List of geological faults of England

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This is a list of the named geological faults affecting the rocks of England. See the main article on faults for a fuller treatment of fault types and nomenclature but in brief, the main types are normal faults, reverse faults, thrusts or thrust faults and strike-slip faults. Many faults may have acted as both normal faults at one time and as reverse or thrust faults at another and may or may not have also incorporated some degree of strike-slip movement too.

There are also a few 'disturbances'. These linear features are a combination of faults and folds - the relative importance of faulting and folding varying along the length of each disturbance.

Key to tables[]

  • Column 1 indicates the name of the fault. Note that different authors may use different names for the same fault or a section of it. Conversely the same name may be applied to more than one fault, particularly in the case of smaller faults which are geographically distant from each another. Some composite names e.g. Abbotsbury - Ridgeway Fault include individual faults e.g. Abbotsbury Fault and Ridgeway Fault appearing elsewhere in the list but are included since they have been referred to differently by different authors.
  • Column 2 indicates the OS grid reference of the approximate midpoint of certain faults. Note that the mapped extent of a fault may not accurately reflect its actual extent.
  • Column 3 indicates the county in which the fault occurs. Some traverse two or more counties of course.
  • Column 4 indicates on which sheet, if any, of the British Geological Survey's 1:50,000 / 1" scale geological map series of England and Wales, the fault is shown and named (either on map/s or cross-section/s or both). A handful of BGS maps at other scales are listed too.
  • Column 5 indicates a selection of publications in which references to the fault may be found. See references section for full details of publication.

Alphabetical lists of faults[]


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Worcestershire Guide Geol. of Martley
Worcestershire Guide Geol. of Martley
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 302
Cumbria E&W 24
Dorset BGS:BRG15, GA Guide22
Dorset E&W 328, E&W 341/2 Mem E&W 328etc, GA Guide22
E&W 78
Cheshire Smith et al. 2005
E&W 139
Yorkshire E&W 51
Cumbria E&W 24
Aire Valley Fault Yorkshire E&W 69
Cumbria E&W 30
Plant et al. 1999
E&W 110
E&W 125
Cumbria E&W 23
Yorkshire E&W 87
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 167
Cumbria E&W 30
Northumberland E&W 12, E&W 13 BGS:BRG 7
E&W 123
E&W 41
E&W 153
Clwyd Smith et al. 2005
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
TQ 745185 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 31
E&W 152
E&W 167
Warwickshire E&W 169
E&W 59
E&W 59
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Shropshire E&W 166; ChStret:25K
Lancashire E&W 84
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 12
E&W 265
E&W 31
E&W 264


