List of fellows of the British Academy elected in the 2000s

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The Fellowship of the British Academy consists of world-leading scholars and researchers in the humanities and social sciences. A number[quantify] of fellows are elected each year in July at the Academy's annual general meeting.[1]


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2009:[2]

  • Professor Simon Baron-Cohen. Professor of Developmental Psychopathology; Director, Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge
  • Professor William Beinart. Rhodes Professor of Race Relations, University of Oxford; Professorial Fellow, St Antony's College
  • Professor Martin Bell. Professor of Archaeology, University of Reading
  • Robin Briggs. Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Bruce Campbell. Professor of Medieval Economic History, Queen's University, Belfast
  • Professor Christine Chinkin. Professor of International Law, London School of Economics
  • Professor Paul Cloke. Professor of Human Geography, University of Exeter
  • Dr Jean Dunbabin. Senior Research Fellow, St Anne's College, University of Oxford
  • Professor John Duncan. Assistant Director, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge
  • Professor Richard English. Professor of Politics, Queen's University, Belfast
  • Professor . Professor of French and Neo-Latin Literature, University of Cambridge
  • Professor . Professor of English Law, University College London
  • Professor . Professor of African Language Literature, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
  • Professor Malcolm Godden. Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, University of Oxford
  • Professor Rachel Griffith. Deputy Research Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies; professor of economics, University College London
  • Professor Peter Hammond. Marie Curie Professor, Department of Economics, University of Warwick
  • Professor Colin Haselgrove. Professor of Archaeology and Head of School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester
  • Professor Jonathan Haslam. Professor of the History of International Relations, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Patsy Healey. Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University
  • Dr Wilfrid Hodges. Formerly Professor of Mathematics, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Glyn Humphreys. Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Mary Jacobus. Professor of English and Director, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Ruth Lister. Professor of Social Policy, Loughborough University
  • Professor . Professor of World Art Studies, University of East Anglia
  • Dr John Marenbon. Senior Research Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge
  • Professor Roger Pearson. Professor of French, University of Oxford; Fellow and Praelector, The Queen's College
  • Professor Christopher Pelling. Regius Professor of Greek, University of Oxford
  • Professor Geoffrey Pullum. Professor of General Linguistics and Head of Linguistics and English Language, The University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Susan Rankin. Professor of Medieval Music, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Emmanuel College
  • Professor Michael Silk. Professor of Classical and Comparative Literature, King's College London
  • Professor . Emeritus Professor of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Margaret J. Snowling. Professor of Psychology, University of York
  • Professor Fiona Steele. Professor of Social Statistics, University of Bristol
  • Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby. Professor of Social Policy, University of Kent; Honorary Co-Director, Risk Research Centre, Beijing Normal University
  • Professor Alexandra Walsham. Professor of Reformation History, University of Exeter
  • Professor . Formerly Professor of Modern History, University of Durham
  • Professor . Thomas Warton Professor of English Literature, University of Oxford
  • Professor Sarah Worthington. Pro-Director and professor of law, London School of Economics


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2008:[3]

