List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1980

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List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1980.[1]

1980 U.S. and Canadian Fellows[]

  1. John N. Abelson, Chairman, Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology: 1980.
  2. Charles Altieri, Professor of English, University of California, Berkeley: 1980.
  3. , Head, Division of Rheumatology, Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center at Denver: 1980.
  4. , Alexander McLeod Professor of Chemistry, Dalhousie University: 1980.
  5. , Head, Department of Plant Pathology & Ecology, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven: 1980.
  6. , Artist; Visiting Artist, Rhode Island School of Design: 1980.
  7. Benjamin Barber, Walt Whitman Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University: 1980.
  8. Marc Bekoff, Professor of Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder: 1980.
  9. , Professor of History, University of Maryland at College Park: 1980.
  10. Thomas Bender, University Professor of the Humanities, New York University: 1980.
  11. Jerome A. Berson, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Yale University: 1980.
  12. Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Arthur Lehman Professor of Economics, Columbia University: 1980.
  13. Daniel P. Biebuyck, H. Rodney Sharp Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Humanities, University of Delaware: 1980.
  14. Joseph L. Birman, Distinguished Professor of Physics, City College and Graduate Center, City University of New York: 1980.
  15. , Writer, New York City: 1980.
  16. R. Howard Bloch, Augustus R. Street Professor of French, Yale University: 1980.
  17. Thomas Blumenthal, Chair, Professor of Biology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver: 1980.
  18. Paul J. Bohannan, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Dean of Social Sciences and Communications, University of Southern California: 1980.
  19. , Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Northwestern University: 1980.
  20. Samuel Bowles, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst: 1980.
  21. , Film Maker, Ventura, California: 1980.
  22. Olga Broumas, Poet, Provincetown, Massachusetts: 1980.
  23. Jonathan Brown, Carroll and Milton Petrie Professor of Fine Arts, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University: 1980.
  24. Beverly Buchanan, Artist, Athens, Georgia: 1980.
  25. Charles Burnett, Film Maker, Los Angeles: 1980.
  26. Elias Burstein, Mary Amanda Wood Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Pennsylvania: 1980.
  27. Deborah Butterfield, Artist; Assistant Professor of Art, Montana State University: 1980.
  28. Guillermo A. Calvo, Senior Advisor, The International Monetary Fund, Washington DC: 1980.
  29. , Deceased.U.S. History: 1980.
  30. Marvin H. Caruthers, Professor of Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder: 1980.
  31. Robbie Case, Deceased. Education: 1980.
  32. Vija Celmins, Artist, New York City: 1980.
  33. James J. Champoux, Professor of Microbiology, University of Washington: 1980.
  34. Jane Chance, Professor of English, Rice University: 1980. Appointed as Jane Chance Nitzsche.
  35. Alison Becker Chase, Choreographer, Stony Creek, Connecticut: 1980.
  36. Roger Chickering, Professor of History, University of Oregon: 1980.
  37. , Film Maker, New York City: 1980.
  38. John S. Chipman, Regent's Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota: 1980.
  39. David V. Chudnovsky, Research Associate in Mathematics, Columbia University: 1980.
  40. Gregory V. Chudnovsky, Research Associate in Mathematics, Columbia University: 1980.
  41. Selma Jeanne Cohen, Writer, New York City: 1980.
  42. , Professor of Music, University of British Columbia: 1980.
  43. William James Cooper Jr., Boyd Professor of History, Louisiana State University: 1980.
  44. Robert Cumming, Photographer, Whately, Massachusetts: 1980.
  45. Frank A. D'Accone, Professor Emeritus of Musicology, University of California, Los Angeles: 1980.
  46. Robert V. Daniels, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Vermont: 1980.
  47. Joseph W. Dauben, Professor of History and History of Science, Herbert H Lehman College and Graduate Center, City University of New York: 1980.
  48. Warren Dean, Deceased. Spanish and Latin American History: 1980.
  49. Nicholas Delbanco, Robert Frost Collegiate Professor of English Language & Literature and Director, Program in Creative Writing, University of Michigan: 1980.
  50. David Dolphin, Professor of Chemistry, University of British Columbia: 1980.
  51. , Deceased. Near Eastern Studies: 1980.
  52. Wendy Doniger, Mircea Eliade Distinguished Professor of the History of Religion, University of Chicago: 1980. Married name: O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger.