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 166
Cumbria E&W 12 BGS:BRG 7
E&W 12
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 302
Dorset E&W 342/3, Mem E&W 328etc, GA Guide22
Warwickshire E&W 168
?Cumbria/Yorks Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Yorkshire E&W 87
E&W 303
E&W 218
E&W 218
E&W 127
E&W 31
Cheshire E&W 96
E&W 13
Cumbria E&W 24
Derbyshire E&W 141
Yorkshire E&W 87
Somerset E&W 280, 281
Somerset E&W 280
Isle of Man Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 38 BGS:BRG 7
Dorset BGS:BRG 15
Cumbria E&W 24
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 12
E&W 304
E&W 12
E&W 304
Northumberland E&W 15
Dorset GA Guide22
Gloucestershire E&W 234, E&W 251
Somerset/Wiltshire E&W 281
E&W 123
Cheshire BGS:BRG 10
E&W 304
Durham E&W 21
Somerset E&W 280
Yorkshire E&W 69
E&W 167
Lancashire E&W 67
E&W 167
Yorkshire E&W 77
Yorkshire E&W 87
Cumbria E&W 29 BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Warwickshire E&W 168 Smith et al. 2005
E&W 183
Gloucestershire E&W 264, 265
E&W 12
E&W 166
NZ440395 Durham E&W 27
E&W 12
E&W 12
E&W 12
Lancashire E&W 84
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Mem E&W 233/250
Cumbria E&W 24
Cumbria E&W 24
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 303
Gloucestershire E&W 217
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 12
Sussex E&W 302, E&W 318/333
Yorkshire E&W 69
Northumberland BGS:BRG 7
Northumberland E&W 9
Northumberland E&W 10
E&W 112 Smith et al. 2005
E&W 123
Derbyshire E&W 141, 155 (x-section) Smith et al. 2005
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006
E&W 302
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 97
Lancashire E&W 84
Cumbria E&W 23
Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
E&W 13
E&W 97
E&W 153
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 24
Cumbria BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 12, E&W 24
Lancashire E&W 85
Yorkshire E&W 69
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Yorkshire E&W 51
Yorkshire E&W 70
Yorkshire E&W 69, 70
Dorset GA Guide22
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 125
TQ 850176 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Worcestershire E&W 216
Derbyshire E&W 141 Smith et al. 2005
E&W 153
E&W 153
Staffordshire Smith et al. 2005
Dorset E&W 327
Dorset Mem E&W 328etc
Bridgemere Fault E&W 123
Dorset BGS:BRG 15, Mem E&W 328etc
E&W 167
E&W 89
TQ 660214 East Sussex E&W 319/334
Lancashire E&W 75
Bristol Channel Fault Zone Bristol Channel
Brenchley & Rawson 2006
E&W 298
Gloucestershire E&W 217
Shropshire Toghill P. 2006
Gloucestershire E&W 264
E&W 167
Shropshire E&W 152 Toghill P. 2006; Mem E&W 152/153
Smith et al. 2005
Plant et al. 1999
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Yorkshire E&W 87
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 31
E&W 41
E&W 125
Yorkshire E&W 77
Lancashire E&W 84
E&W 22
Lancashire E&W 84
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
Sussex E&W 302, E&W 318/338
Yorkshire E&W 69
E&W 303
Northumberland E&W 15
Cumbria BGS:BRG 7
Derbyshire/Staffs E&W 141, 152 Smith et al. 2005
E&W 143
Warwickshire E&W 184
E&W 303
E&W 153
NZ 400341 Durham E&W 27, 32; UK (north) 625K
NZ 375310 Durham E&W 27
E&W 303


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 251
Cheshire E&W 96
E&W 123
Yorkshire E&W 69
TQ 735180 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
E&W 78
Cornwall Tect B&Ire 1:500K, E&W 346, E&W 352, E&W 353
Cumbria E&W 23 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Lancashire E&W 96
TQ 718130 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Yorkshire E&W 70
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Causey Pike Fault Cumbria E&W 28, 29 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Causey Pike Thrust Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cornwall E&W 348
Shropshire E&W 165 Toghill P. 2006
Lancashire E&W 85
Yorkshire E&W 87
Chapel Beck Fault Cumbria E&W 39
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 123
E&W 41
Chepstow Fault Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
Somerset E&W 280
E&W 139
E&W 298
E&W 303, E&W 304
E&W 265
Northumberland E&W 15
Church Stretton Fault Shropshire Toghill P. 2006
Church Stretton Fault Complex E&W 166
Church Stretton Fault System Brenchley & Rawson 2006
or E&W 125, E&W 126 Smith et al. 2005
Somerset E&W 281, Bristol Special 1"
E&W 59
Durham E&W 21
Cumbria E&W 23
E&W 154
Durham E&W 21
E&W 41
Gloucestershire E&W 233
Yorkshire E&W 77
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Gloucestershire E&W 264
E&W 264
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
TQ 886130 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 125, E&W 126
Lancashire E&W 67
E&W 22
Durham BGS:BRG 7
E&W 109
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
Somerset E&W 280
Somerset Bristol Special 1", E&W 265
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 41
Worcestershire BGS:BRG 11, Guide Geol. of Martley
E&W 298
Coed Ithel Fault Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
TQ 795136 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 313
Mem E&W 328etc
E&W 165
Northumberland E&W 15
E&W 143
Durham E&W 13, E&W 14
E&W 298
E&W 298
E&W 303
Cumbria E&W 29, 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Durham E&W 32
Lancashire E&W 84
E&W 153
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 167
E&W 265
E&W 251
Warwickshire E&W 168
E&W 126
Somerset BGS:BRG 15
Smith et al. 2005
Cumbria E&W 30
TQ 601148 East Sussex E&W 319/334
E&W 302
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 53
E&W 167 ?
Northumberland E&W 15
Northumberland E&W 9
Yorkshire E&W 69
Craignant - Milton Fault Smith et al. 2005
E&W 281
Yorkshire BGS:BRG 9
E&W 302
E&W 78
Durham E&W 14, 15
E&W 143
E&W 125
E&W 97
Lancashire E&W 83
E&W 59
Yorkshire E&W 77
E&W 123
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 303
E&W 83, E&W 97
Cumbria E&W 23
Cumbria E&W 24


