List of mosques in Tunis

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During the 7th century the region of Tunisia was conquered by Arab troops led by the Ghassanid general . The city had the natural advantage of coastal access, via the Mediterranean, to the major ports of southern Europe. Early on, Tunis played a military role — the Arabs recognized the strategic importance of its proximity to the Strait of Sicily. From the earliest years of the 8th century, Tunis was the chef-lieu of this area: it became the Arabs' naval base in the western Mediterranean, and took on considerable military importance, and with a strategic location, the city grew, and with it grew the mosques for the Muslims to pray in.



Mosque of Al-Zaytuna, in Tunis
The Halfaouine Mosque, 1899

Khurasanid dynasty[]



Mosque of Sidi Mahrez
Youssef Dey Mosque


See also[]

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