  53. James S. Donnelly, Jr., Professor of History, University of Wisconsin–Madison: 1980.
  54. James Doolin, Artist, Los Angeles, California: 1980.
  55. Ronald G. Douglas, Executive Vice President and Provost, Texas A&M University: 1980.
  56. Robert Drews, Professor of Classics & History, Vanderbilt University: 1980.
  57. Douglas Dunn, Choreographer, New York City: 1980.
  58. , Composer; MacDowell Professor of Music, Columbia University: 1980, 1985.
  59. Stanley L. Engerman, John H. Munro Professor of Economics and Professor of History, University of Rochester: 1980.
  60. , Photographer, Emeryville, California: 1980.
  61. , Composer; Emeritus Professor of Music, New York University: 1980.
  62. , Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures, Brooklyn College, City University of New York: 1980.
  63. , Emeritus Professor of German, University of California, Davis: 1980.
  64. Vivian Fine, Deceased. Music Composition: 1980.
  65. John Miles Foley, William H. Byler Distinguished Chair in the Humanities and Professor of English, University of Missouri-Columbia: 1980.
  66. Andrew Forge, Professor Emeritus of Art, Yale University: 1980.
  67. Allen Forte, Battell Professor of the Theory of Music, Yale University: 1980.
  68. , Professor of Physics, University of Washington: 1980.
  69. , Director, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University: 1980.
  70. Kathleen Fraser, Poet; Professor of Creative Writing, San Francisco State University: 1980.
  71. , Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature, Princeton University; Adjunct Professor of Comparative Literature, Emory University: 1980.
  72. Michael Freeling, Professor of Genetics, University of California, Berkeley: 1980.
  73. , Professor of History, Brandeis University: 1980.
  74. Hans Wilhelm Frei, Deceased. Religion: 1980.
  75. , The Joseph and Ceil Mazer Chair in Jewish Culture in Muslim Lands and Cairo Geniza Studies, Tel-Aviv University: 1980.
  76. , Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, University of British Columbia: 1980.
  77. William Fulton, Professor of Mathematics, Brown University: 1980.
  78. David Gebhard, Deceased. Architecture & Design: 1980.
  79. William H. Gerdts, Professor of Art, Brooklyn College and Graduate Center, City University of New York: 1980.
  80. , Deceased. 20th Century English Literature: 1980.
  81. , Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University: 1980.
  82. Robert J. Gordon, Stanley G. Harris Professor of Social Sciences, Northwestern University: 1980.
  83. Robert Griffith, Professor of History, American University, Washington, DC: 1980.
  84. Phillip A. Griffiths, Director, Institute For Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey: 1980.
  85. , Henry E. Sigerist Professor of History, Rutgers University: 1980.
  86. Bill Gunn, Deceased. Film: 1980.
  87. Marilyn Hacker, Poet, New York City: 1980.
  88. , Professor of Physics, Cornell University: 1980.
  89. Jon Hassler, Writer; Writer-in-Residence, St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota: 1980.
  90. , Chair, Professor of Geological Sciences and Deputy Director for Education, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Columbia University: 1980.
  91. C. Vance Haynes, Professor of Anthropology and Geosciences, University of Arizona: 1980.
  92. , Artist, New York City: 1980.
  93. Daryl Hine, Poet and Translator, Evanston, Illinois: 1980.[2]
  94. Douglas Hofstadter, College Professor of Cognitive Science, Indiana University: 1980.
  95. Tom Holland, Artist, Berkeley, California; Instructor in Painting, College of the San Francisco Art Institute: 1980.
  96. Gerald Holton, Mallinckrodt Professor Emeritus of Physics and Emeritus Professor of the History of Science, Harvard University: 1980.
  97. , Professor of Philosophy, University of Minnesota: 1980.
  98. Donald L. Horowitz, James B. Duke Professor of Law and Political Science, Duke University: 1980.
  99. Morton J. Horwitz, Charles Warren Professor of the History of American Law, Harvard Law School: 1980.
  100. , Professor of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego: 1980.
  101. David L. Hull, Dressler Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University: 1980.
  102. , Photographer; Professor of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Chicago: 1980.
  103. , Professor of Political Science, University of California, Davis, CA: 1980.
  104. Russell Jacoby, Historian, Venice, California: 1980.
  105. Margaret Jenkins, Choreographer; Artistic Director, Margaret Jenkins Dance Company, San Francisco: 1980.
  106. , Photographer, New York City: 1980.
  107. Michael Kammen, Newton C. Farr Professor of American History and Culture, Cornell University: 1980.
  108. Jay Katz, Harvey L. Karp Professorial Lecturer in Law and Psychoanalysis, Yale Law School: 1980.
  109. , Deceased. Planning: 1980.