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 125
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 302, 303
E&W 218
E&W 12
Yorkshire E&W 87
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
TQ 704196 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Lancashire E&W 75
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 22
Yorkshire E&W 87
E&W 59
Deepslack Fault (or Deep Slack Fault) Cumbria E&W 24, 39
Denholme Clough Fault Yorkshire E&W 69
Dent Fault E&W 40, 50; Tect B&Ire 1:500K Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Lancashire E&W 85
Durham E&W 32
E&W 127
E&W 97
Cumbria E&W 29 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
E&W 167
Mem E&W 328etc
Warwickshire E&W 168, E&W 183
E&W 124
Devon Tect B&Ire 1:500K
Cornwall E&W 352, E&W 353
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Lancashire E&W 67
Herefordshire E&W 216
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 218
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 22
E&W 97
E&W 251
E&W 281
North Sea Brenchley & Rawson 2006
North Sea BGS:BRG 9
North Sea Tect B&Ire 1:500K
E&W 22
Cumbria E&W 37
E&W 60
E&W 31
Plant et al. 1999
E&W 126
Durham E&W 27
Gloucestershire E&W 264


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 126
Yorkshire E&W 70
NZ 410436 Durham E&W 27
E&W 12
E&W 109
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Worcestershire E&W 216
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 12
Warwickshire E&W 168 BGS:BRG 10
E&W 143
Somerset E&W 280
E&W 97
E&W 97
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 109
E&W 12
Cumbria E&W 24
Cumbria E&W 24
Somerset E&W 280
E&W 167 BGS:BRG 10
Shropshire Toghill P. 2006, BGS:BRG 11
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 22
Mem E&W 328etc
E&W 326; 327 Mem E&W 328etc, GA Guide 22


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
TQ 870124 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Gloucestershire E&W 264
E&W 13
E&W 281, Bristol Special 1"
Yorkshire E&W 69
Feizor Fault E&W 60
E&W 41
Yorkshire E&W 77
E&W 298
E&W 304

Yorkshire E&W 87
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 39 BGS:BRG 7
E&W 125
E&W 303
E&W 303, E&W 304
Yorkshire E&W 77
Cumbria E&W 22 BGS:BRG 7 (p197)
E&W 302
TQ 800201 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 41
E&W 126, E&W 142
TQ 832096 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006
E&W 100
Cheshire E&W 96
E&W 302
E&W 12
E&W 302
E&W 97
E&W 328 Mem E&W 328etc


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 126
E&W 265
Yorkshire E&W 69
NZ 335343 Durham E&W27
Sussex E&W 318/338
Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Cumbria BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 24
Lancashire E&W 84
Cumbria E&W 22, E&W 23 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Herefordshire E&W 216
Cumbria E&W 24
Lancashire E&W 58
E&W 218
TQ 610067 East Sussex E&W 319/334
(or 'Thrust') Cumbria E&W12? BGS:BRG 7
E&W 125
E&W 326; 327
E&W 303
Cheshire E&W 96
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Somerset E&W 280
Cumbria E&W 39 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cheshire E&W 96
Warwickshire E&W 168
E&W 41
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Lancashire E&W 75, E&W 84
E&W 302
Worcestershire Guide Geol. of Martley
TQ 768158 East Sussex E&W 320/321
NZ 490276 Durham E&W33
E&W 13
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 303
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 41
Cumbria E&W 24
Lancashire E&W 67
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 13
Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
TQ 851140 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 112


