List of Eucalyptus species

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The following is an alphabetical list of Eucalyptus species accepted by the Australian Plant Census as at February 2019.[1] Several species only occurring outside Australia, including E. orophila, E. urophylla and E. wetarensis are listed at the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families.


  • Eucalyptus abdita Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus absita Grayling & Brooker – Badgingarra box
  • Eucalyptus acaciiformis H.Deane & Maiden – wattle-leaved peppermint
  • Eucalyptus accedens W.Fitzg. – powderbark wandoo
  • Eucalyptus acies Brooker – Woolburnup mallee
  • Eucalyptus acmenoides Schauer in W.G.Walpers – white mahogany
  • Eucalyptus acroleuca L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Lakefield coolibah
  • Eucalyptus adesmophloia (Brooker & Hopper) D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus aequioperta Brooker & Hopper – Welcome Hill gum
  • Eucalyptus agglomerata Maiden – blue-leaved stringybark
  • Eucalyptus aggregata H.Deane & Maiden – black gum
  • Eucalyptus alaticaulis R.J.Watson & Ladiges - Grampians grey-gum
  • Eucalyptus alatissima (Brooker & Hopper) D. Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus alba ex Blume – poplar gum
    • Eucalyptus alba var. australasica Blakely & Jacobs
  • Eucalyptus albens Benth. – white box
  • Eucalyptus albida Maiden & Blakely – white-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus albopurpurea (Boomsma) D.Nicolle – purple-flowered mallee
  • Eucalyptus alipes (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) D.Nicolle & Brooker
  • Eucalyptus alligatrix L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill - silver stringybark
    • Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. alligatrix
    • Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. limaensis Brooker, Slee & J.D.Briggs – Lima stringybark
    • Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. miscella Brooker, Slee & J.D.Briggs,
  • Eucalyptus × alpina Lindl. – Grampians gum
  • Eucalyptus ammophila Brooker & Slee – sandplain red gum
  • Eucalyptus amplifolia Naudin – cabbage gum
    • Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. amplifolia
    • Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus amygdalina Labill. – black peppermint
  • Eucalyptus ancophila L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus andrewsii Maiden – New England blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus angophoroides R.T.Baker – apple-topped box
  • Eucalyptus angularis Brooker & Hopper – Lesueur phantom mallee
  • Eucalyptus angulosa Schauer in W.G.Walpers – ridge fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus angustissima F.Muell. – narrow-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus annettae D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus annulata Benth. – open-fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus annuliformis Grayling & Brooker – Badgerabbie mallee
  • Eucalyptus apiculata R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm. – narrow-leaved mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus apodophylla Blakely & Jacobs in W.F.Blakely – whitebark
  • Eucalyptus apothalassica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – inland white mahogany
  • Eucalyptus approximans Maiden – Barren Mountain mallee
  • Eucalyptus aquatica (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – mountain swamp gum
  • Eucalyptus aquilina Brooker – Mount Le Grand mallee
  • Eucalyptus arachnaea Brooker & Hopper – black-stemmed mallee
    • Eucalyptus arachnaea subsp. arachnaea
    • Eucalyptus arachnaea subsp. arrecta Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus arborella Brooker & Hopper – Twertup mallet
  • Eucalyptus arcana (D.Nicolle & Brooker) Rule – mallee manna gum
  • Eucalyptus archeri Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – alpine cider gum
  • Eucalyptus arenacea Marginson & Ladiges – desert stringybark
  • Eucalyptus arenicola Rule – Holey Plains peppermint
  • Eucalyptus argillacea W.Fitzg. – Mount House box
  • Eucalyptus argophloia Blakely – Queensland white gum
  • Eucalyptus argutifolia Grayling & Brooker – Wabling Hill mallee
  • Eucalyptus aridimontana D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus armillata D.Nicolle & M.E.French – red-flowered mallee
  • Eucalyptus aromaphloia Pryor & J.H.Willis – Creswick apple-box
  • Eucalyptus articulata Brooker & Hopper – Ponton Creek mallee
  • Eucalyptus aspersa Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus aspratilis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – soak yate
  • Eucalyptus assimilans L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus astringens (Maiden) Maiden – brown mallet
    • Eucalyptus astringens subsp. astringens
    • Eucalyptus astringens subsp. redacta Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus atrata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Herberton ironbark
  • Eucalyptus aurifodina Rule – small-leaved brown stringybark


  • Eucalyptus badjensis Beuzev. & Welch – Big Badja gum
  • Eucalyptus baeuerlenii F.Muell. – Baeuerlen's gum
  • Eucalyptus baileyana F.Muell. – Bailey's stringybark
  • Eucalyptus baiophylla D.Nicolle & Brooker
  • Eucalyptus bakeri Maiden – Baker's mallee
  • Eucalyptus × balanites Grayling & Brooker Cadda Road mallee
  • Eucalyptus × balanopelex L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus balladoniensis Brooker – Balladonia mallee
    • Eucalyptus balladoniensis subsp. balladoniensis
    • Eucalyptus balladoniensis subsp. sedens L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus bancroftii (Maiden) Maiden – orange gum
  • Eucalyptus banksii Maiden – Tenterfield woollybutt
  • Eucalyptus barberi L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Barber's gum
  • Eucalyptus baudiniana D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr
  • Eucalyptus baueriana Schauer in W.G.Walpers – blue box
  • Eucalyptus baxteri (Benth.) Maiden & Blakely ex J.M.Black – brown stringybark
  • Eucalyptus beaniana L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Bean's ironbark
  • Eucalyptus beardiana Brooker & Blaxell – Beard's mallee
  • Eucalyptus behriana F.Muell. – bull mallee
  • Eucalyptus bensonii L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Benson's stringybark
  • Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden & Cambage – Camden white gum
  • Eucalyptus × beyeri R.T.Baker
  • Eucalyptus beyeriana L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Beyer's ironbark
  • Eucalyptus bigalerita F.Muell. – northern salmon gum
  • Eucalyptus blakelyi Maiden – Blakely's redgum
  • Eucalyptus blaxellii L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Howatharra mallee
  • Eucalyptus blaxlandii Maiden & Cambage – Blaxland's stringybark
  • Eucalyptus boliviana J.B.Williams & K.D.Hill – Bolivia Hill stringybark
  • Eucalyptus bosistoana F.Muell. – coast grey box, Gippsland grey box
  • Eucalyptus botryoides Sm. – southern mahogany
  • Eucalyptus brachyandra F.Muell. – tropical red box
  • Eucalyptus brachycalyx Blakely – gilja, Chindoo mallee
  • Eucalyptus × brachyphylla C.A.Gardner
  • Eucalyptus brandiana Hopper & McQuoid
  • Eucalyptus brassiana S.T.Blake – Cape York red gum, gum-topped peppermint
  • Eucalyptus brevifolia F.Muell. – northern white gum, snappy gum
  • Eucalyptus brevipes Brooker – Mukinbudin mallee
  • Eucalyptus brevistylis Brooker – Rate's tingle
  • Eucalyptus bridgesiana R.T.Baker – apple box, apple, apple gum
  • Eucalyptus brockwayi C.A.Gardner – Dundas mahogany
  • Eucalyptus brookeriana A.M.Gray – Brooker's gum
  • Eucalyptus broviniensis A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus brownii Maiden & Cambage – Brown's box, Reid River box
  • Eucalyptus bunyip Rule
  • Eucalyptus buprestium F.Muell. – apple mallee, ball-fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus burdettiana Blakely & H.Steedman – Burdett's mallee
  • Eucalyptus burgessiana L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Faulconbridge mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus burracoppinensis Maiden & Blakely – Burracoppin mallee


