List of claims for restitution for Nazi-looted art

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The list of restitution claims for art looted by the Nazis or as a result of Nazi persecution is organized by the country in which the paintings were located when the return was requested.

Australia and New Zealand[]

Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Cornelis Bega

Paintings anonymous artists

Federico Gentili die Giuseppe[1]

Claim for restitution to musée national d'Australie-Méridionale d'Adélaïde
Restitution in 2000 by compensation.[2]
Painting "Head of a Man" previously attributed to Vincent van Gogh Richard Semmel

Claim for restitution to The National Gallery of Victoria

No Litigation - Return - Painting remains in museum on 12- month loan[3]
Gerard ter Borch

Portrait d'une femme avec un éventail

Oil painting around 1670
Max Emden Collection

Claim for restitution to National Gallery de Victoria, Melbourne[4]
in process[5]

Cinq tableaux

Milieu du XIXe siècle
Cino Vitta Collection[6]

Claim for restitution to Public Galery of Art, Nouvelle-Zélande, for five paintings in the 'école de Macchiaioli.
After an amicable settlement in April 1999, three paintings remained in the museum and two were placed in an auction. The proceeds of the sale were divided between the museum and the heirs.,.[7][8]


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Rudolf Alt, Bäume (Skizzenbuchblatt), Bleistiftstudie, rücks. Nachlassstempel, 24,7 × 15,3 cm, Inv.-Nr. II/6218 Alfred und , Vienna

Neue Galerie, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz

Restituted on 26. January 1953 to the heirs of Valerie Eisler[9]
Gustav Klimt, Damenbildnis (Portrait Ria Munk III), 1917/18 Oil on canvas, 180.7 x 89.9 cm

Lentos Art Museum in Linz

In 2019 restituted to the rightful heirs of Aranka Munk[10]
porcelain object

MAK, Vienna

In 2014 the advisory board recommended the restitution of several porcelain objects from the Mak to the heirs to Nathan Eidinger[11]
gouache by Philippe Berger

Albertina Museum, Vienna

In 2014 the advisory board recommended the restitution of a gouache by Philippe Berger from the Albertina to the heirs to Maximilian and Käthe Kellner[11]
drawing by Adolf Menzel

Albertina Museum, Vienna

In 2014 the advisory board recommended the restitution of the advisory board also recommended the restitution a drawing by Adolf Menzel to the heirs to Leopoldine Mannaberg[11]
Adolph von Menzel's gouache on paper Stehende Rüstungen (1886) ("Standing Suits of Armour") (murdered at the Theresienstadt concentration camp)[12]

Albertina Museum, Vienna

Restituted by the Albertina Museum to the heirs of Hermann and Adele Pächter in 2014[13]
Maiwiese by Emil Nolde

Lentos Art Museum in Linz

Restituted to the rightful heirs of Otto Siegfried Julius in 2015[11][14]
Lesser Ury, Die Näherin, 1883 Oil on canvas, 52 x 42.5 cm

Lentos Art Museum in Linz

Restituted to the rightful heirs of Fritz Loewenthal in 1999[15]
Anton Romako, Mädchen mit aufgestütztem Arm (the daughter of the artist), ca.1875 Oil on canvas, 72.5 x 61 cm

Anton Romako, Der Zweikampf (Kämpfende Ritter), Oil on canvas, 110 x 82.5 cm

Anton Romako, Lager im Wald (Zigeunerlager), ca. 1879 Oil on canvas, 41 x 32 cm Anton Romako, Mädchen mit Nusskorb (Tochter des Künstlers), ca. 1880 Oil on canvas, 139 x 89.5 cm

Anton Romako, Ungarische Puszta (Strohschober in Bálványos), ca. 1880 Oil on canvas, 26.5 x 21.5 cm

Anton Romako, Bildnis Karl Schwach, 1854 Oil on canvas, 45.5 x 37 cm

, a medical doctor in Vienna.

Lentos Art Museum in Linz

In 2012 Restituted to the legal successor of Oskar and Malvine Reichel. Thanks to the generous goodwill of the Reichel's successor, the six paintings will continue to be displayed at the LENTOS on permanent loan.[16]


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Peasant Girl Without a Hat by artist Wilhelm Leibl Alexander Lewin

Bremen Museum

restituted to the heirs in 2009[17]
drawing 'Felsige Waldlandschaft mit weitem Ausblick' by Isaak Major Arthur Feldmann[18][19]

Kunsthalle Bremen[20]

Looted, then sold twice at Sotheby's London (in 1946, and 1975), sold to the British Rail Pension Fund, then dealer C. G. Boerner in Dusseldorf who sold it to Kunstahalle Bremen. Identified by the research of Arthur Feldmann's grandson Uri Peled Feldmann. Resituted and purchased back in 2016[21]
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, ‘Preparing the Celebration of the Wine Harvest,’ [22] [23]

Germany loaned the looted paintings to German museums

Seized for Hilter Fühermuseum, then loaned to German museums, to be restituted in 2021 to the London-based Vision Foundation[24]
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, ‘The Good Natured-Child (The Beggar)’[25] Irma and Oscar Lowenstein

Germany loaned the looted paintings to German museums

Seized for Hilter Fühermuseum, then loaned to German museums, to be restituted in 2021 to the London-based Vision Foundation[24]
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller ‘The Grandparents’ Visit’[26] Irma and Oscar Lowenstein

Germany loaned the looted paintings to German museums

Seized for Hilter Fühermuseum, then loaned to German museums, to be restituted in 2021 to the London-based Vision Foundation[24]
triptych von

by Count Leopold von Kalckreuth


Neue Pinakothek in Munich, Bavarian State Paintings Collection,

restituted in March 2000[28]
Marchesa Imperiale mit Tochter (Marchesa Imperiale with her daughter) by Rubens Jacob and Rosa Oppenheimer[29] Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (State Gallery Stuttgart) Research revealed out-of-court financial settlement in 1954. The 2000 claim was withdrawn.[29]
Egon Schiele, Kauernder weiblicher Akt (Crouching Female Nude), 1917. Heinrich Rieger[30][31] Ludwig Museum in Cologne restituted to heirs following Germany Advisory Commission unanimous recommendation[32]
Lucien Adrion
La Procession
oil painting, 1927
Ismar Littmann[33]

Restitution request to Fondation Ernst Strassmann.[34]
Restituted to the heirs le 17 juin 2003.
Pablo Picasso

Madame Soler

Paul von Mendelssohn-Bartoldy[35]

Restitution claim filed in Federal Court of New York against Bavaria (Bavaria State Painting collections)[36][37][38]

In June 2021 Bavarian officials refused to refer the dispute to the national commission created to review claims of art lost in the Nazi era.[39]
Edvard Munch

"A summer's night on the beach" (1902)

Alma Mahler-Werfel[40]

claim against

Oesterreichische Galerie Belvedere[41]

Restituted to Mahler-Werfel heirs after long battle[41][42][43]
Bernardo Bellotto
Canal Zwinger à Dresde
oil painting, 1751
Max Emden[44][45]

Restitution request to Germany, after the painting was discovered hanging in the President's office.

