List of conflicts in Morocco

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Location of Morocco in northern Africa.

Ancient Times[]

Carthaginian Empire[]

Western Mediterranean, 218 BC. Italian cities and Celtic tribes that joined Hannibal after the invasion of Italy are depicted in Blue.

Kingdom of Numidia[]

Roman Province of Mauretania Tingitana[]

  • 420s C.E. Vandals conquer the Roman province

Medieval Times[]

Vandal Kingdom[]

Byzantine Africa[]

  • 534 C.E. — 577 C.E. The Moorish Wars
    • 534 C.E. First Moorish uprising
    • 536 C.E. Military mutiny
    • 544 C.E. Second Moorish uprising and the revolt of Guntharic
  • 577 C.E. Conflict with Moorish kingdom of Garmul

Byzantine Exarchate of Africa[]

Umayyad dynasty[]

Expansion of Rashidun Caliphate

Fatimid dynasty[]

  • 1020 C.E. Fatimid Civil War

Almoravid dynasty[]

  • 1053 C.E. — 1080 C.E. Almoravid conquest of Northern Africa
The Almoravid empire at its greatest extent, c. 1120.

Almohad dynasty[]

  • 1160 C.E. All of Ifriqiya conquered and annexed by the Almohads[1]

Modern Times[]

Marinid dynasty[]

Wattasid dynasty[]

Saadi dynasty[]

  • 1603 C.E. — 1627 C.E. War of the Saadi Dynasty Succession
    • September 1627 C.E. Civil War During the Reign of Zidan al-Nasir
  • 1492 C.E. — 1898 C.E. Spanish colonial campaigns
Extent of the Saadian empire during the reign of Ahmad al-Mansur

Alaouite dynasty[]

French protectorate in Morocco[]

Kingdom of Morocco[]


  1. ^ For an account of the Almohad and Norman conquests of Ifriqiya, see Ibn al-Athir (p.578ff)


  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Almoravides" . Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

See also[]

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