List of people on the postage stamps of Cuba

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This article lists people who have been featured on Cuban postage stamps. Note that many of these people have been featured on multiple stamps. The following entries list the name of the person, the first year they were first featured on a stamp, and a short description of their notability.

The list is complete through 2014.


  • , physician (1958)
  • , physician and revolutionary (1972)
  • Ignacio Agramonte, revolution leader (1910)
  • Joaquín de Agüero, freedom fighter and patriot (1957)
  • , Argentina charango musician (1991)
  • , general (1956)
  • , Cuban politician (1956)
  • Eloy Alfaro Delgado, president of Ecuador (1943)
  • Alfonso XII of Spain, king of Spain (1876)
  • Alfonso XIII of Spain, king of Spain (1890)
  • Salvador Allende, president of Chile (1974)
  • , revolution leader (1966)
  • , Peru flute musician (1991)
  • Alonso de Ojeda, Spanish navigator, governor and conquistador (1992)
  • Alicia Alonso, ballet dancer (2006)
  • Dora Alonso, writer (2010)
  • Fernando Alonso, ballet director (2012)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • Paulina Alvarez, singer (2012)
  • Santiago Álvarez, filmmaker (2009 )
  • Amadeo I, king of Spain (1873)
  • , Cuban revolutionary fighter (1998)
  • , Cuban composer (1966)
  • , Cuban baseball player (2004)
  • , physician (1958)
  • Carlos Aponte, revolutionary (1985)
  • Manuel José Arce, El Salvador Independence leader (1988)
  • Marta Abreu Arenabio de Estévez, philanthropist and humanitarian (1947)
  • , national hero of Uruguay (1988)
  • Miguel Asturias, Guatemalan writer (1989)
  • Atlacatl, last ruler of Cuzcatlan, El Salvador (1937)


  • Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer and musician (1997)
  • Robert Baden-Powell, creator of the Boy Scouts (1957)
  • , postal clerk (1950)
  • Quentin Bandera, military leader (1996)
  • , public health expert (1952)
  • Bartholomew of Constantinople, archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church (2013)
  • Ludwig van Beethoven, German composer (1997)
  • , lawyer (1958)
  • Bartolomé de las Casas, Spanish historian, social reformer and Dominican friar (1944)
  • Hortense de Beauharnais, queen of Holland (1969)
  • Pavel I. Belyayev, cosmonaut (1965)
  • Mario Benedetti, writer (2013)
  • Benedict XVI, pope (2012)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • Ramón Emeterio Betances, doctor and revolution leader (1968)
  • , president (1959)
  • Conrado Benitez, educator (1981)
  • Hubert de Blanck, composer (1956)
  • , aviation pioneer (1970)
  • Humphrey Bogart, actor (1995)
  • Simon Bolívar, liberator of Venezuela (1937)
  • Francisco Bolognesi, Peruvian military hero (1988)
  • Elisa Bonaparte, princess of Lucca and Piombino (1969)
  • Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France (1969)
  • , rebel leader (1964)
  • Leonid Illyich Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1974)
  • , guerilla (2012)
  • Tamara “Tania” Bunke, revolutionary (1972)
  • Richard Burton, film star (2001)
  • Valery F. Bykovsky, cosmonaut (1963)
  • , poet (1986)



  • Rubén Dario, Nicaraguan poet (1937)
  • Charles Darwin, English naturalist and geologist (1996)
  • James Dean, film star (2001)
  • Luis A. Delgadillo, Nicaragua maracas musician (1991)
  • , Cuban patriot (2013)
  • , undercover agent (2014)
  • Claudio Delgado, physician (1965)
  • , patriot (1956)
  • Jean-Jacques Dessalines, leader of the Haitian Revolution (1988)
  • Diana, Princess of Wales (1998)
  • Bartolomeu Dias, Portuguese explorer (1992)
  • , Paraguayan general (1988)
  • Marlene Dietrich, actress (1995)
  • Martin Dihigo, Cuban baseball player (2004)
  • Georgi Dimitrov, prime minister of Bulgaria (1982)
  • , revolutionary (1965)
  • María Luisa Dolz, educator and defender of women’s rights (1954)
  • , educator (1975)
  • Juan Pablo Duarte, founding father of the Dominican Republic (1988)
  • , general of the army of liberation (1957)
  • , brigadier general (1997)
  • , general director of the National Symphonic Orchestra (2010)