  • Professor Sara Arber, professor of sociology, University of Surrey; Co-Director, Centre for Research on Ageing and Gender
  • Professor Alan Baddeley, CBE, FRS, professor of psychology, University of York
  • Professor , professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
  • Professor John Blair, professor of Medieval History and Archaeology, University of Oxford; Fellow and Praelector, The Queen's College
  • Professor Martin Browning, professor of economics, University of Oxford; Fellow, Nuffield College
  • Professor , professor of linguistics, University of Essex
  • Professor , professor of Hispanic Studies and vice-principal (Humanities and Social Sciences), Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Jon Driver, FMedSci, Director, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
  • Professor David Firth, professor of statistics, University of Warwick
  • Professor Chris Frith, FRS, emeritus professor of Neuropsychology, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London; Niels Bohr Visiting Professor, University of Aarhus
  • Professor Roberta Gilchrist, professor of archaeology, University of Reading
  • Professor Robert Hillenbrand, professor emeritus, History of Art, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Colin Jones, professor of history, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Oliver B. Linton, professor of Econometrics, London School of Economics
  • Professor Julius Lipner, professor of Hinduism and the Comparative Study of Religion, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Ruth Mace, professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, University College London
  • Professor , professor of Human Rights Law, University of Oxford; Fellow, Lincoln College
  • Professor Linda McDowell, professor of Human Geography, University of Oxford; Fellow, St John's College
  • Professor Iain McLean, professor of politics, University of Oxford; Official Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College
  • Professor , professor of Church History, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Daniel Miller, professor of Anthropology, University College London
  • Professor Peter Neary, professor of economics, University of Oxford; Fellow, Merton College
  • Professor Vivian Nutton, professor of the History of Medicine, University College London
  • Professor Stephen Oakley, Kennedy Professor of Latin, University of Cambridge
  • Professor , professor of American Intellectual History, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Jesus College
  • Professor Ray Pahl, Visiting Research Professor, University of Essex; professor emeritus of Sociology, University of Kent
  • Professor Roger Parker, Thurston Dart Professor of Music, King's College London
  • Professor Kenneth Reid, CBE, FRSE, WS, professor of Property Law, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Martin J. S. Rudwick, Affiliated Research Scholar, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge; professor emeritus of History, University of California, San Diego
  • Professor Roger Scruton, senior research fellow, Blackfriars Hall; Research Professor, Institute for the Psychological Sciences, Arlington, Virginia
  • Professor Vivienne Shue, professor and Director, Contemporary China Studies, University of Oxford
  • Professor Paul Julian Smith, professor of Spanish, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Susan J. Smith, professor of Geography and Director of the Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University
  • Professor Lisa Tickner, professor emerita of Art History, Middlesex University; visiting professor, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
  • Professor , professor of the Law of Taxation, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Queens’ College
  • Professor Charles Townshend, professor of International History, Keele University
  • Professor Tony Wilkinson, professor of archaeology, Durham University
  • Professor , professor of Clinical Psychology and Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, University of Oxford


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2007:[4]

  • Ash Amin, professor of Geography and executive director, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Durham
  • Mark Armstrong, professor of economics, University College London
  • Derek Attridge, professor of English, University of York
  • Toby Barnard, lecturer in History, University of Oxford, Fellow of Hertford College
  • John Barton, Oriel and Laing Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford
  • Paul Binski, professor of the History of Medieval Art, University of Cambridge
  • , Northcliffe Professor of Modern English Literature, University College London
  • Harvey Brown, professor of Philosophy of Physics, University of Oxford
  • Andrew Burrows, Norton Rose Professor of Commercial Law, University of Oxford, Fellow of St Hugh's College
  • Bryony Coles, professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Exeter
  • Ross Cranston, Centennial Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Robert Foley, Director of the Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of Cambridge, Fellow of King's College
  • Mary Fulbrook, professor of German History, University College London
  • Christopher Fuller, professor of Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • John Gillingham, emeritus professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • John Haffenden, Research Professor in English Literature, University of Sheffield
  • Christopher Hill, Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations, University of Cambridge
  • Carole Hillenbrand, professor of Islamic History, University of Edinburgh
  • Boyd Hilton, reader in Modern British History, University of Cambridge, Fellow of Trinity College
  • Michael Hunter, professor of history, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Catriona Kelly, professor of Russian and Co-Director, European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford
  • Joni Lovenduski, Anniversary Professor of Politics, Birkbeck, University of London
  • , professor of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford, Fellow of Merton College
  • David Martin, emeritus professor of sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Henrietta Moore, professor of Social Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • , emeritus professor of Medieval History, University of Southampton
  • Anthony Ogus, professor of law, University of Manchester
  • Carole Pateman, Research Professor, European Studies, Cardiff University
  • Nicholas Purcell, Fellow in Ancient History, St John's College, Oxford
  • Genevra Richardson, professor of law, King's College London
  • Ian Roberts, professor of linguistics, University of Cambridge
  • , Sir John Hicks Professor of Economics, University of Oxford
  • Mike Savage, professor of Sociology and Director of the ESRC Centre for Research in Socio-Cultural Change, University of Manchester
  • John Scott, professor of sociology, University of Essex
  • , professor of Econometric Theory and Economic Statistics, University of Cambridge
  • , emeritus fellow, New Hall, Cambridge
  • , professor of Cognitive Science, University of Wales, Bangor
  • H. Peyton Young, Professorial Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford; senior fellow, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2006:[5]

