List of endangered amphibians

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2 extinct in the wild amphibian species (0.03%)545 critically endangered amphibian species (8.4%)848 endangered amphibian species (13%)670 vulnerable amphibian species (10%)402 near threatened amphibian species (6.2%)2458 least concern amphibian species (38%)1567 data deficient amphibian species (24%)Circle frame.svg
Amphibian species (IUCN, 2016-2)
  • 6492 extant species have been evaluated
  • 4925 of those are fully assessed[a]
  • 2860 are not threatened at present[b]
  • 2063 to 3630 are threatened[c]
  • 35 to 148 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 33 extinct (EX) species[d]
    • 2 extinct in the wild (EW)
    • 113 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
    • 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]

  1. ^ excludes data deficient evaluations.
  2. ^ NT and LC.
  3. ^ Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. ^ Chart omits extinct (EX) species
Endangered (EN) species are considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.

As of September 2021, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 1085 endangered amphibian species.[1] 14% of all evaluated amphibian species are listed as endangered. No subpopulations of amphibians have been evaluated by the IUCN.

For a species to be considered endangered by the IUCN it must meet certain quantitative criteria which are designed to classify taxa facing "a very high risk of exintction". An even higher risk is faced by critically endangered species, which meet the quantitative criteria for endangered species. Critically endangered amphibians are listed separately. There are 1393 amphibian species which are endangered or critically endangered.

Additionally 1193 amphibian species (16% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[3]

This is a complete list of endangered amphibian species evaluated by the IUCN.


There are 161 salamander species assessed as endangered.

Lungless salamanders[]

