List of Tsurupika Hagemaru episodes

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The following is a list of episodes of the anime television series Tsurupika Hagemaru.


No. Title Original air date
1 ハゲ丸誕生/The birth of Hagemaru March 3, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
決めろ! つるセコ/Always Misbehaving at School
2 オゥ!つるセコ母ちゃん/Hagemaru's Mom is Stingy Behaviour March 10, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ学園は爆発だ!/Happy Birthday, Miss Sakura
3 つるセコ新学期/The New School Term March 17, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ選手権大会/The Stingy Attitude Games
4 つるセコアルバイト大作戦/The Hageda's Part-time Job March 24, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
肝っ玉つるセコ母ちゃん!/The Stingy Attitude of Couraging Mom
5 春だ花見だつるセコだぞ〜い!/To see Sakura Flowers in Spring March 31, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ野球の爆発だ!/The Baseball Match of Blast
6 デパートでルンルン/Mother and Son's Misadventure in Shopping Mall April 21, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
梅桃小学校4年4組/The Class of Year 4 in Umemomo Primary School
7 恋はリズムにのって/Always Contact the Loved Ones April 28, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
春だ! 釣りだ! 大漁だぞーい!!/Father and Son's Fishing Misadventures
8 つるセコワンダーランド/One Day at Amusement Park May 5, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
走れヘンテコ電車!/The Life of Train
9 つるセコ鯉のぼり/The Tango no sekku Day May 12, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
おふろでワッショイ/Showers, Hairs and Eyebrows
10 ごそんじ時代劇/Custom Period Drama May 19, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコスポーツ大将/All About Sports
11 かなしみのペスエレジー/Elvis' Elegy June 2, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
オー! サイクリング/Cycling around the City of Tokyo
12 とんでけハゲ丸!!/Call it again, Hagemaru June 9, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
それゆけ大運動会/Annual School Sports Day
13 元祖つるセコ学園/Once a Weird, Always a Trouble June 23, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
キャンキャンキャンプだぞーい/Let's Camping
14 お元気ハゲ丸くん/TV, Cameras and Telephones June 30, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
潮ひがりでワッセッセ/Just find and digging clams
15 お元気一番身体検査/Always Care Your Fitness July 7, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ動物園/Someday, Going to the Zoo
16 セコセコびっちゃんセコびっちゃん/All Things Weather July 14, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
セコセコ昔ばなし/Umemomo's Folk Tales
17 ハゲ丸の防災訓練/The Emergency Training July 21, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸の原始時代/Hagemaru in Prehistoric Times
18 忠犬ペス物語/Elvis, the Story of the Faithful Dog July 28, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ西部劇/Hagemaru in the Wild Wild West
19 ナイターでワッショイ/The Night of the Baseball Match August 4, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸貯金箱/Hagemaru's Piggy Bank
20 夏だプールだつるセコだ!/The Outdoor Pool in Summer August 11, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ピッカピカ占い師/The Horoscope
21 猛暑に負けるな!/Never Collapse to the Heat Wave August 25, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ海水浴/Life's a Beach of the Sun
22 宿題大作戦/Do Homework, Must Be Done September 8, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
桜先生の家庭訪問/Miss Sakura visits Students' House
23 青春つるセコ学園/Springtime in Umemomo School September 15, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
日本こわ〜いばなし/Japanese Ghost Stories
24 つるセコ放送局/Hagemaru's Broadcasting Station September 22, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
祭りだ! ワッショイ!/The Lantern Lighting Festival
25 お元気健康一番/Take Care Your Healthy Body October 13, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
はばたけ大空に!/Jet Lag: The Sky's the Limit
26 カメカメカメラマン/Once a Capture, Always be the Cameraman October 20, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ時代劇/Tsuruseko Period Drama
27 ハゲ丸の兄弟や〜い!/Hagemaru Wants a Little Brother October 27, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸の宇宙時代/Hagemaru in the Space Age of Moon
28 つるセコジンクス/The Jinx of Life November 17, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ジャングルの王者ハゲ丸/Hagemaru, the Jungle King
29 オー! ハゲ丸かあちゃん/Hagemaru's Mother has a Fever November 24, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸ミュージカル/Hagemaru The Musical
30 さよなら桜先生/Farwell, Dear Teacher December 2, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
オー! シンデレラ/Hagemarella
31 元祖つるセコ塾/Study in Tuition Class December 8, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコばあちゃん/Back to Hometown to see Grandma