  • Amelia Earhart, female aviator (2011)
  • , guerilla (1963)
  • Albert Einstein, physicist and mathematician (1994)
  • Ruth Elder, female aviator (2011)
  • Nicolas Ruiz Espadero, musician (1958)
  • Vilma Espin Guillois, wife of Fidel Castro (2008)
  • Nicolás Estévanez, military officer, politician and poet (1952)
  • José Dolores Estrada, Nicaraguan national hero (1988)


  • Miguel Failde, Cuba claves musician (1991)
  • Juan Manuel Fangio, race car driver (2013)
  • Michael Faraday, physicist (1994)
  • , Uruguay drums musician (1991)
  • , actress (2013)
  • Konstantin Feoktistov, cosmonaut (1966)
  • , revolution leader (1966)
  • Joséito Fernandez, singer (2008)
  • , general (1996)
  • Ibrahim Ferrer, singer and musician (2007)
  • , director of the National Library of Cuba (1957)
  • Fernando Figueredo, intellectual and Cuban revolutionary fighter (1951)
  • Pedro Figueredo, composer of the Cuban national anthem (1979)
  • Carlos J. Finlay, discoverer of yellow fever transmission (1934)
  • Alexander Fleming, Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist (2013)
  • José Asunción Flores, Paraguay harp musician (1991)
  • Carlos Fonseca, Nicaraguan revolutionary (1986)
  • , secretary of the Exchequer (1956)
  • , sprinter (2014)
  • Benjamin Franklin, author, postmaster, scientist, and statesman (1899)
  • Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst (1993)


  • Antonio Gades, flamenco dancer (2013)
  • , cosmonaut (1963)
  • , unknown (1972)
  • Romulo Gallegos, Venezuelan writer (1989)
  • , military official (1972)
  • Mahatma Gandhi, Indian independence leader (1997)
  • Greta Garbo, actress (1995)
  • Calixto García, general (1910)
  • , Cuban baseball player (2004)
  • , revolutionary (1981)
  • , president (1959)
  • , painter (1997)
  • Ava Gardner, film star (2001)
  • Henri Giffard, French engineer (1991)
  • , Communications Association (1954)
  • Gertrudis Gomez de Avellaneda, writer (1914)
  • José Miguel Gómez, Cuban president and general (1937)
  • , revolutionary (1964)
  • , revolution leader (1966)
  •  [de], composer (2010)
  • , physician (1958)
  • Fernando González, Cuban imprisoned in the United States (2005)
  • , composer (2014)
  • René González, Cuban imprisoned in the United States (2005)
  • , rebel leader (1964)
  • Juan Gualberto Gómez, revolutionary leader (1955)
  • Máximo Gómez, military commander (1910)
  • , Cuban brigadier general (1995)
  • Lourdes Gourriel, Cuban baseball player (2003)
  • Mariana Grajales, women’s rights and independence activist (1969)
  • Ulysses S. Grant, president of the United States (1899)
  • John Robert Gregg, inventor of the Gregg shorthand system (1957)
  • Eliseo Grenet, Cuban composer (1966)
  • , general (1996)
  • , director of the Postal Museum (1991)
  • Antonio Guerrero, Cuban imprisoned in the United States (2005)
  • , revolution leader (1968)
  • Nicolás Guillén, poet (2002)
  • , politician (1951)
  • Juan Guiteras, Cuban physician and pathologist (1952)
  • , physician and educator (1940)
  • Pedro Gutierrez, Cuban revolutionary fighter (1998)