  • Inyo Mountains salamander (Batrachoseps campi)
  • Coal black salamander (Bolitoglossa anthracina)
  • Cerro Pando salamander (Bolitoglossa compacta)
  • Oak forest salamander (Bolitoglossa cuchumatana)
  • Camp Sasardi salamander (Bolitoglossa cuna)
  • Bolitoglossa daryorum
  • Bolitoglossa diaphora
  • Dunn's climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa dunni)
  • Engelhardt's climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa engelhardti)
  • Bolitoglossa eremia
  • Yellow-legged mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa flavimembris)
  • Yellowbelly mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa flaviventris)
  • Gomez's web-footed salamander (Bolitoglossa gomezi)
  • Guaramacal's salamander (Bolitoglossa guaramacalensis)
  • Holy-mountain salamander (Bolitoglossa heiroreias)
  • Paramo Frontino salamander (Bolitoglossa hypacra)
  • Bolitoglossa indio
  • Bolitoglossa kaqchikelorum
  • Bolitoglossa la
  • Oaxacan mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa macrinii)
  • Magnificent web-footed salamander (Bolitoglossa magnifica)
  • Crater salamander (Bolitoglossa marmorea)
  • Meliana climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa meliana)
  • Dwarf climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa minutula)
  • (Bolitoglossa mucuyensis)
  • Atoyac salamander (Bolitoglossa oaxacensis)
  • (Bolitoglossa omniumsanctorum)
  • Mérida mountain salamander (Bolitoglossa orestes)
  • Bolitoglossa pacaya
  • Pandi mushroomtongue salamander (Bolitoglossa pandi)
  • Pijol salamander (Bolitoglossa porrasorum)
  • Rilett's climbing salamander (Bolitoglossa riletti)
  • Cordillera Talamanca salamander (Bolitoglossa sooyorum)
  • (Bolitoglossa tamaense)
  • Bolitoglossa tatamae'
  • Cerro Cituro salamander (Bolitoglossa taylori)
  • (Bolitoglossa tenebrosa)
  • Veracruz salamander (Bolitoglossa veracrucis)
  • Bolitoglossa xibalba
  • (Bolitoglossa yariguiensis)
  • Zapotec salamander (Bolitoglossa zapoteca)
  • (Bradytriton sinus)
  • Gristle-headed splayfoot salamander (Chiropterotriton chondrostega)
  • Bigfoot splayfoot salamander (Chiropterotriton magnipes)
  • (Chiropterotriton melipona)
  • Miquihuana splayfoot salamander (Chiropterotriton miquihuanus)
  • Toothy splayfoot salamander (Chiropterotriton multidentatus)
  • Alvarez del Toro's hidden salamander (Cryptotriton alvarezdeltoroi)
  • Cortez' hidden salamander (Cryptotriton nasalis)
  • Georgetown salamander (Eurycea naufragia)
  • Jollyville Plateau salamander (Eurycea tonkawae)
  • Berry Cave salamander (Gyrinophilus gulolineatus)
  • West Virginia spring salamander (Gyrinophilus subterraneus)
  • Oaxacan false brook salamander (Isthmura boneti)
  • Giant false brook salamander (Isthmura gigantea)
  • Southern giant salamander (Isthmura maxima)
  • Jumping salamander (Ixalotriton niger)
  • Yoro salamander (Nototriton barbouri)
  • Nototriton brodiei
  • Nototriton lignicola
  • Santa Barbara moss salamander (Nototriton limnospectator)
  • Nototriton major
  • Los diamantes worm salamander (Oedipina carablanca)
  • Fortuna worm salamander (Oedipina fortunensis)
  • Oedipina gracilis
  • Cerro Pando worm salamander (Oedipina grandis)
  • Chimaltenango worm salamander (Oedipina ignea)
  • (Oedipina kasios)
  • Narrow-footed worm salamander (Oedipina leptopoda)
  • (Oedipina motaguae)
  • Nicaraguan worm lizard (Oedipina nica)
  • Quarry worm salamander (Oedipina poelzi)
  • Oedipina stenopodia
  • Taylor's worm salamander (Oedipina taylori)
  • (Oedipina tzutujilorum)
  • Red Hills salamander (Phaeognathus hubrichti)
  • Siskiyou Mountains salamander (Plethodon stormi)
  • Weller's salamander (Plethodon welleri)
  • Morelos false brook salamander (Pseudoeurycea altamontana)
  • Sierra de Malinaltepec salamander (Pseudoeurycea amuzga)
  • Pseudoeurycea conanti
  • Firschein's false brook salamander (Pseudoeurycea firscheini)
  • Sierra Juarez false brook salamander (Pseudoeurycea juarezi)
  • Veracruz worm salamander (Pseudoeurycea lineola)
  • Longtail false brook salamander (Pseudoeurycea longicauda)
  • Veracruz green salamander (Pseudoeurycea lynchi)
  • Black false brook salamander (Pseudoeurycea melanomolga)
  • Mustache false brook salamander (Pseudoeurycea mystax)
  • Black-spotted false brook salamander (Pseudoeurycea nigromaculata)
  • Sierra de Juárez worm salamander (Pseudoeurycea orchileucos)
  • San Martin worm salamander (Pseudoeurycea orchimelas)
  • Muscular salamander (Pseudoeurycea papenfussi)
  • Orange-tailed agile salamander (Pseudoeurycea ruficauda)
  • Black-footed salamander (Pseudoeurycea tlilicxitl)
  • Werler's salamander (Pseudoeurycea werleri)
  • Supramonte cave salamander (Speleomantes supramontis)
  • Boreal thorius (Thorius boreas)
  • MacDougall's pygmy salamander (Thorius macdougalli')
  • Zoquitlan pygmy salamander (Thorius maxillabrochus)
  • Thorius minydemus
  • Cerro San Felipe pigmy salamander (Thorius narisovalis)
  • Omiltemi minute salamander (Thorius omiltemi)
  • Veracruz pygmy salamander (Thorius pennatulus)
  • Pine-dwelling minute salamander (Thorius pinicola)
  • Heroic minute salamander (Thorius tlaxiacus)
  • Taylor's pigmy salamander (Thorius troglodytes)

Asiatic salamanders[]