Munich Central Collecting Point (number 1648), 15 January 1946

Treuhandverwaltung für Kulturgut, Munich

Office of the Federal President, Bonn, on loan since 1961.

At first Germany resisted a claim, but after an advisory panel decision it was finally restituted to Emden's heirs in 2019.

Restituted to the heirs of Max Emden, 2019[46][47]

Cornelis Bega.jpg
Cornelis Bega


oil sketch on paper, avant 1664

Jacques Goudstikker[48]

Restitution request to Kunsthalle de Hambourg
Restitution en October 2006.[49][50]
Carl Blechen - Schlafender Faun.jpg
Carl Blechen

Faune endormi

Huile sur bois avant 1840
Clara Freund, wife of Julius Freund[51]

Restitution request to Germany for this painting, as well as two other Blechens and an aquarelle by Anselm Feuerbach.
Restituted to the heirs en 2009.[52]
Lovis Corinth

Femme avec lys dans une serre

oil painting, 1911

Resitituion request to the museum of Görlitz

Restituted to Ollendorf heirs in 1998.
Lovis Corinth - Porträt Charlotte Corinth (1915).jpg
Lovis Corinth

Portrait de Charlotte Corinth

oil painting, 1915
Ismar Littmann[53]

Restitution request to Hamburgische Landesbank
Restituted to the heirs 27 November 2001.
Lovis Corinth

Paysage romain

oil painting, 1914
Curt Glaser[54]

Restitution request to city of Hannovre / Musée Sprengel
Restituted on 24 September 2007.
Carl Spitzweg - Hexenmeister3.jpg
Carl Spitzweg

Le sorcier

oil painting, 1875/80
Leo Bendel (murdered by Nazis)[55]

Restitution request to Kunstsammlung Rudolf August Oetker GmbH, Bielefeld.

after initial refusal, restituted by Oetker to Bendel heirs in 2019[56]
Cornelis Springer

Marché avec hôtel de ville et église (Lübeck)

oil painting, 1870
Victor Ephrussi

Restitution request to city of Lübeck
Restituted to the heirs in February 2004.[57]
David Tenier

Ländliche Szenen

Öl auf Leinwand, 1677
Jacques Goudstikker

Dzemande à la city of Cologne (Wallraf-Richartz-Museum)
Restituted to the heirs in December 2005.
Hans Thoma

Coucher de soleil sur le lac de Garde

oil painting,

Restitution request to Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung
Restituted on 5 October 2004.[58]
1760 Tiepolo Rinaldos Abschied von Armida anagoria.JPG
Giambattista Tiepolo

Painting "Rinaldo Saying Farewell to Armida" (L'adieu de Rinaldo à Armida) by Giambattista Tiepolo

oil painting, vers 1725–1726
Frederico Gentili di Giuseppe

Restitution request to Gemäldegalerie de Berlin
Restituted in November 1999.[59]
Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo
Painting "Portrait of a Bearded Man"
(Portrait d'un homme barbu)

oil painting, XVIIIe siècle
Jacques Goudstikker

Restitution request to musée Herzog-Anton-Ulrich à Brunswick
Restitution in December 2006 to the Goudstikker heirs.
Jacopo Tintoretto

Portement de la croix

oil painting,
Lucie Mayer-Fuld[60]

Restitution request to Karl Haberstock
Settlement agreement between Lucie Mayer-Fuld and Karl Haberstock. The painting is now in the collection of the city of Düsseldorf.
Cornelis Troost

Tableau familial

oil painting, XVIIIe siècle
Collection Jacques Goudstikker

Restitution request to musée de Wiesbaden
Restituted to the heirs Goudstikker le 25 April 2007.
Constant Troyon

Vaches sur la plaine

oil painting,
Collection Jacques Goudstikker

Restitution request to city of Cologne
Restituted to the heirs en December 2005.
Franz Xaver Winterhalter

Jeune Fille des monts Sabins

oil painting, vers 1835
Collection Max Stern

Restitution request to Maria-Luise Bissonnette
Restituted on 27 December 2007 aux héritiers et au Max Stern Art Restitution Project.[61]
Philips Wouwerman

École d'équitation

oil painting, XVIIe siècle
Collection Arthur Goldschmidt

Restitution request to Fondation Karl et Magdalene Haberstock

Henri Matisse,

Femme assise,

oil painting, vers 1924
Collection Paul Rosenberg

Restitution request to German authorities after the painting was discovered in Munich in the hoard of the son of Hitler's art dealer[62]« collection Gurlitt » in 2013[63]
Restituted to the heirs in 2015.
Jean-Louis Forain,

Portrait de femme de profil,

oil painting, 1881

Restitution request to German authorities after discover in the Gurlitt stash in Munich. 2013[64]
Restituted to the heirs en 2020.
Jean-Louis Forain,

Femme en robe du soir,

aquarelle, vers 1880
Constantin Guys,

Amazone sur un cheval cabré,encre sur papier

Camille Pissarro, La Seine vue du Pont-Neuf, au fond le Louvre Max Heilbronn

Restitution request to German authorities after discover in the Gurlitt stash in Munich.[65]

Adolph von Menzel, Inneres einer gotischen Kirche, dessin, 1874 Elsa Helene Cohen

Restitution request to German authorities after discover in the Gurlitt stash in Munich.[66]

Restituted to the heirs in 2017.
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Der Wildbach Strubb bei Ischi, oil painting, 1831[67] Hermann Eissler Restitution request to German authorities after discover in the Gurlitt stash in Munich.[68] Restituted to the heirs in 2017.[69]
Ferdinan Georg Waldmüller, Der Dachstein von Alt-Aussee gesehen, (View of Lake Altaussee and the Dachstein) oil painting, 1834[70]
Portrait of a Seated Woman by Thomas Couture.jpg
Thomas Couture, Portrait de jeune femme assise, oil painting, 1850 Georges Mandel. Restitution request to German authorities after discover in the Gurlitt stash in Munich.[71] Restitution to Mandel's granddaughter, Maria de las Mercedes Estrada en 2019


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Vasari-marriage al cana.jpg
Giorgio Vasari

Les Noces de Cana

oil painting, 1566
Collection d'art du musée de l'État hongrois

Restitution request to musée des beaux-arts de Montréal
Restituted to Hungary in January 1999.
Vernet-Lecomte 2.jpg
Émile Vernet-Lecomte

Aimée - Une jeune Égyptienne

oil painting, 1869
Collection Max Stern

Restitution request to an anonymous private seller at Sotheby's à New York. Put for sale in 2001, the painting was part of Max Stern's collection of 250 artworks
restitution agreement on 19 October 2006.[72]
Le salon de Madame Aron 2006 NYR 01722 0035 .jpg
Édouard Vuillard

Le Salon de Madame Aron

oil painting, 1911-1912
Collection Alfred Lindon

Restitution request to Galerie nationale du Canada[73]
Restituted on 24 September 2003.[74][75]


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Camille Pissarro - Rue Saint-Honoré, dans l'après-midi. Effet de pluie.jpg
Camille Pissarro

Rue Saint-Honoré, après midi, effet de pluie

oil painting, 1897
Collection Lily Cassirer

Request for restitution to Thyssen Bornemisza Museum
Long court battle. Not restituted[76][77]
André Masson


oil painting, vers 1930
Collection Pierre David Weill

Restitution request to the National Museum Centro de Arte reine Sophie à Madrid
Le tableau avait été vendu plusieurs fois ; en 1995 il a été acheté par le musée national. Un accord amiable est intervenu.

