), landscape painter
  • Elinor Proby Adams (1885–1945), painter
  • Sarah Gough Adamson (1888–1963), painter
  • Edith Helena Adie (1865–1947), painter
  • Marion Adnams (1898–1995), painter, printmaker, and draughtswoman
  • Mary Adshead (1904–1995), painter, illustrator, designer
  • Eileen Agar (1899–1991), painter and photographer
  • Sam Ainsley (born 1950), painter and tapestry artist
  • Pauline Aitken (1893–1958), sculptor
  • Eileen Aldridge (1916–1990), painter
  • Griselda Allan (1905–1987), painter
  • Rosemary Allan (1911–2008), painter
  • Daphne Allen (1899–1985), painter
  • Kathleen Allen (1906–1983), painter
  • Helen Allingham (1848–1926), watercolour painter, illustrator
  • Anna Alma-Tadema (1867–1943), painter
  • Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema (1852–1909), painter
  • Athene Andrade (1908–1973), painter
  • Edith Alice Andrews (1873–1958), painter, illustrator
  • Lilian Andrews (1878–c.1962), painter
  • Marie Angel (1923–2010), painter, illustrator
  • Beatrice Angle (1859–1915), sculptor
  • Mabel Annesley (1881–1959), engraver, painter
  • Amanda Ansell (born 1976), painter
  • Norah Ansell (1906–1990), sculptor
  • Mary Anne Ansley (fl. 1810–1840), painter
  • Anne Margaret Coke, Viscountess Anson (1779–1843), painter
  • Rachel Ara (born 1965), conceptual and data artist
  • Phyllis Archibald (1880–1947), sculptor
  • Janet Archer (fl. 1873–1916), painter
  • Val Archer (born 1946), painter
  • Ann Arnold (1936–2015), painter
  • Sue Arrowsmith (1950–2014), contemporary artist
  • Pamela Ascherson (1923–2010), sculptor, illustrator
  • Felicity Askew (born 1899), sculptor
  • Sophie Aston (born 1970), painter
  • Sophie Atkinson (1876–1972), painter, illustrator
  • Mary Audsley (1919–2008), painter, sculptor
  • Winifred Austen (1876–1964), painter
  • Gillian Ayres (1930–2018), painter, printmaker


  • Roma Babuniak (born 1952), ceramic artist
  • Margaret Backhouse (1818–1888), portrait painter
  • Marjorie May Bacon (1902–1988), painter, printmaker
  • Blanche Baker (1844–1929), painter
  • Gladys Baker (1889–1974), painter
  • Barbara Banister (1895–1984), painter, silversmith
  • Lesley Banks (born 1962), painter
  • Fiona Banner (born 1966), contemporary artist
  • Audrey Barker (1932–2002), installation artist
  • Lucette Barker (1816–1905), painter
  • Gwen Barnard (1912–1988), painter, printmaker
  • Mary Baylis Barnard (1870–1946), painter
  • Angela Barrett (born 1955), illustrator and painter
  • Anna Barriball (born 1972), mixed media artist
  • Lindsay Bartholomew (born 1944), watercolour painter
  • Edith Bateson (1867–1938), painter, sculptor
  • Pauline Baumann (1899–1977), painter, printmaker
  • Margaret Beale (1886–1969), marine artist
  • Mary Beale (1633–1699), portrait painter
  • Sophia Beale (1837–1920), painter
  • Nicola Bealing (born 1963), painter
  • Celia Frances Bedford (1904–1959), painter, printmaker
  • Sarah Beddington (born 1964), artist, filmmaker
  • Gladys Kathleen Bell (1882–1965), miniature painter
  • Jeanne Bell (1888–1978), sculptor
  • Vanessa Bell (1879–1961), painter, interior designer
  • Eleanor Best (1875–1957), painter
  • Joyce Bidder (1906–1999), sculptor
  • Clara Billing (1881–1963), sculptor, painter
  • Helen Binyon (1904–1979), illustrator
  • Suzzan Blac (born 1960), surreal painter
  • Mary Black (c.1737–1814), portrait painter
  • Vivien Blackett (born 1955), painter
  • Audrey Blackman (1907–1990), sculptor, potter
  • Eileen Blake (1878–1957), painter
  • Zelma Blakely (1921–1978), illustrator
  • Flavia Blois (1914–1980), landscape painter
  • Margaret Blundell (1907–1996), painter, illustrator
  • Anna Blunden (1829–1915), painter
  • Barbara Bodichon (1827–1891), artist
  • Deirdre Borlase (1925–2018), painter
  • Daisy Theresa Borne (1906–1998), sculptor
  • Doris Boulton-Maude (1892–1961), painter and prıntmaker
  • Georgina Bowers (1836–1912), illustrator
  • Eden Box (1919–1988), painter
  • Dorothea Braby (1909–1987), illustrator
  • Dorothy Bradford (artist) (1918–2008), painter
  • Dorothy Elizabeth Bradford (1897–1986), painter
  • Constance Bradshaw (1872–1961), landscape painter
  • Phyllis Bray (1911–1991), artist and muralist
  • Rosa Brett (1829–1882), Pre-Raphaelite painter
  • Denise Broadley (1913–2007), painter
  • Iris Brooke (1905–c.1967), illustrator and author
  • Irene Mary Browne, (1881–1977), sculptor and potter
  • Marjorie Frances Bruford (1902–1958), painter
  • Olivia Mary Bryden (1883–1951), painter
  • Evelyne Oughtred Buchanan (1883–1979), painter
  • Eliza Mary Burgess (1878–1961), painter
  • Averil Burleigh (1883–1949), painter
  • Louie Burrell (1873–1971), painter
  • Dorothy Burroughes (1883–1963), illustrator
  • Lady Elizabeth Butler (Elizabeth Thompson) (1846–1933), painter
  • Mildred Anne Butler (1858–1941), painter
  • Caroline Byng Lucas (1886–1967), painter and printer
  • Anne Frances Byrne (1775–1837), flower painter
  • Fanny Byse (1849–?), sculptor


