List of Russian historical films

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Historical or period drama is a film genre in which stories are based on historical events and famous persons. Some historical dramas attempt to accurately portray a historical event or biography, to the degree that the available historical research will allow. Other historical dramas are fictionalised tales that are based on an actual person and their deeds.

This is a list of films that are based on actual events. All films on this list are from Russian production unless indicated otherwise.

Not all films have remained true to the genuine history of the event or the characters they are portraying, often adding action and drama to increase the substance and popularity of the film. For films pertaining to the history of Near Eastern and Western civilisation, please refer to list of historical period drama films and series set in Near Eastern and Western civilization.

The action in the majority of the films is set in the region of modern Russia.


Title Original title Release year Time period Settings, Events Personalities External
Viking Викинг 2016 970–1016 Kievan Rus' Vladimir I of Kiev
Prince Vladimir Князь Владимир 2006 980–1015 Kievan Rus Vladimir I of Kiev
Knights' Novel Рыцарский роман 2000 1096–1099 Byzantine Empire, First Crusade
Iron Lord Яросла́в. Ты́сячу лет наза́д 2010 1010 Yaroslav the Wise
Mongol Монгол 2007 1192–1227 Mongolia Genghis Khan
The Scythian Скиф 2018 1090 Tmutarakan
Alexander Александр. Невская битва 2008 1239—1240 Alexander Nevsky
Furious Легенда о Коловрате 2017 1223–1242 Siege of Ryazan Evpaty Kolovrat
The Horde Орда 2012 1357 Golden Horde Alexius, Metropolitan of Kiev
Land of Legends Сердце Пармы 2022 1451 Great Perm Mikhail Yermolaevich
Czar Царь 2009 1566—1569 Principality of Moscow, Tsardom of Russia Ivan the Terrible
Кровавая леди Батори 2015 1590—1610 Kingdom of Hungary Elizabeth Báthory
1612 1612: Хроники смутного времени 2007 1612 Tsardom of Russia, Time of Troubles
Russian Ark Русский ковчег 2000 1800–2000 History of Russia Hermitage Museum
The Sovereign's Servant Слуга государев 2007 1709 Battle of Poltava
Тобол 2019 1714–1716
Peter the Great Пётр Великий

(Жизнь и смерть Петра Великого)

1910 1685—1725 Russian Empire Peter the Great
Tsarevich Alexei Царевич Алексей 1997 1714—1718 Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia
Taras Bulba Тарас Бульба 2009 1740 Taras Bulba
1812 1812 1912 1812 French invasion of Russia
The Ballad of Uhlans Уланская баллада 2012 1812 Battle of Borodino
Vasilisa Василиса 2014 1812 French invasion of Russia Vasilisa Kozhina
Форт Росс: В по́исках приключе́ний 2014 1860 Fort Ross, California
Union of Salvation Союз спасения 2019 1825 Decembrist revolt, Union of Salvation
Defence of Sevastopol Оборона Севастополя 1910 1854—1855 Siege of Sevastopol, Crimean War
The State Counsellor Статский советник 2005 1876 Russian Empire
The Turkish Gambit Турецкий гамбит 2005 1877 Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878)
The Duelist Дуэлянт 2016 1860 Aleutian Islands and Saint-Petersburg
The Barber of Siberia Сибирский цирюльник 1998 1870
The Silver Skates Серебряные коньки 2020 1899 Russian empire
Yolki 1914 Ёлки 1914 2014 1914
Admiral Адмиралъ 2008 1914–1917, 1964 World War I, Russian Revolution, Russian civil war Aleksandr Kolchak
Matilda Матильда 2017 1890–1896 Matilda Kshesinskaya and Nicholas II
Wild League Дикая Лига 2019 1909
Raspoutine Распутин 2011 1916 Grigori Rasputin
The Romanovs: An Imperial Family Романовы. Венценосная семья 2000 1917 Sverdlovsk, Russian Republic Nicholas II of Russia
Battalion Батальонъ 2015 1916—1917 Maria Bochkareva
The Heritage of Love Герой 2016 1916—1920, 2015
Sunstroke Солнечный удар 2014 1920 Red Terror
Burnt by the Sun Утомлённые со́лнцем 1994 1927—1940 Great Purge
Burnt by the Sun 2 Утомлённые со́лнцем 2 2010 1941 Eastern Front (World War II)
Burnt by the Sun 2: The Citadel Утомлённые со́лнцем 2: Цитадель 2011 1943
White Tiger Белый тигр 2012 1943
Матч 2012 1942 The Death Match
Fortress of War Брестская крепость 2010 1941 Defense of Brest Fortress, Operation Barbarossa
Battle for Sevastopol Битва за Севастополь 2015 1941–1942 Siege of Sevastopol Lyudmila Pavlichenko
Stalingrad Сталинград 2013 1942–1943 Battle of Stalingrad, Pavlov's House
Persian Lessons Уроки фарси 2020 1943 The Holocaust
V2. Escape from Hell Девятаев 2021 1944 1st Ukrainian Front, Usedom Mikhail Devyataev
Panfilov's 28 Men 28 панфиловцев 2016 1941 Battle of Moscow
The Last Frontier Подольские курсанты 2020 1941
AK-47 2020 1941 Invention of AK-47 Mikhail Kalashnikov
The Sun Солнце 2005 1945 Hirohito
Beanpole Дылда 2020 1945
The Age of Pioneers Время первых 2017 1965 Voskhod 2 Alexei Leonov
Gagarin: First in Space Гагарин. Первый в космосе 2013 1960–1961 Vostok 1 Yuri Gagarin
Paper Soldier Бумажный солдат 2008
Dear Comrades! Дорогие товарищи! 2020 1962 Novocherkassk massacre
Streltsov Стрельцо́в 2020 1958–1968 Soviet Union Eduard Streltsov
Vanished Empire Исчезнувшая империя 2008 1973
Legend No. 17 Легенда номер 17 2013 1956–1972 Summit Series Valeri Kharlamov
Going Vertical Движение вверх 2017 1972 1972 Olympics
A Dog Named Palma Пальма 2021 1974—1976
The Icebreaker Ледокол 2016 1985
Salyut 7 Салют-7 2017 1985 Soyuz T-13 Vladimir Dzhanibekov
Chernobyl Чернобыль 2021 1986–1987 Chernobyl disaster
The 9th Company 9 рота 2005 1979–1989 Soviet–Afghan War, War in Afghanistan
Leaving Afghanistan Братство 2020
Kandagar Кандагар 2010 1995–1996 Airstan incident
The PyraMMMid Пирамммида 2011 1990s MMM Sergei Mavrodi
Prisoner of the Mountains Кавказский пленник 1996 1995 First Chechen War
Alive Живой 2006 Early 2000s Second Chechen War
Olympus Inferno Олимпиус Инферно 2009 2008 Russo-Georgian War
August Eighth Август. Восмого 2012
22 Minutes 22 Минуты 2014 2010 MV Moscow University hijacking

See also[]

Further reading[]

  • Rollberg, Peter (2016). Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Cinema. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 281. ISBN 9781442268425.
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