United States[]

Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Lucas Cranach the Elder :

Adam and Eve pair of paintings, oil on panel, around 1530

Jacques Goudstikker Collection

Claim for restitution to the Norton Simon Museum[78]

The pair of paintings was auctioned off in 1931 at the Rudolph Lepke auction house as part of the Stroganoff collection and acquired by Goudstikker; after 1945 restituted by the Dutch government to George Stroganoff, who sold it to Norton Winfred Simon .

Court battle[79]
Henri Matisse :

Odalisque oil on canvas, 1928

Paul Rosenberg Collection

Claim to the Seattle Art Museum

Restitution in October 2000 after reviewing and recommending the Holocaust Art Restitution Project (HARFE) in Washington.
Claude Monet :

Champs de Blé à Vétheuil Oil on canvas, 1879

Collection Gerda Dorothea de Weerth

Claim for restitution to Edith Marks Baldinger; Private lawsuit in the New York District Court

Long court battle[80][81]
Amedeo Modigliani:

Seated Man with Cane (L'homme assis)

Oscar Stettinger[82][83][84]

David Nahmad and International Art Center[83]

Court battle Int'l Art Ctr. v. Estate of Stettiner[85]
Jan Mostaert :

Portrait of a businessman oil on canvas, around 1520

Czartoryski collection

claim to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA).

The painting and the entire collection of the Czartoryski family in Warsaw were confiscated in 1942, brought to Austria and probably stolen there by American military personnel after the end of the war. In 1949 it came into the possession of the VMFA.

The VMFA started an inventory review in 1998 and identified the painting as looted art. It was returned to the Czartorsky Foundation in Warsaw in 2004.
eight illuminated manuscripts Alphonse Kann[86]


Court battle Warin v Wildenstein & Co., Inc.[88]
Pablo Picasso :

Femme en blanc oil on canvas, 1922

Carlotta Landsberg Collection

Claim against Marilynn Alsdorf

Restituted in August 2005 through financial compensation.[89]
Pablo Picasso :

The Absinthe Drinker (Portrait de Angel Fernándo de Soto) ) Oil on canvas, 1903

Paul von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Collection

Claim to the Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation[90]

Court battle, followed by settlement.[91]
Pablo Picasso :

Head of a Woman ( Tête de femme ) pastel, 1903

Collection Paul von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

Claim to the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

The picture was returned to the heirs in 2020.[92]
Pablo Picasso

Still Life with a Portrait

1906 oil on canvas

Belonged to Dr Meyer-Udewald, murdered (Auschwitz ) in the Holocaust[93] Her premature death activated the terms of the 1925 Will of Ernst Schlesinger.

Restitution claim to the Phillips Collection

Settlement, with secret terms.[94]

Still Life with a Portrait was sold at Christies after the settlement[95]

Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (attributed):

The Liberation of Saint Peter from Prison Drawing,

Arthur Feldmann Collection

Claim to a private owner

Restituted on November 30, 2004[96]
Interior of a Church, School of 16th-century Flemish artist Pieter Neeffs the Elder Arthur Feldmann

Claim for restitution to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Restituted 2007[97]

Interior of a Church, that has been attributed to the School of 16th-century Flemish artist Pieter Neeffs the Elder, to the heirs of its original owner, Dr. Arthur Feldmann. The drawing, looted by the Nazis in 1939,will be returned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art to Uri Peled, grandson of Dr. Feldmann.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir :

Le Poirier

Oil on canvas,

Fritz Gutmann

Claim to the Parke-Bernet auction house, New York The painting was confiscated in France during World War II; In 1969 it was auctioned in New York; its whereabouts are unknown.

No returns, the auction house (now Sotheby's) did not disclose the name of the buyer.[98]
Pierre-Auguste Renoir :

Paysage pres de Cagnes

Oil on canvas,

Claims for restitution to the heirs of Newton Korhumel[99]

Before the painting was auctioned at Christie's auction house, Richard Semmel's heirs and the owners agreed on a compensation payment.[100]
Peter Paul Rubens :

Allegory of Eternity Oil on canvas, around 1625

Rosa and Jacob Oppenheimer

Claim to the San Diego Museum of Art[101]

In May 2004 the heirs and the museum came to an agreement, the painting remained in the museum after a compensation payment.
Egon Schiele :

Dead City III

Oil on canvas, 1911

Fritz Grünbaum Collection

Claim against the Leopold Foundation in Vienna.[102]

The painting was confiscated at a retrospective exhibition in New York in 1998, but was returned to the Leopold Foundation in Vienna in the same year after a court order.
Egon Schiele :

Portrait of Walburga Neuzil (Wally) Oil on wood, 1912

Collection Lea Bondi-Jaray

Claim against the Leopold Foundation in Vienna.

The painting was confiscated from a retrospective exhibition in New York in 1998.[103] After twelve years of negotiations, the painting was returned to the Leopold Foundation in July 2010, which pays compensation of 19 million dollars to the heirs.
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Nicholas of Tolentino and Sebastian Jacques Goudstikker collection

Restitution claim to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

VMFA Board of Trustees voted to restitute[104]
Egon Schiele

"Woman Hiding Her Face" (1912) and "Woman in a Black Pinafore" (1911),

Fritz Grunbaum

Restitution claim to art dealer Richard Nagay

Legal battle resulting in a court ruling to restitute to the Grunbaum heirs[105]
"The Rape of Tamar," circa 1640, attributed to Eustache Le Sueur. Siegfried Aram[106]

Restitution request to the Metropolitan Museum of Art

After refusing to restitute to Aram who died in 1978, the Metropolitan modified the provenance which had omitted Siegried Aram's previous ownership to mention him in 2020.[107]
Portrait of a Man and Woman in an Interior (1665–67) by Dutch artist Eglon van der Neer (1634–1703) Walter Westfeld (murdered in Auschwitz)

restitution request to the Boston Museum of Fine Art[108]

Settlement in 2011[109]
François Boucher

Les Amoureux Jeunes

oil painting, XVIIIe siècle
André Jean Seligmann /

Claim to the Utah Museum of Fine Arts[110]
Restituted in April 2004.[111]
El Greco

Le Mont Sinaï

oil painting, vers 1600
Collection Ferenc Hatvany (François de Hatvany)[112]

Claim for restitution to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Museum of Heraklion (Greece). Le tableau avait été mis en sécurité lors de l'entrée des troupes allemandes à Budapest en 1944 ; on ne sait pas comment il a refait surface dans le marché de l'art en 1945.
The claim for restitution was rejected.[113]
Marc Chagall