  • Professor (University of Oxford) Philosophy
  • Professor (The Institute of Education, University of London) Sociology of Education
  • Professor Dorothy Bishop (University of Oxford) Developmental Neuropsychology
  • Professor Ken Booth (University of Wales) International Relations
  • Professor John Butt (University of Glasgow) History of Music
  • Professor Richard Carwardine (University of Oxford) American History
  • Professor Avshalom Caspi (King's College London, University of London) Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry
  • Professor (University of Birmingham) Commerce
  • Professor Hugh Collins (London School of Economics) Law
  • Professor Helen Cooper (University of Cambridge) English Literature
  • Professor James Dunn (University of Durham) Theology & Religion
  • Professor David Feldman (University of Cambridge) Law
  • Professor Andrew George (School of Oriental and African Studies) Assyriology
  • Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh (University of Oxford) Politics
  • Professor Ray Hudson (University of Durham) Geography
  • Professor Michael Lipton (University of Sussex) Economics
  • Professor Edna Longley (Queen's University Belfast) English Literature
  • Professor Stephen Machin (University College London) Economics
  • Professor Hector MacQueen (University of Edinburgh) Law
  • Professor Martin Millett (University of Cambridge) Archaeology
  • Professor (Queen Mary, University of London) French
  • Professor Robin Osborne (University of Cambridge) Ancient History
  • Professor Jacqueline Rose (Queen Mary, University of London) English Literature
  • Professor Jill Rubery (University of Manchester) Economic Sociology
  • Rosalind Savill (The Wallace Collection) History of Art
  • Professor Hamish Scott (University of St Andrews) International History
  • Professor Stephen Shennan (University College London) Archaeology
  • Professor Neil Shephard (University of Oxford) Economics
  • Professor Avi Shlaim (University of Oxford) International Relations
  • Professor (University of Durham) Anthropology
  • Professor Patricia Thane (Institute of Historical Research, University of London) Contemporary British History
  • Professor Edward Timms (University of Sussex) German Studies
  • Professor Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester) Linguistics
  • Professor Charles Withers (University of Edinburgh) Historical Geography

Senior fellows[]

  • Professor Rosemary Cramp (University of Durham) Archaeology
  • Professor Barbara Hardy (Birkbeck, University of London) English Literature
  • Professor (University of Bath) Social Policy


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2005:[6]

  • Professor Philip Alexander (University of Manchester), Theology
  • Professor Andrew Barker (University of Birmingham), Classics
  • Dr Bonnie Blackburn, Musicology (Independent scholar)
  • Professor Richard Britnell (University of Durham), History
  • Professor (University of Warwick), History
  • Professor Gordon Clark (University of Oxford), Geography
  • Professor Roger Cotterrell (Queen Mary, University of London), Law
  • Professor Cairns Craig (University of Edinburgh), English Literature
  • Professor Colin Crouch (University of Warwick), Sociology
  • Professor (University College London), History
  • Professor Simon Deakin (University of Cambridge), Law
  • Professor Ian Diamond (Economic and Social Research Council), Sociology
  • Professor Dorothy Edgington (University of Oxford), Philosophy
  • Professor Sandra Fredman (University of Oxford), Law
  • Professor Miriam Glucksmann (University of Essex), Sociology
  • Professor Christopher Gosden (University of Oxford), Archaeology
  • Professor Sir Brian Harrison (University of Oxford), History
  • Professor (University of Southampton), Spanish Literature
  • Professor Andrew Linklater (University of Wales, Aberystwyth), Political Studies
  • Professor (University of Edinburgh), Sociology
  • Professor April McMahon (University of Edinburgh), Linguistics
  • Professor (University of Cambridge), Geography
  • Professor Costas Meghir (University College London), Economics
  • Professor (University College London), Law
  • Professor David Perrett (University of St Andrews), Psychology
  • Professor Robert Plomin (Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London), Psychology
  • Professor (Queen Mary, University of London), English Literature
  • Professor David Reynolds (University of Cambridge), History
  • Professor (University of Essex), Political Studies
  • Professor (University of East Anglia), History
  • Professor Hyun Song Shin (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor Nicholas Thomas (Goldsmiths College, University of London), Anthropology
  • Professor (University of Oxford), Oriental Studies
  • Professor Anthony Venables (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor Marina Warner (University of Essex), English Literature