  • Longdong stream salamander (Batrachuperus londongensis)
  • Yenyuan stream salamander (Batrachuperus yenyuanensis)
  • Abe's salamander (Hynobius abei)
  • (Hynobius abuensis)
  • (Hynobius akiensis)
  • Amji's salamander (Hynobius amjiensis)
  • Arisan hynobiid (Hynobius arisanensis)
  • (Hynobius bakan)
  • Odaigahara salamander (Hynobius boulengeri)
  • Taiwan salamander (Hynobius formosanus)
  • Hakuba salamander (Hynobius hidamontanus)
  • (Hynobius iwami)
  • Akaishi salamander (Hynobius katoi)
  • Blotched salamander (Hynobius naevius)
  • Oki salamander (Hynobius okiensis)
  • (Hynobius osumiensis)
  • (Hynobius setoi)
  • (Hynobius shinichisatoi)
  • Sonan's salamander (Hynobius sonani)
  • Hokuriku salamander (Hynobius takedai)
  • (Hynobius tsurugiensis)
  • Kori salamander (Hynobius yangi)
  • Jinfo salamander (Pseudohynobius jinfo)
  • Tadami clawed salamander (Onychodactylus fuscus)
  • Central Asian salamander (Ranodon sibiricus)

Mole salamanders[]

  • Mountain stream salamander (Ambystoma altamirani)
  • Yellow-peppered salamander (Ambystoma flavipiperatum)
  • Granular salamander (Ambystoma granulosum)
  • Lake Lerma salamander (Ambystoma lermaense)
  • Puerto Hondo stream salamander (Ambystoma ordinarium)
  • Michoacan stream salamander (Ambystoma rivulare)


True salamanders and newts

  • Sardinian brook salamander (Euproctus platycephalus)
  • Dayang newt (Cynops orphicus)
  • Laos warty newt (Laotriton laoensis)
  • Anatolia Lycian salamander (Lyciasalamandra antalyana)
  • Atif's Lycian salamander (Lyciasalamandra atifi)
  • Fazil Lycian salamander (Lyciasalamandra fazilae)
  • Marmaris Lycian salamander (Lyciasalamandra flavimembris)
  • Black-spotted newt (Notophthalmus meridionalis)
  • Chang's stout newt (Pachytriton changi)
  • Mo's stout newt (Pachytriton moi)
  • Pachytriton wuguanfui
  • Guangxi warty newt (Paramesotriton guanxiensis)
  • Yunwu warty newt (Paramesotriton yunwuensis)
  • Zhijin warty newt (Paramesotriton zhijinensis)
  • Edough ribbed newt (Pleurodeles poireti)
  • Dabie knobby newt (Tylototriton dabienicus)
  • Hainan knobby newt (Tylototriton hainanensis)
  • Southern Sichuan crocodile newt (Tylototriton pseudoverrucosus)
  • Tiannan crocodile newt (Tylototriton yangi)


  • Alabama waterdog (Necturus alabamensis)


There are 914 frog species assessed as endangered.

Water frogs[]

  • Amable Maria frog (Telmatobius brachydactylus)
  • Shortsnout water frog (Telmatobius brevirostris)
  • Titicaca water frog (Telmatobius culeus)
  • Telmatobius gigas
  • Telmatobius hypselocephalus
  • Piura water frog (Telmatobius ignavus)
  • Cajamarca water frog (Telmatobius latirostris)
  • Lake Junin frog (Telmatobius macrostomus)
  • Telmatobius mayoloi
  • Telmatobius pisanoi
  • Telmatobius platycephalus
  • Telmatobius schreiteri
  • Telmatobius stephani
  • Zapahuira water frog (Telmatobius zapahuirensis)

Robber frogs[]