L'Échelle de Jacob

Peinture vers 1930
Erna Menzel

The painting was looted in 1941 by the 'ERR in Bruxelles. After the war it turned up in a private collection in the United States. In 1966, Erna Menzel learned of its location and demanded restitution.[114]

Court battle was decided by the New York Surpreme Court on 22 October 1966. Restitued. Menzil V. List was the first restitution case in the United States.[115]
Gustave Courbet

Le Grand Pont

oil painting, 1864
Josephine Weinmann Collection

Claim for restitution to Yale[116]
Restituted on 23 October 2001[117]
Corneille de Lyon (studio) - Jean d'Albon de Saint-André - formerly Chicago Art Institute.jpg
Corneille de Lyon

Portrait de Jean d'Albon

oil painting, XVIe siècle
Julius Priester Collection

The painting was seized by the Gestapo in 1938 in Vienna and then turned up in the US at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.[118]
Restitution in May 2004.[119]
Lucas Cranach l'Ancien

Adam et Ève

oil painting vers 1530
Jacques Goudstikker[120]

Claim for restitution to Norton Simon Museum[121]

Marei von Saher-Langenbein request for restitution was rejected by the court in 2012.[122]
Henri Matisse

Ruisseau dans les Alpes

oil painting, 1907
Alphonse Kann Collection[123]

Claim for restitution to the Menil Collection in Houston (Texas)
Settlement resulting in financial compensation of the heirs in exchange for the artwork remaining in the museums on 22 January 2002[124]


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Georges Braque

L'Homme à la guitare

oil painting, 1911/1912
Alphonse Kann Collection

Claim for restitution to Centre Pompidou[125]
The Pompidou Center's Musée national d'art moderne (Mnam) had purchased the Braque from Heinz Berggruen in 1981. After investigation of the Kann claim, and intervention by a judge, a settlement agreement was reached between the French state and the Kann heirs in 2005.[126][127][128]
Georges Braque

Table avec blague à tabac

oil painting, 1930
Paul Rosenberg Collection

Claim for restitution to Madame de Chambrun[129]
Restituted to the heirs.
Bernardo Bellotto dit Canaletto

Vue de l'église de la Salute depuis l'entrée du Grand Canal

oil painting, vers 1730
Bernhard Altmann Collection

Claim for restitution to Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg[130]
La city of Strasbourg a versé 2,5 millions d’euros (dont 0,5 proviennent du mécénat) aux héritiers Altmann.[131]
Albert Gleizes


oil painting, 1911
Collection Alphonse Kann /

Claim for restitution to musée national d'art moderne, Centre Pompidou[132]
Restituted on juillet 1997.
François Marius Granet - La Mort de Poussin.jpg
François Marius Granet

La Mort de Nicolas Poussin en 1665

dessin, 1833
Collection Alphonse Kann

Claim for restitution to the Louvre[133]
Restituted on 16 mars 1998.
Frans Hals

Portrait du pasteur Adrianus Tegularius

oil painting, vers 1650
Adolphe Schloss Collection

Claim for restitution to Adam Williams, Newhouse Galleries[134]

Restituted in July 2001.
Preparatory design - Klimt - Stoclet Palace.jpg
Gustav Klimt

Die Erfüllung

Gouache, Werkvorlage zum Stoclet-Fries, 1905/1909
Collection Karl Grünwald

Restitution request to Musée d'Art Moderne de Strasbourg[135]
Restitution ordered by court after legal battle 11 January 1999.[136]
Fernand Léger

La Femme en rouge et vert

oil painting, 1914
Collection Leonce Rosenberg

Restitution request to musée national d'art moderne, Centre Pompidou
Restituted to the heirs en février 1999.[137]
Gustav Klimt

Rosiers sous les arbres

Nora Stiasny (1898-1942)

Restitution request to the Orsay Museum in France

The launch of the restitution process was announced by France's culture minister Roselyne Bachelot in March 2021.[138]
Léon Lhermitte

Les Glaneuses

oil painting, 1898
Collection Levi de Benzion

conservée en République fédérale d'Allemagne jusqu'en 1989, remis à l'Etat français en 1994, puis par l'Etat français aux ayants droit Lévi de Benzion
Restituted on 6 November 1996.
Henri Matisse

Mur rose

oil painting, 1898
Collection Harry Fuld

Restitution request to French government
Restituted to the heirs le 27 November.
Claude Monet

Nymphéas (1904)

oil painting, 1904
Collection Paul Rosenberg

Restitution request to Collection nationale
Restituted to the heirs on 29 April 1999.
Pablo Picasso

Tête de femme

oil painting, 1921
Collection Alphonse Kann

Restitution request to musée national d'art moderne (Centre Pompidou)
Restitution in 2003 ordered by court decision.[139]
Egon Schiele

Soleil d'automne II Sonnenblumen or

Wilted Sunflowers (Autumn Sun II)

oil painting,

Collection Fritz Grünwald[140]

Restitution request to a private collector
Restituted to the heirs.[141][142]
Bernardo Strozzi

La Sainte Famille avec Jean-Baptiste

oil painting, vers 1630
Collection Frederico Gentili di Giuseppe

Restitution request to the Louvre
Restituted to the heirs sur décision judiciaire en December 1999.[143]
Giambattista Tiepolo

Alexandre le Grand et Campaspe dans l'atelier d'Appele

oil painting, vers 1725-1726
Alessandro Magnasco

Joueurs de cartes devant une cheminée

oil painting, vers 1700
Alessandro Moretto

Visitation de Marie

oil painting, XVIe siècle
Rosalba Carriera

Portait de femmes

oil painting, XVIIIe siècle
D'après Antoine Watteau,

Concert dans un parc,

oil painting, XVIIIe siècle
Edgar Stern.

Resitution request to French State for paintings that were in the MNR collection (looted by Nazis and repatriated to France)[144]

Restituted in October 2020 aux ayants droits de Marguerite Stern[145]
[[]] [],

Intérieur d'écurie,

huile sur bois, XVIIe siècle
Mathys Schoevaerdts,

Place avec église, obélisque et passants,

oil painting, XVIIe siècle

Scène dans un parc,

gouache, XVIIIe siècle
Jean-Honoré Fragonard

Scène galante,

aquarelle, XVIIIe siècle
Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps,

Deux singes au piano,

aquarelle, XIXe siècle
Ernest Meissonier,

Joueurs d'échecs,

dessin, XIXe siècle
André Derain,

La Chapelle-sous-Crécy,

oil painting, vers 1910
René Gimpel. Restituted to the heirs de Gimpel en 2020.[146]
André Derain,

Pinède, Cassis,

oil painting, 1907
André Derain,

Vue de Cassis,

oil painting, 1907
Pissarro - La cueillette des pois.jpg
Camille Pissarro,

La Cueillette des pois,

gouache, 1887
Simon Bauer

Restitution request to Brune and Robbie Toll who purchased the painting at Christie's in 1995.[147]

Restituted after court battle to Simon Bauer's grandson Jean-Jacques[148]

Great Britain[]

Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Nicolò dell'Abbate

Sainte Famille

oil painting, XVIe siècle
Arthur Feldmann

Restitution request to British Museum
April 2006, financial settlement with art remaining in museum.
Lucas Cranach l'Ancien

Vénus et l'Amour voleur de miel

oil painting vers 1525
Collection Emil Goldschmidt (jusqu'à 1909)

National Gallery de Londres
Albert Cuyp

Portrait d'un gentleman, Jacob Gerritsz

oil painting, 1631
Collection Jacques Goudstikker

Restitution request to Sotheby's
Le tableau a été Restituted on 30 October 2003.
Thomas de Keyser

Résurrection du Christ

oil painting, XVIIe siècle
Collection Jacques Goudstikker

Restitution request to galerie Rafael Valls de Londres
Une compensation financière a été décidée le 29 juin 2006.
Gerrit Lundens

Chasseur courtisant une trayeuse

oil painting, XVIIe siècle
Collection Jacques Goudstikker

Restitution request to à Christie's, Londres
Une compensation financière a été décidée le 3 juillet 2006.
Frans van Mier l'Ancien

A dog lying down

oil painting, XVIIe siècle
Collection Arthur Feldmann

Restitution request to de ce tableau ainsi que de deux autres à l'Institut Courtauld de Londres
En January 2007 les héritiers et l'Institut ont conclu un accord : deux tableaux ont été restitués et le troisième est resté au musée.
View of Hampton Court Palace (1710), by Jan Griffier the Elder The painting was owned by a Jewish banker from Dusseldorf who was killed by the Nazis in the late 1930s. His children, who made the claim, were sent to Britain, where their mother joined them after spending time in a concentration camp.[149]

The Tate

"The Government has agreed to pay the £125,000 based on the recommendations of a panel that was established to help resolve claims from people who lost cultural objects during the Nazi era that are held by British collections."[149]
Claude Monet

Au Parc Monceau

oil painting, 1878
Collection Ludwig Kainer

Restitution request to Sotheby's

Lors de la mise aux enchères, il a été établi que ce tableau avait été volé.
Un accord est intervenu entre les vendeurs et les héritiers de la collection Kaiser.


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Lucas Cranach l'Ancien

L'Annonciation à Joachim

oil painting, 1518
Collection Mór Lipót Herzog

Claim for restutution to the Hungarian National collection[150]
In July 2010, the heirs filed a lawsuit against the Republic of Hungary with the Washington District Court for the return of this and 39 other paintings.[151]
Francisco de Zurbarán

Saint André

oil painting, vers 1630–1632
Gustave Courbet

Le Château de Blonay (neige)

oil painting vers 1875
El Greco:

L'Agonie dans le jardin (Christ au Mont des oliviers)

oil painting, vers 1610
Mihály Munkácsy

Dusty Road (Poros út)

oil painting, 1874
Collection Jenô Vida

Restitution request toSzépmûvészeti Múzevers de Budapest
Restituted on 26 November 2002.
Mihály Munkácsy

Deux familles

oil painting, 1877
Mihály Munkácsy

Les Visiteurs du bébé

oil painting, 1879
Mihály Munkácsy

Le Christ devant Pilate

oil painting, étude, 1880


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Edgar Degas

Quatre danseuses nues en repos

Dessin au charbon, 1898
Collection Goudstikker

Restitution request to the Israel Museum in Jérusalem
Restituted to the heirs in March 2005 puis laissé en dépôt au musée.
Paul Klee

Danse du voile

Harry Fuld

Restitution request to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem

The drawing arrived in the museum in 1950
Restituted to the heirs.
Camille Pissarro

Boulevard Montmartre, printemps

oil painting, 1897
Max Silberberg[152]

Restitution request to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem[153]
Restituted to the heirs in February 2002[154]


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Jacopo del Sellaio

Madonna and Child with the Young St John and Two Angels


Gustav Arens

Restitution claim to the Cerruti Foundation of Turin

A financial settlement in 2020[155]
Sandro Botticelli

Portrait d'un jeune homme à la casquette rouge

Huile sur bois, 1484
Collection Fritz Gutmann

Restitution request to un citoyen italien anomyme
Restituted on mars 1997 aux héritiers de Fritz Gutmann.
Romanino, cristo portacroce.jpg

Le Christ portant sa croix,

oil painting, vers

Collection Federico Gentile di Giuseppe

Restitution request tomusée Mary Brogan Museum of Art & Science of Tallahassee in Florida.
Restituted to the heirs de Federico Gentile di Giuseppe 18 April 2012 sur ordonnance d'un tribunal fédéral[156]


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Paul Klee


Aquarelle, 1921
Collection Lissitzky-Küppers

Restitution request to Kiyomizu Sannenzaka et au musée de Kyoto
Restituted to the heirs le 29 January 2001.
Alfred Sisley

Soleil de Printemps - Le Loing

oil painting, 1892
Collection Louis Hirsch

Restitution request to un collectionneur japonais inconnu
Restituted on 24 mars 2004,


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Wilhelm Leibl

Jeune fille devant une fenêtreDessin du XIXe siècle

Collection Max Silberberg

Restitution request to Fondation Ratjen de Vaduz
Restituted in 1999 via financial compensation

Czech Republic[]

Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
František Kupka

Composition abstraite

oil painting, vers 1920
Jindrich Waldes

Restitution request to Galerie nationale de Prague.
Restituted in 1996.
Otakar Nejedly


oil painting, vers 1920
Collection Oskar Federer

Restitution request to East Bohemian Gallery of Fine Arts de Pardubice
Restituted in November 2007.
Rembrandt (école)

Le Juif au bonnet de fourrure

oil painting, vers 1660
Adolphe Schloss

Restitution request to Galerie nationale de Prague
Restituted on 25 juin 2002
Paul Signac

Barque sur la Seine

oil painting, vers 1901
Emil Freund /

Restitution request to Jewish Museum of Prague.
Restitued December 2008.


Illustration Artist and artworks Former owner / Restitution Request Result
Pierre Bonnard

La Vénus de Cyrène

oil painting
Bernheim Jeune

Restitution request to Kunstmuseum de Bâle
Settlement agreement 8 July 1998 : painting remains in museum
John Constable

Dedham from Langham

oil painting
John et Anna Jaffe

Restitution request to musée des beaux-arts de La Chaux-de-Fonds
Restituted on 16 mai 2008
Wassily Kandinsky

Improvisation Nr. 10

oil painting
Collection Sophie Lissitzky-Küppers

Restitution request to Fondation Beyeler
Restitué par compensation financière ; le tableau est resté au musée.
Max Liebermann

École de couture à l'orphelinat d'Amsterdam

oil painting
Collection Max Silberberg[157]

Restitution request to Bündner Kunstmuseum de Chur
Restituted on 11 mai 1999, aujourd'hui au Von-der-Heydt-Museum, de Wuppertal
Édouard Manet

La Sultane

oil painting 1871
Collection Max Silberberg

Restitution request to Fondation Collection E.G. Bührle de Zurich
La fondation a refusé la restitution.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Le Premier Tricot

oil painting,
Jakob Goldschmidt

Restitution request to heirs of Jacques Koerfer
After 12 ans of litigation, the Swiss federal tribunal ordered the restitution of this painting as well as Dans la loge also by Toulouse-Lautrec


