List of Rosa species

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There is significant disagreement over the number of true rose species. Some species are so similar that they could easily be considered variations of a single species, while other species show enough variation that they could easily be considered to be different species. Lists of rose species usually show more than 320.[1]

Subgenera and sections[]

There are currently four subgenus in the Rosa genus though there has been some disputes over the years.[2] The four subgenera are:

  • Hulthemia (formerly Simplicifoliae, meaning "with single leaves") containing one or two species from southwest Asia, R. persica and R. berberifolia (syn. R. persica var. berberifolia) which are the only roses without compound leaves or stipules.
  • Hesperrhodos (from the Greek for "western rose") has two species, both from southwestern North America. These are R. minutifolia and R. stellata.
  • Platyrhodon (from the Greek for "flaky rose", referring to flaky bark) with one species from east Asia, R. roxburghii.
  • Rosa (the type subgenus) containing all the other roses. This subgenus is subdivided into 11 sections.
    • Banksianae – white and yellow roses from China
    • Bracteatae – three species, two from China and one from India
    • Caninae – pink and white species from Asia, Europe and North Africa
    • Carolinae – white, pink, and bright pink species all from North America
    • Chinensis – white, pink, yellow, red and mixed-color roses from China and Burma
    • Gallicanae – pink to crimson and striped roses from western Asia and Europe
    • Gymnocarpae – a small group distinguished by a deciduous receptacle on the hip; one species in western North America (R. gymnocarpa), the others in east Asia
    • Laevigatae – a single white species from China
    • Pimpinellifoliae – white, pink, bright yellow, mauve and striped roses from Asia and Europe
    • Rosa (syn. sect. Cinnamomeae) – white, pink, lilac, mulberry and red roses from everywhere but North Africa
    • Synstylae – white, pink, and crimson roses from all areas


Rosa canina
Rosa gallica
Rosa rubiginosa
Rosa spinosissima

The following species are accepted:[1]