  110. Herbert C. Kelman, Richard Clarke Cabot Research Professor of Social Ethics, Harvard University: 1980.
  111. , Historian; Professor Emeritus of History, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque: 1980.
  112. James King, Distinguished University Professor, McMaster University: 1980.
  113. , Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles: 1980.
  114. Yoshito Kishi, Morris Loeb Research Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University: 1980.
  115. Victor Klee Jr., Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, University of Washington: 1980.
  116. Herbert S. Klein, Professor of History, Columbia University: 1980.
  117. , Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois: 1980.
  118. , Composer; Adjunct Associate Professor of Music, Baruch College, New York City: 1980.
  119. Ravi S. Kulkarni, Professor of Mathematics, Graduate Center, City University of New York: 1980.
  120. Henry E. Kyburg, Jr., Burbank Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Computer Science, University of Rochester: 1980.
  121. David L. Lambert, Isabel McCutcheon Harte Centennial Chair of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin: 1980.
  122. Ellen Langer, Professor of Psychology, Harvard University: 1980.
  123. Gerda Lerner, Robinson-Edwards Professor Emeritus of History and WARF Senior Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin–Madison: 1980.
  124. Pamela Levy, Artist, Jerusalem: 1980.
  125. William M. Lewis, Jr., Director, Center for Limnology and Chair, Department of Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder: 1980.
  126. Anatoly Liberman, Professor of German and Scandinavian, University of Minnesota: 1980.
  127. Kristin Linklater, Director of Training, Shakespeare & Company, Lenox, Massachusetts: 1980.
  128. Romulus Linney, Writer, New York City: 1980.
  129. , Chester D. Tripp Professor of Humanities, Northwestern University: 1980.
  130. Philip Li-Fan Liu, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University: 1980.
  131. R. Duncan Luce, Distinguished Research Professor of Cognitive Science, University of California-Irvine: 1980.
  132. , Professor of Genetics, Cornell University: 1980.
  133. , Samuel Hazzard Cross Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University: 1980.
  134. Peter Marin, Writer, Santa Barbara California: 1980.
  135. , Honorary Professor of History, Syracuse University: 1980.
  136. , Moore Professor of Latin, Amherst College: 1980.
  137. Odaline de la Martinez, Composer; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music, London: 1980.
  138. Michael Marton, Filmmaker, Burtonsvillle, Maryland: 1980.
  139. Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics, Harvard University: 1980.
  140. Herbert Matter, Deceased. Photography: 1980.
  141. Donald R. Matthews, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Washington: 1980.
  142. William Matthews, Poet; Professor of English, City College, New York City: 1980.
  143. , Professor of English, New York University: 1980.
  144. Marian McPartland, Writer, Composer, and Musician, Port Washington, New York: 1980.
  145. Ana Mendieta, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1980.
  146. Paul Meyvaert, Former Executive Director, Mediaeval Academy of America, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1980.
  147. , Emeritus Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, University of California, Los Angeles: 1980.
  148. Robert Mitsuru Miura, Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia: 1980.
  149. , Writer, Silver Spring, Maryland: 1980.
  150. Joel Mokyr, Chair, Robert H. Strotz Professor of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Economics & History, Northwestern University: 1980.
  151. , Professor of History, State University of New York at Albany: 1980.
  152. Harold J. Morowitz, Director, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, and Clarence Robinson Professor of Biology and Natural Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA: 1980.
  153. Mary Morris, Writer, New York City; Fellow in Creative Writing, American Academy in Rome: 1980.
  154. Edward C. Moses, Artist, Venice, California: 1980.
  155. , Chemist, Brookhaven National Laboratory; Adjunct Associate Professor, Research Institute for Engineering Sciences, Wayne State University: 1980.
  156. Royce W. Murray, Kenan Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1980.
  157. Sydney Nathans, Associate Professor of History, Duke University: 1980.
  158. Homer Neal, Professor of Physics and Chairman, Physics Department, University of Michigan: 1980.
  159. Douglas Francis Nemanic, Film Maker, Gunnison, Colorado: 1980.
  160. , Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Amsterdam: 1980.
  161. Howard Allan Norman, Writer and Translator; Professor of English, University of Maryland: 1980.
  162. Jerry Norman, Emeritus Professor of Chinese Languages and Linguistics, University of Washington: 1980.
  163. Martha Craven Nussbaum, Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics, University of Chicago: 1980.
  164. Mary Oliver, Poet, Provincetown, Massachusetts; Katherine Osgood Chair for Distinguished Teaching, Bennington College: 1980.