  • Paul Haenlein, German engineer and flight pioneer (1991)
  • Otto Hahn, physical chemist (1994)
  • Gerhard Armauer Hansen, doctor (1948)
  • Paul P. Harris, founder of Rotary International (1955)
  • , judge (2010)
  • Rita Hayworth, film star (2001)
  • , founder of Cuban textile industry (1958)
  • Ernest Hemingway, American author (1963)
  • Camilo Henríquez, Chilean priest, writer and politician (1937)
  • Henry the Navigator, Portuguese explorer (1992)
  • , Communications Association (1954)
  • José María Heredia, poet and patriot (1940, 1957)
  • , colonel (1952)
  • Gerardo Hernández, Cuban imprisoned in the United States (2005)
  • , postal worker (1954)
  • Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, leader of the Mexican War of Independence (1988)
  • Rowland Hill, developer of the postage stamp (1990)
  • Eugenio Maria de Hostos, Puerto Rican writer (1989)
  • Rock Hudson, film star (2001)
  • Alexander von Humboldt, German naturalist (1969)



  • Andrew Jackson, president of the United States (1899)
  • , president (1959)
  • Hu Jintao, Chinese General Secretary (2005)
  • John Paul II, pope (1998)
  • , general (1995)
  • José de la Luz y Caballero, educator (1917)
  • Benito Juárez, Mexican lawyer and politician (2006)
  • , general (1997)
  • , educator and statesman (1953)


  • Orestes Kindelán, Cuban baseball player (2002)
  • Martin Luther King, American civil rights activist (1986)
  • Robert Koch, discoverer of the tuberculosis bacillus (1982)
  • Vladimir Komarov, cosmonaut (1966)
  • , Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer (1981)
  • Arthur Constantin Krebs, French officer and pioneer in automotive engineering (2000)
  • , tropical medicine doctor and researcher (2000)


  • Ramón Labañino, Cuban imprisoned in the United States (2005)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • , lawyer (1958)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • Emanuel Lasker, chess champion (1976)
  • , general (1995)
  • , French industrialist and philanthropist (2000)
  • , French industrialist and politician (2000)
  • , Venezuela musician (1991)
  • Ernesto Lecuona, Cuban composer (1966)
  • William Lemon, member of the British parliament (1972)
  • Vladimir Lenin, Russian communist revolutionary and politician (1964)
  • Leonardo da Vinci, scientist (1996)
  • , cosmonaut (1965)
  • Pio Leyva, Cuban singer (2007)
  • Omar Linares, Cuban baseball player (2002)
  • Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States (1937)
  • Joseph Lister, British surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgery (1993)
  • Franz Liszt, Hungarian composer (1997)
  • , journalist (1954)
  • , lawyer (1958)
  • Mikhail Lomonosov, scientist (1996)
  • Carlos Antonio López, leader of Paraguay (1937)
  • Narciso Lopez, Venezuelan adventurer and soldier (1951)
  • Federico García Lorca, poet (1998)
  • Toussaint L'Ouverture, leader of the Haitian Revolution (1991)
  • Dulce Maria Loynaz, writer (2002)
  • , composer (1971)
  • , rebel leader (1964)
  • Luis de las Casas, governor-general of Cuba (1972)
  • Auguste Lumière, inventor of the motion picture (1995)
  • Louis Lumière, inventor of the motion picture (1995)
  • Gregorio Luperón, Dominican military and state leader (1997)