  • Adelophryne maranguapensis
  • Eleutherodactylus acmonis
  • Eleutherodactylus adelus
  • Barahona rock frog (Eleutherodactylus alcoae)
  • Eleutherodactylus amplinympha
  • Jamaican rumpspot frog (Eleutherodactylus andrewsi)
  • Baoruco hammer frog (Eleutherodactylus armstrongi)
  • Eleutherodactylus auriculatoides
  • Eleutherodactylus barlagnei
  • Eleutherodactylus casparii
  • Eleutherodactylus counouspeus
  • Dennis' chirping frog (Eleutherodactylus dennisi)
  • Eleutherodactylus dilatus
  • Patternless whistling frog (Eleutherodactylus diplasius)
  • Eleutherodactylus emiliae
  • Eleutherodactylus etheridgei
  • Eleutherodactylus fuscus
  • Eleutherodactylus glamyrus
  • Eleutherodactylus glaphycompus
  • Eleutherodactylus grabhami
  • Eleutherodactylus grahami
  • Great peeping frog (Eleutherodactylus grandis)
  • Eleutherodactylus greyi
  • Eleutherodactylus griphus
  • Cricket coqui (Eleutherodactylus gryllus)
  • Eleutherodactylus guanahacabibes
  • Eleutherodactylus gundlachi
  • Eleutherodactylus haitianus
  • Hedrick's coqui (Eleutherodactylus hedricki)
  • Half-stripe bromeliad frog (Eleutherodactylus heminota)
  • Baoruco burrowing frog (Eleutherodactylus hypostenor)
  • Eleutherodactylus intermedius
  • Eleutherodactylus ionthus
  • Eleutherodactylus jamaicensis
  • Eleutherodactylus klinikowskii
  • Eleutherodactylus leberi
  • Yellow mottled coqui (Eleutherodactylus lentus)
  • Locust coqui (Eleutherodactylus locustus)
  • Eleutherodactylus luteolus
  • Eleutherodactylus melacara
  • Eleutherodactylus michaelschmidi
  • Eleutherodactylus minutus
  • Eleutherodactylus montanus
  • Neiba telegraph frog (Eleutherodactylus notidodes)
  • Eleutherodactylus nubicola
  • Eleutherodactylus patriciae
  • Eleutherodactylus pinarensis
  • Eleutherodactylus pinchoni
  • Eleutherodactylus pituinus
  • Puerto Rican robber frog (Eleutherodactylus portoricensis)
  • Eleutherodactylus principalis
  • Eleutherodactylus probolaeus
  • Bronze coqui (Eleutherodactylus richmondi)
  • Eleutherodactylus ruthae
  • Eleutherodactylus saxatilis
  • Virgin Islands coqui (Eleutherodactylus schwartzi)
  • Eleutherodactylus simulans
  • Piping peeping frog (Eleutherodactylus syristes)
  • Eleutherodactylus thomasi
  • Eleutherodactylus toa
  • Melodius coqui (Eleutherodactylus wightmanae)
  • Eleutherodactylus zeus
  • Eleutherodactylus zugi

Robust frogs[]

  • Nyctibatrachus aliciae
  • Nyctibatrachus beddomii
  • Giant wrinkled frog (Nyctibatrachus karnatakaensis)
  • Nyctibatrachus minor
  • Nyctibatrachus sanctipalustris
  • Kalakad wrinkled frog (Nyctibatrachus vasanthi)

Shrub frogs[]

Cryptic forest frogs[]

Rain frogs[]

True toads[]

  • Adenomus kandianus
  • Adenomus kelaartii
  • Malcolm's Ethiopian toad (Altiphrynoides malcolmi)
  • Amietophrynus djohongensis
  • Western leopard toad (Amietophrynus pantherinus)
  • Tai toad (Amietophrynus taiensis)
  • Villiers' toad (Amietophrynus villiersi)
  • Arroyo toad (Anaxyrus californicus)
  • Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus)
  • Houston toad (Anaxyrus houstonensis)
  • Amargosa toad (Anaxyrus nelsoni)
  • Ansonia guibei
  • Ansonia latidisca
  • Ansonia platysoma
  • (Ansonia thinthinae)
  • Andes stubfoot toad (Atelopus andinus)
  • Guajira stubfoot toad (Atelopus carrikeri)
  • Darien stubfoot toad (Atelopus certus)
  • Atelopus dimorphus
  • Atelopus laetissimus
  • Limosa harlequin frog (Atelopus limosus)
  • El Tambo stubfoot toad (Atelopus longibrachius)
  • Atelopus mittermeieri
  • Atelopus nahumae
  • Khasi Hill rock toad (Bufoides meghalayanus)
  • Dendrophryniscus carvalhoi
  • Beddome's toad (Duttaphrynus beddomii)
  • Duttaphrynus kotagamai
  • Duttaphrynus noellerti
  • Malabar torrent toad (Ghatophryne ornata)
  • Mountain toad (Incilius cavifrons)
  • Jeweled toad (Incilius gemmifer)
  • Incilius ibarrai
  • Incilius leucomyos
  • Incilius perplexus
  • Incilius spiculatus
  • Incilius tacanensis
  • Incilius tutelarius
  • Ingerophrynus claviger
  • Ingerophrynus kumquat
  • Rivera redbelly toad (Melanophryniscus devincenzii)
  • Chirinda toad (Mertensophryne anotis)
  • Mertensophryne howelli
  • Nectophrynoides cryptus
  • Minute tree toad (Nectophrynoides minutus)
  • Vestergaard's forest toad (Nectophrynoides vestergaardi)
  • Osornophryne antisana
  • Guacamayo plump toad (Osornophryne guacamayo)
  • Herveo plump toad (Osornophryne percrassa)
  • Osornophryne puruanta
  • Cannatella's plump toad (Osornophryne talipes)
  • Malabar tree toad (Pedostibes tuberculosus)
  • Palawan toadlet (Pelophryne albotaeniata)
  • Pelophryne api
  • Cuban pine toad (Peltophryne cataulaciceps)
  • Eastern crested toad (Peltophryne fracta)
  • Cuban long-nosed toad (Peltophryne longinasus)
  • Blue-spotted toad (Rhaebo caeruleostictus)
  • Rhinella chrysophora
  • Rhinella gallardoi
  • Santa Rita beaked toad (Rhinella macrorhina)
  • Rhinella nesiotes
  • Colombian beaked toad (Rhinella nicefori)
  • Rhinella sclerocephala
  • Inyanga toad (Vandijkophrynus inyangae)
  • Bamboutos smalltongue toad (Werneria bambutensis)
  • Mertens' smalltongue toad (Werneria mertensiana)
  • Buea smalltongue toad (Werneria preussi)
  • Werneria submontana
  • Tandy's smalltongue toad (Werneria tandyi)
  • Mount Okou Wolterstorff toad (Wolterstorffina mirei)
  • Humbali village toad (Xanthophryne koynayensis)

