List of Ipomoea species

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This is a list of the 644 accepted species in the genus Ipomoea.[1]

Ipomoea species[]

Ipomoea batatas
Ipomoea carnea
  • Ipomoea abrupta R.Br.
  • (Kunth) G.Don
  • (Choisy) Hochst.
  • (Choisy) Hochst. ex Schweinf. & Asch.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Blume
  • O'Donell
  • Schinz
  • Rendle & Britten
  • (O'Donell) J.R.I.Wood & R.Degen
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Ipomoea alba L. – moon vine
  • (Lindl.) Sweet
  • D.F.Austin
  • Griseb.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • O'Donell
  • (D.F.Austin & Staples) J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Ipomoea amnicola Morong – red-center morning glory
  • Fernald
  • L.V.Vasconc. & Sim.-Bianch.
  • Deroin
  • Chiov.
  • O'Donell
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • B.L.Rob. & Bartlett
  • R.W.Johnson
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • House
  • Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. – water spinach, water morning glory, water convolvulus, "Chinese spinach", "swamp cabbage"
  • Ipomoea arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) G.Don
  • A.Chev.
  • Rendle & Britten
  • Hallier f.
  • Meisn.
  • A.Rich.
  • Peter
  • R.W.Johnson
  • (Mart. ex Choisy) Meisn.
  • Vatke
  • Ipomoea aristolochiifolia G.Don
  • Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult.
  • Hallier f.
  • (Choisy) Vatke
  • O'Donell
  • Ooststr.
  • A.Chev.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Ipomoea aurantiaca L.O.Williams
  • Dammer
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Willd.
  • Britten
  • Urb.
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • Ipomoea barbatisepala A.Gray
  • (Choisy) Benth. ex C.B.Clarke
  • Baker
  • Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. – sweet potato, "tuberous morning glory"
  • Ipomoea batatoides Choisy
  • Hallier f.
  • Akoègn., Lisowski & Sinsin
  • Peter
  • (L.) Pers.
  • A.Meeuse
  • Choisy
  • Hallier f.
  • Schinz
  • (Choisy) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Hemsl.
  • Hook.
  • Ipomoea bracteata Cav.
  • R.W.Johnson
  • (Mart. ex Choisy) Meisn.
  • C.T.White
  • Roem. & Schult.
  • Oliv.
  • Meisn.
  • Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet – Coast morning glory, Cairo morning glory, mile-a-minute vine, Messina creeper, railroad creeper
  • Griseb.
  • Ipomoea calobra F.Muell.
  • Meisn.
  • C.Wright ex Griseb.
  • Dammer
  • Gagnep. & Courchet
  • L.
  • Meisn.
  • (Kunth) G.Don
  • Choisy
  • O'Donell
  • A.Gray
  • Ipomoea carnea Jacq. – pink morning glory
  • L.
  • Fernald
  • D.F.Austin
  • O'Donell
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • J.A.McDonald
  • J.R.I.Wood & L.V.Vasconc.
  • O'Donell
  • (M.Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl.
  • Hallier f.
  • Standl.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Standl.
  • Hallier f.
  • O'Donell
  • Kunth
  • Hallier f.
  • Ipomoea chrysocalyx D.F.Austin
  • Hallier f.
  • Hallier f.
  • Baker
  • House
  • Hallier f.
  • Alain
  • Hook.f.
  • Rudolph ex Ledeb.
  • (G.Don) Ooststr. ex J.F.Macbr.
  • Ipomoea coccinea L. – red morning glory, redstar, Mexican morning glory
  • O'Donell
  • (Matuda) D.F.Austin
  • J.R.I.Wood & L.V.Vasconc.
  • Schulze-Menz
  • Hallier f.
  • Greenm.
  • (L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schult.
  • Ipomoea cordatotriloba Dennst. – little violet morning glory, purple bindweed
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Choisy
  • Choisy
  • Thulin
  • Ipomoea corymbosa (L.) Roth – heart-leaved morning glory
  • Hochst. ex Choisy
  • Ipomoea costata F.Muell. ex Benth. – rock morning glory, bush potato
  • Torr. – crest-ribbed morning glory
  • Hook.
  • Hallier f.
  • S.Moore
  • (Thunb.) Hallier f.
  • Hallier f. – trans-Pecos morning glory
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • (House) Urb.
  • Meisn.
  • E.Carranza & J.A.McDonald
  • Rendle
  • J.R.I.Wood & P.Muñoz
  • Meisn.
  • Deroin, Ranir. & Nusb.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Meisn.
  • Ooststr.