32 みがけ!ピッカピカ超能力/Hagemaru's Physical Power December 15, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸と豆の木/Hagemaru and the Beanstalk
33 学級委員だぞ〜い/Who Will be a Class Monitor December 22, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸子守唄/Hagemaru the Babysitter
34 寒さをぶっとばせ!/It's a Cold Cold World January 12, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
やってきた神さま/The Story of the Poor God and the Grim Reaper
35 危険がいっぱい/Danger Everywhere January 19, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸の三つのお願い/Hagemaru's Three Wishes
36 あいうえお絵かき/The Art Week January 26, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
お見合いセレナーデ/The Perfect Match
37 宿題がワンサカ/Hagemaru Doesn't To Do a Homework February 2, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
家出だチーパッパ!/Run Away from Home
38 家庭教師さんいらっしゃい/The Tutor Teaching at Home February 9, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
必殺おしおき人/Four Heroes of Enforcement Justice
39 2001年梅桃の旅/Visiting Umemomo in 2001 February 16, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ピカピカ! アラビアンナイト/The Story of 1001 Arabian Nights
40 内緒の話はあのねのね!/Everybody's Has a Secret February 23, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ宇宙大脱出!!/Adventures of Great Escape in Space
41 つうしんぼや〜い!!/Do a Report in School Break March 2, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
なぞなぞ遺跡/The Traces of History
42 ハゲ丸探偵団/Hagemaru's Investigation Team March 9, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸の箱舟大作戦!!/The Story of the Ark
43 無人島でワッショイ!/Have Fun on the Uninhabited Island March 16, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ピカピカ白雪姫/The Story of Snow White
44 ペス公物語/The Dog Tale of Elvis March 23, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
大江戸人情長屋/A Boy from Edo
45 ペラペラオペラペラ/Pera-Pera, Oh! Pera-Pera April 19, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸100万馬力!!/Hagemaru of One Thousand Horsepower
46 青春、カムバック!/Hagemaru's Grandmother comes to Tokyo May 3, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
地球最期の日/The Last Boy on Earth in Judgement Day
47 熱烈感動ハゲ丸くん!/Hagemaru's Impression of Emotions May 10, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
お江戸日本晴れ!/Adventures in Edo of Sunny Day (Edo Nipponbare)
48 いってらっしゃい留学生/Hagemaru and the Foreign Students May 17, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
オーカミ男がやってきた/The Boy Who Cries Werewolf
49 おみごと結婚写真/The Wedding Photo May 24, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
つるセコ大航海!/The Great Voyage
50 オネショでごめんね/A Trip without Toilet (Getting Pee) June 14, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸のかいけつゼロ/Hagemaru The Zorro Boy
51 ハゲ丸の大ヘンシーン!/The Body Swap Story of Hagemaru and Miss Sakura June 21, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
暗黒街のハゲ丸くん/Hagemaru in the Dark City
52 オナラでハッピッピ!/In the Hospital of Misadventure July 5, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
こい恋!地獄へ天国へ/Hageda Family in Hell
53 わっペンフレンド!?/Hagemaru's Girl Crush July 12, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
とんちんかんハゲ丸くん!!/The Digress of Hagemaru
54 ぴっかぴかのヒーロー/The Shining Hero August 2, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸の親連れ狼/Adventures with Hagemaru and his Father
55 つるセコ少年野球団/Winning Takes All August 9, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハチの子ハゲ丸くん/Hagemaru the Honeybee
56 ハロー!らくがき小僧/The Magic Blue Crayon August 23, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
決闘!荒野のハゲ丸くん/Adventure in the Desert
57 お見合いシンフォニー/Miss Sakura meets New Match August 30, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ああ、クレオパトラ!?/The Story of Cleopatra
58 バカタレ父ちゃん!/Hagemaru Dad's is not Stupid September 6, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ハゲ丸そんごくう/Hagemaru the Monkey King
59 センセイ・センセーション/A New Teacher October 6, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
ペスの惑星/Planet of the Dogs

Special Episodes[]

No. Title Original air date
1 恋はちいぱっぱ/Love Chipapa October 6, 1988
つるセコベスト20/Best 20 Short Stories
ピテカントロプスハゲ丸くん/The Pithecanthropus of Hagemaru
爆笑つるセコアルバム/The Funny of Tsuruseko Album
2 コンニャロいじめっこ/Hagemaru Always Doing Bad Behaving December 29, 1988
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
恐怖の梅桃屋敷/The Horror of Umemomo's Mansion
忍者ハゲ丸くん/Ninja Hagemaru
虫歯でワッセッセ/The Toothache of Life
つるピカハゲ丸クラブ/The Club of Tsurupika Hagemaru
ハゲ丸昔ばなし/Hagemaru's Folklore
3 さらば近藤/Farewell, Kondo March 30, 1989
つるセコベストテン/Best 10 Short Stories
大奮戦! オロチ退治/The Eight-Forked Serpent
ミス梅桃!?/Miss Umemomo!?
つるピカハゲ丸クラブ/The Club of Tsurupika Hagemaru
愛のキューピット/The Cupid of Love
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