List of Hylesinus species

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This is a list of 182 species in Hylesinus, a genus of crenulate bark beetles in the family Curculionidae.[1][2][3][4]

Hylesinus species[]

  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Hylesinus aculeatus Say, 1824 i c b (eastern ash bark beetle)
  • Passerini, 1843 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • c g
  • Schedl, 1965f c
  • Schedl, 1959j c
  • Gyllenhal, 1813 c
  • Schedl, 1951d c
  • Leconte, 1876 c
  • c
  • Chapuis, 1869 c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • Perris, 1855 c
  • Wood, 1980b c
  • Sampson, 1921 c
  • Brullé, 1832 c
  • Stark, V.N., 1931c c
  • Kolenati, 1846 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Schedl, 1942c c
  • Gistel, 1848 c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • Hylesinus californicus (Swaine, 1916) i c b (western ash bark beetle)
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Wood, 1986c c
  • Duftschmidt, 1825 c
  • Berger, 1916 c
  • Blandford, 1894c c
  • Stephens, 1829 c
  • Lea, 1910 c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • Blandford, 1894c c
  • Beeson, 1929 c
  • Duftschmidt, 1825 c
  • Panzer, 1813 c g
  • Hylesinus criddlei (Swaine, 1918) i c b
  • LeConte, 1868 c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • Walker, F., 1859 c
  • Schedl (Chapuis in), 1958k c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • Sokanovskii, B.V., 1956 c
  • Walker, F., 1859 c
  • Schedl, 1975e c
  • Scudder, S.H., 1893 c
  • Niisima, 1913a c
  • Thomson, J., 1858 c
  • Schedl, 1942c c
  • Spessivtsev, P., 1919 c
  • Gredler, 1866 c
  • Scudder, S.H., 1893 c
  • Heer, O., 1856 c g
  • Hylesinus fasciatus LeConte, 1868 i c b
  • Lea, 1904 c
  • Panzer, 1795 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Hylesinus fraxini Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Beeson, 1961 c
  • Stephens, 1829 c
  • Duftschmidt, 1825 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Eichhoff, 1868c c
  • Dejean, 1821 c
  • Motschulsky, 1863 c
  • Duftschmid, 1825 c
  • Wood, 1982b c
  • Stephens, 1829 c
  • Schmidt, 1843 c
  • Knotek, 1892b c
  • Klug, 1833 c
  • LeConte, 1858 c
  • Schedl, 1975g c
  • Eichhoff, 1868c c
  • Wollaston, 1864 c
  • Beeson, 1940 c
  • Lea, 1910 c
  • Eggers, 1923a c
  • Eichhoff, 1864b c
  • Blandford, 1894c c
  • Gyllenhal, 1813 c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • Foerster, B., 1891 c g
  • Stark, V.N., 1936a c
  • Dejean, 1821 c
  • Schedl, 1959j c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Schedl, 1975g c
  • Eggers, 1922c c
  • Duftschmidt, 1825 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Hylesinus mexicanus (Wood, 1956) i c b
  • Ratzeburg, 1839 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Hartig, 1834 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Schedl, 1940b c
  • LeConte, 1859 c
  • Petrov & Zherikhin, 2004 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Eggers, 1923a c
  • Blandford, 1894c c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • LeConte, 1868 c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • (Blackman, 1943) i c
  • Fuchs, 1906a c
  • Beeson, 1929 c
  • Gyllenhal, 1813 c
  • Eggers, 1923a c
  • Duftschmidt, 1825 c
  • Duftschmid, 1825 c
  • Schedl, 1955b c
  • Chapuis, 1869 c
  • Eggers, 1927c c
  • Schedl, 1975g c
  • Eggers, 1923a c
  • Stephens, 1829 c
  • Sturm, 1826 c
  • Eggers, 1927a c
  • Ratzeburg, 1837 c
  • Erichson, 1847 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Chapuis, 1869 c
  • Erichson, 1836 c
  • Stark, V.N., 1936a c
  • Costa, 1839 c
  • Hylesinus pruinosus Eichhoff, 1868 i c b
  • Sokanovskii, B.V., 1959a c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Gerstäcker, 1855 c
  • Eichhoff, 1868b c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Perris, 1864a c
  • Chapuis, 1869 c
  • Gyllenhal, 1827 c
  • Eggers, 1939d c
  • Schedl, 1951k c
  • Stephens, 1829 c
  • Sturm, 1826 c
  • Ratzeburg (St. in), 1839 c
  • Chapuis, 1869 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Blandford, 1894c c
  • Stephens, 1829 c
  • Dejean, 1821 c
  • LeConte, 1868 c
  • Kurenzov, 1941a c
  • Eggers, 1923a c
  • Gistl, 1848 c
  • Dejean, 1821 c
  • Nordlinger, 1847 c
  • Redtenbacher, 1858 c
  • Eggers, 1933b c
  • Eggers, 1923a c
  • Eggers, 1930c c
  • Schedl, 1974d c
  • Eggers, 1923a c
  • Redtenbacher, 1842 c
  • Wood & Bright, 1992 c g
  • Forster, A., 1849 c
  • Sahlberg C R, 1836 c
  • Sahlberg C R, 1836 c
  • Sahlberg, 1839 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Perris, 1855 c
  • (D'Anthoine, 1788) g
  • Mueller, 1803 c
  • Blandford, 1894c c
  • Stark, V.N., 1936a c
  • Endrödi, 1957a c
  • (Fabricius, J.C., 1775) c g
  • Petrov, 2002 c
  • Mulsant & Rey, 1861b c
  • Comolli, 1837 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Fabricius, J.C., 1801 c
  • Reitter, 1887b c
  • Blandford, 1896b c

Data sources: i = ITIS,[1] c = Catalogue of Life,[2] g = GBIF,[3] b =[4]


  1. ^ a b "Hylesinus Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2018-04-12.
  2. ^ a b "Browse Hylesinus". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 2018-04-12.
  3. ^ a b "Hylesinus". GBIF. Retrieved 2018-04-12.
  4. ^ a b "Hylesinus Genus Information". Retrieved 2018-04-12.
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