Senior fellows[]

  • Professor (formerly University of Swansea), History
  • Professor Stuart Hall (Open University), Cultural Studies
  • Professor Michael Zander (London School of Economics and Political Science), Law


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2004:[7]

  • Professor P. Allott (University of Cambridge), Law
  • Professor D. J. Arnold (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London), History
  • Professor O. Attanasio (University College London), Economics
  • Professor (University of Warwick; Law Commission), Law
  • Professor J. A. Beckford (University of Warwick), Sociology
  • Professor M. Berg (University of Warwick), History
  • Dr (University of York), Literature
  • Professor P. J. Bowler (Queen's University Belfast), History of Science
  • Professor C. Clunas (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London), History of Art
  • Professor (University of Stirling), Legal Philosophy
  • Professor E. Duffy (University of Cambridge), History
  • Professor (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London), Anthropology
  • Professor (Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh), Linguistics
  • Professor S. Hornblower (University College London), Classics
  • Professor N. Jardine (University of Cambridge), History of Science
  • Dr A. Jefferson (University of Oxford), French Literature
  • Professor S. Kay (University of Cambridge), French Literature
  • Professor A. Kuhn (Lancaster University), Film Studies
  • Professor J. E. Lewis (University of Oxford), Sociology
  • Professor D. A. MacKenzie (University of Edinburgh), Sociology
  • Professor S. Mendus (University of York), Political Studies
  • Professor R. Middleton (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), Musicology
  • Professor S. J. Mithen (University of Reading), Archaeology
  • Professor T. E. Moffitt (Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London), Psychology
  • Professor (University of Manchester), Political Studies
  • Dr S. C. Ogilvie (University of Cambridge), Economic History
  • Professor R. D. Portes (London Business School), Economics
  • Mr J. D. Ray (University of Cambridge), Egyptology
  • Professor R. Robertson (University of Oxford), German Literature
  • Professor P. Simons (University of Leeds), Philosophy
  • Professor (University of Southampton), Social Statistics
  • Professor J. A. Sloboda (Keele University), Psychology
  • Professor P. J. Taylor (Loughborough University), Geography
  • Professor D. Trotter (University of Cambridge), English Literature
  • Professor F. M. Young (University of Birmingham), Theology

Senior fellows[]

  • Professor D. Harris (Institute of Archaeology, University College London), Geography
  • Dr J. L. Oates (University of Cambridge), Archaeology
  • Professor P. B. Townsend (University of Bristol), Sociology


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2003:[8]

  • Professor R. C. Allen (University of Oxford), Economic History
  • Professor I. Armstrong (Birkbeck, University of London), Literature
  • Professor K. Barber (University of Birmingham), African Studies
  • Professor E. Boa (University of Nottingham), German Literature
  • Professor S. J. Broadie (University of St Andrews), Philosophy
  • Professor (University of Aberdeen), Sociology
  • Dr A. M. Burnett (The British Museum), Classics
  • Professor D. M. Clark (Institute of Psychiatry, London), Psychology
  • Professor (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Demography
  • Dr (The British Museum), Archaeology
  • Professor (University of Cambridge), Theology
  • Professor I. J. Deary (University of Edinburgh), Psychology
  • Professor T. F. Eagleton (University of Manchester), Literature
  • Professor R. F. Ellen (University of Kent at Canterbury), Anthropology
  • Professor D. J. Hand (Imperial College London), Social Statistics
  • Professor P. J. Hennessy (Queen Mary, University of London), History
  • Professor B. A. Hepple (University of Cambridge), Law
  • Professor L. Hill (University of Warwick), Literature
  • Professor D. J. Ibbetson (University of Cambridge), Law
  • Professor J. T. Jackson (University of Wales at Swansea), History
  • Professor D. King (University of Oxford), Political Studies
  • Professor N. Kiyotaki (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor Lord Layard (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor (University of Sheffield), Law
  • Professor M. D. Maiden (University of Oxford), Linguistics
  • Professor D. J. Mattingly (University of Leicester), Archaeology
  • Professor Lord Parekh (London School of Economics and Political Science), Political Studies
  • Professor A. M. Pettigrew (University of Warwick), Business Studies
  • Professor A. Phillips (London School of Economics and Political Science), Political Studies
  • Professor (University of Essex), Art History
  • Professor (University of Leeds), Italian Literature
  • Professor N. A. M. Rodger (University of Exeter), History
  • Professor R. Sharpe (University of Oxford), History
  • Professor N. J. Thrift (University of Bristol), Geography
  • Professor B. W. Vickers, elected to Corresponding Fellowship in 1998, was transferred to Ordinary Fellowship on becoming ordinarily resident in the UK.
  • Professor (University of Liverpool), Demography

