List of postal codes in Denmark

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Postal codes (Danish: postnumre) in Denmark are 4-digit codes. They were implemented in 1967, and were based on the territorial divisions of towns and municipalities at the time. The postal codes 1000-1999 are each assigned to individual streets and large mail recipients, such as companies, organizations or public administrations. Not included in this list are postal codes for postal service centres and bulk mail receivers, the latter using the postal codes 0800-0990 (a more elaborate list can be found on the Danish entry 'Danske postnumre'). Greenland has postal codes in the same series (3900-3999) while the Faroe Islands have a separate system.

Zealand (1000-3699 and 4000-4999)[]

Copenhagen, Frederiksberg and vicinity (1000-2999)[]

Northern Zealand (3000-3699)[]

Central, Southern and Western Zealand, Lolland, Falster and Møn (4000-4999)[]

Bornholm (3700-3799)[]

Funen and isles (5000-5999)[]

Jutland (6000-9999)[]

Southern Jutland and parts of Western Jutland (6000-6999)[]

Northwest Jutland, West Jutland, parts of middle Jutland and Southern Jutland and southeast Jutland (7000-7999)[]

  • 7000 - Fredericia
  • 7001 - Fredericia Postbutik (in post district 7000 Fredericia)
  • 7007 - Fredericia Sydjyllands Postcenter
  • 7012 - Nordbyen Postbutik (in post district 7000 Fredericia)
  • 7013 - Vest-centret Posthus (in post district 7000 Fredericia)
  • 7014 - Erritsø Postbutik (in post district 7000 Fredericia)
  • 7015 - Vestcentret Postbutik (in post district 7000 Fredericia)
  • 7060 - Tidligere Taulov (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7070 - Tidligere Pjedsted (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7080 - Børkop
  • 7081 - Børkop Postbutikker (in post district 7080 Børkop)
  • 7090 - Brejning Postbutik (in post district 7080 Børkop)
  • 7100 - Vejle
  • 7101 - Tidligere posthuset Vejle 1. Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7102 - Vindinggård Center Postbutik (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7103 - Ny Højen Afhentningssted (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7104 - Pakkeboksen på Nørremark Center 10 i Vejle 55°43′15.75″N, 9°33′35.66″E
  • 7111 - Søndermarken Postbutik (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7114 - Skolegade Postbutikker (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7117 - Nørremarken Afhentningssted (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7118 - Danmarks Transport Center Afhentningssted (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7119 - Løget Høj Afhentningssted (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7120 - Vejle Øst
  • 7122 - Jerlev Postbutik (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7123 - Lindved Postbutik (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7125 - Ødsted Postbutik (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7126 - Vejle Øst Postbutik (in post district 7120 Vejle Øst)
  • 7129 - Tidligere Grejsdal (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7130 - Juelsminde
  • 7131 - Juelsminde Postbutik (in post district 7130 Juelsminde)
  • 7140 - Stouby
  • 7150 - Barrit
  • 7160 - Tørring
  • 7161 - Tørring Postbutik (in post district 7160 Tørring)
  • 7171 - Uldum
  • 7172 - Tidligere Ølholm (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7173 - Vonge
  • 7174 - Tidligere Kollemorten (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7179 - Bredsten Postbutik (in post district 7182 Bredsten)
  • 7181 - Tidligere Skibet (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7182 - Bredsten
  • 7183 - Randbøl
  • 7184 - Vandel
  • 7185 - Grejs Postbutik (in post district 7100 Vejle)
  • 7190 - Billund
  • 7191 - Billund Postbutikker (in post district 7190 Billund)
  • 7200 - Grindsted
  • 7201 - Grindsted Postbutikker (in post district 7200 Grindsted)
  • 7202 - Pakkeboksen på Østergade 21 i Grindsted 55°45′30.52″N, 8°55′55.48″E
