List of Kamen Rider Hibiki episodes

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Kamen Rider Hibiki is the 2005 incarnation of the Kamen Rider franchise. It ran for 48 episodes from January 30, 2005 to January 22, 2006.


Ep# Title Writer Original airdate
1"The Echoing Oni"
Transcription: "Hibiku Oni" (Japanese: 響く鬼)
, January 30, 2005 (2005-01-30)
Asumu Adachi and his mother went to Yaku Island for a family reunion. During the boat ride to the island, Asumu meets a man named Hibiki, who has just saved a child from going overboard. On Yaku Island, people are disappearing in the forests and Hibiki goes in to investigate. In the forest, Asumu and his cousin meet Hibiki and also run into a pair of demons known as Douji and Hime of the Makamou. Hibiki goes to fight the Makamou and transforms into an armored figure called an Oni. After destroying one of the two Makamou, the Douji, Hibiki is seen fighting the Makamou by Asumu.
2"The Roaring Spider"
Transcription: "Hoeru Kumo" (Japanese: 咆える蜘蛛)
, February 6, 2005 (2005-02-06)
Hibiki spends the night at the memorial where Asumu is staying. The next day Asumu meets Hibiki out by the beach and they both talk about what Hibiki does for a living. Asumu witnesses Hibiki transform into the Oni to fight the Hime and her child, a demon-spider called Tsuchigumo. After the fight, Asumu begins to take a liking to Hibiki.
3"Falling Voice"
Transcription: "Ochiru Koe" (Japanese: 落ちる声)
, February 13, 2005 (2005-02-13)
Both Adachi and Hibiki return to Tokyo where Hibiki is sent off to defeat a Yamabiko sighted at Okutama. Later on, Hibiki meets Asumu's mother, who is ecstatic to see him. The strain of studying for entrance exams begins to trouble Asumu as he worries about Hibiki and how safe he is with the type of job he has.
4"Running Ichiro"
Transcription: "Kakeru Ichirō" (Japanese: 駆ける勢地郎)
, February 20, 2005 (2005-02-20)
Asumu trails an old man whom he believes has connections to Hibiki after he sees him save a young girl. Elsewhere, Hibiki continues his battle with the Makamou who had been killing people in the forest. After the battle, Hibiki and Kasumi return to Tachibana's sweet shop, where the Asumu and the old man are.
5"Melting Sea"
Transcription: "Tokeru Umi" (Japanese: 熔ける海)
, February 27, 2005 (2005-02-27)
Hibiki and Asumu have a talk about the school that Asumu wants to go to. At school, Asumu is told by a teacher that if he fails his entrance test to Jounan, he will have no second chance so he must not fail. Hibiki is then told of a Makamou, called Bakegani, that has been attacking ships and defeated a fellow Oni, Zanki. He goes to fight the Hime, but was overcome by the Bakegani and is forced into the sea.
6"Beating Soul"
Transcription: "Tataku Tamashii" (Japanese: 叩く魂)
, March 6, 2005 (2005-03-06)
Ibuki, thinking Asumu is Hibiki's student, takes Asumu to where Hibiki and Kasumi are located. Hibiki and Asumu have a discussion about life and the challenges that everyone faces, leaving Asumu with a renewed passion to do well on his entrance exams. Hibiki then returns to battle the Bakegani that defeated him previously.
7"The Blowing Oni"
Transcription: "Ibuku Oni" (Japanese: 息吹く鬼)
, March 13, 2005 (2005-03-13)
Ibuki appears and mistakes Asumu for Hibiki's student, taking him to the sight of a battle. Asumu then joins Hibiki and Ibuki on a trip to defeat an Ittenmomen at Okukuji, where Asumu meets Ibuki's student: Akira Amami.
8"Screaming Wind"
Transcription: "Sakebu Kaze" (Japanese: 叫ぶ風)
, March 20, 2005 (2005-03-20)
An irritated Akira tells Asumu that he will only hinder Hibiki if he continues following him around and that it would be best for him to leave. Asumu wonders just how true her words are and asks Hibiki himself how he feels about it. Ibuki then defeats the Ittenmomen and Akira and Asumu make amends with each other.