  • Eucalyptus cadens J.D.Briggs & Crisp – tumble-down swamp gum, Warby Range swamp-gum
  • Eucalyptus caesia Benth. – caesia
  • Eucalyptus cajuputea Miq. – narrow-leaved peppermint box
  • Eucalyptus calcareana Boomsma – Nundroo mallee, Nundroo gum
  • Eucalyptus calcicola Brooker – Boranup mallee, Harry Butler's mallee or Hamelin Bay mallee
    • Eucalyptus calcicola subsp. calcicola
    • Eucalyptus calcicola subsp. unita D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus caleyi Maiden – Caley's ironbark
    • Eucalyptus caleyi subsp. caleyi
    • Eucalyptus caleyi subsp. ovendenii L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus caliginosa Blakely & McKie in W.F.Blakely – broad-leaved stringybark, New England stringybark
  • Eucalyptus calycogona Turcz. - gooseberry mallee, square-fruited mallee
    • Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. calycogona
    • Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. miraculum D.Nicolle & M.E.French
    • Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. spaffordii D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. trachybasis D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus calyerup McQuoid & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. – river red gum
    • Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. acuta Brooker & M.W.McDonald
    • Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. arida Brooker & M.W.McDonald
    • Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. subsp. camaldulensis
    • Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. minima Brooker & M.W.McDonald
    • Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. obtusa (Blakely) Brooker & M.W.McDonald
    • Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. refulgens Brooker & M.W.McDonald
    • Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. simulata Brooker & Kleinig
  • Eucalyptus cambageana Maiden – Dawson River blackbutt, Coowarra box
  • Eucalyptus cameronii Blakely & McKie in W.F.Blakely – diehard stringybark
  • Eucalyptus camfieldii Maiden – Camfield's stringybark
  • Eucalyptus campanulata R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm. – New England blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus campaspe S.Moore – silver gimlet
  • Eucalyptus camphora R.T.Baker – swamp gum
    • Eucalyptus camphora subsp. camphora
    • Eucalyptus camphora subsp. humeana L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus canaliculata Maiden – grey gum
  • Eucalyptus canescens D.Nicolle – Ooldea Range mallee
    • Eucalyptus canescens subsp. beadellii Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus canescens subsp. canescens
  • Eucalyptus canobolensis (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) J.T.Hunter – Mount Canobolas candlebark
  • Eucalyptus capillosa Brooker & Hopper – wheatbelt wandoo, mallee wandoo
    • Eucalyptus capillosa subsp. capillosa
    • Eucalyptus capillosa subsp. polyclada Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus capitanea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – desert ridge-fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus capitellata Sm. – brown stringybark
  • Eucalyptus captiosa Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus carnea R.T.Baker – thick leaved mahogany, broad-leaved mahogany
  • Eucalyptus carnei C.A.Gardner – Carne's blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus carolaniae Rule
  • Eucalyptus castrensis K.D.Hill - Singleton mallee
  • Eucalyptus celastroides Turcz. – mirret
    • Eucalyptus celastroides subsp. celastroides
    • Eucalyptus celastroides subsp. virella Brooker
  • Eucalyptus cephalocarpa Blakely – mealy stringybark, silver stringybark
  • Eucalyptus ceracea Brooker & Done – Seppelt Range gum
  • Eucalyptus cerasiformis Brooker & Blaxell – cherry-fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus ceratocorys (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – horn-capped mallee
  • Eucalyptus cernua Brooker & Hopper – red-flowered or yellow-flowered mort
  • Eucalyptus chapmaniana Cameron – Bogong gum
  • Eucalyptus chartaboma D.Nicolle – paperbark gum
  • Eucalyptus chloroclada (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Baradine gum, red gum or dirty gum
  • Eucalyptus chlorophylla Brooker & Done - green-leaf box, glossy-leaved box
  • Eucalyptus × chrysantha Blakely & H.Steedman
  • Eucalyptus cinerea F.Muell. ex Benth. - Argyle apple, mealy stringybark
    • Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. cinerea
    • Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. triplex (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) Brooker, Slee & J.D.Briggs
  • Eucalyptus cladocalyx F.Muell. – sugar gum
    • Eucalyptus cladocalyx subsp. crassaD.Nicholle
    • Eucalyptus cladocalyx subsp. petilaD.Nicholle
  • Eucalyptus clelandiorum (Maiden) Maiden – Cleland's blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus clivicola Brooker & Hopper – green mallet
  • Eucalyptus cloeziana F.Muell. Gympie messmate, dead finish
  • Eucalyptus cneorifolia A.Cunn. ex DC. – Kangaroo Island narrow-leaf mallee
  • Eucalyptus coccifera Hook.f. – Tasmanian snow gum
  • Eucalyptus codonocarpa Blakely & McKie – bell-fruited mallee ash, New England mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus comitae-vallis Maiden – Comet Vale mallee
  • Eucalyptus concinna Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – Victoria Desert Mallee
  • Eucalyptus conferruminata D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr – Bald Island marlock, bushy yate
    • Eucalyptus conferruminata subsp. conferruminata
    • Eucalyptus conferruminata subsp. recherche D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus conferta Rule
  • Eucalyptus confluens W.Fitzg. ex Maiden – Kimberley gum
  • Eucalyptus conglobata (Benth.) Maiden – cong mallee, Port Lincoln mallee
    • Eucalyptus conglobata subsp. conglobata
    • Eucalyptus conglobata subsp. perata Brooker & Slee
  • Eucalyptus conglomerata Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – swamp stringybark
  • Eucalyptus conica H.Deane & Maiden – fuzzy box
  • Eucalyptus × conjuncta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus consideniana Maiden – yertchuk
  • Eucalyptus conspicua L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Gippsland swamp-box
  • Eucalyptus conveniens L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus coolabah Blakely & Jacobs in W.F.Blakely - coolabah, coolibah
  • Eucalyptus cooperiana F.Muell. – many-flowered mallee
  • Eucalyptus copulans L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus cordata Labill. – heart-leaved silver gum
    • Eucalyptus cordata subsp. cordata
    • Eucalyptus cordata subsp. quadrangulosa D.Nicolle, B.M.Potts & McKinnon
  • Eucalyptus cornuta Labill. – yate
  • Eucalyptus coronata C.A.Gardner – crowned mallee
  • Eucalyptus corrugata Luehm. – rough fruited mallee, rib-fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus corticosa L.A.S.Johnson – Creswick apple-box, Olinda box
  • Eucalyptus corynodes A.R.Bean & Brooker
  • Eucalyptus cosmophylla F.Muell. – cup gum, bog gum or scrub gum
  • Eucalyptus costuligera L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus crebra F.Muell. – narrow-leaved ironbark, narrow-leaved red ironbark, muggago
  • Eucalyptus crenulata Blakely & Beuzev. – Buxton gum, Victorian silver gum
  • Eucalyptus creta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – large-fruited gimlet
  • Eucalyptus cretata P.J.Lang & Brooker – Darke Peak mallee
  • Eucalyptus crispata Brooker & Hopper – Yandanooka mallee
  • Eucalyptus croajingolensis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – East Gippsland peppermint
  • Eucalyptus crucis Maiden
    • Eucalyptus crucis subsp. crucis – silver mallee
    • Eucalyptus crucis subsp. lanceolata Brooker & Hopper – narrow-leaved silver mallee
    • Eucalyptus crucis subsp. praecipua Brooker & Hopper – Paynes Find mallee
  • Eucalyptus cullenii Cambage – Cullen's ironbark
  • Eucalyptus cunninghamii Sweet – cliff mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus cuprea Brooker & Hopper – mallee box
  • Eucalyptus cupularis C.A.Gardner – Halls Creek white gum, wawulinggi
  • Eucalyptus curtisii Blakely & C.T.White – Plunkett mallee
  • Eucalyptus cuspidata Turcz.
  • Eucalyptus cyanophylla Brooker – Murraylands mallee, blue-leaved mallee, ghost mallee
  • Eucalyptus cyclostoma Brooker
  • Eucalyptus cylindriflora Maiden & Blakely – white mallee
  • Eucalyptus cylindrocarpa Blakely – woodline mallee
  • Eucalyptus cypellocarpa L.A.S.Johnson – mountain grey gum, monkey gum, spotted mountain grey gum