Fleshbelly frogs[]

Glass frogs[]

Litter frogs[]

  • Leptobrachium boringii
  • Leptobrachium leishanense
  • Leptobrachium rakhinensis
  • Leptobrachium xanthops
  • Leptolalax alpinus
  • Appleby's leaf-litter toad (Leptolalax applebyi)
  • Leptolalax bidoupensis
  • Musical leaf-litter toad (Leptolalax melicus)
  • Short-legged horned toad (Megophrys brachykolos)
  • Palawan horned frog (Megophrys ligayae)
  • Oreolalax chuanbeiensis
  • Omei lazy toad (Oreolalax omeimontis)
  • Oreolalax pingii
  • Oreolalax puxiongensis
  • Scutiger chintingensis
  • Scutiger muliensis
  • Scutiger ningshanensis
  • Scutiger pingwuensis

Screeching frogs[]

  • Freetown long-fingered frog (Arthroleptis aureoli)
  • (Arthroleptis bioko)
  • (Arthroleptis fichika)
  • Ruo river screeching frog (Arthroleptis francei)
  • (Arthroleptis perreti)
  • Tanzanian screeching frog (Arthroleptis tanneri)
  • Amani screeching frog (Arthroleptis xenodactylus)
  • Fopouanga night frog (Astylosternus fallax)
  • Laurent's night frog (Astylosternus laurenti)
  • Perret's night frog (Astylosternus perreti)
  • Central night frog (Astylosternus ranoides)
  • Apouh night frog (Astylosternus schioetzi)
  • Mount Okou long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa oreas)
  • Black long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa pulchra)
  • Acha Tugi long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa schioetzi)
  • Highland long-fingered frog (Cardioglossa venusta)
  • Mertens' egg frog (Leptodactylodon mertensi)
  • Ornate egg frog (Leptodactylodon ornatus)
  • Perret's egg frog (Leptodactylodon perreti)
  • Leptodactylodon stevarti
  • Leptodactylodon wildi
  • (Leptopelis anebos)
  • Parker’s forest tree frog (Leptopelis parkeri)
  • Susana’s forest tree frog (Leptopelis susanae)
  • Big-eyed tree frog (Leptopelis vermiculatus)
  • Long-toed tree frog (Leptopelis xenodactylus)


Poison dart frogs[]