  • Gren. ex Christ
  • Khat. & Koobaz
  • Gadzh.
  • Rosa abyssinica R.Br. ex Lindl.
  • Chrshan.
  • Rosa acicularis Lindl. – arctic rose, prickly rose (Rosa)
  • Galushko
  • Rosa agrestis Savi – fieldbriar (Caninae)
  • Tkatsch.
  • Regel
  • Crép. ex Juz.
  • Rapin
  • Husseinov
  • Kult.
  • Bastard
  • Rosa arabica (Crép. ex Boiss.) Déségl.
  • Tchubar
  • Juz. & Galushko
  • Rosa arkansana Porter – wild prairie rose, Arkansas rose (Rosa)
  • Rosa arvensis Huds. – field rose, trailing rose (Synstylae)
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rouy & E.G.Camus
  • Husseinov
  • Q.L.Wang
  • Galushko
  • Willd.
  • Rosa banksiae R.Br.
  • Baker
  • Galushko
  • Cardot
  • Rosa beggeriana Schrenk – (Gymnocarpae)
  • Rehder & E.H.Wilson
  • Nevski
  • Ozanon
  • Rouy & L.C.Lamb.
  • Tratt.
  • Duffort ex Rouy
  • Vaezi, Arjmandi & Sharghi
  • Wolley-Dod
  • Boreau
  • Rosa blanda Aiton – smooth rose
  • Crép.
  • Greene
  • Rosa bracteata J.C.Wendl. – Chicksaw Rose, Macartney Rose (Bracteatae)
  • Rosa bridgesii Crép. ex Rydb.
  • Chrshan.
  • Rosa brunonii Lindl. – Himalayan musk rose, Brown's musk rose (Synstylae)
  • Chrshan.
  • Chrshan.
  • Rosa caesia Sm.
  • Tkatsch.
  • Lipsch. & Sumnev.
  • Rosa californica Cham. & Schltdl. – California wild rose (Rosa)
  • Cardot
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rosa canina L. – dog rose (Caninae)
  • Rosa carolina L. – Carolina rose, pasture rose (Carolinae)
  • Besser
  • Baker
  • Ozanon
  • Rapin ex Reut.
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Rosa chinensis Jacq.
  • H.Lindb.
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rosa clinophylla Thory – (Bracteatae)
  • Gren.
  • Rosa corymbifera Borkh. – (Caninae)
  • Rolfe
  • Lagger & Puget ex Cottet
  • Nyár.
  • Husseinov
  • T.C.Ku
  • Husseinov
  • Pall.
  • Rosa davidii Crép. – Father David's rose (Rosa)
  • T.C.Ku
  • T.C.Ku
  • Boreau
  • Dubovik
  • Galushko
  • Manden.
  • Dubovik
  • Ripart ex Déségl.
  • Chrshan.
  • Mironova
  • Lunell
  • Bechst. – glaucous dog rose
  • Thuill.
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Aitch. ��� (Pimpinellifoliae)
  • Boiss. & Hausskn.
  • S.Watson
  • Manden.
  • Ker.-Nagy
  • Boulenger
  • Stapf ex Cox – Farrer's threepenny-bit rose
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rosa filipes Rehder & E.H.Wilson
  • Rosa foetida Herrm. – Austrian briar (Pimpinellifoliae)
  • Nutt.
  • Boulenger
  • Ziel.
  • (Makino) Makino
  • Chrshan. & Iskend.
  • Rosa gallica L. – French rose, rose of Provins (Gallicanae)
  • Demurova
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Crép.
  • C.A.Mey. ex Rupr.
  • Gadzh.
  • Rosa glauca Pourr. – redleaf rose
  • Wolley-Dod
  • Rehder & E.H.Wilson
  • Besser
  • Rehder & E.H.Wilson
  • Chrshan.
  • (Baker) Maskew
  • Rosa gymnocarpa Nutt. – (Gymnocarpae)
  • W.H.Lewis
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Tratt.
  • Rehder & E.H.Wilson – (Synstylae)
  • Rosa hemisphaerica Herrm. – sulphur rose (Pimpinellifoliae)
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rosa henryi Boulenger
  • T.L.Xu
  • Templeton
  • Lonacz.
  • (Regel) Nakai
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Erlanson
  • H.Ohba & S.Akiyama
  • Steven ex M.Bieb.
  • Chrshan.
  • Chrshan. ex Gadzh.
  • Rosa indica L.
  • Fr.
  • Sm.
  • Demurova
  • Manden.
  • Gadzh. & Iskand.
  • Siebold ex Regel
  • Gadzh. & Iskand.
  • Vassilcz.
  • Husseinov
  • Tkatsch.
  • Sosn.
  • Galushko
  • (Regel) Regel ex Juz. – (Pimpinellifoliae)
  • Tkatsch.
  • Kom.
  • Boiss.
  • Nevski
  • Golitsin
  • T.C.Ku
  • T.T.Yu & H.T.Tsai
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Rosa laevigata Michx. – Cherokee rose, camellia rose, Mardan rose (Laevigatae)
  • D.C.Zhang & J.Z.Shao
  • F.P.Metcalf
  • Retz. – (Rosa)
  • (Thory) Wight & Arn.