  • Eucalyptus dalrympleana Maiden – mountain gum, mountain white gum, broad-leaved ribbon gum
    • Eucalyptus dalrympleana subsp. dalrympleana
    • Eucalyptus dalrympleana subsp. heptantha L.A.S.Johnson
  • Eucalyptus dawsonii R.T.Baker – slaty gum, slaty box,
  • Eucalyptus dealbata A.Cunn. ex Schauer in W.G.Walpers – tumbledown red gum, hill redgum
  • Eucalyptus deanei Maiden – mountain blue gum, round-leaved gum
  • Eucalyptus decipiens Endl. – redheart, redheart moit
  • Eucalyptus decolor A.R.Bean & Brooker
  • Eucalyptus decorticans (F.M.Bailey) Maiden – gum-top ironbark
  • Eucalyptus decurva F.Muell. – slender mallee
  • Eucalyptus deflexa Brooker – Lake King mallee
  • Eucalyptus deglupta Blume (Indonesia, P.N.G.) – rainbow eucalyptus, Mindanao gum, rainbow gum
  • Eucalyptus delegatensis F.Muell. ex R.T.Baker – alpine ash, gum-topped stringybark, white-top
    • Eucalyptus delegatensis subsp. delegatensis
    • Eucalyptus delegatensis subsp. tasmaniensis Boland
  • Eucalyptus delicata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus dendromorpha (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Budawang ash, giant mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus densa Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus densa subsp. densa
    • Eucalyptus densa subsp. improcera Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus denticulata I.O.Cook & Ladiges – Errinundra shining gum, shining gum
  • Eucalyptus depauperata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus desmondensis Maiden & Blakely – Desmond mallee
  • Eucalyptus deuaensis Boland & P.M.Gilmour – Mongamulla mallee
  • Eucalyptus dielsii C.A.Gardner – cap-fruited mallee, cap-fruited mallet
  • Eucalyptus diminuta Brooker & Hopper – spring mallee
  • Eucalyptus diptera C.R.P.Andrews – two-winged gimlet
  • Eucalyptus discreta Brooker
  • Eucalyptus dissimulata Brooker – red-capped mallee
  • Eucalyptus distans Brooker, Boland & Kleinig – Katherine box
  • Eucalyptus distuberosa D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus distuberosa subsp. aerata D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus distuberosa subsp. distuberosa
  • Eucalyptus diversicolor F.Muell. – karri
  • Eucalyptus diversifolia Bonpl.
    • Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. diversifolia – soap mallee, coastal white mallee, coast gum
    • Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. hesperia I.J.Wright & Ladiges
  • Eucalyptus dives Schauer in W.G.Walpers – broad-leaved peppermint, blue peppermint
  • Eucalyptus dolichocera L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus dolichorhyncha (Brooker) Brooker & Hopper – fuchsia gum
  • Eucalyptus dolorosa Brooker & Hopper – Mount Misery mallee, Dandaragan mallee
  • Eucalyptus doratoxylon F.Muell. – spearwood mallee, spearwood, geitch-gmunt
  • Eucalyptus dorrigoensis (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Dorrigo white gum
  • Eucalyptus drummondii Benth. – Drummond's gum, Drummond's mallee
  • Eucalyptus dumosa A.Cunn. ex Oxley – white mallee, dumosa mallee, Congoo mallee
  • Eucalyptus dundasii Maiden – Dundas blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden - Dunn's white gum, white gum
  • Eucalyptus dura L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus dwyeri Maiden & Blakely – Dwyer's red gum, Dwyer's mallee gum


  • Eucalyptus ebbanoensis Maiden �� sandplain mallee
    • Eucalyptus ebbanoensis subsp. ebbanoensis
    • Eucalyptus ebbanoensis subsp. glauciramula L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus ebbanoensis subsp. photina Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus ecostata (Maiden) D.Nicolle & M.E.French – coastal silver mallee
  • Eucalyptus educta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus effusa Brooker – rough-barked gimlet
    • Eucalyptus effusa subsp. effusa
    • Eucalyptus effusa subsp. exsul L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus elaeophloia Chappill, Crisp & Prober – Nunniong gum, olive mallee
  • Eucalyptus elata Dehnh. – river peppermint, river white gum
  • Eucalyptus elegans A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus elliptica (Blakely & McKie) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Bendemeer white gum
  • Eucalyptus erectifolia Brooker & Hopper – Stirling Range mallee
  • Eucalyptus eremicola Boomsma – Vokes Hill mallee
    • Eucalyptus eremicola subsp. eremicola
    • Eucalyptus eremicola subsp. peeneri (Blakely) D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus eremophila (Diels) Maiden – sand mallet, tall sand mallee
    • Eucalyptus eremophila (Diels) Maiden subsp. eremophila (Blakely) D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus eremophila subsp. pterocarpa (Blakely & H.Steedman) L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell
  • Eucalyptus erosa A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus erythrocorys F.Muell. – illyarrie, red-capped gum, helmet nut gum
  • Eucalyptus erythronema Turcz. – red-flowered mallee
    • Eucalyptus erythronema Turcz. subsp. erythronema
    • Eucalyptus erythronema subsp. inornata D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus eudesmioides F.Muell. – mallalie, desert gum, mallabie
  • Eucalyptus eugenioides Sieber ex Spreng. – thin-leaved stringybark, white stringybark
  • Eucalyptus ewartiana Maiden – Ewart's mallee
  • Eucalyptus exigua Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus exilipes Brooker & A.R.Bean – fine-leaved ironbark
  • Eucalyptus exilis Brooker – Boyagin mallee
  • Eucalyptus expressa S.A.J.Bell & D.Nicolle – Wollemi stringybark
  • Eucalyptus exserta F.Muell. – Queensland peppermint, bendo, yellow messmate
  • Eucalyptus extensa L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus extrica D.Nicolle – eastern tallerack


  • Eucalyptus falcata Turcz. – silver mallet, toolyumuck
  • Eucalyptus falciformis (Newnham, Ladiges & Whiffin) Rule – Grampians peppermint, western peppermint
  • Eucalyptus famelica Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus farinosa K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus fasciculosa F.Muell. – pink gum, hill gum, scrub gum
  • Eucalyptus fastigata H.Deane & Maiden – brown barrel, cut-tail
  • Eucalyptus fibrosa F.Muell. – red ironbark, broad-leaved red ironbark, broad-leaved red ironbark
    • Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. fibrosa
    • Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. nubila (Maiden & Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson – blue-leaved ironbark
  • Eucalyptus filiformis Rule
  • Eucalyptus fitzgeraldii Blakely – broad-leaved box, paper-barked box
  • Eucalyptus flavida Brooker & Hopper – yellow-flowered mallee
  • Eucalyptus flindersii Boomsma – South Australian grey mallee, mallee red gum, grey mallee
  • Eucalyptus flocktoniae (Maiden) Maiden – merrit
    • Eucalyptus flocktoniae subsp. flocktoniae
    • Eucalyptus flocktoniae subsp. hebes D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus foecunda Schauer in J.G.C.Lehmann – narrow-leaved red mallee, Fremantle mallee, coastal dune mallee
  • Eucalyptus foliosa L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus formanii C.A.Gardner – Die Hardy mallee, Forman's mallee, feather gum
  • Eucalyptus forresterae Molyneux & Rule – brumby sallee
  • Eucalyptus forrestiana Diels – fuchsia gum, fuchsia mallee
  • Eucalyptus fracta K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus fraseri (Brooker) Brooker – Balladonia gum
    • Eucalyptus fraseri subsp. fraseri
    • Eucalyptus fraseri subsp. melanobasis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus fraxinoides H.Deane & Maiden – white ash, white mountain ash
  • Eucalyptus frenchiana D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus froggattii Blakely – Kamarooka mallee
  • Eucalyptus fruticosa Brooker
  • Eucalyptus fulgens Rule – green scentbark
  • Eucalyptus fusiformis Boland & Kleinig – grey ironbark, Nambucca ironbark


