List of Hypothenemus species

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These species belong to the genus Hypothenemus, oriental bark beetles.[1]

Hypothenemus species[]

  • Browne, 1973
  • Wood, 2007
  • (Schedl, 1961)
  • (Eggers, 1920)
  • (Schedl, 1950)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1965)
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • (Eggers, 1924)
  • (Eggers, 1943)
  • (Murayama, 1934)
  • Bright & Torres, 2006
  • Wood, 1974
  • Hypothenemus areccae (Hornung, 1842)
  • Browne, 1978
  • (Eichhoff, 1878)
  • Wood, 1971
  • Eggers, 1932
  • Wood, 1989
  • (Schedl, 1951)
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • (Schedl, 1964)
  • (Eggers, 1935)
  • Hagedorn, 1912
  • Bright & Poinar, 1994
  • Menier, 1971
  • (Schedl, 1967)
  • Browne, 1980
  • Wood, 2007
  • (Schedl, 1950)
  • Peyerimhoff, 1935
  • Schedl, 1959
  • Browne, 1973
  • Bright, 2019
  • Hypothenemus birmanus (Eichhoff, 1878)
  • (Eggers, 1919)
  • (Eggers, 1931)
  • (Eggers, 1927)
  • Eggers, 1932
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • (Eggers, 1922)
  • Eggers, 1943
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1957)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • Hagedorn, 1909
  • (Eichhoff, 1878)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1937)
  • Hypothenemus crudiae (Panzer, 1791)
  • (Eichhoff, 1878)
  • (Schedl, 1936)
  • (Schedl, 1950)
  • Schedl, 1972
  • Schedl, 1957
  • Schedl, 1964
  • (Schedl, 1941)
  • (Sampson, 1922)
  • (Schedl, 1959)
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • Bright, 2019
  • Hypothenemus dissimilis (Zimmermann, 1868)
  • Wood, 1954
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • (Schedl, 1957)
  • (Schedl, 1950)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Wood, 2007
  • (Eichhoff, 1872)
  • (Hagedorn, 1913)
  • LeConte, 1876
  • Hypothenemus eruditus (Westwood, 1834)
  • (Schedl, 1961)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Wood, 1986)
  • Schedl, 1951
  • Schedl, 1959
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • (Eichhoff, 1878)
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • (Schedl, 1957)
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • Schedl, 1939
  • Bright, 2019
  • Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari, 1867)
  • (Wood, 1954)
  • (Eggers, 1919)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1967)
  • Wood, 1974
  • Bright & Peck, 1998
  • Bright, 2019
  • Schedl, 1942
  • Bright, 2019
  • Bright, 2002
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • (Schedl, 1950)
  • (Niisima, 1910)
  • (Eggers, 1908)
  • Beaver, 1995
  • Murayama, 1950
  • (Schedl, 1952)
  • (Perris, 1866)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Eggers, 1927)
  • (Eggers, 1935)
  • Schedl, 1952
  • (Schedl, 1942)
  • (Eggers, 1940)
  • Schedl, 1953
  • (Eggers, 1924)
  • Browne, 1970
  • (Schedl, 1977)
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • (Schedl, 1957)
  • Schedl, 1961
  • Johnson, 2020
  • (Eggers, 1936)
  • (Schedl, 1965)
  • (Schedl, 1953)
  • (Lea, 1910)
  • Wood, 2007
  • (LeConte, 1878)
  • (Eggers, 1927)
  • (Murayama, 1940)
  • (Schedl, 1957)
  • (Eggers, 1940)
  • Schedl, 1965
  • Eggers, 1943
  • (Eggers, 1940)
  • (Schedl, 1962)
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • (Schedl, 1939)
  • (Schedl, 1961)
  • Browne, 1983
  • Wood, 1971
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1941)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1951)
  • (Schedl, 1951)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Hypothenemus obscurus (Fabricius, 1801)
  • (Eichhoff, 1872)
  • Schedl, 1964
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Bright, 2019
  • Browne, 1984
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1934)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Eggers, 1927)
  • (Eggers, 1940)
  • Johnson, Atkinson & Hulcr, 2016
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1972)
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • (Eggers, 1935)
  • (Bright & Torres, 2006)
  • (Wood, 1971)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Eichhoff, 1878)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Perkins, 1900
  • (Schedl, 1965)
  • Wood, 1989
  • Wood, 2007
  • Eggers, 1943
  • (Niisima, 1910)
  • (Eggers, 1924)
  • Browne, 1963
  • (Schedl, 1959)
  • Choo & Woo, 1989
  • Hypothenemus seriatus (Eichhoff, 1872)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Eichhoff, 1868)
  • (Reitter, 1887)
  • (Schedl, 1965)
  • (Schedl, 1957)
  • (Schedl, 1950)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Wood, 1974
  • (Schedl, 1942)
  • Hopkins, 1915
  • (Schedl, 1977)
  • (Schedl, 1965)
  • (Schedl, 1979)
  • Johnson, 2020
  • (Hopkins, 1915)
  • (Schedl, 1951)
  • (Atkinson, 1993)
  • (Schedl, 1942)
  • (Schedl, 1942)
  • Johnson, Atkinson & Hulcr, 2016
  • Wood, 1974
  • Bright, 2019
  • Wood, 1971
  • (Menier, 1971)
  • (Reitter, 1908)
  • (Eichhoff, 1876)
  • Wood, 1974
  • (Schedl, 1942)
  • Bright, 2019
  • Bright, 2019
  • Bright, 2019
  • Bright, 2019
  • Wood, 1974
  • Bright, 2019
  • Wood, 2007
  • Browne, 1970
  • (Reitter, 1907)
  • Bright, 2019
  • (Schedl, 1957)


  1. ^ Johnson, A.J.; Hulcr, J.; Knížek, M.; Atkinson, T.H.; et al. (2020). "Revision of the Bark Beetle Genera Within the Former Cryphalini (Curculionidae: Scolytinae)". Insect Systematics and Diversity. 4 (3). doi:10.1093/isd/ixaa002.
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