  • 7250 - Hejnsvig
  • 7251 - Vesterhede Afhentningssted (in post district 7250 Hejnsvig)
  • 7260 - Sønder Omme
  • 7270 - Stakroge
  • 7280 - Sønder Felding
  • 7300 - Jelling
  • 7301 - Jelling Postbutik (in post district 7300 Jelling)
  • 7320 - Give Postbutikker (in post district 7323 Give)
  • 7321 - Gadbjerg
  • 7322 - Tidligere Farre (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7323 - Give
  • 7324 - Thyregod Postbutik (in post district 7323 Give)
  • 7325 - Grønbjerg Afhentningssted (in post district 7323 Give)
  • 7326 - Kollemorten Afhentningssted (in post district 7323 Give)
  • 7330 - Brande
  • 7331 - Brande Postbutikker (in post district 7330 Brande)
  • 7340 - Tidligere Blåhøj (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7350 - Filskov Postbutik (in post district 7200 Grindsted)
  • 7361 - Ejstrupholm
  • 7362 - Hampen
  • 7363 - Tidligere Hjøllund (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7364 - Tidligere Christianshede (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7371 - Tidligere Fasterholt (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7372 - Tidligere Kølkær (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7400 - Herning
  • 7401 - Herning Vestjyllands Postcenter
  • 7414 - Holtbjerg Postbutik (in post district 7400 Herning)
  • 7416 - Snejbjerg Postbutik (in post district 7400 Herning)
  • 7417 - Tjørring Postbutik (in post district 7400 Herning)
  • 7420 - Tidligere Hammerum (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7421 - Arnborg Afhentningssted (in post district 7400 Herning)
  • 7423 - Hammerum Postbutik (in post district 7400 Herning)
  • 7430 - Ikast
  • 7431 - Ikast Postbutikker (in post district 7430 Ikast)
  • 7433 - Pakkeboksen på Lille Torv 1 A i Ikast 56°8′41.99″N, 9°9′14.91″E
  • 7440 - Bording Postbutik (in post district 7441 Bording)
  • 7441 - Bording
  • 7442 - Engesvang
  • 7451 - Sunds
  • 7452 - Ilskov Postbutik (in post district 7451 Sunds)
  • 7453 - Frederiks Postbutik (in post district 7470 Karup J)
  • 7454 - Tidligere Skelhøje (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7460 - Tidligere Kølvrå (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7470 - Karup Jylland
  • 7471 - Karup J Postbutik (in post district 7470 Karup J)
  • 7480 - Vildbjerg
  • 7489 - Tidligere Skibbild (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7490 - Aulum
  • 7491 - Aulum Postbutik (in post district 7490 Aulum)
  • 7499 - Tvis Postbutik (in post district 7500 Holstebro)
  • 7500 - Holstebro
  • 7511 - Nørreland Postbutik (in post district 7500 Holstebro)
  • 7514 - Holstebro Posthus (in post district 7500 Holstebro)
  • 7516 - Nørre Felding Postbutik (in post district 7500 Holstebro)
  • 7521 - Borbjerg-hvam Postbutik (in post district 7500 Holstebro)
  • 7522 - Hodsager Postbutik (in post district 7490 Aulum)
  • 7524 - Skave Postbutik (in post district 7500 Holstebro)
  • 7525 - Feldborg Postbutik (in post district 7540 Haderup)
  • 7540 - Haderup
  • 7550 - Sørvad
  • 7560 - Hjerm
  • 7570 - Vemb
  • 7580 - Tidligere Bur (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7600 - Struer
  • 7601 - Struer Postbutikker (in post district 7600 Struer)
  • 7604 - Asp Postbutik (in post district 7600 Struer)
  • 7613 - Jegindø Afhentningssted (in post district 7790 Thyholm)
  • 7620 - Lemvig
  • 7621 - Lemvig Postbutikker (in post district 7620 Lemvig)
  • 7624 - Fjaltring Postbutik (in post district 7620 Lemvig)
  • 7625 - Nørre Nissum Postbutik (in post district 7620 Lemvig)
  • 7630 - Tidligere Bonnet (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7640 - Ramme Postbutik (in post district 7620 Lemvig)
  • 7650 - Bøvlingbjerg
  • 7660 - Bækmarksbro
  • 7669 - Tidligere Fåre (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7671 - Tidligere Klinkby (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7672 - Tidligere Vrist (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7673 - Harboøre