  • Florence Callcott (1866–1936), sculptor
  • Helen Cammock (born 1970), photographer, poet
  • Estella Campavias (1918–1990), ceramicist, sculptor
  • Felicity Campbell (1909–?), painter and illustrator
  • Louisa Starr Canziani (1845–1909), painter
  • Nancy Carline (1909–2004), landscape painter
  • Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793–1872), portrait painter
  • Edith Carr (1875–1949), painter
  • Joanna Carrington (1931–2003), painter
  • Florence Castle (1867–1959), painter, illustrator
  • Tamsyn Challenger, contemporary artist
  • Eileen Chandler (1904–1993), portrait painter
  • Alice Chaplin (1848–1921), sculptor
  • Daphne Charlton (1909–1991), painter
  • Felicity Charlton (1913–2009), painter
  • Evelyn Cheston (1875–1929), landscape painter
  • Milly Childers (1866–1922), painter
  • Helen Clapcott (born 1952), painter
  • Jean Clark (1902–1999), watercolour painter and muralist
  • Bethia Clarke (1867–1959), painter
  • Dora Clarke (1895–1989), sculptor
  • Freda Coleborn (1911–1965), glass artist
  • Shelagh Cluett (1947–2007), sculptor
  • Helen Mary Coaton (1911–2005), sculptor
  • Hilary Dulcie Cobbett (1885–1976), painter
  • Isabel Codrington (1874–1943), painter
  • Ellen Gertrude Cohen (1846–?), illustrator
  • Dorothy Coke (1897–1979), painter
  • Elsie Vera Cole (1885–1967), painter
  • Ruth Collet (1909–2001), painter
  • Susan Collier (1938–2011), textile designer
  • Elisabeth Collins (1904–2000), painter and sculptor
  • Ithell Colquhoun (1906–1988), painter, occultist and author
  • Joanna Constantinidis (1927–2000), potter, ceramist
  • Alice May Cook (1876–1960), painter, illustrator
  • Beryl Cook (1926–2008), painter
  • May Louise Greville Cooksey (1878–1943), painter
  • Jessica Cooper (born 1967), painter and designer
  • Constance Copeman (1864–1953), painter
  • Teresa Copnall (1882–1972), painter
  • Edith Corbet (1846–1920), painter
  • Emma Cousin (born 1986), painter
  • Dorothy Cox (1882–1947), painter
  • Doris Crane (1911–1999), sculptor
  • Frances Crawshaw (1876–1968), painter
  • Emily Grace Creswell (1889–1931), painter
  • Fiona Crisp (born 1966), photographer, installation artist
  • Barbara Crocker (1910–1995), painter, author
  • Stella Rebecca Crofts (1898–1964), sculptor and potter
  • Joan Crossley-Holland (1912–2005), gallery owner, potter
  • Lizzie Mary Cullen, designer
  • Nora Cundell (1889–1948), painter
  • Esmé Currey (1881–1973), painter, etcher
  • Mary Henrietta Dering Curtois (1854–1929), painter