  • O'Donell
  • Dammer
  • Choisy
  • De Wild.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • O'Donell
  • R.W.Johnson
  • O'Donell
  • Bojer ex Choisy
  • Steud.
  • J.M.Black ex Eardley
  • Roem. & Schult.
  • Hochst. ex Choisy
  • M.C.Lara
  • Ipomoea digitata L.
  • Gonz.-Martínez & J.Jiménez Ram.
  • (Kunth) G.Don
  • Choisy
  • R.Br.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Rendle
  • Roem. & Schult.
  • (Kunth) Willd. – railwaycreeper
  • (Benth.) L.O.Williams
  • R.W.Johnson
  • House
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • Meisn.
  • Gage
  • Peter – Egger's morning glory
  • D.F.Austin & J.A.McDonald
  • Choisy
  • Hallier f.
  • Z.Y.Zhu
  • Choisy
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Verdc.
  • D.F.Austin
  • (Mart. ex Choisy) Meisn.
  • R.Br.
  • Hallier f.
  • Urb.
  • Hassl. ex O'Donell
  • Hallier f.
  • House
  • A.McDonald
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Griseb.
  • Verdc.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Lindl.
  • Hassl. ex O'Donell
  • Choisy
  • (McPherson) Eckenw.
  • Schulze-Menz
  • Choisy
  • Griseb.
  • (Hochst. ex Choisy) Boiss. ex Hallier f.
  • R.W.Johnson
  • Cham. & Schltdl.
  • Urb.
  • Hallier f.
  • Thulin
  • Vatke
  • K.Afzel.
  • J.A.McDonald
  • (Silva Manso) Choisy
  • K.Keith & J.A.McDonald
  • J.A.McDonald
  • Gardner
  • Ipomoea gracilis R.Br.
  • Rendle
  • R.Br.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • (Dammer) O'Donell
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Oliv.
  • Chodat & Hassl.
  • Chodat & Hassl.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Oliv.
  • (Schinz) Hallier f.
  • Choisy
  • D.F.Austin
  • Gagnep.
  • Vatke & Rensch
  • Benth.
  • Domin
  • Kunth
  • Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. – ivy-leaved morning glory
  • Ipomoea hederifolia L. – scarlet morning glory, scarlet creeper, star ipomoea
  • Ipomoea heptaphylla Sweet – Wright's morning glory
  • Deroin
  • Standl. & Steyerm.
  • Baker
  • Didr.
  • (Kuntze) J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • (Kuntze) O'Donell
  • Vatke
  • Thulin
  • Gardner
  • R.C.Fang & S.H.Huang
  • House
  • Ipomoea holubii Baker
  • O'Donell
  • Ipomoea horsfalliae Hook. – Lady Doorly's morning glory, cardinal creeper, Prince Kuhio vine
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Verdc.
  • Griseb.
  • House
  • Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • (Vahl) Choisy
  • (Britton) Urb.
  • Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr. – oceanblue morning glory, blue morning glory, blue dawn flower
  • (Vell.) Hallier f.
  • Rose
  • House
  • P.Beauv.
  • Verdc.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Buril
  • J.R.I.Wood & R.Degen
  • Matuda
  • Pilg.
  • Ipomoea jalapa (L.) Pursh
  • Griseb.
  • G.Don
  • Brandegee
  • R.L.Barrett
  • Thwaites
  • O'Donell
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Gonz.-Martínez, Lozada-Pérez & Rios-Carr.
  • R.W.Johnson
  • Rendle
  • Lisowski & Wiland
  • Deroin
  • O'Donell
  • Pilg.
  • Vatke
  • Hochst. ex Choisy
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Matuda
  • Meisn.
  • Spreng.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Ipomoea lacunosa L. – whitestar potato, whitestar
  • A.Gray ex S.Watson
  • Fernald
  • E.A.Bruce
  • Choisy
  • O'Donell
  • Hallier f.
  • Vatke
  • H.J.Chowdhery & Debta
  • House
  • B.L.Rob.
  • Lebrun & Taton
  • D.F.Austin
  • Ipomoea leptophylla Torr. – bush morning glory, bush moonflower, manroot
  • Jacq.
  • (Klotzsch) Hallier f.
  • Donn.Sm.
  • O'Donell
  • R.W.Johnson
  • M.Martens & Galeotti
  • A.Gray – Lindheimer's morning glory
  • Urb.
  • Urb.
  • Hallier f.
  • Ipomoea littoralis Blume – white-flowered beach morning glory
  • (Schltdl. ex Kunze) Meisn.
