List of places in Alaska (I)

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This list of cities, towns, unincorporated communities, counties, and other recognized places in the U.S. state of Alaska also includes information on the number and names of counties in which the place lies, and its lower and upper zip code bounds, if applicable.

Name of place Number of counties Principal county Lower zip code Upper zip code
Icy Bay 1 Valdez-Cordova Census Area    
Iditarod 1 Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area    
2 Bethel Census Area    
2 Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area    
1 Kusilvak Census Area    
Igiugig 1 Lake and Peninsula Borough 99613  
1 Nome Census Area    
1 Dillingham Census Area    
Ikatan 1 Aleutians East Borough 99583  
Iliamna 1 Lake and Peninsula Borough 99606  
1 Lake and Peninsula Borough 99606  
1 Nome Census Area    
Indian 1 Municipality of Anchorage 99540  
Indian Mountain 1 Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area 99745  
1 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area    
1 Bethel Census Area    
1 Kusilvak Census Area    
1 Kenai Peninsula Borough    
1 Nome Census Area    
1 Fairbanks North Star Borough 99701  
1 Bethel Census Area    
Ivanof Bay 1 Lake and Peninsula Borough 99502  
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