  • Mary Davis (1866–1941), painter
  • Gladys Dawson (1909–1993), painter, illustrator
  • Frances Sally Day (1816–1892), painter, photographer
  • Evelyn De Morgan (1855–1919), painter
  • Jane Mary Dealy (1856–1939), painter
  • Alison Debenham (1903–1967), painter
  • Elise D'Elboux (1870–1956), painter, illustrator
  • Christabel Dennison (1884–1924), painter, sculptor
  • Joyce Dennys (1893–1991), cartoonist, illustrator and painter.
  • Brigid Derham (1943–1980), painter
  • Grace Digby (1895–1964), painter
  • Eve Disher (1894–1991), painter
  • Mary Dobson (born 1912), painter, illustrator
  • Mary Donington (1909–1987), sculptor
  • Barbara Dorf (1933–2016), painter
  • Jane Dowling (born 1925), painter
  • Edith Downing (1857–1931), sculptor
  • Marjorie Drawbell (1903–2000), sculptor, potter
  • Violet Dreschfeld (1890–1975), sculptor
  • Pamela Drew (1910–1989), painter of marine and aviation subjects
  • Yvonne Drewry (1918–2007), painter and printmaker
  • Lilian Dring (1908–1998), textile artist
  • Mary Elizabeth Duffield-Rosenberg (1819–1914), painter
  • Evelyn Dunbar (1906–1960), painter, illustrator
  • Susan Durant (1827–1873), sculptor


  • Aileen Eagleton (1902–1984), painter
  • Ursula Edgcumbe (1900–1985), sculptor and painter
  • Edith Edmonds (1874–1951), painter
  • May de Montravel Edwardes (1887–1967), painter
  • Helen Edwards (1882–1963), landscape painter
  • Mildred Eldridge (1909–1991), painter
  • Aileen Mary Elliott (1896–1966), marine artist
  • Eleanor Joan Ellis (1904–1989), painter, woodcut artist
  • Rosemary Ellis (1910–1998), painter, illustrator
  • Tracey Emin (born 1963), multidisciplinary artist
  • Rosalie Emslie (1891–1977), painter
  • Nora England (1887–1970), painter
  • Grace English (1891–1956), painter


  • Frances C. Fairman (1839–1923), painter
  • Leila Faithfull (1896–1994), painter
  • Julia Farrer (born 1950), abstract painter
  • Daphne Fedarb (1912–1992), painter
  • Mary Fedden (1915–2012), painter
  • Magdalen Feline (died 1796), silversmith
  • Hilda Fearon (1878–1917), painter
  • Dee Ferris (born 1973), painter
  • Celia Fiennes (1902–1998), printmaker, painter
  • Myrta Fisher (1917–1999), painter
  • Margaret Fitton (1902–1988), artist
  • Victorine Foot (1920–2000), artist
  • Elizabeth Forbes (1859–1912), painting
  • Mollie Forestier-Walker (1912–1990), portrait painter
  • Agnes Freda Forres (c.1880–1942), sculptor
  • Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale (1872–1945), artist, illustrator
  • Marcia Lane Foster (1897–1983), painter and book illustrator
  • Mary Fox (1922–2005), painter
  • Cherryl Fountain (born 1950), painter
  • Elizabeth Bertha Fraser (born 1914), sculptor
  • Violet Fuller (1920–2006), painter