  • Clara Louise Maass, American nurse and martyr (1951)
  • Antonio Maceo, revolution leader (1907)
  • José Maceo, general (1952)
  • Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, Brazilian novelist (1989)
  • Gerardo Machado, president of Cuba (1928)
  • Nelson Mandela, president of South Africa (2014)
  • Celia Sanchez Manduley, Cuban revolutionary, politician, and archivist (1990)
  • , patriot (1957)
  • , goddaughter of José Martí (2006)
  • , president (1917)
  • , president (1959)
  • Guglielmo Marconi, Italian inventor and electrical engineer (1996)
  • Miguel Matamoros, Cuban musician and composer (2007)
  • , Ecuador xylophone musician (1991)
  • , revolution leader (1966)
  • José Martí, Cuban national hero, writer and revolution leader (1917, 1953, 1954)
  • , politician and soldier (2004)
  • , father of José Marti (2004)
  • Karl Marx, philosopher and revolutionary socialist (1982)
  • , Puerto Rico cuatro musician (1991)
  • Bartolomé Masó, politician and military patriot (1910)
  • Steve McQueen, film star (2001)
  • Julio Antonio Mella, founder of the Cuban Communist Party (2004)
  • Javier Mendez, Cuban baseball player (2003)
  • , Cuban trade unionist (1998)
  • Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez, Cuban cosmonaut (1981)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • , Cuban poet (1993)
  • Julio Antonio Mella, revolution leader (1968)
  • , leader in sugar industry (1961)
  • , physician (1956)
  • Mario García Menocal, president of Cuba (1955)
  • , trumpet player with Havana Philharmonic Orchestra (1974)
  • Germán Mesa, Cuban baseball player (2002)
  • Victor Mesa, Cuban baseball player (2004)
  • Jean Baptiste Meusnier, French mathematician andrevolutionary general (1991)
  • José Jacinto Milanés, poet, linguist and writer (1956)
  • Ho Chi Minh, president of North Viet Nam (1970)
  • , general of the army of liberation (1956)
  • Matilde Moisant, female aviator (2011)
  • , cellist with Havana Philharmonic Orchestra (1974)
  • , general (1941)
  • Marilyn Monroe, American film actress (1995)
  • Rita Montaner, Cuban singer, pianist, actress (1995)
  • , lawyer (1958)
  • , founder of the Musical Arts Society (1959)
  • Juan Montalvo, Ecuadorian satirist (1937, 1989)
  • Rita Montaner, Cuban singer, pianist, and actress (1999)
  • , statesman (1953)
  • Maria Teresa Mora, Cuban chess master (2004)
  • , guerilla (1963)
  • , Cuban female aviator (2011)
  • Francisco Morazán, politician and general of Honduras (1937)
  • Benny Moré, singer (1999)
  • , bishop (1956)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer (1997)
  • (2003)
  • Mario Muñoz, revolutionist (2013)
  • Victor Muñoz, founder of Mother’s Day in Cuba (1956)


  • Antonio Nariño, Colombian political and military leader (1988)
  • Jawaharlal Nehru, prime minister of India (2010)
  • Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet (1989)
  • Agostinho Neto, president of Angola (2002)
  • Bola de Nieve, singer-pianist and songwriter (1999)
  • , cosmonaut (1963)
  • , general and revolutionary hero (1955)
  • , writer, screenwriter, playwright and humorist (1952)


  • Bernardo O'Higgins, Chilean independence leader (1988)
  • , flute player with Havana Philharmonic Orchestra (1974)
  • , aviator (1952)
  • Fernando Ortiz, folklorist (1981)


  • Antonio Pacheco, Cuban baseball player (2002)
  • Manuel Ascencio Padilla, Peruvian guerrilla chief (1988)
  • , guerilla (2012)
  • , aviator (1952)
  • Louis Pasteur, chemist (1993)
  • Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist (1993)
  • Pablo Picasso, painter (1981)
  • , general of the army of liberation (1957)
  • Frank Pais, educator and revolution leader (1966)
  • José Joaquín Palma, poet, author and revolutionary (1956)
  • Ricardo Palma, Peruvian writer (1989)
  • Tomás Estrada Palma, president (1917)
  • , revolution leader (1966)
  • , postal clerk (1950)
  • , trade unionist (1982)
  • Luis Ignatius Peñalver y Cárdenas, bishop (1945)
  • , postmaster-general (1972)
  • , general of the army of liberation (1957)
  • , Cuban revolutionary fighter (1998)
  • , revolutionary (1972)
  • Dámaso Pérez Prado, bandleader and musician (1999)
  • , mother of José Marti (2004)
  • Luisa Pérez de Zambrana, writer (1956)
  • Matias Perez, Cuban aeronautics pioneer (1965)
  • August von Parseval, German airship designer (2000)
  • , chess champion (1976)
  • Ignacio Piñeiro, Cuban musician and composer (2007)
  • Martín Alonso Pinzón, Portuguese navigator and explorer (1992)
  • William Pitt, British prime minister (1971)[1]
  • Max Planck, theoretical physicist (1994)
  • Felipe Poey y Aloy, natural historian (1958)
  • Fidelio Ponce de Leon, painter (2014)
  • Leonid Popov, cosmonaut (1981)
  • , cosmonaut (1963)
  • Belisario Porras, president of Panama (1989)
  • Tyrone Power, film star (2001)
  • Chano Pozo, jazz percussionist, singer, dancer and composer (1999)
  • Carlos Puebla, Cuban singer, guitarist, and composer (2004)