  • Silverstone's poison frog (Ameerega silverstonei)
  • Cauca poison frog (Andinobates bombetes)
  • Santander poison frog (Andinobates virolinensis)
  • Mertens' rocket frog (Colostethus mertensi)
  • Colostethus ruthveni
  • Phantasmal poison frog (Epipedobates tricolor)
  • Marañón poison frog (Excidobates mysteriosus)
  • Sky-blue poison frog (Hyloxalus azureiventris)
  • Hyloxalus cevallosi
  • Loja rocket frog (Hyloxalus elachyhistus)
  • Hyloxalus toachi
  • (Oophaga arborea)
  • Splendid poison frog (Oophaga speciosa)
  • Golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis)
  • Golfodulcean poison frog (Phyllobates vittatus)
  • Summers' poison frog (Ranitomeya summersi)
  • Black-legged poison frog (Phyllobates bicolor)



  • Fiji ground frog (Cornufer vitianus)
  • Platymantis cagayanensis
  • Hazel's forest frog (Platymantis hazelae)
  • Platymantis lawtoni
  • Platymantis levigatus
  • Negros forest frog (Platymantis negrosensis)
  • Panay forest frog (Platymantis panayensis)
  • Polillo forest frog (Platymantis polillensis)
  • Platymantis spelaeus
  • Mount Data forest frog (Platymantis subterrestris)
  • Platymantis taylori

Fork-tongued frogs[]

  • Montane frog (Fejervarya greenii)
  • Fejervarya nicobariensis
  • Fejervarya nilagirica
  • Limnonectes arathooni
  • Limnonectes microtympanum
  • Limnonectes namiyei
  • Tanah Rata wart frog (Limnonectes nitidus)
  • Minervarya sahyadris
  • Nannophrys naeyakai
  • Piebald spiny frog (Nanorana maculosa)
  • Yunnan Asian frog (Nanorana unculuanus)
  • Yunnan spiny frog (Nanorana yunnanensis)
  • Boulenger's spiny frog (Quasipaa boulengeri)
  • Quasipaa robertingeri

Narrow-mouthed frogs[]

  • Anodonthyla emilei
  • Anodonthyla hutchisoni
  • Anodonthyla jeanbai
  • Anodonthyla moramora
  • Black-throated climbing frog (Anodonthyla nigrigularis)
  • Madagascar climbing frog (Anodonthyla rouxae)
  • Callulops kopsteini
  • (Chiasmocleis lacrimae)
  • Mcdonald's frog (Cophixalus mcdonaldi)
  • Mountain-top nursery frog (Cophixalus monticola)
  • Neglected frog (Cophixalus neglectus)
  • (Cophyla alticola)
  • Cophyla berara
  • (Cophyla mavomavo)
  • (Cophyla milloti)
  • (Cophyla tetra)
  • (Cophyla tsaratananaensis)
  • Ctenophryne carpish
  • Usambara Blue-bellied Frog (Hoplophryne rogersi)
  • Uluguru blue-bellied frog (Hoplophryne uluguruensis)
  • Lowland grainy frog (Kalophrynus palmatissimus)
  • Trueb's Madagascar treefrog (Madecassophryne truebae)
  • Melanobatrachus indicus
  • Microhyla sholigari
  • Microhyla zeylanica
  • Micryletta steinegeri
  • Oreophryne monticola
  • Tsaratanana digging frog (Rhombophryne guentherpetersi)
  • Tiny digging frog (Rhombophryne minuta)
  • (Rhombophryne psologlossa)
  • (Rhombophryne pygmaea)
  • Guibé's digging frog (Rhombophryne serratopalpebrosa)
  • Nosy Be burrowing frog (Rhombophryne testudo)
  • Rhombophryne vaventy
  • Scaphiophryne boribory
  • Malagasy rainbow frog (Scaphiophryne gottlebei)
  • Uperodon mormorata
  • Uperodon palmatus

True frogs[]