  • Margaret Garland (1893–1976), painter
  • Rose Garrard (born 1946), multidisciplinary artist, writer
  • Alethea Garstin (1894–1978), painter
  • Margaret Geddes (1914–1998), painter
  • Kaff Gerrard (1894–1970), painter, potter
  • Jean Gibson (1927–1991), sculptor
  • Margaret Giles (1868–1949), sculptor
  • Phyllis Ginger (1907–2005), painter, illustrator
  • Edith Gittins (1845–1910), painter
  • Elsie Gledstanes (1891–1982), painter
  • Sybil Mullen Glover (1908–1995), landscape painter
  • Maude Goodman (Matilda Scanes) (1853–1938), painter
  • Hilda May Gordon (1874–1972), painter
  • Sylvia Gosse (1881–1968), painter and printmaker
  • Caroline Gotch (1854–1945), painter
  • Mary Gow (1851–1929), painter
  • Alice Kirkby Goyder (1875–1964), painter, etcher
  • Mary Grant (1831–1908), sculptor
  • Kate Greenaway (1846–1901), illustrator
  • Barbara Greg (1900–1983), wood engraver
  • Christine Gregory (1879–1963), sculptor
  • Eleanor Gribble (1883–1960), painter, designer
  • Mary Elizabeth Groom (1903–1958), illustrator, printmaker
  • Kate Groobey (born 1979), painter
  • Lucy Gunning (born 1964), filmmaker, installation artist, sculptor, video artist
  • Kathleen Guthrie (1905–1981), painter, illustrator
  • Edna Guy (artist) (1897–1969), painter


  • Maria C. Hakewill (died 1842), portrait painter
  • Roxana Halls (born 1974), painter
  • Emmeline Halse (1853–1930), sculptor
  • Maggi Hambling (born 1945), painter, sculptor
  • Gertrude Harvey (1879–1966), painter
  • Lucy Harwood (1893–1972), painter
  • Isobel Heath (1908–1989), painter
  • Elsie Henderson (1880–1967), painter, sculptor
  • Sarah Hengler (c.1765–1845), firework artist
  • Rose Henriques (1889–1972), painter
  • Barbara Hepworth (1903–1975), painter, sculptor
  • Gertrude Hermes (1901–1983), engraver
  • Elsie Dalton Hewland (1901–1979), painter
  • Cicely Hey (1896–1980), painter, sculptor
  • Eileen Hickman-Smith (1909–1970), sculptor
  • Wuon-Gean Ho (born 1973), printmaker
  • Mary Hoare (1744–1820), painter
  • Sarah Holaday (died 1754), silversmith
  • Edith Holden (1871–1920), painter, writer
  • Ruth Hollingsworth (1880–1945), painter
  • Gwynneth Holt (1909–1995), ivory sculptor
  • Claire Hooper (born 1979), painter, video artist
  • Nancy Horrocks (1900–1989), abstract painter
  • Kathleen Horsman (1911–1998), potter
  • Evelyn Houghton (1908–1983), painter
  • Erlund Hudson (1912–2011), watercolour painter and etcher
  • Georgina Hunt (1912–2012), abstract artist


  • Diane Ibbotson (born 1946), painter
  • Marjorie Incledon (1891–1973), painter, stained glass artist
  • Judy Inglis (1952–2003), painter
  • Alice Instone (born 1975), painter


  • Muriel Amy Jackson (1902–1989), illustrator
  • Kathleen Jebb (1879–1957), painter, engraver
  • Blanche Jenkins (active 1872–1915), painter
  • Chantal Joffe (born 1969), painter
  • Vivien John (1915–1994), painter
  • Esther Borough Johnson (1866–1958), painter
  • Gwyneth Johnstone (1915–2010), painter
  • Jean Jones (1927–2012), painter
  • Lucy Jones (born 1955), painter
  • Louise Jopling (1843–1933), painter
  • Lily Delissa Joseph (1863–1940), painter


  • Marion Kalmus (born 1962), mixed media artist
  • Helen Kapp (1901–1978), painter, curator
  • Angelica Kauffman (1741–1807), painter
  • Edith Kemp-Welch (1870–1941), painter
  • Lucy Kemp-Welch (1869–1958), equine artist
  • Alice Kettle (born 1961), textile artist
  • Sarah Louisa Kilpack (1839–1909), painter
  • Dorothy King (1907–1990), painter
  • Eve Kirk (1900–1969), painter
  • Myfanwy Kitchin (1917–2002), painter, ceramicist
  • Laura Knight (1877–1970), painter, etcher, engraver
  • Madge Knight (1895–1974), abstract painter
  • Winifred Knights (1899–1947), painter


