List of intelligence agencies of Poland

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List of intelligence agencies of Poland:

Second Polish Republic (1918-1939)[]

  • at the National Police Headquarters (przy Komendzie Głównej Policji Państwowej (IDP KGPP)_
  • Oddział II Sztabu Generalnego WP – military intelligence and counterintelligence

World War II[]

People's Polish Republic (1944-1990)[]

Poland (1990-2019)[]

  • Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (2002–present) (Internal Security Agency, ABW), since 2002
  • Agencja Wywiadu (2002–present) (Intelligence Agency, AW), since 2002
  • Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne (2006–present) (Central Anticorruption Bureau, CBA) - focused on investigations connected with all kinds of financial crimes.
  • Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego - from 2006 (SKW) - counterespionage
  • - from 2006 (SWW) - espionage
  • General Police Headquarters of Poland (KGP) (criminal intelligence) since 1990
    • Bureau of Criminal Intelligence and Information (each of the Voivodeship Police Commands has also a corresponding department) since 2016
    • Centralne Biuro Śledcze Policji (CBŚP) (Central Investigations Bureau of the Police) since 2002
  • (GIIF) (financial intelligence) since 2005
  • (1998–2017) (Internal Revenue Intelligence of the Ministry of Finance), replaced by the Tax and Customs Service
  • Urząd Ochrony Państwa (Office for State Protection, UOP) - replaced on 29 June 2002 by ABW and AW,
  • Wojskowe Służby Informacyjne (Military Information Services, WSI) replaced on 30 September 2006 by SKW and
  • Tax and Customs Service (SCS) (tax intelligence) since 2017
  • National Centre for Cryptology (2013-2019) (military SIGINT and cryptology), replaced by the National Centre for Cyberspace Security
  • (NCBC - National Centre for Cyberspace Security) (military SIGINT, cyberwarfare and cryptology) since 2019

Poland (2019-present)[]

Other contemporary military units involved in:

See also[]

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