Jan van Goyen's 1638 painting "Huts on a Canal," Jacques Goudstikker

Request for information to the Gdansk Museum[158][159]

Poland refuses restitution[159]
81 works seized in the Netherlands by the Nazis or their agents most likely ended up in occupied Poland the Origins Unknown Agency, a Dutch organization that investigates cases of looted art, was commissioned by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, to investigate art looted from Dutch Jews that ended up in Poland[160]

Notes and references[]

  1. ^ "Lost Art Internet Database - Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) - Gentili di Giuseppe, Frederico". Retrieved 13 June 2021.
  2. ^ "Resolved Stolen Art Claims" (PDF). Herrick,Feinstein. 1 January 2015. Retrieved 28 December 2019.
  3. ^ Cuthbertson, Debbie (29 May 2014). "NGV to return painting to heirs of owner threatened by Nazis". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  4. ^ "Gallery under fire over Nazi loot". 8 July 2007. Retrieved 16 March 2021.
  5. ^ "Claim on gallery's 'Nazi-loot' art". The Australian. Retrieved 19 March 2021.
  6. ^ "The stolen art that found its way home". The Independent. 23 October 2011. Retrieved 9 February 2021.
  7. ^ "The stolen art that found its way home". The Independent. 13 November 1999. Retrieved 24 November 2019.
  8. ^ Chechi, Alessandro (13 March 2014). The Settlement of International Cultural Heritage Disputes. OUP Oxford. p. 400. ISBN 978-0-19-100908-2. Retrieved 24 November 2019.
  9. ^ "Restitutionsbericht Universalmuseum Joanneum" (PDF).
  10. ^ "PROVENANCE RESEARCH AT THE LENTOS KUNSTMUSEUM LINZ Interim Report October 2019" (PDF). 2009 Gustav Klimt, Damenbildnis (Portrait Ria Munk III), 1917/18 Oil on canvas, 180.7 x 89.9 cm Restituted to the rightful heirs of Aranka Munk The portrait of the daughter of Viennese industrialists Alexander and Aranka Munk, Ria, who committed suicide at the age of 24 in 1911, was kept by her mother in the Munks’ villa in Bad Aussee. In 1941, Aranka Munk was deported to Łódź, where she was subsequently murdered. After Aranka's deportation the portrait was unaccounted for. The circumstances under which it was acquired by Wolfgang Gurlitt, who sold it to the City of Linz in 1956, are likewise unclear. The City of Linz fully acknowledged that Aranka Munk was a victim of Nazi persecution and restituted the painting to her heirs in 2009.
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b c d "Linz restituiert Emil Noldes "Maiwiese" - Linz restitutes Emil Nolde's 'Meadow in May'". Retrieved 11 May 2021.
  12. ^ "Heirs to Auction Nazi-Looted Art from Albertina". Artnet News. 9 September 2014. Archived from the original on 4 December 2019. Retrieved 18 May 2021. OTS reported in March that Adele Pächter, who was Jewish, was persecuted by the Nazis and was forced to dispose of her deceased husband's collection. Hermann Pächter had died in 1902. She was able to bring the collection to auction in 1940 via her son in law, under extreme pressure. In 1943, she was murdered at the Theresienstadt concentration camp.
  13. ^ "Heirs to Auction Nazi-Looted Art from Albertina". Artnet News. 9 September 2014. Archived from the original on 4 December 2019. Retrieved 18 May 2021. The artwork to be sold at Villa Grisebach is Adolph von Menzel's gouache on paper Stehende Rüstungen (1886). It is estimated to fetch €100,000–150,000 at the auction this fall. The piece had been on display in Vienna's Albertina museum until research conducted by the Austrian government's Art Restitution Advisory Board determined that Adele Pächter “was forced to sell works” during the time of National Socialism in Germany. Florian Illies, a partner at Villa Grisebach, revealed to the Art Newspaper that the research conducted by the Austrian Art Restitution board also discovered other works by von Menzel that the Pächter family had to sell during Nazi regime.
  14. ^ "PROVENANCE RESEARCH AT THE LENTOS KUNSTMUSEUM LINZ Interim Report October 2019" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 11 May 2021. 2015 Emil Nolde, Maienwiese (Maiwiese), 1915 Oil on canvas, 48 x 79 cm Restituted to the rightful heirs of Otto Siegfried Julius. Until September 1938, the painting was part of the collection of the Hamburg urologist Otto Siegfried Julius, who in 1938 fled from racist persecution first to Switzerland and then, in 1939, to the United States. Julius's Hamburg housekeeper tried to ship the priceless collection to Switzerland, but none of the works actually arrived in that country. In November 1953, the City of Linz acquired Emil Nolde's landscape Maienwiese from the Salzburg gallerist Friedrich Welz. How Welz came by the Nolde is unclear. On the recommendation of Austria's Art Restitution Board the City Council decided in favour of restitution in 2015.
  15. ^ "PROVENANCE RESEARCH AT THE LENTOS KUNSTMUSEUM LINZ Interim Report 2019" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 11 May 2021. 1999. Lesser Ury, Die Näherin, 1883. Oil on canvas, 52 x 42.5 cm. Restituted to the rightful heirs of Fritz Loewenthal. Loewenthal's father-in-law William Bennigson was compelled to leave this painting and many other works of art in Berlin prior to his deportation and entrusted them to Wolfgang Gurlitt. In the presence of a witness Gurlitt then gave an undertaking to either return these works of art or to make full payment for them. As early as July 1950, Fritz Loewenthal, who had emigrated to Israel, contacted Wolfgang Gurlitt asking him, among other things, about the whereabouts of the Lesser Ury painting. Gurlitt refused to return the painting. In 1999, the City of Linz formally acknowledged that the Loewenthals had been persecuted and that the sale of the painting had taken place under duress. The painting was restituted
  16. ^ "PROVENANCE RESEARCH AT THE LENTOS KUNSTMUSEUM LINZ Interim Report October 2019" (PDF). Acquired from Wolfgang Gurlitt in 1953–56, all six Romakos were part until 1938/39 of the collection of Oskar Reichel, a medical doctor in Vienna. The fact that as a victim of racist persecution Reichel was forced to sell up under duress after the Anschluss only became known to the City of Linz in the course of systematic provenance research. The paintings were restituted to the Reichels’ legal successor. Today they are on display at the LENTOS on permanent loan.
  17. ^ "Recommendation of the Advisory Commission for the Return of Cultural Property Seized as a Result of Nazi Persecution" (PDF). This case concerned the painting “Bauernmädchen ohne Hut mit weißem Halstuch” (‘Peasant Girl without a Hat and with a White Headcloth’) (1897) by Wilhelm Leibl. The Advisory Commission recommended that the German Federal Government return the piece to the heirs of Dr Alexander Lewin. The recommendation is based on the following facts: Dr Alexander Lewin (1879 – 1942) was the Chairman of the Board of Management at the hat manufacturer Berlin-Gubener Hutfabrik AG until 1938. His comprehensive art collection included Leibl's ‘Peasant Girl’. In summer 1938, Dr Lewin emigrated to Switzerland as a result of persecution, having been identified as a so-called 'Jewish Mischling (half-breed) of the first degree'. At the beginning of September 1938, Dr Lewin left the Board of Management at Berlin-Gubener Hutfabrik AG and in early March 1939, he gave notification that he would not be returning to Germany, which led to him being denied access to his entire estate as a result of a so-called ‘security order’ issued on 10th March 1939. On 4th August 1941, the German Reichsminister of the Interior deprived Dr Lewin of his German citizenship. His property was seized from him. The painting ‘Peasant Girl’ had come into Dr Lewin's possession at 1930 at the latest. In May 1938, the commission agent Litthauer from Berlin tried to sell the piece to Galerie Heinemann in Munich at Lewin's request, but the gallery did not buy the painting. By spring 1939 at the latest, the painting ended up in the hands of the German Reich, namely in the “Fuehrerbau”, Adolf Hitler's office building in Munich, where the artwork for the planned "Fuehrer Museum" for Hitler in Linz, Austria, was being gathered.
  18. ^ "Lost Art Internet Database - Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) - Feldmann, Dr. Arthur". Retrieved 13 June 2021.
  19. ^ "HCPO Gallery: Dr. Arthur Feldmann - biography". Department of Financial Services. Archived from the original on 11 May 2021. Retrieved 13 June 2021. The Feldmann Collection included Old Master of the German, Italian, Dutch, Flemish, and French Schools from the 15th to the 18th Centuries. His collection was well known internationally throughout the art world. Drawings from his collection were published in the most important and renowned art periodicals and written about by important and renowned art historians both before and after the war. On the day the Nazis entered Brno, March 15, 1939, the Gestapo confiscated Dr. Feldmann's villa, which contained amongst other possessions his valuable collection of drawings. Dr. Feldmann and his wife had to flee the villa within a couple of hours of the occupation. Shortly afterwards, Feldmann was arrested by the Gestapo, imprisoned and tortured at the infamous Špilberk prison and consequently died of a heart attack in March 1941. He was 64 at the time of his death.