  • Jessica Landseer (1810–1880), landscape painter, miniaturist
  • Edith Lawrence (1890–1973), printmaker
  • Sheila Lea (1901–1992), sculptor
  • Molly Le Bas (1903–1996), sculptor
  • Erica Lee (1888–1981), sculptor
  • Alice Lindley-Millican (1885–1930), sculptor
  • Harriet Lisle (1717–1794), painter
  • Beatrice Ethel Lithiby (1889–1966), painter
  • Elizabeth Jane Lloyd (1928–1995), painter and teacher
  • Dorothy Lockwood (1910–1991), painter
  • Marie Seymour Lucas (1855–1921), painter
  • Sarah Lucas (born 1962), contemporary artist


  • Frances Macdonald (1914–2002), painter
  • Jessie Macgregor (1847–1919), painter
  • Nicolette Macnamara (1911–1987), painter, writer
  • Edna Mann (1926–1985), painter
  • Violet Manners (1856–1937), painter
  • Madeline Marrable (1833–1916), painter
  • Maria Marshall (born 1966), visual artist
  • Freda Marston (1895–1949), painter
  • Edith Martineau (1842–1909), painter
  • Daphne McClure (born 1930), painter
  • Mary McCrossan (1865–1934), painter
  • Mary McEvoy, (1870–1941), painter
  • Dorothy Mead (1928–1975), painter
  • Hilary Miller (1919–1993), painter, illustrator
  • Maggie Mitchell (1883–1953), sculptor
  • Victoria Monkhouse (1883–1970), painter
  • Clara Montalba (1840–1929), painter
  • Ellen Montalba (1842–1912), painter
  • Henrietta Montalba (1848–1893), sculptor
  • Hilda Montalba (1846–1919), painter, sculptor
  • Esther Moore (1857–1934), sculptor, designer
  • Mona Moore (1917–2000), painter, illustrator
  • Mary Moser (1744–1819), painter
  • Marlow Moss (1889–1958), painter, sculptor
  • Olive Mudie-Cooke (1890–1925), painter
  • Annie Feray Mutrie (1826–1893), painter
  • Martha Darley Mutrie (1824–1885), painter


  • Isabel Naftel (1832–1912), landscape and genre painter
  • Irene Newton (1915–1992), textile designer
  • Catherine Maude Nichols (1847–1923), painter
  • Margaret Graeme Niven (1906–1997), painter
  • Marianne North (1830–1890), flower painter
  • Krysia Nowak (born 1948), painter, mixed-media artist


  • Emma Oliver (1819–1885), landscape painter
  • Madge Oliver (1875–1924), painter
  • Emily Mary Osborn (1828–1925), painter


  • Grace Pailthorpe (1883–1971), painter
  • Kathleen Parbury (1901–1986), sculptor
  • Constance-Anne Parker (1921–2016), sculptor
  • Lilian Parker (1874–1947), sculptor, painter
  • Janette Parris (born 1963)
  • Florence Pash (1860–1951), painter
  • Enid Peate (1883–1954), painter
  • Margot Perryman (born 1938)
  • Kate Perugini (1839–1929), painter
  • Rosemary Peto (1916–1998), painter
  • Louise Pickard (1865–1928), painter
  • Dulcie Mary Pillers (1891–1961), medical illustrator
  • Orovida Camille Pissarro (1893–1968), painter, etcher
  • Primrose Pitman (1902–1998), painter
  • Maria Pixell (died 1811) painter
  • Elizabeth Polunin (1887–1950), artist, theatre designer
  • Fay Pomerance (1912–2001), painter
  • Melinda Camber Porter (1953–2008), painter, writer
  • Beatrix Potter (1866–1943), painter, writer
  • Jasmine Pradissitto (born 1966), painter, sculptor
  • Margaret Fisher Prout (1875–1963), painter
  • Brenda Pye (1907–2005), painter