  • Nkongsamba frog (Amnirana asperrima)
  • Ivory coast frog (Amnirana occidentalis)
  • Amolops hainanensis
  • Hong Kong cascade frog (Amolops hongkongensis)
  • Holst's frog (Babina holsti)
  • Kampira Falls frog (Babina okinavana)
  • Otton frog (Babina subaspera)
  • Hylarana mangyanum
  • Patzcuaro frog (Lithobates dunni)
  • Lithobates johni
  • Relict leopard frog (Lithobates onca)
  • Amami tip-nosed frog (Odorrana amamiensis)
  • Ishikawa's frog (Odorrana ishikawae)
  • Kuang-wu Shan frog (Odorrana kuangwuensis)
  • Ryukyu tip-nosed frog (Odorrana narina)
  • (Odorrana splendida)
  • Greater tip-nosed frog (Odorrana supranarina)
  • Odorrana utsunomiyaorum
  • Cretan frog (Pelophylax cretensis)
  • Albanian water frog (Pelophylax shqipericus)
  • Pelophylax tenggerensis
  • Mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa)
  • Pyrenean frog (Rana pyrenaica)
  • Rana sauteri
  • Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae)
  • Rana tavasensis

Puddle frogs[]

  • Ringed river frog (Phrynobatrachus annulatus)
  • Ghana river frog (Phrynobatrachus ghanensis)
  • Irangi puddle frog (Phrynobatrachus irangi)
  • Phrynobatrachus krefftii
  • Pakenham's river frog (Phrynobatrachus pakenhami)
  • Phrynobatrachus pintoi


Includes tree frog species and their allies.

  • Blue-sided leaf frog (Agalychnis annae)
  • Red-spotted Argentina frog (Argenteohyla siemersi)
  • Fairy tree frog (Charadrahyla chaneque)
  • Dendropsophus gryllatus
  • Merida treefrog (Dendropsophus meridensis)
  • Chamula mountain brook frog (Duellmanohyla chamulae)
  • Sierra Juarez brook frog (Duellmanohyla ignicolor)
  • Savage's brook frog (Duellmanohyla lythrodes)
  • Copan brook frog (Duellmanohyla soralia)
  • Costa Rica brook frog (Duellmanohyla uranochroa)
  • Heredia treefrog (Ecnomiohyla fimbrimembra)
  • Ecnomiohyla minera
  • Ecnomiohyla phantasmagoria
  • Exerodonta catracha
  • Exerodonta chimalapa
  • Suweon tree frog (Hyla suweonensis)
  • Charazani tree frog (Hyloscirtus charazani)
  • Charta tree frog (Hyloscirtus denticulentus)
  • Lynch's Colombian tree frog (Hyloscirtus lynchi)
  • Rio Chingual Valley tree frog (Hyloscirtus pantostictus)
  • Rio Luisito tree frog (Hyloscirtus piceigularis)
  • Papallacta tree frog (Hyloscirtus psarolaimus)
  • Simmons' tree frog (Hyloscirtus simmonsi)
  • Jondachi tree frog (Hyloscirtus staufferorum)
  • Pico Blanco treefrog (Isthmohyla pictipes)
  • Green-thighed frog (Litoria brevipalmata)
  • Cooloola sedge frog (Litoria cooloolensis)
  • Australian lace-lid (Litoria dayi)
  • Waterfall frog (Litoria nannotis)
  • Growling grass frog (Litoria raniformis)
  • Common mist frog (Litoria rheocola)
  • Variegated tree frog (Megastomatohyla mixomaculata)
  • Cloud forest tree frog (Megastomatohyla nubicola)
  • Jamaican snoring frog (Osteopilus crucialis)
  • Yellow bromeliad frog (Osteopilus marianae)
  • Green bromeliad frog (Osteopilus wilderi)
  • Phyllomedusa baltea
  • Phyllomedusa ecuatoriana
  • Lesser bromeliad treefrog (Plectrohyla arborescandens)
  • Plectrohyla charadricola
  • Tan-edged treefrog (Plectrohyla cyclada)
  • Forest spikethumb frog (Plectrohyla glandulosa)
  • Pop-eyed spikethumb frog (Plectrohyla lacertosa)
  • Keel-snouted treefrog (Plectrohyla mykter)
  • Mourning treefrog (Plectrohyla pentheter)
  • Plectrohyla psiloderma
  • Roberts' treefrog (Plectrohyla robertsorum)
  • Plectrohyla sagorum
  • Guerreran stream frog (Ptychohyla erythromma)
  • Legler's stream frog (Ptychohyla legleri)
  • Schultze's stream frog (Ptychohyla leonhardschultzei)
  • Guatemala stream frog (Ptychohyla panchoi)
  • Ptychohyla salvadorensis
  • Ceiba stream frog (Ptychohyla spinipollex)
  • Cerro Las Flores spikethumb frog (Sarcohyla labeculata)
  • Adler's mottled treefrog (Sarcohyla thorectes)
  • Upland burrowing tree frog (Smilisca dentata)