  • Eucalyptus gamophylla F.Muell. – warilu, blue-leaved mallee, twin-leaved mallee, blue mallee
  • Eucalyptus gardneri Maiden – blue mallet, woacal
    • Eucalyptus gardneri subsp. gardneri
    • Eucalyptus gardneri subsp. ravensthorpensis Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus georgei Brooker & Blaxell – Hyden blue gum
    • Eucalyptus georgei subsp. fulgida Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus georgei subsp. georgei
  • Eucalyptus gigantangion L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Kakadu woollybutt
  • Eucalyptus gillenii Ewart & L.R.Kerr – mallee red gum, Mt Gillen mallee, Mt Lindsay mallee
  • Eucalyptus gillii Maiden – curly mallee, Arkaroola mallee, silver mallee
  • Eucalyptus gittinsii Brooker & Blaxell – northern sandplain mallee
    • Eucalyptus gittinsii subsp. gittinsii
    • Eucalyptus gittinsii subsp. illucida D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus glaucescens Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – Tingiringi gum, Tingaringy gum
  • Eucalyptus glaucina (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson – slaty red gum
  • Eucalyptus globoidea Blakely – white stringybark
  • Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
    • Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata (Maiden, Blakely & Simmonds) J.B.Kirkp. – southern blue gum, eurabbie, blue gum, Victorian blue gum
    • Eucalyptus globulus Labill. subsp. globulus – Tasmanian blue gum, southern blue gum, blue gum
    • Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii (F.Muell.) J.B.Kirkp. – Maiden's gum
    • Eucalyptus globulus subsp. pseudoglobulus (Naudin ex Maiden) J.B.Kirkp. – Victorian eurabbie
  • Eucalyptus glomericassis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – scarp white gum
  • Eucalyptus glomerosa Brooker & Hopper – jinjulu
  • Eucalyptus gomphocephala A.Cunn. ex DC. – tuart
  • Eucalyptus gongylocarpa Blakely – baarla, marble gum, desert gum
  • Eucalyptus goniantha Turcz. – Jerdacuttup mallee
    • Eucalyptus goniantha subsp. goniantha
    • Eucalyptus goniantha subsp. kynoura D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus goniocalyx F.Muell. ex Miq. – long-leaved box, olive-barked box, bundy
    • Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. exposa D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. fallax Rule
    • Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. goniocalyx
    • Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. laxa Rule
    • Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. viridissima Rule
  • Eucalyptus goniocarpa L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus gracilis F.Muell. – yorrell, white mallee
  • Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill – flooded gum, rose gum
  • Eucalyptus granitica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – granite ironbark
  • Eucalyptus gregoryensis N.G.Walsh & Albr.
  • Eucalyptus gregsoniana L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Wolgan snow gum, mallee snow gum
  • Eucalyptus griffithsii Maiden – Griffith's grey gum
  • Eucalyptus grisea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – grey gum
  • Eucalyptus grossa F.Muell. ex Benth. – coarse-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus guilfoylei Maiden – yellow tingle
  • Eucalyptus gunnii Hook.f. – cider gum
    • Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. divaricata (McAulay & Brett) B.M.Potts
    • Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. gunnii
  • Eucalyptus gypsophila Nicolle – kopi mallee


  • Eucalyptus haemastoma Sm. – scribbly gum
  • Eucalyptus hallii Brooker – Goodwood gum
  • Eucalyptus halophila D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr – salt lake mallee
  • Eucalyptus hawkeri Rule
  • Eucalyptus hebetifolia Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus helidonica K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus herbertiana Maiden – Kalumburu gum, yellow-barked mallee
  • Eucalyptus histophylla Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus horistes L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus houseana W.Fitzg. ex Maiden – Kimberley white gum, tropical white gum
  • Eucalyptus howittiana F.Muell. – Howitt's box
  • Eucalyptus hypolaena L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus hypostomatica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Pokolbin box


  • Eucalyptus ignorabilis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus imitans L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Illawarra stringybark
  • Eucalyptus imlayensis Crisp & Brooker – Mount Imlay mallee
  • Eucalyptus impensa Brooker & Hopper – Eneabba mallee
  • Eucalyptus incerata Brooker & Hopper – Mount Dau mallee
  • Eucalyptus incrassata Labill. – lerp mallee, yellow mallee, ridge fruited mallee, rib fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus indurata Brooker & Hopper – ironbark or ironbark mallee
  • Eucalyptus infera A.R.Bean – Durikai mallee
  • Eucalyptus infracorticata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus insularis Brooker – Twin Peak Island mallee, North Twin Peak Island mallee
    • Eucalyptus insularis subsp. continentalis D.Nicolle & Brooker
    • Eucalyptus insularis subsp. insularis
  • Eucalyptus interstans L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus intertexta R.T.Baker western red box, gum coolibah, bastard coolibah


  • Eucalyptus jacksonii Maiden – red tingle
  • Eucalyptus jensenii Maiden – Wandi ironbark
  • Eucalyptus jimberlanica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Norseman gimlet
  • Eucalyptus johnsoniana Brooker & Blaxell – Johnson's mallee
  • Eucalyptus johnstonii Maiden – Tasmanian yellow gum
  • Eucalyptus jucunda C.A.Gardner – Yuna mallee
  • Eucalyptus jutsonii Maiden – Jutson's mallee
    • Eucalyptus jutsonii subsp. jutsonii
    • Eucalyptus jutsonii subsp. kobela D.Nicolle & M.E.French


  • Eucalyptus kabiana L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Mt Beerwah mallee
  • Eucalyptus × kalangadooensis Maiden & Blakely
  • Eucalyptus kartzoffiana L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Araluen gum
  • Eucalyptus kenneallyi K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson – Kenneally's white gum
  • Eucalyptus kessellii Maiden & Blakely – Jerdacuttup mallee
    • Eucalyptus kessellii subsp. eugnosta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus kessellii subsp. kessellii
  • Eucalyptus kingsmillii (Maiden) Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden
    • Eucalyptus kingsmillii subsp. kingsmillii
  • Eucalyptus kitsoniana Maiden – Gippsland mallee, bog gum
  • Eucalyptus kochii Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – oil mallee
    • Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus kochii subsp. borealis (C.A.Gardner) D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus kochii subsp. kochii
    • Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima (C.A.Gardner) Brooker
    • Eucalyptus kochii subsp. yellowdinensis D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus kondininensis Maiden & Blakely – Kondinin blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus koolpinensis Brooker & Dunlop – Koolpin box
  • Eucalyptus kruseana F.Muell. – book-leaf mallee, Kruses's bookleaf mallee
  • Eucalyptus kumarlensis Brooker
  • Eucalyptus kybeanensis Maiden & Cambage – Kybean mallee ash


  • Eucalyptus lacrimans L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – weeping snow gum
  • Eucalyptus laeliae Podger & Chippend. – Darling Range ghost gum, butter gum
  • Eucalyptus laevis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus laevopinea F.Muell. ex R.T.Baker – silver top stringybark
  • Eucalyptus × lamprocalyx Blakely
  • Eucalyptus lane-poolei Maiden – salmon white gum
  • Eucalyptus langleyi L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – green mallee ash, albatross mallee
  • Eucalyptus lansdowneana F.Muell. & J.E.Br. in J.E.Brown – crimson mallee, red-flowered mallee box
  • Eucalyptus largeana Blakely & Beuzev. in W.F.Blakely – Craven grey box
  • Eucalyptus largiflorens F.Muell. – black box
  • Eucalyptus × laseronii R.T.Baker
  • Eucalyptus latens Brooker – narrow-leaved red mallee
  • Eucalyptus lateritica Brooker & Hopper – laterite mallee
  • Eucalyptus latisinensis K.D.Hill – white mahogany
  • Eucalyptus lehmannii (Schauer) Benth. – bushy yate
    • Eucalyptus lehmannii subsp. lehmannii
    • Eucalyptus lehmannii subsp. parallela D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus leprophloia Brooker & Hopper – scaly butt mallee
  • Eucalyptus leptocalyx Blakely – Hopetoun mallee
    • Eucalyptus leptocalyx subsp. leptocalyx
    • Eucalyptus leptocalyx subsp. petilipes L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus leptophleba F.Muell. – Molloy red box, Molloy box
  • Eucalyptus leptophylla F.Muell. ex Miq. – March mallee, slender-leaved red mallee, narrow-leaved red mallee
  • Eucalyptus leptopoda Benth. – Tammin mallee,
    • Eucalyptus leptopoda subsp. arctata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus leptopoda subsp. elevata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus leptopoda subsp. leptopoda
    • Eucalyptus leptopoda subsp. subluta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus lesouefii Maiden – goldfields blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus leucophloia Brooker – snappy gum, migum
    • Eucalyptus leucophloia subsp. euroa L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus leucophloia subsp. leucophloia
  • Eucalyptus leucophylla Domin – Cloncurry box
  • Eucalyptus leucoxylon F.Muell. – yellow gum, blue gum, white ironbark
    • Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. bellarinensis Rule
    • Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. connata Rule
    • Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. leucoxylon
    • Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. megalocarpa Boland
    • Eucalyptus leucoxylon var. pluriflora Boland
    • Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. pruinosa (Miq.) Boland
    • Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. stephaniae Rule
  • Eucalyptus ligulata Brooker – Lucky Bay mallee
    • Eucalyptus ligulata subsp. ligulata
    • Eucalyptus ligulata subsp. stirlingica D.Nicolle,
  • Eucalyptus ligustrina A.Cunn. ex DC. – privet-leaved stringybark
  • Eucalyptus limitaris L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus lirata W.Fitzg. ex Maiden – Kimberley yellowjacket
  • Eucalyptus litoralis Rule – Anglesea box
  • Eucalyptus litorea Brooker & Hopper – saline mallee
  • Eucalyptus livida Brooker & Hopper – wandoo mallee
  • Eucalyptus lockyeri Blaxell & K.D.Hill – Lockyer's box
    • Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. exuta Brooker & Kleinig
    • Eucalyptus lockyeri subsp. lockyeri
  • Eucalyptus longicornis (F.Muell.) Maiden – red morrel, morryl, poot, pu
  • Eucalyptus longifolia Link – woollybutt
  • Eucalyptus longirostrata (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – grey gum
  • Eucalyptus longissima D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus loxophleba Benth.
    • Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. gratiae Brooker – York gum, daarwet, goatta, twotta, yandee
    • Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. lissophloia L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. loxophleba
    • Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus lucasii Blakely – Barlee box
  • Eucalyptus lucens Brooker & Dunlop – shiny-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus luculenta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus luehmanniana F.Muell. – yellow top mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus luteola Brooker & Hopper


