List of castles in Alsace

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This list of castles in Alsace is a list of medieval castles or château forts in the region in northern France.

Alsace comprises two departments, Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin, by the order of which this list is organised.


Image Ownership
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Château d'Andlau 12461246-1264 Ruins Haut-Andlau.JPG
Château du Bernstein 100111-15th century Ruins Chateau Bernstein 1.jpg
Château du Birkenfels 1260c.1260 Ruins Château du Birkenfels 01.jpg
Château de Dreistein 120113-14th century Ruins France Dreistein castle entrance.jpg Comprises 3 separate castles.
Château du Fleckenstein 120113-16th century Ruins Fleckenstein.jpg
Château du Frankenbourg 110112th century Ruins Frankenbourg 058.JPG Original building attributed to Clovis I.
Château du Freudeneck 1300c.1300 Ruins
Château de Frœnsbourg 120113-14th century Ruins Froensburg Ladefläche.jpg Destroyed by the French in 1677, probably already abandoned at that time.
Château du Grand-Geroldseck 110112-15th century Ruins Grand-Geroldseck Chateau.jpg
Château de Greifenstein 110112-14th century Ruins Grand et Petit-Greifenstein.jpg Comprises 2 castles, separated by a ditch.
Château de Guirbaden 100111th century Ruins Guirbaden2.jpg
Château du Hagelschloss 120113th century Ruins Hagelschloss.jpg Also known as Château de Waldsberg.
Château de Hohbarr 1100c.1100 Ruins Panorama Haut-Barr.jpg
Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg 110112-15th century Reconstructed Haut-koenigsbourg 02.jpg Abandoned after Thirty Years' War, restored after 1900 under the direction of Wilhelm II of Germany.[1]
Château de Herrenstein 100111-16th century Ruins
Château de Hohenbourg 110112-16th century Ruins Hohenburg pfad.jpg Destroyed by Joseph de Montclar in 1680.
Château de Hohenfels 120113th century Ruins
Château de Hohenstein 120113th century Ruins 67 Oberhaslach, château de Hohenstein les murs du logis.jpg
Château de Kagenfels 120113-16th century Ruins France Otrott Kagenfels castle during 2009 restoration 3.jpg Ruined by 1664.
Château de Kintzheim 120113-15th century Ruins Kintzheim B 022.JPG
Château du Landsberg 120113th century Ruins Landsberg ostansicht.jpg
Château de Lichtenberg 120113-16th century Ruins Lichtenberg Alsace 05.jpg Reduced to ruins through artillery fire in 1870.
Château de Lœwenstein 120113th century Fragmentary ruins Loewenstein (2).jpg
Château de Lutzelbourg 120113th century Ruins Château de Lutzelbourg - Vue d'ensemble 01.jpg
Château de Lutzelhardt 120113th century Ruins Image Luetzelhard.jpg Ruined by 1538.
Château du Nideck 120113th century Ruins Nideck (42).jpg Destroyed by fire 1636.
Château d'Ochsenstein 110112th century Ruins Comprises 3 separate castles.
Château d'Osthoffen 120113th century Reconstructed Ch.osthoffen gene.jpg Converted to Renaissance château.
Château de l'Ortenbourg 120113th century Ruins Scherwiller 024.JPG
Château du Petit-Arnsberg 130114th century Ruins
Château de La Petite-Pierre 110112th century Rebuilt Château La Petite Pierre.jpg Developed as residence, keep destroyed 19th century.
Château du Petit-Geroldseck 120113th century Ruins Petit-Geroldseck Chateau.jpg
Château de Ramstein (Bas-Rhin) 120113-14th century Ruins Ramstein 5.jpg Several hundred metres from Château de l'Ortenbourg.
Château du Grand Ringelstein 120113th century Ruins France Oberhaslach Château du Grand Ringelstein - Keep.jpg
Château du Petit-Ringelstein 0001Unknown Fragmentary remains France Petit-Ringelstein west wall from inside.jpg
Château de la Roche 120113th century Ruins
Château de Salm 120113-14th century Ruins Ruine chateau de salm.jpg
Château de Schœneck 120113-16th century Ruins Schoeneck2.jpg Destroyed in 1680 by French troops.
Château de Spesbourg 12461246-1250 Ruins France Spesbourg castle outside 2.jpg
Château du Vieux-Windstein 110112-14th century Ruins
Château de Wangenbourg 120113th century Ruins Chateau Wangenbourg 1.JPG
Château du Wasenbourg 1275c.1275 Ruins Cht wasenbourg.jpg
Château du Wasigenstein 120113th century Ruins Wasigensteiswrp.jpg Associated with the German legend of Waltharius.
Château de Wineck 1300c.1300 Ruins Wineck.jpg
Château de Wittschloessel 120113th century Fragmentary remains


Castles of which only vestiges or nothing remains include Château d'Altkirch, Château de Meywihr and Château de Wildenstein.

Image Ownership
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Château de Buchenek 13-16th century Restored Soultz, chateau du Bucheneck.jpg Owned by commune Houses municipal museum
Château d'Échéry 120113th century Ruins Château d'Echéry 006.JPG
(fr) 100111-13th century Ruins Les Trois châteaux 072.JPG Comprises the three castles of Dagsbourg, Weckmund and Wahlenbourg, shared with Husseren-les-Châteaux
Château de Ferrette 1100c.1100 Ruins Ferrette Chateau 2008.jpg
Château du Girsberg 120113th century Ruins Girsberg 028.JPG
Château du Haut-Ribeaupierre 100111th century Ruins Donjon du Haut-Ribeaupierre 012.JPG
Château de Hohenack Ruins Hohnack1.jpg
Château du Hohlandsbourg 12791279 Ruins Hohlandsbourg-2.jpg Destroyed 1637.
Château du Hugstein 120113-15th century Ruins La ruine du Hugstein.jpg
Château de Kaysersberg 120113-15th century Ruins Kaysersberg Château.JPG
Château de Landskron 120113-17th century Ruins Castle-Landskron-1781.jpg Rebuilt by Vauban after 1665.
Château de Morimont 120113-16th century Ruins Ruins of Castle of Morimont.jpg
Château de Pflixbourg 12121212-9 Ruins Château du Pflixbourg.JPG
Château de Reichenstein (Kientzheim)
Château de Reichenstein (Riquewihr) Ruins
Château de Saint-Ulrich 110112-15th century Ruins Chateau Saint-Ulrich 1.jpg One of three castles (with the Girsberg and the Haut-Ribeaupierre) which dominate the commune of Ribeauvillé.
Château du Wineck 100111-13th century Ruins Katzenthal1.JPG

See also[]


  1. ^ Base Mérimée: Château du Haut-Kœnigsbourg, Ministère français de la Culture. (in French)
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