Senior fellows[]

  • Professor G. Best, History
  • Professor , History
  • Professor E. Jones, Geography


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2002:[9]

  • Professor S. W. Blackburn (University of Cambridge), Philosophy
  • The Revd Canon Professor D. W. Brown (University of Durham), Theology
  • Professor M. S. Butler (University of Oxford), English
  • Professor B. Butterworth (University College London), Psychology
  • Professor (University of Wales Aberystwyth), Geography
  • Professor L. Dreyfus (King's College London), Musicology
  • Professor M. Elliott (University of Liverpool), History
  • Professor E. C. Fernie (Courtauld Institute of Art), History of Art
  • Professor R. C. Floud (London Guildhall University), Economic History
  • Professor M. R. Freedland (University of Oxford), Law
  • Professor (University of Essex), Sociology
  • Professor (London School of Economics and Political Science), Social Policy
  • Professor F. Halliday (London School of Economics and Political Science), Political Science
  • Professor (University of Leeds), English
  • Dr M. R. C. Hewstone (University of Oxford), Psychology
  • Professor J. R. Hills (London School of Economics and Political Science), Social Policy
  • Professor (University of Oxford), Arab studies
  • Professor A. Hook (University of Glasgow), English
  • Professor G. H. Jenkins (University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies), History
  • Professor Sir Ian Kennedy (University College London), Law
  • Dr P. A. Linehan (University of Cambridge), History
  • Professor P. Magdalino (University of St Andrews), History
  • Professor D. B. Massey (The Open University), Geography
  • Dr D. Miller (University of Oxford), Political Science
  • Professor Robin Milner-Gulland (University of Sussex), Russian Literature
  • Professor (University of Exeter), Classics
  • Professor M. S. Morgan (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economic History
  • Professor (London School of Economics and Political Science), Demography
  • Professor D. W. Phillipson (University of Cambridge), Archaeology
  • Professor C. A. Pissarides (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Dr O. Rackham (University of Cambridge), Ecological History
  • Professor M. Steedman (University of Edinburgh), Linguistics
  • Professor (University of St Andrews), Economics
  • Professor M. Vaughan (University of Oxford), History of Africa
  • Professor (University of Exeter), Austrian literature

Senior fellows[]

  • Professor , Economic geography
  • Miss B. E. de Cardi, Archaeology
  • Professor A. H. Williams, Economics


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2001:[10]