  • Gonzalo de Quesada, architect of Cuba's Independence Movement (1940)


  • , politician (1983)
  • Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Spanish pathologist (1993)
  • , cavalry commander (1976)
  • , sugar scientist (1954)
  • Charles Renard, French military engineer (2000)
  • Alfonso Reyes, Mexican poet (1989)
  • Raúl Roa García, Cuban intellectual, politician and diplomat (2004)
  • Eliseo Reyes Rodriguez, guerrilla and revolutionary (2000)
  • , editor of Diario de la Marina (1958)
  • , cosmonaut (1981)
  • , Cuban tobacco grower (2012)
  • José Enrique Rodó, Uruguayan essayist (1937)
  • Arsenio Rodríguez, Cuban musician, composer and bandleader (2007)
  • , general (1997)
  • , general and revolutionary hero (1955)
  • , Cuban military man (1910, 1954)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • , historian (1984)
  • Gonzalo Roig, composer (2010)
  • , introduced radiotherapy and physiotherapy (1958)
  • Amadeo Roldan, Cuban composer (1966)
  • Carlos Roloff, general and liberation activist (1910, 1944)
  • , physician and scientist (1964)
  • Yuri Romanenko, cosmonaut (2005)
  • , vice-president of Cuba (1952)
  • Antonio Maria Romeu, composer (1977)
  • Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, German physicist (1993)
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the United States (1947)
  • Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States (1958)
  • , general of the army of liberation (1957)
  • Ethel Rosenburg, American communist (1978)
  • , American communist (1978)
  • , Cuban pilot (2013)
  • Pierre Paul Émile Roux, French physician, bacteriologist and immunologist (1993)
  • , female aviator (2011)
  • , medical aide (1998)
  • , cosmonaut (1981)
  • Jeannette Ryder, founder of the Humane Society of Cuba (1957)


  • José Antonio Saco, statesman, writer and historian (1917, 1954)
  • , Panama mejorana musician (1991)
  • , revolutionary (2006)
  • , revolutionary (2006)
  • , rebel leader (1964)
  • , musician (1958)
  • , governor of Cuba (1972)
  • José de San Martín, Argentine general and independence leader (1988)
  • Antonio Sánchez de Bustamante, Cuban lawyer (1955)
  • Celia Sanchez, party leader (1985)
  • Eduardo Sanchez de Fuentes, Cuban composer (1966)
  • , general of the army of liberation (1957)
  • , general (1997)
  • Serafín Sánchez, general (1956)
  • , nurse (1957)
  • Augusto César Sandino, Nicaraguan revolutionary (1984)
  • Julio Sanguily, general (1956)
  • , cabinet member and author (1949)
  • , Havana Philharmonic Orchestra (1974)
  • , writer, journalist and poet (2006)
  • Abel Santamaria, revolutionary leader (1962)
  • Haydée Santamaría, guerrilla and political Cuban (2009)
  • Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombian military and political leader (1937)
  • Domingo Sarmiento, Argentine educator (1989)
  • , communications (1947)
  • David Schwarz, Hungarian-Croatian aviation pioneer (1991)
  • , chess champion (1976)
  • Cesar Perez Sentenat, pianist with Havana Philharmonic Orchestra (1974)
  • Vittorio de Sica, Italian director and actor (1995)
  • Moises Simons, Cuban composer (1966)
  • Enrique Soro, Chile drum musician (1991)
  • Juan Bautista Spotorno, president (1959)
  • , fingerprint identification pioneer (1957)
  • Wilhelm Steinitz, chess champion (1976)
  • Manuel Márquez Sterling, Cuban diplomat and president of Cuba (1946)
  • Antonio José de Sucre, Venezuelan independence leader (1988)
  • Sukarno, president of Indonesia (2008)
  • Kim Il Sung, president of North Korea (1998)


