List of Trichogramma species

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This is a list of species within the chalcid genus Trichogramma [1]

Trichogramma species[]

  • Brun, Gomez de Moraes and Soares, 1984
  • Pintureau and Kenis, 2000
  • Nagaraja and Nagarkatti, 1970
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Nagaraja, 1973
  • Voegele and Pintureau, 1982
  • Sorokina, 1989
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Honda, 2006
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Chen and Pang, 1986
  • Oatman and Platner, 1983
  • Pinto, 1992
  • Sugonjaev and Sorokina, 1976
  • Girault, 1912
  • Sugonjaev and Sorokina, 1976
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Basso and Pintureau, 2001
  • Nagaraja and Nagarkatti, 1973
  • Zucchi and Querino, 2003
  • Bezdenko, 1968
  • He and Pang, 2000
  • Pinto, 1999
  • (Kostadinov, 1988)
  • Pintureau and Babault, 1988
  • Pintureau and Babault, 1988
  • Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko, 1968
  • Pinto and Platner, 1978
  • Yousuf and Hassan, 2007
  • Yousuf (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Yousuf and Shafee, 1988
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1985
  • Nagaraja, 1983
  • Voegele, 1985
  • Bulut and Kilincer, 1991
  • Marchal, 1927
  • Marchal, 1927 (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Nagaraja and Nagarkatti, 1973
  • Pinto, 1999
  • del Pino and Polaszek, 2013
  • Walker, 1843
  • Oatman and Pinto, 1987
  • Velasquez de Rios and Teran, 1995
  • Hochmut and Martinek, 1963
  • Ishii, 1941
  • Nagaraja and Nagarkatti, 1970
  • Chan and Chou, 2000
  • Sorokina and Atamirzaeva, 1993
  • Pang and Chen, 1974
  • Pinto, 1992
  • Velasquez de Rios and Teran, 1995
  • Nagaraja, 2008
  • Vargas and Cabello, 1985
  • Jose, Hirose and Honda, 2005
  • Nagaraja, 2008
  • Nagaraja and Prasanth, 2010
  • Nagaraja, 2008
  • Birova and Kazimirova, 1997
  • Dugast and Voegele, 1984
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1986
  • Nagaraja, 1983
  • Matsumura, 1926
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Velasquez de Rios and Teran, 2003
  • Zucchi, 1988
  • Zucchi, 1988
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1985
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • (Hartig, 1838)
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Westwood, 1879
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • (Risbec, 1956)
  • (Girault, 1911)
  • Trichogramma evanescens Westwood, 1833
  • Pinto and Platner, 1978
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1996
  • (Perkins, 1912)
  • Nagaraja and Nagarkatti, 1970
  • Ashmead, 1880
  • Zhang and Wang, 1982
  • Torre, 1980
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1989
  • Carver, 1978
  • Lin, 1994
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Zucchi, 1988
  • (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Pintureau and Stefanescu, 2000
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Velasquez de Rios and Teran, 1995
  • (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Nagaraja, 2008
  • Nagaraja, 1973
  • Oatman and Platner, 1982
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1985
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • Pinto and Stouthamer, 2002
  • Pang and Chen, 1974
  • Zucchi, 1988
  • Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead, 1904
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Ishii, 1941
  • Platner and Oatman, 1981
  • Schulten and Feijen, 1978
  • Yousuf and Hassan, 2008
  • Nagaraja, Ahmad and Gupta, 2007
  • Pinto and Stouthamer, 1997
  • Bulut and Kilincer, 1991
  • Blanchard, 1927
  • Taylor, Yashiro, Hirose and Honda, 2005
  • Pinto, 1992
  • Sorokina, 1978
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Yousuf and Hasan, 2008
  • Sorokina, 1991
  • Dyurich, 1987
  • Pang and Chen, 1974
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Pang and Chen, 1974
  • Lin, 1994
  • Sarmiento, 1993
  • Nagaraja and Nagarkatti, 1973
  • Pintureau and Babault, 1988
  • Brun, Gomez de Moraes and Soares, 1984
  • Nagaraja and Gupta, 2007
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1996
  • Brun, Gomez de Moraes and Soares, 1986
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Goodpasture, 1986
  • Thorpe, 1982
  • Voegele and Pointel, 1980
  • Vincent, 1986
  • Riley, 1871
  • Dyurich, 1987
  • Girault, 1922
  • Kostadinov, 1987
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Schulten and Feijen, 1982
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Pintureau and Gerding, 1999
  • (Kostadinov, 1991)
  • Chan and Chou, 1996
  • (Morley, 1950)
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1985
  • Ertle and Davis, 1975
  • Torre, 1980
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1985
  • Honda, 2006
  • Voegele and Pointel, 1979
  • Pang and Chen, 1974
  • Nagaraja, 1973
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Lin, 1987
  • Viggiani, 1972
  • Nagarkatti, 1974
  • Yousuf (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Nagarkatti, 1975
  • Huo, 1986
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Kostadinov, 1986
  • Girault, 1912
  • Dyurich, 1987
  • Schulten and Feijen, 1978
  • Voegele, 1982
  • Rodriguez and Galan, 1993
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2017
  • (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Nagaraja, 1973
  • Nagarkatti, 1975
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Nagaraja, 1973
  • Chen and Pang, 1981
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Riley, 1879
  • Pinto, 1992
  • Sugonjaev and Sorokina, 1976
  • Chan and Chou, 1996
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • Nagaraja, 1973
  • (Girault, 1911)
  • Nagaraja and Nagarkatti, 1973
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Nagaraja, 2008
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Sorokina, 1991
  • Meyer (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Oatman and Platner, 1982
  • (Aurivillius, 1898)
  • (Perkins, 1910)
  • Blanchard (unavailable name in current taxon)
  • Pang and Chen, 1974
  • Huo, 1991
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Sorokina, 1980
  • Nasir and Schoeller, 2011
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Girault, 1932
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Kostadinov, 1986
  • Vincent, 1986
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Chan and Chou, 2000
  • Yashiro, Hirose and Honda, 2012
  • Dyurich, 1987
  • Oatman and Pinto, 1987
  • Velasquez de Rios and Teran, 2003
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1985
  • Zhang and Wang, 1982
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2003
  • Bulut and Kilincer, 1991
  • Meyer, 1940
  • Jose, Hirose and Honda, 2005
  • Cabello Garcia, 1986
  • Sorokina, 1984
  • Pinto and Oatman, 1996
  • Querino and Zucchi, 2017
  • Oatman and Platner, 1982
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Honda and Taylor, 2006
  • Hirai and Fursov, 1998
  • Polaszek, 2002
  • Walter, 1985
  • Pinto, 1999
  • Querino, 2003


  1. ^ Noyes, John S. (June 2012). "Species in genus Trichogramma". Universal Chalcidoidea Database. Natural History Museum, London. Retrieved 19 January 2021.
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