  • Ipomoea lobata (Cerv.) Thell. – fire vine, Spanish flag
  • J.M.Black
  • Choisy
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Sim.-Bianch. & J.R.I.Wood
  • Benth. – pink-throated morning glory
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • O'Donell
  • Hallier f.
  • J.A.McDonald
  • Painter ex House
  • Hemsl.
  • Ekman & Leonard
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • E.Carranza
  • Hoehne
  • Ipomoea macrorhiza Michx. – large-rooted morning glory
  • Brenan
  • Hallier f.
  • S.Watson
  • Sim.-Bianch. & J.R.I.Wood
  • O'Donell
  • Rusby
  • Schinz
  • Choisy
  • O'Donell
  • Meisn.
  • Meisn.
  • D.F.Austin & Secco
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Meisn.
  • O'Donell
  • Britten & Rendle
  • Kuntze
  • Meisn.
  • Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. – giant potato
  • D.F.Austin
  • McPherson
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Choisy
  • J.R.I.Wood & Buril
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Alain
  • (Spreng.) G.Don – Meyer's morning glory
  • Hallier f.
  • Schulze-Menz
  • Griseb. – calcareous morning glory
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Benth.
  • Verdc.
  • M.Martens & Galeotti) House
  • J.A.McDonald
  • P.P.A.Ferreira & Sim.-Bianch.
  • (Pittier) O'Donell
  • Standl.
  • Vatke
  • Hadac
  • Britton
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Benth.
  • (L.) Jacq. – lilacbell
  • Roem. & Schult.
  • (Hook.) G.Nicholson
  • (Spreng.) O'Donell
  • Urb.
  • Urb.
  • Chiov.
  • Hallier f.
  • Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth – white-edged morning glory, ivy morning glory, Japanese morning glory
  • Griseb.
  • McPherson
  • Jara
  • Choisy
  • E.Mey. ex Choisy
  • (Hassl.) O'Donell
  • Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl. – obscure morning glory, small white morning glory
  • (Lindl.) Sweet – fence morning glory
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Ipomoea oenotherae (Vatke) Hallier f.
  • (L.f.) A.Meeuse & Welman
  • Rendle
  • Standl. & Steyerm.
  • Rusby
  • O'Donell
  • (G.Pelletan) Ledeb. ex Steud.
  • (Hallier f.) Thulin
  • O'Donell
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • O'Donell
  • P.P.A.Ferreira & Miotto
  • Ipomoea pandurata (L.) G.Mey. – wild potato vine, big-rooted morning glory, man-of-the-earth, manroot
  • J.R.I.Wood & Urbanetz
  • Chiov.
  • Hallier f.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Peter
  • Hoehne
  • (Kunth) G.Don
  • J.R.I.Wood & L.V.Vasconc.
  • House
  • M.Martens & Galeotti
  • (Silva Manso) Stellfeld
  • Schweinf. & Volkens
  • Kuntze
  • Benth.
  • Hallier f.
  • McPherson
  • Deroin
  • O'Donell
  • Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br. – beach morning glory, goat's foot
  • Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.
  • (Kuntze) Staples & Govaerts
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • House
  • (Vell.) House
  • Gagnep.
  • Roxb.
  • Meisn.
  • O'Donell
  • O'Donell
  • Ipomoea platensis Ker Gawl.
  • A.Gray – Huachuca Mountain morning glory
  • Thulin
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Choisy
  • Verdc.
  • R.W.Johnson
  • Ipomoea polymorpha Roem. & Schult.
  • (Silva Manso) Choisy
  • House
  • Rendle & Britten
  • House
  • C.Wright
  • Eckenw.
  • Welw.
  • Mart. ex Choisy
  • Meisn.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Rendle & Britten
  • (M.Martens & Galeotti) Godm. & Salvin
  • McPherson
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Deroin
  • McPherson
  • J.R.I.Wood & L.V.Vasconc.
  • Lam. – silky morning glory
  • Ipomoea pulcherrima Ooststr.
  • Benth.
  • (Silva Manso) Choisy
  • Ipomoea purga (Wender.) Hayne – Vera Cruz jalap
  • Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth – common morning glory, purple morning glory, tall morning glory
  • Hallier f.
  • Taub.
  • A.Chev.
  • Ipomoea quamoclit L. – cypress vine, cypressvine morning glory, cardinal creeper, cardinal vine, star glory, hummingbird vine
  • J.R.I.Wood & L.V.Vasconc.
  • F.Muell. & Tate
  • Poir.
  • O'Donell
  • (Poir.) Choisy
  • De Wild.
  • Span.
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • Meisn.