9"Wriggling Evil Heart"
Transcription: "Ugomeku Jashin" (Japanese: 蠢く邪心)
, March 27, 2005 (2005-03-27)
10"The Oni Standing in a Line"
Transcription: "Narabitatsu Oni" (Japanese: 並び立つ鬼)
, April 3, 2005 (2005-04-03)
11"Swallowing Wall"
Transcription: "Nomikomu Kabe" (Japanese: 呑み込む壁)
April 10, 2005 (2005-04-10)
12"Revealed Secrets"
Transcription: "Hiraku Himitsu" (Japanese: 開く秘密)
April 17, 2005 (2005-04-17)
13"Berserk Fate"
Transcription: "Midareru Sadame" (Japanese: 乱れる運命)
April 24, 2005 (2005-04-24)
14"Devouring Douji"
Transcription: "Kurau Dōji" (Japanese: 喰らう童子)
May 1, 2005 (2005-05-01)
15"Weakening Thunder"
Transcription: "Niburu Ikazuchi" (Japanese: 鈍る雷)
May 8, 2005 (2005-05-08)
Asumu returns home after spending a week hospitalized and begins his recuperation. Elsewhere, Zanki reveals that he will soon be retiring and expects his apprentice Todoyama to take his place, a revelation that Todoyama is less than pleased with. Even more, they are called to aid Sabaki at Tsukama Village, where a Yamaarashi is running rampant.
16"The Roaring Oni"
Transcription: "Todoroku Oni" (Japanese: 轟く鬼)
May 15, 2005 (2005-05-15)
Zanki and Todoyama come to Sabaki's rescue after being captured by the Yamaarashi. Zanki begins to weaken and proves unable to defeat the Yamaarashi. Todoyama takes Zanki's place and destroys his first giant type Makamou. As Zanki retires, Todoyama refuses to take his name, instead wanting to make a name for himself, Zanki dubs him Todoroki, the roaring Oni.
17"A Targeted Town"
Transcription: "Nerawareru Machi" (Japanese: 狙われる街)
May 22, 2005 (2005-05-22)
Kasumi and Ibuki go clothes-shopping on their day-off. After shopping and during their meal, Ibuki sees a Douji and Hime pair in the city and begins his pursuit. Elsewhere, Hitomi is having mixed feelings about Asumu and Akira spending so much time together. After defeating the Douji-Hime pair, Ibuki is attacked by an Oonamazu stomach. After its retreat, Ibuki calls Akira and asks her to bring his Reppu.
18"Unbroken Hurricane"
Transcription: "Kujikenu Shippū" (Japanese: 挫けぬ疾風)
May 29, 2005 (2005-05-29)
Akira makes her way towards the ever-changing location of the Oonamazu. Asumu then heads to Tachibana's and ends up helping Hinaka deal with the influx of customers. Later, Ibuki once again takes on the Oonamazu stomach, only to be severely burned by its stomach acids. As she heads towards the battle, a puppet-type Makamou causes Akira to collapse under a bridge. Ibuki then proceeds to fight the Oonamazu for the final time.
19"Strumming Warrior"
Transcription: "Kakinarasu Senshi" (Japanese: かき鳴らす戦士)
June 5, 2005 (2005-06-05)
Asumu begins his first day at Tachibana's Sweets Shop and discovers that Todoroki and Hitomi are related. Todoroki continues to fight the Bakegani as Kasumi notices something is wrong with him. Zanki later arrives after he is called by Ichiro to examine a recording of Todoroki's peculiar fighting style.
20"The Pure Sound"
Transcription: "Kiyomeru Oto" (Japanese: 清める音)
June 12, 2005 (2005-06-12)
Zanki visits Todoroki on the battlefield to question about his style of fighting. Asumu begins to have troubles at Tachibana's and is then pulled into a conversation with Ichiro about the Oni. Hibiki later joins Todoroki in a fight against an Amikiri. Zanki later makes a decision about his and Todoroki's future.