  165. , Editor, The Southern Review; Voorhies Professor of English, French and Italian, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge: 1980.
  166. , Deceased. Biography: 1980.
  167. Ian Ousby, Writer, Cambridge, England: 1980.
  168. , Professor Emeritus of English, McMaster University: 1980.
  169. Stephen Pace, Artist, Professor Emeritus of Art, American University: 1980.
  170. Seymour A. Papert, Professor of Media Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 1980.
  171. Robert L. Patten, Lynette S. Autrey Professor in Humanities, Rice University: 1980.
  172. James L. Peacock III, Chair, Kenan Professor of Anthropology and Professor of Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1980.
  173. Russell A. Peck Jr., John Hall Deane Professor of English, University of Rochester: 1980.
  174. Donn Alan Pennebaker, Film Maker; Artist-in-Residence, Leonard Davis Center for the Performing Arts, City College, City University of New York; Professor of Film Studies, Yale University: 1980.
  175. Gordon H. Pettengill, Professor Emeritus of Planetary Physics and Director for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 1980.
  176. Robert Pinsky, Professor of Creative Writing and English, Boston University; Poet Laureate, United States of America: 1980.
  177. , Professor of English, Stanford University: 1980.
  178. , Charles C. Bell Professor of Structural Biology, and Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rice University: 1980.
  179. Paul Rabinow, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley: 1980.
  180. Kenneth N. Raymond, Vice Chairman, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley: 1980.
  181. Eugene Richards, Photographer, Brooklyn, New York: 1980.
  182. Mary Robison, Writer; Briggs-Copeland Assistant Professor of English and American Literature and Languages, Harvard University: 1980.
  183. Susan Rothenberg, Artist, Santa Fe, New Mexico: 1980.
  184. , Professor of Anthropology, Comparative Literature, and Music, Indiana University at Bloomington: 1980.
  185. , Professor of French, University of Virginia: 1980.
  186. , Research Scholar, Hyogo-Ken, Japan: 1980.
  187. Thomas Sanchez, Writer, San Francisco, California: 1980.
  188. , Professor of Spanish, University of California, Davis: 1980.
  189. , Professor of Physics, University of Michigan: 1980.
  190. Harold Scheub, Evjue-Bascom Professor of African Languages and Literature, University of Wisconsin–Madison: 1980.
  191. , Scholar, New York City: 1980.
  192. Howard Schuman, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Research Scientist, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan: 1980.
  193. Michael H. Schwartz, Professor of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook: 1980.
  194. , Professor of Psychology and Director, Program in Linguistics, University of Michigan: 1980.
  195. Sara J. Shettleworth, Professor of Psychology, University of Toronto: 1980.
  196. , Artist, Royal Oak, Michigan: 1980.
  197. , Annie J. Cannon Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware: 1980.
  198. , Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies, Cornell University: 1980.
  199. Marc Simmons, Historian, Cerrillos, New Mexico: 1980.
  200. Josef Skvorecky, Writer; Professor Emeritus of English, University of Toronto: 1980.
  201. , Gil and Frank Multin Professor Emeritus of English, Swarthmore College: 1980.
  202. Elliott R. Sober, Hans Reichenbach Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin–Madison: 1980.
  203. Werner Sollors, Henry B. and Anne M. Cabot Professor of English Literature, Harvard University: 1980.
  204. , Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University: 1980.
  205. Lewis Spratlan, Composer; Professor of Music, Amherst College: 1980.
  206. Jon Stallworthy, Reader in English Literature, University of Oxford: 1980.
  207. Steven M. Stanley, Chairman, Professor of Geological Sciences, Case Western Reserve University: 1980.
  208. , Paul Proswimmer Professor of the Humanities, Brandeis University: 1980.
  209. , Professor of Surgery, Harvard University Medical School: 1980.
  210. Stuart Page Stegner, Professor Emeritus of American Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz: 1980.
  211. Gerald Stern, Poet; Professor Emeritus of English, University of Iowa: 1980.
  212. Charles J. Stone, Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley: 1980.
  213. , Professor of English, Temple University: 1980.
  214. , Professor of Zoology and Resident Associate Director, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington: 1980.
  215. Hiroshi Sugimoto, Photographer, New York City: 1980.
  216. Moss E. Sweedler, Cryptologic Mathematician, National Security Agency and Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Cornell University: 1980.
  217. , Professor of Comparative Culture and Social Science, University of California, Irvine: 1980.
  218. , Professor of English, University of Tulsa: 1980.
  219. , Leon C. Welch Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University: 1980.