  • Jacq.
  • O'Donell
  • (Pittier) D.F.Austin
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • House
  • Verdc.
  • P.P.A.Ferreira & Miotto
  • Standl. & L.O.Williams
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • Rendle
  • House
  • Urb.
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • Hassl.
  • Choisy
  • Verdc.
  • Choisy
  • O'Donell
  • Choisy
  • Sim.-Bianch. & Pirani
  • House – cliff morning glory
  • E.Carranza, Zamudio & Murguía
  • Ipomoea sagittata Poir. – saltmarsh morning glory
  • Ipomoea sagittifolia Burm.f.
  • R.W.Johnson
  • Roxb.
  • Santapau & Patel
  • O'Donell
  • O'Donell
  • O'Donell
  • S.Watson
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • Choisy
  • O'Donell
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Brandegee
  • Felger & Austin
  • House
  • Urb.
  • Donn.Sm.
  • Meisn.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • Sim.-Bianch. & L.V.Vasconc.
  • Baill.
  • Poir.
  • Ker Gawl. – Brazilian morning glory
  • Baker
  • (Torr.) Shinners – narrow-leaved morning glory
  • Baker
  • Thulin
  • Schrad.
  • House
  • Rendle
  • Ipomoea simplex Thunb.
  • D.Hanb. – Tampico jalap
  • Stapf
  • Sebsebe
  • D.F.Austin & J.L.Tapia
  • Hallier f.
  • J.A.McDonald
  • Urb.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • House
  • Benth. ex Meisn.
  • O'Donell
  • Choisy
  • Ipomoea stans Cav.
  • Roem. & Schult.
  • (Standl.) L.O.William
  • Meisn.
  • Hallier f.
  • Millsp. – Steudel's morning glory
  • Ooststr.
  • C.B.Clarke
  • O'Donell
  • (M.Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl.
  • (Choisy) Meisn.
  • Choisy
  • (Meisn.) O'Donell
  • (Chodat & Hassl.) O'Donell
  • O'Donell
  • Burch.
  • (Kunth) G.Don
  • P.P.A.Ferreira & Miotto
  • (La Llave) G.Don
  • Chiov.
  • (Miq.) Ooststr.
  • Meisn.
  • J.A.McDonald & D.F.Austin
  • E.Carranza
  • O'Donell
  • Ipomoea tastensis Brandegee from Baja California Sur
  • L.Torres, R.Torres, M.P.Ramírez & J.A.McDonald
  • Wilkin
  • Meisn.
  • Greenm.
  • (Vahl) Kuntze
  • Torr. – spiderleaf
  • Verdc.
  • Choisy
  • Choisy – rockland morning glory
  • McPherson
  • Jacq.
  • Cav. – triple-leaved morning glory
  • O'Donell
  • Welw.
  • A.Gray – Thurber's morning glory
  • Verdc.
  • (Willd.) Choisy
  • R.W.Johnson
  • A.Meeuse
  • Blume
  • Ipomoea tricolor Cav. – Mexican morning glory
  • Ipomoea trifida (Kunth) G.Don Wild ancestor of the sweet potato
  • Forssk.
  • Ipomoea triloba L. – Krug's white morning glory, littlebell, Aiea morning glory
  • Schulze-Menz
  • Ipomoea tuberculata Ker Gawl.
  • Hook.f.
  • O.Deg. & Ooststr. – Hawaii morning glory
  • Ogunw.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • (Dammer) Hallier f.
  • House
  • Meisn.
  • Baker
  • Chodat & Hassl.
  • Meisn.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • O'Donell
  • R.Br.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • (Desr.) Roem. & Schult.
  • (Meisn.) O'Donell
  • Choisy
  • Lejoly & Lisowski
  • R.E.Fr.
  • Verdc.
  • (Pittier) O'Donell
  • R.W.Johnson
  • Standl.
  • House
  • Ipomoea violacea L. – beach moonflower, sea moonflower
  • Meisn.
  • Choisy
  • Krapov.
  • O'Donell
  • Duchass. ex Urb.
  • J.R.I.Wood & Scotland
  • C.Y.Wu
  • Vatke ex Hallier f.
  • (Wall.) Choisy
  • Rose
  • J.R.Grande & W.Meier
  • A.S.George
  • Verdc.
  • J.A.McDonald

Horticultural hybrids[]

Formerly placed here[]


  1. ^ "Ipomoea L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 2020-04-19.
  2. ^ "GRIN Species Records of Ipomoea". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Archived from the original on 2012-12-11. Retrieved 2010-11-10.
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