  • Eucalyptus macarthurii H.Deane & Maiden – Camden woollybutt, Paddy's river box
  • Eucalyptus mackintii Kottek – blue-crowned stringybark
  • Eucalyptus × macmahonii Rule
  • Eucalyptus macrandra F.Muell. ex Benth. – long-flowered marlock, river yate, twet
  • Eucalyptus macrocarpa Hook. – mottlecah
    • Eucalyptus macrocarpa subsp. elachantha Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus macrocarpa subsp. macrocarpa
  • Eucalyptus macrorhyncha F.Muell. ex Benth. – red stringybark
    • Eucalyptus macrorhyncha subsp. cannonii (R.T.Baker) L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell
    • Eucalyptus macrorhyncha subsp. macrorhyncha
  • Eucalyptus magnificata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – blue box, northern blue box
  • Eucalyptus major (Maiden) Blakely – grey gum
  • Eucalyptus malacoxylon Blakely – Moonbi apple box, apple box
  • Eucalyptus mannensis Boomsma – Mann Range mallee
    • Eucalyptus mannensis subsp. mannensis
    • Eucalyptus mannensis subsp. vespertina L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus mannifera Mudie – brittle gum, red spotted gum
    • Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. gullickii (R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm.) L.A.S.Johnson
    • Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. mannifera
    • Eucalyptus mannifera subsp. praecox (Maiden) L.A.S.Johnson
  • Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm. – jarrah, djarraly, Swan River mahogany
    • Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata
    • Eucalyptus marginata subsp. thalassica Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus mckieana Blakely – McKie's stringybark
  • Eucalyptus mcquoidii Brooker & Hopper – Quoin Head marlock
  • Eucalyptus mediocris L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – inland white mahogany
  • Eucalyptus megacarpa F.Muell. – bullich
  • Eucalyptus megacornuta C.A.Gardner – warted yate, warty yate
  • Eucalyptus megasepala A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus melanoleuca S.T.Blake – yarraman ironbark, nanango ironbark
  • Eucalyptus melanophitra Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus melanophloia F.Muell. – silver-leaved ironbark
    • Eucalyptus melanophloia subsp. melanophloia
    • Eucalyptus melanophloia subsp. nana D.Nicolle & Kleinig
  • Eucalyptus melanoxylon Maiden – black morrell
  • Eucalyptus melliodora A.Cunn. ex Schauer in W.G.Walpers – yellow box, honey box, yellow ironbark
  • Eucalyptus merrickiae Maiden & Blakely – goblet mallee
  • Eucalyptus michaeliana Blakely – Hillgrove gum, brittle gum
  • Eucalyptus micranthera F.Muell. ex Benth. – Alexander River mallee, milkshake mallee
  • Eucalyptus microcarpa (Maiden) Maiden – grey box
  • Eucalyptus microcorys F.Muell. – tallowwood
  • Eucalyptus microneura Maiden & Blakely – Gilbert River box
  • Eucalyptus microschema Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus microtheca F.Muell. – coolibah
  • Eucalyptus mimica Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus mimica subsp. continens Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus mimica subsp. mimica
  • Eucalyptus miniata A.Cunn. ex Schauer in W.G.Walpers – Darwin woollybutt, woolewoorng
  • Eucalyptus minniritchi D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus misella L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus × missilis Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus mitchelliana Cambage – Buffalo sallee, Mount Buffalo gum
  • Eucalyptus moderata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus moluccana Wall. ex Roxb. – grey box, gum-topped box, terriyergro
  • Eucalyptus molyneuxii Rule
  • Eucalyptus mooreana Maiden – Moore's gum, mountain white gum, King Leopold Range mallee
  • Eucalyptus moorei Maiden & Cambage – narrow-leaved mallee
    • Eucalyptus moorei subsp. moorei
    • Eucalyptus moorei subsp.. serpentinicola (L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell) Brooker & Kleinig
  • Eucalyptus morrisbyi Brett – Morrisby's gum
  • Eucalyptus morrisii R.T.Baker – grey mallee
  • Eucalyptus muelleriana A.W.Howitt – yellow stringybark
  • Eucalyptus multicaulis Blakely – whipstick mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus myriadena Brooker – blackbutt
    • Eucalyptus myriadena subsp. myriadena
    • Eucalyptus myriadena subsp. parviflora Brooker & Hopper


  • Eucalyptus nandewarica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – mallee red gum
  • Eucalyptus nebulosa A.M.Gray – serpentine peppermint
  • Eucalyptus neglecta Maiden – Omeo gum
  • Eucalyptus × nepeanensis R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm.
  • Eucalyptus neutra D.Nicolle – Newdegate mallee
  • Eucalyptus newbeyi D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr – Beaufort Inlet mallee
  • Eucalyptus nicholii Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – narrow-leaved black peppermint, willow peppermint
  • Eucalyptus nigrifunda Brooker & Hopper – desert wandoo
  • Eucalyptus nitens (H.Deane & Maiden) Maiden – shining gum, silvertop
  • Eucalyptus nitida Hook.f. – Smithton peppermint
  • Eucalyptus nobilis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – ribbon gum, giant white gum
  • Eucalyptus normantonensis Maiden & Cambage – Normanton box
  • Eucalyptus nortonii (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson – bundy, mealy bundy, long-leaved box
  • Eucalyptus notabilis Maiden – Blue Mountains mahogany, mountain mahogany
  • Eucalyptus notactites (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) D.Nicolle & M.E.French – southern limestone mallee
  • Eucalyptus nova-anglica H.Deane & Maiden New England peppermint, black peppermint
  • Eucalyptus × nowraensis Maiden
  • Eucalyptus nudicaulis A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus nutans F.Muell. – red-flowered moort


