List of MMA Tombs

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The List of MMA Tombs includes all tombs excavated by Herbert Eustis Winlock (1884 – 1950), an archeologist who worked for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Some of the tombs also have a TT-designation, which refers to their provenience in the Theban Necropolis of Egypt.

List of MMA Tombs[]

MMA Designation TT Designation Owner(s) Location Period
MMA 31 TT319 Neferu II,[1] Royal Wife Deir el-Bahari Montuhotep II, 11th Dynasty
MMA 56 Ankhshepenwepet[1] Deir el-Bahari 25th Dynasty
MMA 57 Khamhor[1] Deir el-Bahari 26th Dynasty
MMA 59 Hennutawy F, Chantress of Amun Deir el-Bahari 21st Dynasty
MMA 60[1][2] Djedmutesankh - Chief of the Harim of Amun
Henuttawy B - Daughter of Pinedjem I
Henuttawy C - Chief of the Harim of Amun, Flutist of Mut, and God's Mother of Khonsu
Menkheperre C - God's Father, Priest of Amun-Re
Nesenaset - Chantress of Amun
Tiye - Chantress of Amun
Deir el-Bahari 18th Dynasty, 21st Dynasty
MMA 65 TT358 Ahmose-Meritamun, Wife of Amenhotep I
Nauny, King's Daughter of His Body, Singer of Amun
Deir el-Bahari 18th Dynasty
21st Dynasty
Nameless, possibly Meketre?, Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
MMA 506 Anonymous Deir el-Bahari 12th Dynasty
MMA 507 Tomb of the slain soldiers [3] Deir el-Bahari 12th Dynasty
MMA 508 TT311 Kheti, Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
[4] Nespakheshuty, Governor of town and Vizier Deir el-Bahari 26th Dynasty, time of Psamtik I
MMA 509a[4] Unknown, perhaps Bebi, Vizier Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
[4] Henenu, Great steward Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
MMA 511 Possibly Henu Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
Harhotep, Seal-bearer of the King of Lower Egypt Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
MMA 514 Multiple burials Deir el-Bahari 12th Dynasty
[4] Ipi, Governor of the town and Vizier, Judge Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
MMA 517[4] TT240 Meru, Overseer of sealers El-Assasif 11th Dynasty
Neferhotep, Head of the archers Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
MMA 521 Statue of Iqer from this tomb Deir el-Bahari 11th Dynasty
MMA 729 Rennefer (Chamber A)
Neferkhawet (chamber B)
Baki (III) (East chamber)
Amenemhat (East Chamber)
Ruiu (IV) (East Chamber)
El-Assasif 18th Dynasty Thutmosis I - Thutmosis III
MMA 801 Saiah, Wab Priest
Djedbastet Scribe of the House of the Divine votaress of Amun
(Ta)Tiaset, Chantress of Amun
Nayefennbu, son of Saiah
Deir el-Bahari 22nd Dynasty
Dagi, Governor of the town and Vizier Sheikh Abd el-Qurna 11th Dynasty
MMA 808 Sebeknakht Sheikh Abd el-Qurna 11th -18th Dynasty
MMA 812 El-Assasif 11th Dynasty
MMA 813 El-Assasif 11th -18th Dynasty
MMA 816 El-Assasif 11th Dynasty
MMA 817 El-Assasif 11th -18th Dynasty
MMA 818 El-Assasif 11th Dynasty
MMA 819 El-Assasif 11th -18th Dynasty
Djar, King's Guard of the Inner Palace El-Assasif 11th Dynasty
MMA 821 El-Assasif 11th -18th Dynasty
MMA 824 El-Assasif 11th -18th Dynasty
MMA 825 El-Assasif 21st -30th Dynasty
MMA 830 El-Khokha various
MMA 832 Aafenmut, and late period intrusive burial of Pakherkhonsu El-Khokha 22nd Dynasty
MMA 834 Wesi El-Khokha 18th Dynasty
MMA 839 El-Assasif 11th Dynasty
MMA 840 El-Assasif 12th -17th Dynasty
MMA 850 Sheikh Abd el-Qurna 11th Dynasty
MMA 1021 Amenemhat Q,[5] King's Son El-Assasif 18th Dynasty
MMA 1101 TT280 Meketre Sheikh Abd el-Qurna 11th Dynasty
MMA 1102 TT22 Wah, Royal Butler, usurped by Meryamun, King's Son Sheikh Abd el-Qurna


  1. ^ a b c d H. E. Winlock, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, New Series, Vol. 19, No. 12, THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART: THE EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 1923-1924, (December 1924), pp. 5-33
  2. ^ Elena Pischikova, Julia Budka, Kenneth Griffin, Thebes in the First Millennium BC, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp 39-41,46, 47, 51
  3. ^ Carola Vogel, Fallen Heroes?: Winlock's 'Slain Soldiers' Reconsidered, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 89 (2003), pp. 239-245
  4. ^ a b c d e Elena Pischikova, Reliefs from the Tomb of the Vizier Nespakashuty: Reconstruction, Iconography, and Style, Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 33 (1998), pp. 57-101
  5. ^ Salima Ikram, A Re-Analysis of Part of Prince Amenemhat Q's Eternal Menu, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Vol. 48 (2012), pp. 119-135
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