List of active weapons of the Turkish Air Force

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This is a list of active weapons of the Turkish Air Force that are currently in service.

Current weapons[]

Air Defense Weapons[]

Weapon Origin Role Versions In service Notes
Surface to Air Weapons
S-400  Russia Mobile surface-to-air missile/anti-ballistic missile system S-400 M 36 Fire Unit with four Batteries.[1] Unknown missiles.[2]
HISAR  Turkey Mobile short to medium range surface-to-air missile HİSAR-A & HİSAR-O Deployed to Syria under Operation Spring Shield[3] Produced by ASELSAN and ROKETSAN
MIM-23  USA Medium range surface-to-air missile Hawk XXI 92 Fire Unit with 16 Batteries.[4] Modernized. To be replaced by Hisar-O.
S-125  RUS
Medium range surface-to-air missile S-125-2D Modernized. Deployed to Libya and Syria.[5]
Rapier missile  UK Medium range surface-to-air missile Rapier 2000 515 Fire Unit with 86 Battery.[6] Produced under license by ROKETSAN. To be replaced by Hisar-A.
Atılgan PMADS  Turkey UK Short range surface-to-air missile Zıpkın Variant[7] 64 Fire Unit with 32 Battery. Produced by ROKETSAN.
KORKUT  Turkey Anti-aircraft gun KORKUT KKA, KORKUT SSA[8] 13 systems[9] Produced by ASELSAN
Bofors 40 mm  Sweden Anti-aircraft gun L70 with radar system capabilities. 803 Upgraded by ASELSAN.
Oerlikon 35 mm   Switzerland Anti-aircraft gun GDF-003 with Skyguard[10] 120[11] Produced under licence by MKEK.
Oerlikon 20 mm   Switzerland Anti-aircraft gun GAI-D01 with ATEŞ FCS. 440[11] Produced under licence by MKEK.
Rheinmetall 20 mm  Germany Anti-aircraft gun Zwillingscanone with ATEŞ FCS. 432 Produced under licence by MKEK.
FIM-92 Stinger  USA MANPADS Modernized with Aselsan IFF Mode 5 Manpad Portable Interrogator[12] 1000+ Launchers Produced under license by Roketsan.
Radar Systems[13]
KORAL[14]  Turkey Mobile Electronic Warfare Radar
KALKAN[15]  Turkey Long range Air Defence Radar Will also be used with HİSAR air defence systems.
 USA Surveillance radar Issued with Nike Hercules missiles.[16]
AN/MPS-14  USA Height Finder Radar Issued with Nike Hercules missiles.[16]
AN/MPQ-14  USA Command Guidance Radar Issued with Nike Hercules missiles.[16]
 USA High-Power Acquisition Radar Issued with Nike Hercules missiles.[16]
AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel  USA/ Turkey Short Range Air Defense Radar Issued with HAWK missiles.[17]
AN/MPQ-62  USA/ Turkey Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar Issued with HAWK missiles.[17]
AN/MPQ-61  USA/ Turkey HAWK High Power Illuminator Radar Issued with HAWK missiles.[17]
 UK/ TUR Multi-beam high resolution 3D radar system. Issued with Rapier missiles.[18]
 UK/ TUR Unit Guidance Radar Issued with Rapier missiles.[19]
Selex RAT-31DL  ITA Long-range air surveillance radar Upgraded in 2014.[20]
 ITA Short-range air surveillance radar Upgraded in 2014.[20]
AN/FPS-117[21]  USA Long-range air surveillance radar Three [22]
AN/TPS-77[23]  USA Long-range air surveillance radar
[24]  USA Long-range air surveillance radar
[25]  UK Long-range air surveillance radar
 FRA Long-range air surveillance radar Produced by HAVELSAN[26]
 FRA Short-range air surveillance radar Produced by HAVELSAN[27]

Missiles and Bombs[]

Weapon Origin Role Versions
Air-to-air missiles
AIM-120 AMRAAM  USA Medium-range air-to-air missile AIM-120A, AIM-120B, AIM-120C-7[28]
AIM-7 Sparrow  USA Medium-range air-to-air missile AIM-7E, AIM-7F
AIM-9 Sidewinder  USA Short-range air-to-air missile AIM-9E/F/X/M/L/I/S/P3
GÖKDOĞAN  TUR Medium & long-range air-to-air missile In active development.
BOZDOĞAN  TUR Short-range air-to-air missile In active development.
Air-to-ground missiles
SOM  Turkey Land/Ship attack Cruise missile SOM B1, B2 & J
Cirit  Turkey Air-to-surface guided missile Anti-armor,Anti-personnel missile
UMTAS  Turkey Air-to-surface guided anti-tank missile L-UMTAS and UMTAS

(The laser guided version is as the L-UMTAS)