  • Eucalyptus obconica Brooker & Kleinig
  • Eucalyptus obesa Brooker & Hopper – Ninety Mile Tank mallee
  • Eucalyptus obliqua L'Hér. – messmate stringybark, messmate
  • Eucalyptus obtusiflora A.Cunn. ex DC.) – Dongara mallee
    • Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. cowcowensis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. dongarraensis (Maiden & Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. obtusiflora
  • Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl. – flat-topped yate, swamp yate, mo, yundill
  • Eucalyptus ochrophloia F.Muell. – yapunyah
  • Eucalyptus odontocarpa F.Muell. – Sturt Creek mallee, warilyu
  • Eucalyptus odorata Behr – peppermint box
  • Eucalyptus oldfieldii F.Muell. – Oldfield's mallee
    • Eucalyptus oldfieldii F.Muell. subsp. oldfieldii
  • Eucalyptus oleosa F.Muell. ex Miq. – red mallee, glossy-leaved red mallee, acorn mallee, oil mallee, giant mallee
    • Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. ampliata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. corvina L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. cylindroidea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. oleosa
  • Eucalyptus olida L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus oligantha Schauer in W.G.Walpers – broad-leaved box
    • Eucalyptus oligantha subsp. modica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus oligantha subsp. oligantha
  • Eucalyptus olivina Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus olsenii L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – woila gum
  • Eucalyptus ophitica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – serpentine ironbark
  • Eucalyptus opimiflora D.Nicolle & M.E.French – northern silver mallee
  • Eucalyptus optima L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus oraria L.A.S.Johnson – ooragmandee
  • Eucalyptus orbifolia F.Muell. – round-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus ordiana Dunlop & Done
  • Eucalyptus oreades F.Muell. ex R.T.Baker – Blue Mountains ash, white ash, smooth-barked mountain ash
  • Eucalyptus orgadophila Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – mountain coolibah
  • Eucalyptus ornans Molyneux & Rule – Avon peppermint
  • Eucalyptus ornata Crisp – silver mallet
  • Eucalyptus orophila L.D.Pryor[2]
  • Eucalyptus orthostemon D.Nicolle & Brooker
  • Eucalyptus ovata Labill. – swamp gum or black gum
    • Eucalyptus ovata var. grandiflora Maiden
    • Eucalyptus ovata Labill. var. ovata
  • Eucalyptus ovularis Maiden & Blakely – small-fruited mallee
  • Eucalyptus oxymitra Blakely – sharp-capped mallee


  • Eucalyptus pachycalyx Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – shiny-barked gum
    • Eucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. banyabba K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. pachycalyx
    • Eucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. waajensis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus pachyloma Benth. – Kalgan Plains mallee
  • Eucalyptus pachyphylla F.Muell. – thick-leaved mallee, red-budded mallee
  • Eucalyptus paedoglauca L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Mount Stuart ironbark
  • Eucalyptus paliformis L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Wadbilliga ash
  • Eucalyptus paludicola Nicolle – Mount Compass swamp gum, marsh gum, Fleurieu swamp gum
  • Eucalyptus panda S.T.Blake – tumbledown ironbark, Yetman ironbark
  • Eucalyptus paniculata Sm. – grey ironbark
  • Eucalyptus pantoleuca L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – round-leaved gum, Panton River white gum
  • Eucalyptus paralimnetica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus parramattensis E.C.Hall – Parramatta red gum, drooping red gum
    • Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell
    • Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. parramattensis
    • Eucalyptus parramattensis var. sphaerocalyx Blakely
  • Eucalyptus parvula L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – small-leaved gum
  • Eucalyptus patellaris F.Muell. – weeping box
  • Eucalyptus patens Benth. – yarri, blackbutt,
  • Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieber ex Spreng. – snow gum, cabbage gum, white sally
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. acerina Rule – snow gum
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora var. × cylindrocarpa Blakely
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. debeuzevillei (Maiden) L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Jounama snow gum
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora var. × densiflora Blakely & McKie
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. hedraia Rule
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. niphophila (Maiden & Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. parvifructa Rule
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieber ex Spreng. subsp. pauciflora
    • Eucalyptus pauciflora var. × rusticata Blakely
  • Eucalyptus pellita F.Muell. – large-fruited red mahogany
  • Eucalyptus pendens Brooker – Badgingarra weeping mallee
  • Eucalyptus peninsularis D.Nicolle – Cummins mallee
  • Eucalyptus perangusta Brooker – fine-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus percostata Brooker & P.J.Lang – rib-capped mallee, Devils peak mallee
  • Eucalyptus perriniana F.Muell. ex Rodway – spinning gum
  • Eucalyptus persistens L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus petiolaris (Boland) Rule – Eyre Peninsula blue gum, water gum, blue gum
  • Eucalyptus petraea D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr – granite rock box
  • Eucalyptus petrensis Brooker & Hopper – limestone mallee, straggly mallee, koodjat
  • Eucalyptus phaenophylla Brooker & Hopper – common southern mallee
    • Eucalyptus phaenophylla subsp. interjacens Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus phaenophylla Brooker & Hopper subsp. phaenophylla
  • Eucalyptus phenax Brooker & Slee – green dumosa mallee, white mallee
    • Eucalyptus phenax subsp. compressa D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus phenax Brooker & Slee subsp. phenax
  • Eucalyptus phoenicea F.Muell. – scarlet gum, gnaingar, ngainggar
  • Eucalyptus phoenix Molyneux & Forrester – brumby mallee-gum
  • Eucalyptus × phylacis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Meelup mallee
  • Eucalyptus pilbarensis Brooker & Edgecombe
  • Eucalyptus pileata Blakely – capped mallee
  • Eucalyptus pilularis Sm. – blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus pimpiniana Maiden – pimpin mallee
  • Eucalyptus piperita Sm. – Sydney peppermint, urn-fruited peppermint
  • Eucalyptus placita L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – grey ironbark
  • Eucalyptus planchoniana F.Muell. – needlebark stringybark, bastard tallowwood
  • Eucalyptus planipes L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus platycorys Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – Boorabbin mallee
  • Eucalyptus platydisca D.Nicolle & Brooker – Jimberlana mallee
  • Eucalyptus platyphylla F.Muell. – poplar gum or white gum
  • Eucalyptus platypus Hook.f. – moort, maalok
    • Eucalyptus platypus subsp. congregata Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus platypus Hook.f. subsp. platypus
  • Eucalyptus pleurocarpa Schauer in J.G.C.Lehmann – tallerack, talyerock, tallerack
  • Eucalyptus pleurocorys L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus pluricaulis Brooker & Hopper – purple-leaved mallee
    • Eucalyptus pluricaulis Brooker & Hopper subsp. pluricaulis
    • Eucalyptus pluricaulis subsp. porphyrea Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus polita Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus polyanthemos Schauer – red box
    • Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. longior Brooker & Slee
    • Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. marginalis Rule
    • Eucalyptus polyanthemos Schauer subsp. polyanthemos
    • Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. vestita L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus polybractea F.Muell. ex R.T.Baker – blue-leaved mallee, blue mallee
  • Eucalyptus populnea F.Muell. – poplar box, bimble box, bimbil box
  • Eucalyptus porosa F.Muell. ex Miq. – mallee box, Quorn mallee, water mallee
  • Eucalyptus praetermissa Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus prava L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – orange gum
  • Eucalyptus preissiana Schauer – bell-fruited mallee
    • Eucalyptus preissiana subsp. lobata Brooker & Slee
    • Eucalyptus preissiana Schauer subsp. preissiana
  • Eucalyptus prolixa D.Nicolle – square-fruited mallet
  • Eucalyptus prominens Brooker
  • Eucalyptus propinqua H.Deane & Maiden – grey gum, small-fruited grey gum
  • Eucalyptus protensa L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus provecta A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus proxima D.Nicolle & Brooker – nodding mallee, red-flowered mallee
  • Eucalyptus pruiniramis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Jingymia gum, midlands gum
  • Eucalyptus pruinosa Schauer in W.G.Walpers – silver box, silver leaf box, apple box, smoke tree
    • Eucalyptus pruinosa subsp. pruinosa
    • Eucalyptus pruinosa subsp. tenuata L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus psammitica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – bastard white mahogany
  • Eucalyptus pterocarpa C.A.Gardner ex P.J.Lang
  • Eucalyptus pulchella Desf. – white peppermint, narrow-leaved peppermint
  • Eucalyptus pulverulenta Link – silver-leaved mountain gum
  • Eucalyptus pumila Cambage – Pokolbin mallee
  • Eucalyptus punctata A.Cunn. ex DC. – grey gum
  • Eucalyptus purpurata D.Nicolle – Bandalup silver mallet
  • Eucalyptus pyrenea Rule – Pyrenees gum
  • Eucalyptus pyriformis Turcz. – pear-fruited mallee, Dowerin rose
  • Eucalyptus pyrocarpa L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – large-fruited blackbutt