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 152
TQ 870130 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 125
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Durham E&W 13, E&W 14
Lancashire E&W 83
E&W 97
Yorkshire E&W 87
Somerset E&W 281
E&W 126
E&W 12
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Northumberland E&W 15
Northumberland E&W 15
? E&W 216
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Northumberland E&W 10
Durham E&W14
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 22
E&W 167
Cumbria E&W 30
Cumbria E&W 23
E&W 22
Durham E&W 15, 27
Durham E&W 26, E&W 27
Yorkshire BGS:BRG 9
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 303
Durham E&W 21
E&W 165
E&W 302
TQ 630121 East Sussex E&W 319/334
Northumberland BGS:BRG 7
Yorkshire E&W 69
E&W 281
Durham E&W 21
E&W 123
Cumbria E&W 23
TQ 800142 East Sussex E&W 320/321
TQ 785125 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 125
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 31
Shropshire E&W 166; ChStret:25K
Lancashire E&W 83
E&W 12
E&W 31
E&W 153
Somerset E&W 281
Smith et al. 2005
Yorkshire E&W 77
E&W 167
E&W 123 Toghill P. 2006
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 12
E&W 12
Sussex E&W 318/338
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 123
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 123
E&W 60
E&W 302
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 303
E&W 123
E&W 326
E&W 303
E&W 12, E&W 13
E&W 123
E&W 139
E&W 183
E&W 27
TQ 590112 East Sussex E&W 319/334
Shropshire E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
Yorkshire E&W 69
E&W 125
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Smith et al. 2005
Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Yorkshire BGS:BRG 9
Yorkshire E&W 87
E&W 125
Warwickshire E&W 168
Somerset E&W 280
? E&W 216
E&W 304
E&W 112


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 125
Yorkshire E&W 77
Gloucestershire E&W 217
Lancashire E&W 83
NX 998140 Cumbria E&W 28
Gloucestershire E&W 217
E&W 112
UK (south) 625K
Gloucestershire Bristol Special 1"
E&W 125
Lancashire E&W 85
Cumbria E&W 38
Northumberland E&W 15
TQ 446173 East Sussex E&W 319/334
Cumbria E&W 24
Lancashire E&W 84
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
NX 985178 Cumbria E&W 28
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Cumbria E&W 24, 30


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 12
E&W 97
E&W 41
E&W 78
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Warwickshire E&W 169
E&W 12
E&W 153 Mem E&W 152/153
Kettlewell Fault Cumbria E&W 39
Irish Sea Tect B&Ire 1:500K, E&W 47
Gloucestershire Bristol Special 1", E&W 265
E&W 303, E&W 304
E&W 110
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Smith et al. 2005
Somerset Webby, B.D. 1965
E&W 153
E&W 167
Yorkshire E&W 77
Yorkshire E&W 77
Cumbria E&W 48 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 24
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 125
Cumbria E&W 30
Sussex E&W 318/338
E&W 24, 31
E&W 12