  • 7679 - Tidligere Strande (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7680 - Thyborøn
  • 7681 - Thyborøn Postbutik (in post district 7680 Thyborøn)
  • 7700 - Thisted
  • 7702 - Pakkeboksen på Jernbanegade 29 i Thisted 56°57′10.38″N, 8°41′16.71″E
  • 7705 - Thisted Postbutikker (in post district 7700 Thisted)
  • 7730 - Hanstholm
  • 7731 - Hanstholm Postbutik (in post district 7730 Hanstholm)
  • 7740 - Frøstrup Postbutik (in post district 7741 Frøstrup)
  • 7741 - Frøstrup
  • 7742 - Vesløs
  • 7743 - Østerild Afhentningssted (in post district 7700 Thisted)
  • 7744 - Hundborg Postbutik (in post district 7700 Thisted)
  • 7746 - Nørre-vorupør Postbutik (in post district 7700 Thisted)
  • 7747 - Tidligere Hundstrup (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7748 - Tidligere Hillerslev (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7749 - Nors Postbutik (in post district 7700 Thisted)
  • 7751 - Sjørring Postbutik (in post district 7700 Thisted)
  • 7752 - Snedsted
  • 7753 - Hørdum Postbutik (in post district 7752 Snedsted)
  • 7754 - Tidligere Hassing Thy (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7755 - Bedsted Thy
  • 7760 - Hurup Thy
  • 7761 - Hurup Thy Postbutik (in post district 7760 Hurup Thy)
  • 7770 - Vestervig
  • 7771 - Agger Postbutik (in post district 7770 Vestervig)
  • 7781 - Tidligere Ydby (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7782 - Tidligere Gettrup (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7790 - Thyholm. Tidligere Hvidbjerg (or maybe just the post office in the same place)[2].
  • 7798 - Uglev Afhentningssted (in post district 7790 Thyholm)
  • 7799 - Tidligere Oddesund (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7800 - Skive
  • 7801 - Egeris Postbutik (in post district 7800 Skive)
  • 7802 - Skive Postbutikker (in post district 7800 Skive)
  • 7804 - Pakkeboksen på Søndergade 14 i Skive 56°33′43.07″N, 9°1′32.35″E
  • 7814 - Vridsted Postbutik (in post district 7800 Skive)
  • 7829 - Tidligere Rønbjerg (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7830 - Vinderup
  • 7831 - Tidligere Ejsing Postbutik (in post district 7830 Vinderup)
  • 7840 - Højslev
  • 7850 - Stoholm Jylland
  • 7851 - Stoholm Jyll Postbutik (in post district 7850 Stoholm Jyll)
  • 7860 - Spøttrup
  • 7861 - Spøttrup Postbutik (in post district 7860 Spøttrup). Tidligere Balling (or maybe just the post office in the same place)[2].
  • 7862 - Lem Postbutik (in post district 7860 Spøttrup). Tidligere Brodal (or maybe just the post office in the same place)[2].
  • 7863 - Tidligere Spøttrup (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7866 - Oddense Postbutik (in post district 7860 Spøttrup)
  • 7870 - Roslev
  • 7879 - Breum Postbutik (in post district 7870 Roslev)
  • 7881 - Jebjerg Postbutik (in post district 7870 Roslev)
  • 7882 - Durup Postbutik (in post district 7870 Roslev)
  • 7883 - Glyngøre Afhentningssted (in post district 7870 Roslev)
  • 7884 - Fur
  • 7885 - Selde Postbutik (in post district 7870 Roslev)
  • 7900 - Nykøbing Mors
  • 7901 - Nykøbing M Postbutikker (in post district 7900 Nykøbing M)
  • 7911 - Sejerslev Postbutik (in post district 7900 Nykøbing M)
  • 7920 - Tidligere Vildsund Vest (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7930 - Sundby Mors Postbutik (in post district 7950 Erslev)
  • 7940 - Tidligere Solbjerg Mors (or maybe just the post office in the same place). Post code discontinued[2].
  • 7950 - Erslev
  • 7960 - Karby
  • 7970 - Redsted Mors
  • 7980 - Vils
  • 7990 - Øster Assels
  • 7993 - Ufrankerede svarforsendelser: Sydjylland-Fyn USF B
  • 7996 - Fakturaservice[13]
  • 7997 - Fakturascanning[13]
  • 7999 - Kommunepost. Postal code created 1 August 2007[4]

Eastern Jutland (8000-8999)[]

Northern Jutland (9000-9999)[]


  1. ^ "Post code for Santa Claus/Julemanden, , , GL |". Retrieved 2022-01-22.
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