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Besser
  • Ravaud ex Rouy
  • Bertol.
  • L.Q.Zhao & Y.Z.Zhao
  • H.Lév.
  • Rosa lucieae Franch. & Rochebr. ex Crép.
  • T.C.Ku
  • Lindl. – (Rosa)
  • H.Lév.
  • Rosa majalis Herrm. – cinnamon rose (Rosa)
  • H.Ohba
  • Gadzh.
  • Déségl.
  • F.Lees
  • Wallr.
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Regel
  • W.H.Lewis
  • W.H.Lewis
  • H.Lindb.
  • Borrer ex Sm.
  • Mikanagi & H.Ohba
  • Rosa minutifolia Engelm. – (Hesperrhodos)
  • Nakai
  • T.C.Ku
  • Hesl.-Harr.
  • Wolley-Dod
  • Rosa mollis Sm.
  • H.Ohba
  • Chaix
  • Hayata
  • Rosa moschata Herrm. – musk rose
  • Rosa moyesii Hemsl. & E.H.Wilson – (Rosa)
  • Hemsl. & E.H.Wilson – (Rosa)
  • Rosa multiflora Thunb. – multiflora rose (Synstylae)
  • Rehder & E.H.Wilson
  • Crép.
  • Rosa nitida Willd. – (Carolinae)
  • Besser
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rosa nutkana C.Presl – Nootka rose, Nutka rose
  • Galushko
  • Rosa odorata (Andrews) Sweet
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rydb.
  • Rosa omeiensis Rolfe
  • Makino
  • A.Dupont ex Ser.
  • Rawat & Pangtey
  • Manden.
  • M.Bieb.
  • Rosa oxyodon Boiss.
  • Galushko
  • Korkmaz & Kandemir
  • Rydb.
  • Rosa palustris Marshall – swamp rose (Carolinae)
  • (Makino ex Koidz.) Momiy.
  • Rehder
  • Kult.
  • Rosa pendulina L.
  • Rolfe
  • Rosa persica Michaut ex Juss.
  • Gren. ex Crép.
  • Boiss.
  • Rosa pinetorum A.Heller
  • T.C.Ku
  • Juz.
  • Rosa pisocarpa A.Gray
  • Schrenk
  • Spreng.
  • Chrshan.
  • Rosa pouzinii Tratt.
  • Wolley-Dod
  • Bijh.
  • Galushko
  • Rosa prattii Hemsl.
  • Hayata
  • Rosa primula Boulenger – incense rose (Pimpinellifoliae)
  • Galushko
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Crép. ex W.M.Rogers
  • (R.Keller) Henker & G.Schulze
  • Galushko
  • Koidz.
  • M.Bieb.
  • Waldst. & Kit.
  • Gremli
  • Lonacz.
  • Druce
  • Duffort ex Rouy
  • Tratt. – chestnut rose, burr rose (Platyrhodon)
  • Rosa rubiginosa L. – sweetbriar, eglantine (Caninae)
  • H.Lév. & Vaniot
  • Rosa rugosa Thunb. – Ramanas rose, Japanese rose (Rosa)
  • Tkatsch.
  • J.Woods
  • Rapin
  • Koidz.
  • Baker
  • Rolfe
  • Winch ex Sm.
  • Boiss.
  • Crép.
  • Rosa sempervirens L. – evergreen rose (Synstylae)
  • Viv.
  • Rosa sericea Lindl. – winged rose (Pimpinellifoliae)
  • Rolfe
  • Rosa setigera Michx. – climbing rose (Synstylae)
  • Hemsl. & E.H.Wilson
  • T.C.Ku
  • Davies
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • T.C.Ku
  • Tkatsch.
  • Crép. – (Synstylae)
  • Rosa spinosissima L.
  • Dematra
  • Rosa spithamea S.Watson
  • (A.Rau) Boreau
  • Rosa stellata Wooton – gooseberry rose, Sacramento rose (Hesperrhodos)
  • Desv.
  • Husseinov
  • (Woods) Ley
  • Wolley-Dod
  • Chrshan.
  • Nakai
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Chrshan.
  • Galushko
  • Juz.
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Husseinov
  • Wolley-Dod
  • Rosa tomentosa Sm.
  • Manden.
  • Hayata
  • Raikova ex Sumnev.
  • Pax & K.Hoffm.
  • Crép.
  • Rouy
  • Regel
  • Galushko
  • Buzunova
  • Husseinov
  • Tkatsch.
  • Mérat
  • W.H.Lewis
  • Rosa villosa L.
  • Rosa virginiana Mill.
  • Duffort ex Rouy
  • Waitz ex Tratt.
  • E.Willm.
  • Rosa webbiana Wall. ex Royle
  • T.T.Yu & T.C.Ku
  • Rosa willmottiae Hemsl. – (Gymnocarpae)
  • Rosa woodsii Lindl. – mountain rose
  • Rosa xanthina Lindl. – Manchu rose
  • Wiesb.
  • Demurova
  • T.C.Ku
  • Gadzh.

See also[]


  1. ^ a b "Rosa L." Plants of the World Online. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 18 June 2021.
  2. ^ [1], The genus Rosa (Rosoideae, Rosaceae) revisited: molecular analysis of nrITS-1 and atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer (IGS) versus conventional taxonomy, 2005

External links[]

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