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Cumbria E&W 24
Cumbria E&W 37, E&W 47 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 24
Somerset E&W 280
E&W 12
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Durham E&W 32
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 60
E&W 154
Herefordshire E&W 216 BGS:BRG 11
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 281
Shropshire E&W 181 Toghill P. 2006
Gloucestershire E&W 217
Yorkshire E&W 77
E&W 60
E&W 183
Yorkshire E&W 87
Shropshire E&W 153 Toghill P. 2006
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 303
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 302
Lancashire E&W 84
Lancashire E&W 83
NZ 340204 Durham E&W 33
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
UK (south) 625K
E&W 167
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Yorkshire E&W 51
Yorkshire E&W 51
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 183
Wiltshire E&W 281
Shropshire ChStret:25K Toghill P. 2006, BGS:BRG 11
E&W 123
Yorkshire E&W 77
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 12
E&W 125
Plant et al. 1999
Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 23
E&W 302
Somerset E&W 281, Bristol Special 1"
Dorset GA Guide22
Cornwall E&W 348
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Dorset GA Guide22
Sussex E&W 318/338
Yorkshire E&W 87
Durham E&W 12, E&W 31, E&W 32 BGS:BRG 7
Durham E&W 32
Gloucestershire E&W 233 Mem E&W 233/250
E&W 302
E&W 12
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Derbyshire E&W 141
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 123
E&W 153 Mem E&W 152/153
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Smith et al. 2005
Cumbria E&W 24
Shropshire E&W 165 Toghill P. 2006
E&W 251
Dorset E&W ?? Mem E&W 328etc, GA Guide 22
Dorset E&W 341/2
E&W 302
E&W 125
Yorkshire E&W 87
E&W 303
Somerset E&W 281
Somerset E&W 280, E&W 281
E&W 98
E&W 41
TQ 860134 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 41
Somerset E&W 281
Cumbria E&W 30
Cumbria E&W 22, E&W 23, Sc 6W Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Warwickshire E&W 168
E&W 7
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 281
Yorkshire E&W 87
E&W 326
E&W 297, E&W 298 BGS:BRG 15
E&W 298
E&W 183
E&W 12
E&W 313
E&W 78
E&W 78
E&W 12
Middle Craven Fault Yorkshire E&W 60
E&W 78
Cumbria E&W 24, 30
E&W 281
E&W 59
E&W 303
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Yorkshire E&W 77
Gloucestershire E&W 234
E&W 154
E&W 110; 123
NY Cumbria E&W 28
Derbyshire E&W 141, 155 (x-sections)
E&W 59
Somerset Webby, B.D. 1965
E&W 265
Yorkshire E&W 87
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Gloucestershire E&W 217
Yorkshire E&W 77
Yorkshire E&W 69
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 110
Somerset E&W 280
Durham E&W 27
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 31
Yorkshire E&W 87


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Cumbria E&W 30
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Warwickshire E&W 184
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Cheshire E&W 96
Derbyshire E&W 141, 155 (x-sections)
Herefordshire E&W 216
E&W 12
NX 995176 Cumbria E&W 28
E&W 112
Cumbria E&W 24
Durham E&W 21
E&W 123
Gloucestershire E&W 233
E&W 167
Somerset E&W 265
NZ 400274 Durham E&W33
Cumbria E&W 24
Durham/Northumberland E&W 15, 20, UK (north) 625K BGS:BRG 7
Western Approaches, Cornwall Tect B&Ire 1:500K, E&W 353
Derbyshire / Notts E&W 141 Smith et al. 2005
E&W 142 Smith et al. 2005
E&W 97
E&W 218
Gloucestershire E&W 234
E&W 303
Yorkshire E&W 87
North Craven Fault Yorkshire E&W 50; 60 BGS:BRG 7
E&W 303
Gloucestershire E&W 264
E&W 78
E&W 303
E&W 78
TQ 790198 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 12
Dorset E&W 341/2
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 302


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Lancashire E&W 67
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Gloucestershire E&W 233
E&W 59
E&W 303
E&W 41
TQ 745083 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Lancashire E&W 85
Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
TQ 820107 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 41
Durham E&W 33 (inset map)
Yorkshire E&W 70; 78
E&W 22
E&W 78
Durham E&W 14
Outer Silver Pit Fault North Sea Tect B&Ire 1:500K
Lancashire E&W 85
Derbyshire E&W 141 (x-section)
E&W 97; 109
UK (south) 625K