  • Arnaldo Tamayo, cosmonaut (2005)
  • , general (1996)
  • , revolutionary (1983)
  • Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, composer (1993)
  • , aviation pioneer (1970)
  • Valentina V. Tereshkova, cosmonaut (1963)
  • , revolution leader (1966)
  • Tiradentes, hero of Brazilian Independence (1988)
  • , cosmonaut (1963)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • , patriot (1951)
  • Miguel Teurbe Tolón, writer and teacher (1951)
  • Albert Tissandier, French architect, aviator, editor and archaeologist (2000)
  • Gaston Tissandier, French adventurer (2000)
  • , aided Cuban revolution (1998)
  • Carlos de la Torre y Huerta, naturalist (1958)
  • , dancer (2014)
  • Pablo de la Torriente Brau, writer (2001)
  • Bobbi Trout, female aviator (2011)
  • Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Soviet rocket and space sciences pioneer (1966)


  • Luis Ulacia, Cuban baseball player (2002)
  • , Dominican writer (1989)
  • , Colombia drum musician (1991)


  • , physician and Cuban patriot (2004)
  • , Cuban baseball player (2003)
  • Miguelito Valdés, Cuban singer (1999)
  • , defense lawyer (1952)
  • Lazaro Valle, Cuban baseball player (2003)
  • Félix Varela, Roman Catholic priest and independence leader (1955)
  • Lazaro Vargas, Cuban baseball player (2003)
  • , general (1996)
  • , general of the army of liberation (1957)
  • Enrique José Varona, author (1950)
  • , medical student (1952)
  • Jules Verne, writer (1981)
  • Amerigo Vespucci, Italian explorer (1992)
  • Heitor Villa-Lobos, Brazil resonator trumpet musician (1991)
  • Cirilo Villaverde, writer (2012)
  • Ruben Martinez Villena, revolutionary (1974)
  • , Cuban baseball player (2004)
  • André Voisin, French naturalist (1965)


  • George Washington, president of the United States (1899)
  • James Watt, Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer (1996)
  • Daniel Webster, American senator and statesman (1899)
  • José White, musician (1958)
  • Friedrich Hermann Wölfert, German publisher and aviation pioneer (1991)
  • Natalie Wood, film star (2001)
  • Orville Wright, aviation pioneer (2003)
  • Wilbur Wright, aviation pioneer (2003)




  • Lazarus Ludwig Zamenhof, creator of Esperanto (1987)
  • Juan Bruno Zayas, military doctor (1910, 1933)
  • Juan Clemente Zenea, writer (1956)
  • Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, German general and aircraft manufacturer (1991)
  • Clara Zetkin, advocate for women's rights (1965)


  1. ^ "Cuba - 30c stamp of 1971 (#31834) | StampData". StampData. Retrieved 20 August 2015.


  • Edifil; Catálogo Especializado de Sellos de Cuba, Tomo I (1855-1958), 2nd Ed.; Madrid, 2002 (in Spanish).
  • Jones, Wm. P. and Roy, Rudy J.; A Handbook of the Stamps of Cuba in 3 volumes. 3rd Ed. 2011. (complete through 1958)
  • Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, Volume 2, 2015
  • Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue, Part 15, 3rd Edition, 2007

See also[]

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