List of French architects

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The following is a chronological list of French architects. Some of their major architectural works are listed after each name.

Middle Ages[]

Étienne de Bonneuil (late 13th century)

  • Uppsala Cathedral, Sweden

Jean de Chelles (13th century)

  • Notre Dame de Paris

Pierre de Montreuil (c. 1200–1266)

Matthias of Arras (?–1352)

  • Saint Vitus Cathedral in Prague

Villard de Honnecourt (14th century) – architecture plans

Pierre d'Angicourt (late 13th century)

Pierre de Chaule (late 13th century)

Renaissance to Revolution[]

Jacques I Androuet du Cerceau (c. 1510–c. 1585)

  • Important book of architectural engravings

Philibert Delorme (or De L'Orme) (1510/1515–1570)

Pierre Lescot (1515–1578)

Jean Baptiste Androuet du Cerceau (c. 1545–1590)

Jacques Androuet II du Cerceau (c. 1550–1614)

  • Pavillon de Flore (Tuileries)

Salomon de Brosse (1575–1626)

Jean Androuet du Cerceau (1585–1649)

Jacques Lemercier (1585–1654) – active for Richelieu

François Mansart (1598–1666)

Louis Le Vau (1612–1670)

Claude Perrault (1613–1688) – responsible for establishing French classicism

Colonnade of the Louvre, designed by Perrault, among others

Libéral Bruant (c. 1636–1697)

Hardouin-Mansart's chapel at Les Invalides

Jules Hardouin Mansart (Jules Hardouin; he adopted the name Mansart in 1668) (1646–1708) – responsible for the massive expansion of the palace of Versailles into a permanent royal residence.

Robert de Cotte (1656–1735) – brother-in-law of J.H. Mansart, whom he assisted on numerous projects

Ange-Jacques Gabriel (1698–1782) – responsible for rococo constructions at Versailles

  • Palace of Versailles (1735–1777) – apartment of the king, Versailles Opera, Library, Petit Trianon (1762–1764)
  • Place de la Concorde (Place Louis XV)
  • École Militaire (1751–1775)

Jacques-Germain Soufflot (1713–1780)

  • The Panthéon (called the Eglise Sainte Geneviève) (1756–1780)
Palais-Royal entrance front by Moreau-Desproux

Joseph Brousseau (1733–1797)

  • Various chateaux in the Limoges and the Limousin region

Pierre-Louis Moreau-Desproux (1727–1793)

Étienne-Louis Boullée (1728–1799)

Claude Nicolas Ledoux (1736–1806) – famous for his mathematical neoclassicism.

Jean-Jacques Lequeu (1757–1826)

Revolution to World War II[]

Henri Labrouste (1801–1875) – famous for his use of steel

Victor Baltard (1805–1874) – famous for his use of steel and glass

Garnier's Paris Opera

Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814–1879) – important theoretician of the 19th-century Gothic revival

Charles Garnier (1825–1898) – celebrated architect of the Second Empire

Clair Tisseur (1827–1896), Romanesque Revival architect and designer

Frantz Jourdain (1847–1935) – Art Nouveau architect and theorist

  • La Samaritaine, Paris (1903-1907)

Eugène Vallin (1856–1922) – Art nouveau architect, member of the École de Nancy

  • (with Georges Biet) (1896)
  • (with Emile André) (1901)
  • (with Georges Biet) (1902)
  • (with Georges Biet) (1904–1906)
  • (1909)

Lucien Weissenburger (1860–1929) – Art nouveau architect, member of the École de Nancy

  • (department store), Nancy (1890–1907)
  • Villa Majorelle, Nancy (with Henri Sauvage) (1898–1901)
  • (printing house), Nancy (1899–1900)
  • , Nancy (1902)
  • , Nancy (1904)
  • , Nancy (1904–1906)
  • and , Nancy (with Alexandre Mienville) (1911)
  • , Nancy (1913)

Hector Guimard (1867–1942) – Art nouveau architect and designer

Émile André (1871–1933) – Art nouveau architect, urbanist and artist, member of the École de Nancy

  • Vaxelaire Department Store, Nancy (with Eugène Vallin) (1901)
  • , Nancy (garden-city), designer (with ) (1901–1906)
  • , Nancy (1903)
  • , Nancy (1902–1903)
  • , Nancy (1902–1904)
  • , Nancy (with Paul Charbonnier) (1908–1910)
  • , Nancy (with Paul Charbonnier) (1908–1910)

Auguste Perret (1874–1954) and his brothers and – important for the first use of reinforced concrete

Paul Tournon (1881–1964)

Robert Mallet-Stevens (1886–1945) – modernist architect influenced by Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret) (1887–1965)

Léon Azéma (1888–1978) – appointed Architect of the City of Paris in 1928

  • Douaumont ossuary (1932)

(1898–1983) – influential use of prefabricated elements

Jean Prouvé (1901–1984) – international style/Bauhaus-inspired

François Spoerry (1912–1999)

Post World War II[]

Montreal's Olympic Stadium by Roger Taillibert

Christian de Portzamparc (born 1944)

  •  – City of Music

Henry Bernard (1912–94)

Jean-Marie Charpentier

Pascale Guédot (born 1960)

Michel Mossessian

Detail from the facade of the Institut du Monde Arabe by Jean Nouvel

Jean Nouvel (born 1945)

Residence Salmson Le Point du Jour, lower income residential building, Boulogne Billancourt, France by Fernand Pouillon, 1958-1963

Fernand Pouillon (1912-1986)

Roger Taillibert

Michel Pinseau

and Jacques Dubois

Florent Nédélec, DPLG

See also[]

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