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 302
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 12
TQ 870152 East Sussex E&W 320/321
NY Cumbria E&W 28
Cumbria BGS:BRG 7 (p197)
Cumbria E&W 48 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 302
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
E&W 100
E&W 125
E&W 12
E&W 153, E&W 167
Shropshire E&W 153, E&W 167 Toghill P. 2006
Somerset E&W 280
Yorkshire BGS:BRG 9
Somerset Bristol Special 1"
E&W 304
E&W 109
Lancashire E&W 84
Lancashire E&W 69
Pendleton Fault Greater Manchester & Cheshire E&W 85
TQ 707163 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 24
Pennine Fault System BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 30
Worcestershire Guide Geol. of Martley
Somerset Bristol Special 1", E&W 265
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 12
E&W 125
E&W 251
Tect B&Ire 1:500K
E&W 12
E&W 302
E&W 326
Plumgarth Fault Cumbria E&W 39
Cornwall E&W 353
Shropshire ChStret:25K
Warwickshire E&W 155, E&W 169 Smith et al. 2005
Pontesford Linley Fault Shropshire E&W 151; 165 Toghill P. 2006
Pontesford Linley Fault System Shropshire E&W 151; 165 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Pontesford Linley Fault Zone Shropshire BGS:BRG 11
E&W 125
Devon E&W 292
Cornwall E&W 348, E&W 353
Cornwall E&W 348, E&W 353
E&W 313 Mem E&W 328etc
UK (south) 625K
E&W 97
Devon E&W 324
Somerset E&W 280
E&W 109
Warwickshire E&W 184
Dorset E&W 342/3 Mem E&W 328etc, GA Guide 22
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 125
E&W 22
E&W 59


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 218
Somerset E&W 281, Bristol Special 1"
Lancashire E&W 84
Yorkshire E&W 77
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Cumbria E&W 39, 50 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Red Rock Fault E&W 123 BGS:BRG 10
Lancashire E&W 84
Cumbria E&W 38
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 41
Yorkshire E&W 50
E&W 41
Gloucestershire E&W 264, E&W 280
Dorset BGS:BRG 15, GA Guide22
Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
Somerset Bristol Special 1"
E&W 264
Yorkshire E&W 77
Yorkshire E&W 77
Northumberland E&W 15
Yorkshire E&W 69
Yorkshire E&W 69
E&W 97
E&W 303
Worcestershire Guide Geol. of Martley
E&W 218
E&W 31
E&W 167
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Cumbria E&W 30
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
E&W 303
E&W 13
E&W 12
Cumbria E&W 23 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Somerset E&W 280
Yorkshire E&W 70
E&W 326
Somerset E&W 281
E&W 97
Cornwall E&W 322
E&W 59
Warwickshire E&W 167, E&W 168 Smith et al. 2005
Durham E&W 21


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
E&W 326
NZ 480242 Durham E&W 33
E&W 218
E&W 304
E&W 123
E&W 302
E&W 125
Devon E&W 355/6
Sussex E&W 318/338
Cumbria E&W 23
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 302
Cumbria E&W 24
Lancashire E&W 84
Cumbria E&W 24
Cheshire E&W 96
Durham E&W 21
E&W 326
NZ 400280 Durham E&W 27, E&W 33
Northumberland E&W 15
E&W 39 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
NZ 335270 Durham E&W 27, E&W 33
E&W 302
E&W 151 Toghill P. 2006
UK (south) 625K
Yorkshire E&W 87
E&W 26
E&W 166; ChStret:25K
E&W 78
Lancashire E&W 96
E&W 98
E&W 100
E&W 303
E&W 123
Smith et al. 2005
Cumbria E&W 23
Lancashire E&W 84
Yorkshire E&W 77
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 12
Gloucestershire Bristol Special 1"
E&W 167
E&W 22
TQ 743094 East Sussex E&W 320/321
E&W 302
E&W 123
Irish Sea E&W 23
Derbyshire, Leicestershire E&W 141, E&W 142, E&W 156
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 303
Cumbria E&W 39 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 303
E&W 125
E&W 59
E&W 303
Leicestershire E&W 156
Gloucestershire E&W 234
E&W 303
South Craven Fault Yorkshire E&W 50; 60
Smith et al. 2005
E&W 303
E&W 78
E&W 303
E&W 78
TQ 800192 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Somerset E&W 281, Bristol Special 1"
Somerset E&W 280
E&W 100
Yorkshire E&W 87
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 12
Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
Gloucestershire E&W 233 Mem E&W 233/250
Lancashire E&W 84
Yorkshire E&W 87
Northumberland E&W 15
Yorkshire E&W 77
E&W 31
Durham E&W14, 15
Somerset/Wiltshire E&W 281
E&W 125, E&W 126
Somerset Bristol Special 1"
E&W 167
E&W 167
E&W 59
Devon Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Devon E&W 292, 350
Devon E&W 348 BGS:BRG 15
NZ 400245 Durham E&W 33
E&W 165
Somerset E&W 280
Yorkshire E&W 50
Cumbria E&W 38 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 298
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Kent E&W 289
Gloucestershire E&W 264
E&W 183
Cumbria BGS:BRG 7
TQ 624046 East Sussex E&W 319/334
E&W 302
E&W 303
Cumbria E&W 138
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
Gloucestershire E&W 217
Lancashire E&W 84
E&W 153
E&W 125
E&W 78
BGS:BRG 7; Trewin (ed) 2002
Yorkshire E&W 70
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 112
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 59
E&W 123
Durham E&W 13 BGS:BRG 7
E&W 218
Cumbria E&W 30
E&W 31
Northumberland BGS:BRG 7
E&W 123
'Symon Fault' Smith et al. 2005; BGS:BRG 10
Mem E&W 328etc