21"Demons Drawn Together"
Transcription: "Hikiau Mamono" (Japanese: 引き合う魔物)
June 26, 2005 (2005-06-26)
22"Changing into a Cocoon"
Transcription: "Bakeru Mayu" (Japanese: 化ける繭)
July 3, 2005 (2005-07-03)
23"Summer of Training"
Transcription: "Kitaeru Natsu" (Japanese: 鍛える夏)
July 10, 2005 (2005-07-10)
24"Burning Crimson"
Transcription: "Moeru Kurenai" (Japanese: 燃える紅)
July 17, 2005 (2005-07-17)
25"Running Azure"
Transcription: "Hashiru Konpeki" (Japanese: 走る紺碧)
July 24, 2005 (2005-07-24)
26"Counting the Days"
Transcription: "Kizamareru Hibi" (Japanese: 刻まれる日々)
August 7, 2005 (2005-08-07)
27"Passing Down the Bond"
Transcription: "Tsutaeru Kizuna" (Japanese: 伝える絆)
August 14, 2005 (2005-08-14)
28"Unending Malice"
Transcription: "Taenu Akui" (Japanese: 絶えぬ悪意)
August 21, 2005 (2005-08-21)
29"Shining Boy"
Transcription: "Kagayaku Shōnen" (Japanese: 輝く少年)
August 28, 2005 (2005-08-28)
30"Premonition of Training"
Transcription: "Kitaeru Yokan" (Japanese: 鍛える予感)
Toshiki InoueSeptember 4, 2005 (2005-09-04)
31"Surpassing Father"
Transcription: "Koeru Chichi" (Japanese: 超える父)
Toshiki InoueSeptember 11, 2005 (2005-09-11)
32"Bursting Song"
Transcription: "Hajikeru Uta" (Japanese: 弾ける歌)
Toshiki InoueSeptember 18, 2005 (2005-09-18)
33"The Armed Blade"
Transcription: "Matō Yaiba" (Japanese: 装甲う刃)
Toshiki InoueSeptember 25, 2005 (2005-09-25)
34"Beloved Bonito"
Transcription: "Koisuru Katsuo" (Japanese: 恋する鰹)
Toshiki InoueOctober 2, 2005 (2005-10-02)
35"Confusing Angel"
Transcription: "Madowasu Tenshi" (Japanese: 惑わす天使)
Toshiki InoueOctober 9, 2005 (2005-10-09)
36"Starving Shuki"
Transcription: "Ueru Shuki" (Japanese: 飢える朱鬼)
Toshiki InoueOctober 16, 2005 (2005-10-16)
37"Revived Lightning"
Transcription: "Yomigaeru Ikazuchi" (Japanese: 甦る雷)
Toshiki InoueOctober 23, 2005 (2005-10-23)
38"Broken Ongeki"
Transcription: "Yabureru Ongeki" (Japanese: 敗れる音撃)
Shōji YonemuraOctober 30, 2005 (2005-10-30)
39"Your Beginning"
Transcription: "Hajimaru Kimi" (Japanese: 始まる君)
Shōji YonemuraNovember 13, 2005 (2005-11-13)
40"Nearing Orochi"
Transcription: "Semaru Orochi" (Japanese: 迫るオロチ)
Toshiki InoueNovember 20, 2005 (2005-11-20)
41"The Awakening Mentor and Student"
Transcription: "Mezameru Shitei" (Japanese: 目醒める師弟)
Toshiki InoueNovember 27, 2005 (2005-11-27)
42"Ferocious Demons"
Transcription: "Takeru Yōma" (Japanese: 猛る妖魔)
Toshiki InoueDecember 4, 2005 (2005-12-04)
43"An Unchangeable Body"
Transcription: "Kawarenu Karada" (Japanese: 変われぬ身)
Toshiki InoueDecember 11, 2005 (2005-12-11)
44"Forbidden Secret"
Transcription: "Himeru Kindan" (Japanese: 秘める禁断)
Toshiki InoueDecember 18, 2005 (2005-12-18)
45"Dying a Glorious Death, Zanki"
Transcription: "Sangesuru Zanki" (Japanese: 散華する斬鬼)
Toshiki InoueDecember 25, 2005 (2005-12-25)
Despite running out of time, Zanki still goes on to fight the Makamou. Todoroki, bringing his still injured self in the battlefield, fights alongside his master in Zanki's final battle. After the cleansing, Zanki declared Todoroki's independent status as an Oni and disappears forever, leaving behind his brace and guitar.
46"Mastering the Oni Way"
Transcription: "Kiwameru Onidō" (Japanese: 極める鬼道)
Toshiki InoueJanuary 8, 2006 (2006-01-08)
47"The Talking Back"
Transcription: "Kataru Senaka" (Japanese: 語る背中)
Toshiki InoueJanuary 15, 2006 (2006-01-15)
48 (Final)"Dreaming of Tomorrow"
Transcription: "Asunaru Yume" (Japanese: 明日なる夢)
Toshiki InoueJanuary 22, 2006 (2006-01-22)
A year has passed since the sealing of the Orochi and all the Oni have survived the great battle. Asumu and Hibki have become estranged as Asumu graduates and becomes an assistant at a local hospital. When a child is thrown over a cliff, Asumu rushes to his rescue and soon calls Kyosuke for help. After the ordeal, the two discuss the changes in their life and are soon attacked by a new type of Makamou. Kyosuke is knocked out and Asumu tends to his wounds, though soon Kyosuke transforms into his own Oni form to fight off the Makamou, the two then learn Mochida has been kidnapped and go to her rescue. After saving her, the group is attacked by the same Makamou from before and Kyosuke transforms to fight it before being knocked out just as Ibuki and Todoroki arrive. Hibiki arrives before long and defeats the Makamou as a new massive worm type appears. Asumu is knocked out by the Makamou and upon awakening, shares a discussion with Hibiki on a cliff overlooking the ocean in a scene reminiscent of their first deep discussion two years ago on Yaku island.
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