  • Eucalyptus quadrangulata H.Deane & Maiden – white-topped box, coast white box
  • Eucalyptus quadrans Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus quadricostata Brooker – square-fruited ironbark
  • Eucalyptus quaerenda (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) Byrne
  • Eucalyptus quinniorum J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl – monkey gum


  • Eucalyptus racemosa Cav. – snappy gum, narrow-leaved scribbly gum
  • Eucalyptus radiata Sieber ex DC. – narrow-leaved peppermint, Forth River peppermint,
    • Eucalyptus radiata Sieber ex DC. subsp. radiata
    • Eucalyptus radiata subsp. robertsonii (Blakely) L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell
    • Eucalyptus radiata subsp. sejuncta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus rameliana F.Muell. – Ramel's mallee
  • Eucalyptus raveretiana F.Muell. – black ironbox
  • Eucalyptus ravida L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus recta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – silver mallet
  • Eucalyptus recurva Crisp – Mongarlowe mallee
  • Eucalyptus redimiculifera L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus redunca Schauer in J.G.C.Lehmann – black marlock
  • Eucalyptus regnans F.Muell. – mountain ash, swamp gum, stringy gum
  • Eucalyptus relicta Hopper & Ward.-Johnson
  • Eucalyptus remota Blakely – Kangaroo Island ash, Kangaroo Island mallee ash, Mount Taylor mallee
  • Eucalyptus repullulans Nicolle – chrysoprase mallee
  • Eucalyptus resinifera J.White – red mahogany, red messmate
    • Eucalyptus resinifera subsp. hemilampra (F.Muell.) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus resinifera Sm. subsp. resinifera
  • Eucalyptus retinens L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Hillgrove box
  • Eucalyptus retusa D.Nicolle, M.E.French & McQuoid – Point Hood yate
  • Eucalyptus rhodantha Blakely & H.Steedman – rose mallee
    • Eucalyptus rhodantha var. petiolaris Blakely
    • Eucalyptus rhodantha Blakely & H.Steedman var. rhodantha
  • Eucalyptus rhombica A.R.Bean & Brooker
  • Eucalyptus rhomboidea Hopper & D.Nicolle – diamond gum
  • Eucalyptus rigens Brooker & Hopper – saltlake mallee, blue salt mallee
  • Eucalyptus rigidula Cambage & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – stiff-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus risdonii Hook.f. – Risdon peppermint
  • Eucalyptus robusta Sm. – swamp mahogany, swamp messmate
  • Eucalyptus rodwayi R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm. – swamp peppermint
  • Eucalyptus rosacea L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus rossii R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm. – inland scribbly gum, white gum
  • Eucalyptus rowleyi D.Nicolle & M.E.French
  • Eucalyptus roycei S.G.M.Carr, D.J.Carr & A.S.George – Shark Bay mallee
  • Eucalyptus rubida H.Deane & Maiden – candlebark, ribbon gum, white gum
    • Eucalyptus rubida subsp. barbigerorum L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus rubida H.Deane & Maiden subsp. rubida
  • Eucalyptus rubiginosa Brooker
  • Eucalyptus rudderi Maiden – Rudder's box
  • Eucalyptus rudis Endl. – flooded gum, moitch, colaille, gooloorto, koolert
    • Eucalyptus rudis subsp. cratyantha Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus rudis Endl. subsp. rudis
  • Eucalyptus rugosa R.Br. ex Blakely – Kingscote mallee
  • Eucalyptus rugulata D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus rummeryi Maiden – steel box, Rummery's box, brown box
  • Eucalyptus rupestris Brooker & Done – Prince Regent gum


  • Eucalyptus sabulosa Rule – Wimmera scentbark
  • Eucalyptus salicola Brooker – salt gum, salt lake salmon gum, salt salmon gum
  • Eucalyptus saligna Sm. – Sydney blue gum or blue gum
  • Eucalyptus salmonophloia F.Muell. salmon gum, wurak, weerluk
  • Eucalyptus salubris F.Muell. – gimlet, fluted gum tree, gimlet gum, silver-topped gimlet
  • Eucalyptus sargentii Maiden – Salt River gum
    • Eucalyptus sargentii subsp. onesia D.Nicolle
    • Eucalyptus sargentii subsp. sargentii
  • Eucalyptus saxatilis J.B.Kirkp. & Brooker – Suggan Buggan mallee, Mount Wheeler mallee
  • Eucalyptus scias L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – large-fruited red mahogany
    • Eucalyptus scias subsp. apoda L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus scias subsp. scias
  • Eucalyptus scoparia Maiden – Wallangarra white gum, willow gum
  • Eucalyptus scopulorum K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus scyphocalyx (Benth.) Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden – goblet mallee
    • Eucalyptus scyphocalyx subsp. scyphocalyx
    • Eucalyptus scyphocalyx subsp. triadica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus seeana Maiden – narrow-leaved red gum
  • Eucalyptus semiglobosa (Brooker) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus semota Macph. & Grayling – marymia mallee
  • Eucalyptus sepulcralis F.Muell. – weeping gum, weeping mallee
  • Eucalyptus serraensis Ladiges & Whiffin – Grampians stringybark
  • Eucalyptus sessilis (Maiden) Blakely – Finke River mallee, red bud mallee, river mallee
  • Eucalyptus sheathiana Maiden – ribbon-barked gum
  • Eucalyptus shirleyi Maiden – Shirley's silver leafed ironbark, silver-leaved ironbark, Shirley's silver leaved ironbark
  • Eucalyptus sicilifolia L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus siderophloia Benth. – northern grey ironbark
  • Eucalyptus sideroxylon A.Cunn. ex Woolls – mugga ironbark, red ironbark
    • Eucalyptus sideroxylon subsp. improcera A.R.Bean
    • Eucalyptus sideroxylon subsp. sideroxylon
  • Eucalyptus sieberi L.A.S.Johnson – silvertop ash, black ash
  • Eucalyptus silvestris Rule
  • Eucalyptus similis Maiden – inland yellowjacket, Queensland yellowjacket
  • Eucalyptus singularis L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell
  • Eucalyptus sinuosa D.Nicolle, M.E.French & McQuoid – octopus mallee
  • Eucalyptus smithii F.Muell. ex R.T.Baker – gully gum, gully peppermint, blackbutt peppermint, ironbark peppermint
  • Eucalyptus socialis F.Muell. ex Miq. – red mallee, grey mallee
    • Eucalyptus socialis subsp. eucentrica (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) D.Nicolle – inland red mallee
    • Eucalyptus socialis F.Muell. ex Miq. subsp. socialis – summer red mallee
    • Eucalyptus socialis subsp. victoriensis D.Nicolle – red mallee
    • Eucalyptus socialis subsp. viridans D.Nicolle – green-leaved red mallee
  • Eucalyptus sparsa Boomsma – northern ranges box
  • Eucalyptus sparsifolia Blakely – narrow-leaved stringybark
  • Eucalyptus spathulata Hook. – swamp mallet, narrow leaved gimlet, swamp gimlet
    • Eucalyptus spathulata subsp. salina D.Nicolle & Brooker
    • Eucalyptus spathulata subsp. spathulata
  • Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Blackdown stringybark
  • Eucalyptus splendens Rule – apple jack
  • Eucalyptus sporadica Brooker & Hopper – Burngup mallee
  • Eucalyptus spreta L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus squamosa H.Deane & Maiden – scaly bark
  • Eucalyptus staeri (Maiden) Maiden ex Kessell & C.A.Gardner – Albany blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus staigeriana F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey – lemon-scented ironbark
  • Eucalyptus steedmanii C.A.Gardner – Steedman's gum, Steedman's mallet
  • Eucalyptus stellulata Sieber ex DC. – black sallee, black sally
  • Eucalyptus stenostoma L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell – Jillaga ash
  • Eucalyptus × stoataptera E.M.Benn.
  • Eucalyptus stoatei C.A.Gardner – scarlet pear gum, Stoat's mallee
  • Eucalyptus stowardii Maiden – fluted-horn mallee
  • Eucalyptus striaticalyx W.Fitzg. – Cue York gum, kopi gum
    • Eucalyptus striaticalyx subsp. delicata D.Nicolle & P.J.Lang
    • Eucalyptus striaticalyx W.Fitzg. subsp. striaticalyx
  • Eucalyptus stricklandii Maiden – Strickland's gum
  • Eucalyptus stricta Sieber ex Spreng. – Blue Mountains mallee ash
  • Eucalyptus strzeleckii Rule – Strzelecki gum, wax-tip
  • Eucalyptus sturgissiana L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell steel box, Ettrema mallee
  • Eucalyptus subangusta (Blakely) Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. cerina Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. pusilla Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. subangusta
    • Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. virescens Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus subcrenulata Maiden & Blakely in J.H.Maiden Tasmanian alpine yellow gum
  • Eucalyptus suberea Brooker & Hopper – Mount Lesueur mallee, cork mallee
  • Eucalyptus subtilis Brooker & Hopper – narrow-leaved mallee
  • Eucalyptus suffulgens L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus suggrandis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus suggrandis subsp. promiscua D.Nicolle & Brooker
    • Eucalyptus suggrandis subsp. suggrandis
  • Eucalyptus surgens Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus sweedmaniana Hopper & McQuoid
  • Eucalyptus synandra Crisp – Jingymia mallee