Aselsan Miniature Bomb  Turkey Air-to-surface guided missile
AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER  USA Land attack cruise missile SLAM-ER
Standoff Land Attack Missile  USA Land attack cruise missile AGM-84H/K
Popeye (missile)  ISR Land attack cruise missile Popeye II
AGM-88 HARM  USA Air-to-surface anti-radiation missile AGM-88B
AGM-65 Maverick  USA Air-to-surface guided missile AGM-65G, AGM-65A/B
AGM-154 JSOW  USA Glide bomb AGM-154A-1/C
JDAM  USA Guidance kit In use with GBU-31, GBU-38
HGK[29]  TUR Guidance kit In use with MK-84
[30]  TUR Guidance kit In use with MK-82
[31]  TUR Penetration bomb NEB B1
TUBITAK-SAGE SARB-83[32]  TUR Penetration bomb
MKE Penetrator bomb[32]  TUR Penetration bomb 870 Kg 2.1 m thick used on Turkish Air Force F-4 Terminator 2020s and F-16 Falcons[32]
TUBITAK-SAGE KUZGUN[33][34][35]  TUR Modular joint ammunition
TUBITAK-SAGE TOGAN[36]  TUR Air-to-surface Mortar bomb Air-to-surface launched 81 mm mortar munition[37][38][39]
MAM  TUR Laser-guided UAV bomb MAM-C(high explosive variant) & MAM-L(thermobaric variant)
TUBITAK-SAGE BOZOK[40]  TUR Laser-guided UAV bomb
BLU-109 bomb  USA Penetration bomb
 USA Cluster bomb
CBU-100  USA Cluster bomb
CBU-105 WCMD  USA Cluster bomb
Mark 81 bomb  USA General-purpose bomb Integrated with ROKETSAN Teber 81 Bomb Guidance Kit[41]
Mark 82 bomb  USA General-purpose bomb Integrated with ROKETSAN Teber 81 Bomb Guidance Kit[41]
Mark 83 bomb  USA General-purpose bomb
Mark 84 bomb  USA General-purpose bomb
Matra Durandal  France Anti-runway bomb
 USA Laser-guided bomb 8/B HOBOS
GBU-12 Paveway II  USA Laser-guided bomb
GBU-10 Paveway II  USA Laser-guided bomb
GBU-31  USA Anti-radiation bomb


  1. ^ "S-400 fiyatı ne kadar? Türkiye kaç tane S-400 aldı?".
  2. ^ S-400'leri beklerken: Kaç tane alıyoruz, maliyeti ne? - Diken
  3. ^ "SSB Başkanı müjdeyi verdi: HİSAR hava savunma sistemi 1 haftaya sahada olacak". STAR. Retrieved 3 March 2020.
  4. ^ "Turkey - Major Air Force Equipment". Global Security. Retrieved 1 May 2014.
  5. ^[bare URL]
  6. ^ Weapons Transfers and Violations of the Laws of War in Turkey at Google Books
  7. ^ "Zıpkın Askeri Üsleri Koruyor".
  8. ^ "KORKUT Kundağı Motorlu Namlulu Alçak İrtifa Hava Savunma Silah Sistemi". Aselsan. Retrieved 3 March 2020.
  9. ^ "TSK Envanterindeki KORKUT Sayısı 13 Oldu". C4 defense. Retrieved 3 March 2020.
  10. ^
  11. ^ a b
  12. ^ "IFF Mode 5 Manpad Portable Interrogator | ASELSAN". Retrieved 2021-04-12.
  13. ^ "Türkiye'nin orta menzil hava savunma sistemi".
  14. ^ "Turkey receives first Koral land-based EW system | IHS Jane's 360". Retrieved 2016-05-12.
  15. ^ "Aselsan son parti KALKAN radarlarını teslim etti". Retrieved 2016-05-12.
  16. ^ a b c d "".
  17. ^ a b c "".
  18. ^ "".
  19. ^ "".
  20. ^ a b "Selex ES receives NATO contract to upgrade radar in Turkey".
  21. ^ "STRATEGIC WARNING RADARS (Military Weapons)".
  22. ^ "lockheedmartin receives NATO contract to upgrade radar in Turkey".
  23. ^ "".
  24. ^ "".
  25. ^ "".
  26. ^ "Türk radarları Suriye sınırını izliyor!".
  27. ^ "".
  28. ^ "Turkish air forces boosted by new generation AMRAAM". September 10, 2014.
  29. ^
  30. ^
  31. ^
  32. ^ a b c "TURKISH DEFENCE INDUSTRY PRODUCT CATALOGUE". Retrieved 2021-04-14.
  33. ^ "Kuzgun Modular Joint Ammunition Developed by TÜBİTAK SAGE Displayed". RayHaber | RaillyNews. 2020-09-25. Retrieved 2021-05-27.
  34. ^ savunmatr. "KUZGUN'un turbojetli versiyonu 250 kilometreyi vuracak". (in Turkish). Retrieved 2021-05-27.
  35. ^ "TÜBİTAK SAGE Kuzgun Mühimmatı". (in Turkish). 2021-03-21. Retrieved 2021-05-27.
  37. ^ "TÜBİTAK SAGE | Products & Related News". Pakistan Defence. Retrieved 2021-04-14.
  38. ^ Mehmet, Fatih (2020-01-23). "Asisguard ve Tübitak Sage TOGAN'ı SONGAR'a entegre etti". DefenceTurk (in Turkish). Retrieved 2021-04-14.
  39. ^ WIKI