  • Professor M. R. Ayers (University of Oxford), Philosophy
  • Professor J. Barrell (University of York), English
  • Professor J. M. Batty (University College London), Spatial Analysis
  • Professor J. Beatson (University of Cambridge), Law
  • Professor T. J. Besley (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor N. Boyle (University of Cambridge), German Literature
  • Professor T. M. O. Charles-Edwards (University of Oxford), Celtic Studies
  • Professor A. Chesher (University College London), Economics
  • Professor N. Cook (University of Southampton), Music
  • Professor T. P. Dyson (London School of Economics and Political Science), Demography
  • Mr J. M. Eekelaar (University of Oxford), Law
  • Professor U. Frith (University College London), Psychology
  • Professor J. A. Graham-Campbell (University College London), Archaeology
  • Professor D. E. Greenway (University of London), History
  • Professor (University of Durham), Archaeology
  • Professor James Harris (University of Oxford), Law
  • Professor (University of Hull), History
  • Professor (School of Oriental and African Studies, London), Economics
  • Professor G. D. Josipovici (University of Sussex), English
  • Professor A. T. L. Kuhrt (University College London), Ancient Near Eastern History
  • Professor N. M. Lacey (London School of Economics and Political Science), Law
  • Professor H. Lee (University of Oxford), English
  • Professor D. Lieven (London School of Economics and Political Science), Russian History
  • Professor D. N. J. MacCulloch (University of Oxford), History
  • Dr (University of Oxford), Japanese
  • Dr N. R. Malcolm, Early Modern History
  • Professor (University of Cambridge), International Relations
  • Professor (London School of Economics and Political Science), Public Policy
  • Professor (London School of Economics and Political Science), Anthropology
  • Professor (University of Oxford), Linguistics
  • Professor (University of Oxford), Russian Literature
  • The Revd Professor J. K. S. Ward (University of Oxford), Theology
  • Professor A. W. Young (University of York), Psychology

Senior fellows[]

  • Professor J. Durbin, Statistics
  • Professor D. Lowenthal, Geography


The following fellows of the British Academy were elected at the annual general meeting in 2000:[11]

  • Professor R. D. Ashton (University College London), English
  • Professor C. M. Britton (University of Aberdeen), French
  • Professor J. Broome (University of St Andrews), Philosophy
  • Professor (University of Wales Swansea), History
  • Dr S. A. Collini (University of Cambridge), Intellectual History and English Literature
  • Professor J. R. Crawford (University of Cambridge), Law
  • Professor D. Crystal (University of Wales Bangor), Linguistics
  • Professor P. L. Davies (London School of Economics and Political Science), Law
  • Dr D. Gambetta (University of Oxford), Sociology
  • Professor A. M. Gamble (University of Sheffield), Politics
  • Professor C. S. Gamble (University of Southampton), Archaeology
  • Professor H. G. Genn (University College London), Law
  • Professor (University of Cambridge), Education
  • Mr (British Museum), Art History
  • Dr P. R. Hardie (University of Cambridge), Classics
  • Professor H. E. Joshi (Institute of Education, University of London), Demography
  • Professor S. D. Keynes (University of Cambridge), History
  • Dr P. F. Kornicki (University of Cambridge), Japanese Studies
  • Professor A. J. Kuper (Brunel University), Anthropology
  • Professor (University of Stirling), History
  • Professor A. Leighton (University of Hull), English
  • Professor (University of Oxford), Economics
  • Dr G. Marshall (Economic and Social Research Council), Sociology
  • Professor L. Mulvey (Birkbeck College), Film Studies
  • Professor L. A. Newson (King's College London), Geography
  • The Revd Professor O. M. T. O'Donovan (University of Oxford), Theology
  • Dr A. Offer (University of Oxford), Economic History
  • Professor R. J. Overy (King's College London), History
  • Professor (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor P. E. Rock (London School of Economics and Political Science), Sociology
  • Dr (Warburg Institute, University of London), Slavonic Studies
  • Professor T. J. Samson (University of Bristol), Musicology
  • Dr (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit), Psychology
  • Professor H. S. Wallace (University of Sussex), Political Studies
  • Professor (University of St Andrews), Psychology


  1. ^ "About the British Academy". British Academy. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
  2. ^ "Elections to the Fellowship 2009", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2012.
  3. ^ "Elections to the Fellowship 2008", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 6 August 2008.
  4. ^ "Elections to the Fellowship 2007", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2008.
  5. ^ "Elections to the Fellowship 2006", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 4 August 2008.
  6. ^ "Fellows Elected 2005", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 12 May 2006.
  7. ^ "Fellows Elected 2004", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2004.
  8. ^ "Fellows Elected 2003", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2004.
  9. ^ "Fellows Elected 2002", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 26 October 2002.
  10. ^ "AGM 2001", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 4 August 2002.
  11. ^ "Annual elections at the British Academy's AGM", British Academy. 7 July 2000. As archived at the Internet Archive on 6 September 2004.
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