  20. ^ "Restitution und Rückkauf der Zeichnung "Felsige Waldlandschaft mit weitem Ausblick" (um 1610/15) von Isaak Major" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 20 June 2016.
  21. ^ "15 June 2016: Kunsthalle Bremen returns and repurchases Isaak Major drawing from the Arthur Feldmann collection". Retrieved 13 June 2021.
  22. ^ "KVDB - Startseite - Vorbereitung zum Weinlesefest". Retrieved 9 June 2021.
  23. ^ "Lost Art Internet Database - Search". Retrieved 9 June 2021.
  24. ^ Jump up to: a b c Reporter, Jewish News. "Three paintings seized by Nazis to be reclaimed for London eyesight charity". Retrieved 9 June 2021.
  25. ^ "KVDB - Startseite - Das gutmütige Kind [Der Bettler]". Retrieved 9 June 2021.
  26. ^ "KVDB - Startseite - Besuch der Großeltern". Retrieved 9 June 2021. Bis zum Jahre 1938 befand sich das Gemälde im Eigentum von Irma Löwenstein (1892–?), geb. Samec, Wien.[2] Sie erwarb es höchstwahrscheinlich im Jahre 1934 als Schenkung ihres Ehemannes Oscar Löwenstein (1868–vermutlich 1955),[3] dem Gründer und Herausgeber der Tageszeitung „Neues Wiener Journal“.[4]
  27. ^ "Art treasure looted by Nazis finally returned to family". the Guardian. 14 March 2000. Archived from the original on 24 August 2013. Retrieved 9 June 2021. After decades of the family being told by the German authorities that they had no case in law, because their claim was lodged too late, it took just 10 weeks to resolve the case.
  28. ^ "Looted Art Commission - The Glanville Case". Archived from the original on 9 June 2021. Retrieved 9 June 2021.
  29. ^ Jump up to: a b "Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (State Gallery Stuttgart)". Archived from the original on 25 November 2010. Retrieved 22 May 2021. Museum Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (State Gallery Stuttgart). Research into Nazi-confiscated works of art in the museum's collection. In 2000 the painting Marchesa Imperiale mit Tochter (Marchesa Imperiale with her daughter) by Rubens in the museum's collection was claimed by a French legal firm on behalf of the community of heirs of Jacob and Rosa Oppenheimer. The museum had purchased the painting in 1964 from a private collector. Research by the museum confirmed that the collector had bought it at an auction at Berlin dealer Paul Graupe on 26/27 April 1935. The auction was a forced sale of the works of Berlin art firms Galerie Van Diemen & Co./GmbH, Altkunst und Antiquitäten/GmbH and Dr. Otto Burchard & Co GmbH.
  30. ^ "Egon Schiele Work Restituted by Museum Ludwig to Sell at Sotheby's". Retrieved 9 May 2021.
  31. ^ "Lost Art Internet Database - Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) - Rieger, Heinrich". Retrieved 13 June 2021.
  32. ^ "Advisory Commission on the return of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution, especially Jewish property Office: Seydelstr. 18, 10117 Berlin Recommendation of the Advisory Commission in the case of the heirs of Heinrich Rieger v. The City of Cologne" (PDF).
  33. ^ "Lost Art Internet Database - Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) - Littmann, Dr. Ismar". Retrieved 13 June 2021.
  34. ^ "The art of restitution". The Jerusalem Post | Retrieved 16 March 2021.
  35. ^ "Germans Refuse to Return Picasso Painting Sold by Jewish Man Fleeing the Nazis". Retrieved 29 March 2021.
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  38. ^ Facebook (1 April 2013). "Pablo Picasso painting sought by descendants of Jewish banker". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 29 March 2021.
  39. ^ Hickley, Catherine (8 June 2021). "Was This Picasso Lost Because of the Nazis? Heirs and Bavaria Disagree". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on 9 June 2021. Retrieved 9 June 2021.
  40. ^ "Mahler-Werfel restitution case revived, and put on hold". Retrieved 30 March 2021.
  41. ^ Jump up to: a b Riding, Alan (9 November 2006). "After 60 Years, Austria Will Return a Munch Work to a Mahler Heir". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 30 March 2021.
  42. ^ Collett-White, Mike (9 November 2006). "Mahler heir celebrates return of Munch painting". Reuters. Archived from the original on 30 March 2021. Retrieved 30 March 2021.
  43. ^ "Family gets back looted Munch masterpiece after 53-year battle". the Guardian. 9 November 2006. Archived from the original on 30 August 2013. Retrieved 30 March 2021.
  44. ^ "Panel urges return of Hitler's Bellotto paintings to heirs of Jewish retail magnate". Retrieved 17 March 2021.
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  46. ^ Baier, Uta (22 December 2005). "Restitution: Wem gehört der Zwingergraben?". Die Welt (in German). Retrieved 24 November 2019.
  47. ^ "Sotheby's to auction £4m restituted Bellotto painting that Jewish retail magnate was forced to sell to Hitler". Retrieved 16 March 2021.
  48. ^ "Lost Art Internet Database - Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) - Goudstikker, Jacques". Retrieved 13 June 2021.
  49. ^ [dead link], 27 November 2010
  50. ^ SPIEGEL, Erich Wiedemann, DER. "Nazi-Era Profiteering: Holland Returns Art Stolen from a Jewish Collector". Retrieved 30 January 2021.
  51. ^ "Lost Art Internet Database - Jüdische Sammler und Kunsthändler (Opfer nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und Enteignung) - Freund, Julius". Retrieved 13 June 2021.
  52. ^ Homola, Victor (17 January 2005). "Arts, Briefly; German Panel Recommends Return of Looted Art (Published 2005)". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 30 January 2021.
  53. ^ "HCPO Gallery: The Ismar Littman Collection". Department of Financial Services. Archived from the original on 7 April 2016. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  54. ^ "Restitution of Looted Art: From the Collection of an Outlaw" (PDF).
  55. ^ "German Lost Art Foundation - News - Oetker art collection restitutes Nazi-confiscated property". Retrieved 3 April 2021. Leo Bendel, a Polish tobacco dealer, lived with his wife Else Bendel (née Golze) in Berlin and Vienna until he lost his job in 1935 due to his Jewish faith and shortly thereafter gave up his residence in Berlin. He sold the painting to Galerie Heinemann in Munich in 1937. In 1938, Leo Bendel gave up his Polish citizenship and he and his wife converted to Catholicism. Nevertheless, in September 1939 he was arrested by the Nazis in Vienna and deported to Buchenwald concentration camp, where he was murdered in March 1940. His non-Jewish wife survived.
  56. ^ "Dr Oetker returns painting to heirs of Jewish tobacco dealer murdered by the Nazis | The Art Newspaper". 22 November 2019. Archived from the original on 22 November 2019. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  57. ^ [dead link]
  58. ^ [dead link]
  60. ^ "FBI New York Art Crime Team Returns Vases Stolen During Nazi Rule in Germany — FBI". FBI. Retrieved 17 March 2021. Harry and Lucie Mayer Fuld lived in Germany in the 1930s. Mr. Fuld died in 1932. The Nazis took power in 1933, seizing Lucie's bank accounts and placing an exit tax on her if she left the country. She fled Germany in 1939 with only a few of her possessions, leaving behind her home and much of the artwork in it. In July 1940, an auction house in Berlin listed for sale items from the Fuld's estate. The Nazi government determined proceeds from the auction satisfied the exit tax they put on Lucie
  61. ^ [dead link]
  62. ^ "Rosenberg Heirs' Claim to Gurlitt Matisse Stalled". Artnet News. 24 February 2015. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  63. ^ "Affaire Gurlitt: Femme assise de Matisse rendu à ses héritiers". Le Figaro. 15 May 2015.
  64. ^ "Pillées sous l'Occupation, trois œuvres officiellement restituées aux héritiers d'Armand Dorville | Emmanuelle Polack Site officiel" (in French). Retrieved 3 December 2020.
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  69. ^ "FERDINAND GEORG WALDMÜLLER (VIENNA 1793-1865 HINTERBRÜHL)". Archived from the original on 1 May 2021. Retrieved 1 May 2021. Dr. Hermann Eissler (1860-1953), Vienna, by 1930. Banned from export under the Nazi regime and held in the apartment of the above, 29 October 1938. Berta Morelli (1893 – 1975), Vienna, by December 1938, acquired as a gift from her father, Dr Hermann Eissler. Purchased by Maria Almas Dietrich, Munich, together with two other paintings by Waldmüller from the above and Hortense Eissler for Reich Chancellery in May 1939. Reich Chancellery, by whom acquired from the above as part of the collection for the planned Linz Museum (Linz no. 734). Recovered by the Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section for the Salt Mines, Alt Aussee (no. 6442), and transferred to the Central Collecting Point, Munich, 22 October 1945 (MCCP no. 11228). with Galerie Nathan, Zurich. Transferred into the custody of the Bavarian Ministerpräsident, December 1948, thereafter into the custody of the German federal government, June 1949. On loan from the above to the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 1966 (inv. no. Lg 755). Restituted to the heirs of Dr Herman Eissler in 2020.
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  74. ^ Gunnar Schnabel, Monika Tatzkow : Nazi Looted Art. Handbuch. Kunstrestitution weltweit, page 439 et suivantes.
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Articles connexes[]