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Somerset E&W 265
Durham E&W 27
TQ 805152 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Durham E&W 31
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Cumbria E&W 37
Lancashire E&W 67 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Yorkshire E&W 77
E&W 31
or Yorkshire E&W 87
Leicestershire E&W 141, 155 Smith et al. 2005; BGS:BRG 10
Yorkshire E&W 51
Gloucestershire E&W 234
Somerset E&W 280
E&W 100
Cheshire E&W 96
E&W 78
E&W 304
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Somerset Webby, B.D. 1965
Somerset E&W 280, E&W 281
Lancashire E&W 84
Gloucestershire Mem E&W 233/250
E&W 157
Warwickshire E&W 168
Shropshire E&W 166 Brenchley & Rawson 2006; Toghill P. 2006
E&W 12
Durham E&W 14
Yorkshire E&W 69; 77
E&W 165
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 251
Cumbria E&W 39 Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
Wiltshire E&W 281
E&W 125
E&W 302
E&W 47


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Cumbria BGS:BRG 7 (p197)
Yorkshire E&W 70
Cumbria E&W 30
Cumbria E&W 24
Lancashire E&W 84
Durham E&W 33 (inset map)
Durham E&W 21
UK (north) 625K, E&W 53
Cornwall E&W 352, E&W 353
E&W 154


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Worcestershire Guide Geol. of Martley
Yorkshire E&W 70
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
E&W 265
Wiltshire E&W 281, 297
Cumbria E&W 24
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Smith et al. 2005
Warwickshire E&W 184
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Cumbria E&W 23 Brenchley & Rawson 2006, BGS:BRG 7
E&W 78
E&W 22
E&W 12
E&W 97
E&W 12
Yorkshire E&W 87
Cumbria E&W 23
Cumbria E&W 23
Cumbria E&W 23
E&W 109
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Somerset Ched:25K
E&W 53
Somerset E&W 280
Yorkshire E&W 69
E&W 152 Mem E&W 152/153
Welsh Borderland Fault Smith et al. 2005
Welsh Borderland Fault System UK (south) 625K Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Wem - Bridgemere - Red Rock Fault Smith et al. 2005
Wem - Bridgemere - Red Rock Fault System Smith et al. 2005
Shropshire Toghill P. 2006
Wem - Red Rock Fault System Brenchley & Rawson 2006
Wem Fault E&W 123; 151 BGS:BRG 10
Yorkshire E&W 87
Gloucestershire E&W 264
NZ 450309 Durham E&W 27
Lancashire E&W 85
Durham E&W14, 15
Durham E&W 14, 15
E&W 75
(another) Warwickshire E&W 167, 168, 169, 184
E&W 97
E&W 326
Durham E&W 32
Yorkshire E&W 70
E&W 31
E&W 53
E&W 218
E&W 13
E&W 12
Cumbria E&W 38 BGS:BRG 7
E&W 41
TQ 815094 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Mem E&W 328etc
Gloucestershire E&W 233
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Gloucestershire Bristol Special 1"
E&W 123
Warwickshire E&W 184
TQ 700098 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Durham E&W 32
Isle of Wight Tect B&Ire 1:500K
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Gloucestershire Bristol Special 1"
Shropshire ChStret:25K
E&W 326
TQ 772110 East Sussex E&W 320/321
Cumbria E&W 24
E&W 109
Cumbria Brenchley & Rawson 2006
E&W 109
E&W 60
Somerset E&W 280, E&W 281
E&W 97
E&W 297
E&W 303
Sussex E&W 318/338
E&W 302
E&W 167
Cheshire E&W 96
E&W 143
Lancashire E&W 67, E&W 75
Cumbria BGS:BRG 7
Worcestershire E&W 215
Lancashire E&W 85
E&W 98
Yorkshire E&W 87
Shropshire E&W 152 Toghill P. 2006; Mem E&W 152/153
Gloucestershire E&W 264
E&W 166
E&W 167
Shropshire Mem E&W 152/153
Mem E&W 328etc
E&W 12