  • Henrietta Rae (1859–1928), painter
  • Mary Ramsden (born 1984), painter
  • Alma Ramsey (1907–1993), sculptor
  • Lilian Rathmell (1909–2000), painter, fabric artist
  • Gwen Raverat (1885–1957), engraver
  • Ruth Raymond (1897–1986), calligrapher, weaver
  • Louise Rayner (1832–1924), watercolourist
  • Rachel Reckitt (1908–1995), sculptor, engraver
  • Daphne Reynolds (1918–2002), printmaker, painter
  • Flora Macdonald Reid (1861–1938), painter
  • Mary Remington (1910–2003), painter
  • Lady Mary Rennell (1901–1981), painter
  • Harriet Riddell (born 1990), textile artist
  • Anna Ridler (born 1985), artificial intelligence artist
  • Bridget Riley (born 1931), painter
  • Ruth Rix (born 1942), painter, multidisciplinary artist
  • Phyllis Roberts (born 1916), painter, sculptor
  • Ellen Mary Rope (1855–1934), sculptor
  • Ellis Rowan (1848–1922), illustrator
  • Anne Rushout (c.1767–1849), watercolorist
  • Rosemary Rutherford (1912–1972), painter, stained glass artist
  • Adolfine Mary Ryland (1903–1983), sculptor


  • Anne Said (1914–1995), artist
  • Emily Sarah, painter
  • Stella Schmolle (1908–1975), painter
  • Pamela Scott Wilkie (born 1937), painter, printmaker
  • Dorothea Sharp (1874–1955), painter
  • Alice Sheene, silversmith
  • Clare Shenstone (born 1948), portrait painter
  • Tai Shani (born 1976), performance artist
  • Elizabeth Siddal (1829–1862), artist
  • Emma Sillett (1802–1880), flower painter
  • Corinne Silva (born 1976), contemporary artist
  • Hilary Simon, silk painter
  • Ruth Simpson (1889–1964), portrait painter
  • Vikki Slowe (born 1947), printmaker and painter
  • Mary Smirke (1779–1853), painter
  • Pamela Colman Smith (1878–1951), illustrator and painter
  • Jean Spencer (1942–1998), abstract artist
  • Maria Spilsbury (1776–1820), religious painter
  • A.B.S. Sprigge (1906–1980), sculptor
  • Florence Steele (1857–1948), sculptor, designer
  • Elsie Stevens (1907–?), painter
  • Carole Steyn (born 1938), abstract painter
  • Marie Spartali Stillman (1844–1927), painter
  • Marianne Stokes (1855–1927), painter
  • Sarah Stone (1760–1844), natural history artist
  • Helen Stratton (1867–1961), book illustrator
  • Linda Sutton (born 1947), painter
  • Annie Swynnerton (1844–1933), painter



  • Gladys Vasey (1889–1981), portrait painter
  • Elisabeth Vellacott (1905–2002), painter
  • Dorothy Venning (1885–1942), sculptor
  • Angela Verren (born 1930), painter
  • Charlotte Verity, (born 1954), painter
  • Stella Vine (born 1969), painter


  • Lillian Wade (1870–1923), sculptor
  • Josephine Wall (born 1947), painter, sculptor
  • Mary Lemon Waller (1851–1931), painter
  • Audrey Walker (1928–2020), textile artist
  • Hilda Annetta Walker (1877–1960), sculptor and painter
  • Kathleen Walne (1915–2011), watercolour painter
  • Joan Warburton (1920–1996), painter
  • Henrietta Ward (1832–1924), genre painter
  • Billie Waters (1896–1979), painter
  • Mary Spencer Watson (1913–2006), sculptor
  • Maud Marian Wear (1873–1955), painter
  • Cecilia Webb (1888–1957), sculptor
  • Kate Westrup (1885–1928), animal painter, potter
  • Edith Grace Wheatley (1888–1970), painter
  • Erica White (1904–1991), sculptor
  • Rachel Whiteread (born 1963), sculptor
  • Mandy Wilkinson (born 1970), painter
  • Caroline Fanny Williams (1836–1921), landscape painter
  • Faith Winter (1927–2017), sculptor
  • Ursula Wood (1868–1925), painter
  • Gertrude Mary Woodward (1854–1939), scientific illustrator
  • Meg Woolf (born 1923), painter, sculptor
  • Rose Wylie (born 1934), painter


  • Nan Youngman (1906–1995), painter


  • Georgiana Zornlin (1800–1881), painter
  • Astrid Zydower (1930–2005), sculptor
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