  • Nazi looting : the plunder of Dutch Jewry during the Second World War, Gerard Aalders Oxford ; New York : Berg, ©2004.[1]
  • Robbing the Jews : the confiscation of Jewish property in the Holocaust, 1933-1945, Martin Dean, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, dr. 2011.[2]
  • Le marche de l'art sous l'Occupation : 1940-1944, Emmanuelle Polack; Laurence Bertrand Dorleac, Paris : Tallandier, 2020[3]
  • Göring's man in Paris : the story of a Nazi art plunderer and his world, Jonathan Petropoulos, New Haven : Yale University Press, [2021][4]
  • (de)Thomas Armbruster, Rückerstattung der Nazi-Beute, die Suche, Bergung und Restitution von Kulturgütern durch die westlichen Alliierten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, Zurich, de Gruyter, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-89949-542-3, (Schriften zum Kulturgüterschutz), (et aussi Zurich, université, Dissertation, 2007)
  • (de)Ulf Häder, Beiträge öffentlicher Einrichtungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Umgang mit Kulturgütern aus ehemaligem jüdischen Besitz. Koordinierungsstelle für Kulturgutverluste, Magdebourg 2001, ISBN 3-00-008868-7, (Veröffentlichungen der Koordinierungsstelle für Kulturgutverluste 1).
  • (de)Jonathan Petropoulos, Kunstraub und Sammelwahn. Kunst und Politik im Dritten Reich. Propyläen, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-549-05594-3.
  • (de)Alexandra Reininghaus, Recollecting. Raub und Restitution. Passagen-Verlag, Vienne 2008, ISBN 978-3-85165-887-3.
  • (de)Gunnar Schnabel, Monika Tatzkow, Nazi Looted Art. Handbuch Kunstrestitution weltweit. Proprietas-Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-00-019368-2.

External links[]

  1. ^ Aalders, Gerard (2004). Nazi looting: the plunder of Dutch Jewry during the Second World War. Oxford; New York: Berg. ISBN 978-1-85973-722-4. OCLC 53223516.
  2. ^ Dean, Martin (2011). Robbing the Jews: the confiscation of Jewish property in the Holocaust, 1933-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-88825-7. OCLC 812775661.
  3. ^ Polack, Emmanuelle; Bertrand Dorleac, Laurence (2019). Le marche de l'art sous l'Occupation: 1940-1944 (in French). ISBN 979-10-210-2089-4. OCLC 1249856969.
  4. ^ Petropoulos, Jonathan (2021). Göring's man in Paris: the story of a Nazi art plunderer and his world. ISBN 978-0-300-25192-0. OCLC 1236148051.
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