Fault name OS map ref County/sea area BGS map sheet book reference/s
Gloucestershire E&W 264
Cumbria E&W 30
Lancashire E&W 58
Shropshire E&W 166; ChStret:25K
E&W 125



  • 1:625,000 scale geological map 2007, Bedrock Geology UK South, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (UK (south) 625K)
  • 1:250,000 scale geological map Mid Wales and the Marches, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (MW & M 250K)
  • 1:63,360 scale geological map Bristol Special sheet, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (Bristol Special 1" .)
  • various of 1:50,000 scale geological maps of England and Wales, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (E & W no.)
  • 1:25,000 scale sheet Church Stretton in Classic Areas of British geology series, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts (Ch Stret: 25K)


  • Barton et al. 2011. Geology of South Dorset and South-east Devon and its World Heritage Coast, Special Memoir of the British Geological Survey (Mem E&W 328etc)
  • Brenchley, P.J. & Rawson, P.F. (eds) 2006. The Geology of England and Wales, (2nd edn) The Geological Society, London (Brenchley & Rawson 2006)
  • Cope, J.C.W. 2012 GA Guide no 22: Geology of the Dorset Coast, The Geologists' Association ISBN 9780900717611 (GA Guide22)
  • Hamblin, R.J.O. & Coppack, B.C., 1995 Geology of Telford and the Coalbrookdale Coalfield, Memoir of the British Geological Survey, parts of sheets 152 & 153 (England and Wales), HMSO (Mem (E&W 152/153)
  • Smith et al. 2005 Structure & Evolution of the south-west Pennine Basin and adjacent area. Subsurface memoir of the British Geological Survey. (Smith et al. 2005)
  • Toghill, P. 2006 Geology of Shropshire (2nd edn) Crowood Press, Wilts (Toghill P 2006)
  • Webby, B.D. 1965 Proceedings of the Geologists' Association volume 76, part 1 (Webby, B.D. 1965)
  • Welch, F.B.A. & Trotter, F.M. 1961 Geology of the Country around Monmouth and Chepstow, HMSO (explanation of 1" geol. sheets 233 & 250 (England and Wales) (Welch, FBA & Trotter, FM 1961)
  • British Regional Geology: Northern England (BGS:BRG7)
  • British Regional Geology: The Pennines & adjacent areas (BGS:BRG8)
  • British Regional Geology: Eastern England from the Tees to The Wash (BGS:BRG9)
  • British Regional Geology: Central England (BGS:BRG10)
  • Earp, J.R. & Hains, B.A. 1971 British Regional Geology: The Welsh Borderland (3rd edn), London, HMSO for British Geological Survey (BGS:BRG11)
  • Melville, R.V. & Freshney, E.C. 1982 British Regional Geology: The Hampshire Basin and adjoining areas (4th edn). London HMSO for the British Geological Survey (BGS:BRG15)
  • British Regional Geology: Bristol & Gloucester District (BGS:BRG16)
  • A Guide to the Geology of Martley (prepared for Teme Valley Geological Society by Herefordshire & Worcs Earth Heritage Trust) (Guide Geol. of Martley)

See also[]

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