African reed frogs[]

  • Clarke's banana frog (Afrixalus clarkei)
  • Knysna banana frog (Afrixalus knysnae)
  • Afrixalus lacteus
  • Mebebque frog (Arlequinus krebsi)
  • Itombwe golden frog (Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens)
  • Hyperolius bobirensis
  • Hyperolius dintelmanni
  • Hyperolius kihangensis
  • Luvubu reed frog (Hyperolius leleupi)
  • White-striped reed frog (Hyperolius leucotaenius)
  • Hyperolius nienokouensis
  • Mount Nimba reed frog (Hyperolius nimbae)
  • Hyperolius puncticulatus
  • Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus
  • Hyperolius thomensis
  • Ukami reed frog (Hyperolius torrentis)
  • Kassina jozani
  • Keith's striped frog (Phlyctimantis keithae)


  • Inyangani river frog (Amietia inyangae)
  • Johnston's river frog (Amietia johnstoni)
  • Mistbelt chirping frog (Anhydrophryne ngongoniensis)
  • Hogsback frog (Anhydrophryne rattrayi)
  • Northern moss frog (Arthroleptella subvoce)
  • Natal diving frog (Natalobatrachus bonebergi)
  • Nothophryne broadleyi

Australian ground frogs[]

  • Mountain frog (Philoria kundagungan)
  • Loveridge's frog (Philoria loveridgei)
  • Philoria pughi
  • Philoria richmondensis
  • Sphagnum frog (Philoria sphagnicolus)

Other frog species[]

  • Usambara torrent frog (Arthroleptides martiensseni)
  • Southern torrent frog (Arthroleptides yakusini)
  • Patagonia frog (Atelognathus patagonicus)
  • Zapala frog (Atelognathus praebasalticus)
  • Bornean flat-headed frog (Barbourula kalimantanensis)
  • Apennine yellow-bellied toad (Bombina pachypus)
  • Goliath frog (Conraua goliath)
  • Contulmo ground frog (Eupsophus contulmoensis)
  • Miguel's ground frog (Eupsophus migueli)
  • Nahuelbuta ground frog (Eupsophus nahuelbutensis)
  • Hewitt's ghost frog (Heleophryne hewitti)
  • Indirana brachytarsus
  • Indirana diplosticta
  • Indirana leptodactyla
  • Micrixalus gadgili
  • Fleay's barred frog (Mixophyes fleayi)
  • Giant barred frog (Mixophyes iteratus)
  • (Robin's Uncle)
  • Purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis)
  • Varaldi's Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates varaldii)
  • Efulen water frog (Petropedetes palmipes)
  • Perret's water frog (Petropedetes perreti)
  • Physalaemus soaresi
  • Myers' Suriname toad (Pipa myersi)
  • Magnificent brood frog (Pseudophryne covacevichae)
  • Northern corroboree frog (Pseudophryne pengilleyi)
  • Broadley's Ridged Frog (Ptychadena broadleyi)
  • Somali grassland frog (Ptychadena nana)
  • Newton's grassland frog (Ptychadena newtoni)
  • Gardiner's Seychelles frog (Sechellophryne gardineri)
  • Seychelles frog (Sooglossus sechellensis)
  • Chile mountain false toad (Telmatobufo venustus)
  • Thoropa lutzi
  • Cape platanna (Xenopus gilli)
  • Largen's clawed frog (Xenopus largeni)


  • Changamwensis African caecilian (Boulengerula changamwensis)
  • Sagalla caecilian (Boulengerula niedeni)
  • Taita African caecilian (Boulengerula taitana)
  • Mahe caecilian (Grandisonia brevis)
  • Praslin's caecilian (Praslinia cooperi)
  • Nyingwa caecilian (Scolecomorphus uluguruensis)

See also[]


  1. ^ "IUCN Red List version 2021-3". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 February 2022.
  2. ^ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
  3. ^ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.

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