  • Eucalyptus talyuberlup D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr – Stirling Range yate
  • Eucalyptus tardecidens (L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill) A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus taurina A.R.Bean & Brooker – Helidon ironbark
  • Eucalyptus tectifica F.Muell. – Darwin box, grey box
  • Eucalyptus tenella L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – narrow-leaved stringybark
  • Eucalyptus tenera L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – glazed mallee, sand mallee
  • Eucalyptus tenuipes (Maiden & Blakely) Blakely & C.T.White – narrow-leaved white mahogany
  • Eucalyptus tenuiramis Miq. – silver peppermint
  • Eucalyptus tenuis Brooker & Hopper
  • Eucalyptus tephroclada L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus tephrodes L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus terebra L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Balladonia gimlet
  • Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. – forest red gum, blue gum, red irongum
    • Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. basaltica A.R.Bean
    • Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. mediana Brooker & Slee
    • Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. rotunda A.R.Bean
    • Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. subsp. tereticornis
  • Eucalyptus terrica A.R.Bean
  • Eucalyptus tetrapleura L.A.S.Johnson – square-fruited ironbark
  • Eucalyptus tetraptera Turcz. – square-fruited mallee, four-winged mallee
  • Eucalyptus tetrodonta F.Muell. – Darwin stringybark, messmate
  • Eucalyptus thamnoides Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus thamnoides subsp. megista Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus thamnoides subsp. thamnoides
  • Eucalyptus tholiformis A.R.Bean & Brooker
  • Eucalyptus thozetiana F.Muell. ex R.T.Baker
  • Eucalyptus tindaliae Blakely in J.H.Maiden – Tindal's stringybark
  • Eucalyptus tintinnans (Blakely & Jacobs) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – ringing gum, Hills salmon gum
  • Eucalyptus todtiana F.Muell. – coastal blackbutt, pricklybark, dwutta
  • Eucalyptus × tokwa D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr
  • Eucalyptus torquata Luehm. – coral gum, Coolgardie gum
  • Eucalyptus tortilis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus transcontinentalis Maiden – redwood, boongul
  • Eucalyptus tricarpa (L.A.S.Johnson) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – red ironbark, mugga ironbark
    • Eucalyptus tricarpa subsp. decora Rule
    • Eucalyptus tricarpa (L.A.S.Johnson) L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill subsp. tricarpa
  • Eucalyptus triflora (Maiden) Blakely – Pigeon House ash, three-flowered ash
  • Eucalyptus trivalva Blakely – Victoria Spring mallee, desert mallee
  • Eucalyptus tumida Brooker & Hopper



  • Eucalyptus valens L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus varia Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus varia subsp. salsuginosa Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus varia Brooker & Hopper subsp. varia
  • Eucalyptus vegrandis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Ongerup mallee
    • Eucalyptus vegrandis subsp. recondita D.Nicolle & Brooker
    • Eucalyptus vegrandis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill subsp. vegrandis
  • Eucalyptus vernicosa Hook.f. – varnished gum
  • Eucalyptus verrucata Ladiges & Whiffin – Mount Abrupt stringybark
  • Eucalyptus vesiculosa Brooker & Hopper – Corackerup marlock
  • Eucalyptus vicina L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Manara Hills red gum
  • Eucalyptus victoriana Ladiges & Whiffin
  • Eucalyptus victrix L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – smooth-barked coolibah, western coolibah, little ghost gum
  • Eucalyptus viminalis Labill. – manna gum, white gum, ribbon gum
    • Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. cygnetensis Boomsma
    • Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. hentyensis Brooker & Slee
    • Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. pryoriana (L.A.S.Johnson) Brooker & Slee
    • Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. siliceana Rule
    • Eucalyptus viminalis Labill. subsp. viminalis
  • Eucalyptus virens Brooker & A.R.Bean – shiny-leaved ironbark
  • Eucalyptus virginea Hopper & Ward.-Johnson
  • Eucalyptus viridis R.T.Baker – green mallee
  • Eucalyptus vittata D.Nicolle
  • Eucalyptus vokesensis D.Nicolle & L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – Vokes Hill mallee
  • Eucalyptus volcanica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill


  • Eucalyptus walshii Rule
  • Eucalyptus wandoo Blakely – wandoo, dooto, warrnt, wornt
    • Eucalyptus wandoo subsp. pulverea Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus wandoo Blakely subsp. wandoo
  • Eucalyptus websteriana Maiden – Webster's mallee, heart-leaf mallee, dainty mallee
    • Eucalyptus websteriana subsp. norsemanica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
    • Eucalyptus websteriana Maiden subsp. websteriana
  • Eucalyptus wetarensis L.D.Pryor[4]
  • Eucalyptus whitei Maiden & Blakely – White's ironbark
  • Eucalyptus wilcoxii Boland & Kleinig – Deua gum
  • Eucalyptus williamsiana L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill – large-leaved stringybark
  • Eucalyptus willisii Ladiges, Humphries & Brooker – shining peppermint, promontory peppermint
  • Eucalyptus wimmerensis Rule – Wimmera mallee box, broad-leaved green mallee
  • Eucalyptus woodwardii Maiden – lemon-flowered gum, Woodward's blackbutt
  • Eucalyptus woollsiana F.Muell. ex R.T.Baker
  • Eucalyptus wubinensis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
  • Eucalyptus wyolensis Boomsma – Wyola mallee


  • Eucalyptus xanthonema Turcz. – yellow-flowered mallee
    • Eucalyptus xanthonema subsp. apposita Brooker & Hopper
    • Eucalyptus xanthonema Turcz. subsp. xanthonema
  • Eucalyptus xerothermica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill


  • Eucalyptus yalatensis Boomsma – Yalata mallee
  • Eucalyptus yarraensis Maiden & Cambage in J.H.Maiden – Yarra gum
  • Eucalyptus yarriambiack Rule
  • Eucalyptus yilgarnensis (Maiden) Brooker – yorrell, yorrel
  • Eucalyptus youmanii Blakely & McKie – Youman's stringybark
    • Eucalyptus youmanii var. sphaerocarpa Blakely & McKie
  • Eucalyptus youngiana F.Muell. – large-fruited mallee, Ooldea mallee, yarldarlba
  • Eucalyptus yumbarrana Boomsma – Yumbarra mallee


See also[]


  1. ^ "Eucalyptus". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 16 February 2019.
  2. ^ "Eucalyptus orophila". World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  3. ^ "Eucalyptus urophylla". World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  4. ^ "Eucalyptus wetarensis". World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  • Brooker, I., Kleinig, D.(1996) Eucalyptus, An illustrated guide to identification, Reed Books, Port Melbourne
  • Cronin, L.(2000) Key Guide to Australian Trees, Envirobook
  • Holliday, I.(2002) A field guide to Australian trees (3rd edition), Reed New Holland

External links[]

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