  220. C. Richard Tracy, Professor of Zoology, Colorado State University: 1980.
  221. William G. Tucker, Artist; Willow, New York: 1980.
  222. Sherry Turkle, Professor of Sociology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 1980.
  223. , Professor of English, University of California at Berkeley: 1980.
  224. Emil R. Unanue, Chair, Mallinckrodt Professor of Pathology, Washington University of Medicine, St. Louis, MO: 1980.
  225. DeWain Valentine, Artist, Gardena, California: 1980.
  226. Jan M. Vansina, John D. MacArthur and Vilas Professor Emeritus of History and Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin–Madison: 1980.
  227. Sidney Verba, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the University Library, Harvard University: 1980.
  228. Martha J. Vicinus, Professor of English, Women's Studies & History, University of Michigan: 1980.
  229. Maris A. Vinovskis, A.M. and H.P. Bentley Professor of History and Research Scientist, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan: 1980.
  230. , Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Indiana University: 1980.
  231. , Deceased. Political Science: 1980.
  232. , Professor of Theatre and Drama, University of Toledo: 1980.
  233. , Senior Fellow, Institute of Gerontology and Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Boston: 1980.
  234. , Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School: 1980.
  235. Hayden White, Presidential Professor of Historical Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz: 1980.
  236. Alec Wilder, Deceased. Music Composition: 1980.
  237. , Artist and Film Maker, Westport, Connecticut: 1980.
  238. William H. Willis, Professor of Greek in Classical Studies, Duke University: 1980.
  239. John F. Wilson, Agate Brown and George L. Collord Professor of Religion, Princeton University: 1980.
  240. , Professor of Physics and Optical Sciences, University of Arizona: 1980.
  241. Frederick Wiseman, Film Maker, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1980.
  242. Ira Wohl, Film Maker, Beverly Hills, California: 1980.
  243. Isser Woloch, Moore Collegiate Professor of History, Columbia University: 1980.
  244. Gordon S. Wood, Alva O. Way University Professor of History, Brown University: 1980.
  245. Gordon Wright, William H. Bonsall Professor Emeritus of History, Stanford University: 1980.
  246. Shing-Tung Yau, Professor of Mathematics, Harvard University: 1980.
  247. James A. Yorke, Distinguished University Professor; Director, Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland at College Park: 1980.
  248. Wilbur Zelinsky, Professor Emeritus of Geography, Pennsylvania State University: 1980.
  249. Harriet Zuckerman, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Columbia University; Vice President, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation: 1980.
  250. R. Tom Zuidema, Professor of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 1980.
  251. Ellen Taaffe Zwilich, Composer, Riverdale, New York: 1980.

1980 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows[]

  1. , Associate Director, Fertilab, Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1980.
  2. , Senior Specialist, Organización Internacional del Trabajo, Costa Rica: 1980.
  3. René Drucker-Colín, Head, Department of Neuroscience, Center for Research in Cellular Physiology, and Professor of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City: 1980.
  4. , Professor of Andean History, National University of San Marcos, Lima: 1980.
  5. , Career Scientist, National Research Council of Argentina; Associate Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, and Director, Center for Experimental and Applied Endocrinology, National University of La Plata School of Medicine: 1980.
  6. . Professor of Biochemistry, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas: 1980.
  7. Francisco Hervé, Professor of Geology, University of Chile, Santiago: 1980.
  8. , Artist; Professor of Art, University of Washington, Seattle: 1980.
  9. , Film Maker, Bogotá: 1980.
  10. Earl Wilbert Lovelace, Writer, Matura, Trinidad: 1980.
  11. , Head, Professor of Cell Biology, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City: 1980.
  12. , Artist, New York City: 1980.
  13. , Writer, Valencia, Venezuela: 1980.
  14. Catalina Parra (Troncoso), Artist, New York City: 1980.
  15. Liliana Porter, Artist; Professor of Art, Queens College, CUNY: 1980.
  16. , Poet; Vice President, DESCO, Lima, Peru: 1980.
  17. , Professor of Physics, School of Physics and Mathematics, and Associate Professor of Physics, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City: 1980.
  18. , Photographer, São Paulo: 1980.
  19. , Professor Emeritus of Literature, National University of San Marcos, Lima; Director, National Museum of History, Lima: 1980.
  20. Regina Vater, Artist, Austin, Texas: 1980.


  1. ^ "1980-Foundation Program Areas". Guggenheim Foundation. Archived from the original on 16 May 2008. Retrieved 1 January 2019. from Wayback machine
  2. ^ "John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Daryl Hine". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 22 September 2017.

External links[]

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