List of programmers

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This is a list of programmers notable for their contributions to software, either as original author or architect, or for later additions. All entries must already have associated articles.


  • Michael Abrashprogram optimization and x86 assembly language
  • Scott Adams – one of earliest developers of CP/M and DOS games
  • Tarn Adams – created Dwarf Fortress
  • Leonard Adleman – cocreated RSA algorithm (being the A in that name), coined the term computer virus
  • Alfred Aho – cocreated AWK (being the A in that name), and main author of famous Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (Dragon book)
  • Andrei Alexandrescu – author, expert on languages C++, D
  • Paul AllenAltair BASIC, Applesoft BASIC, cofounded Microsoft
  • Eric Allmansendmail, syslog
  • Marc Andreessen – cocreated Mosaic, cofounded Netscape
  • Jeremy Ashkenas – created CoffeeScript programming language and Backbone.js
  • Bill AtkinsonQuickDraw, HyperCard


  • Roland Carl Backhousecomputer program construction, algorithmic problem solving, ALGOL
  • John BackusFortran, BNF
  • Lars Bakvirtual machine specialist
  • Richard BartleMUD, with Roy Trubshaw, created MUDs
  • Friedrich L. BauerStack (data structure), Sequential Formula Translation, ALGOL, software engineering, Bauer–Fike theorem
  • Kent Beck – created Extreme programming, cocreated JUnit
  • Donald BeckerLinux Ethernet drivers, Beowulf clustering
  • Brian BehlendorfApache HTTP Server
  • Doug BellDungeon Master series of video games
  • Fabrice Bellard – created FFmpeg open codec library, QEMU virtualization tools
  • Tim Berners-Lee – invented World Wide Web
  • Daniel J. Bernsteindjbdns, qmail
  • Eric Bina – cocreated Mosaic web browser
  • Marc Blank – cocreated Zork
  • Joshua Bloch – core Java language designer, lead the Java collections framework project
  • Jonathan Blow – video game designer and programmed Braid and The Witness
  • Susan G. Bond – cocreated ALGOL 68-R
  • Grady Booch – cocreated Unified Modeling Language
  • Bert Bos – authored Argo web browser, co-authored Cascading Style Sheets
  • Stephen R. Bourne – cocreated ALGOL 68C, created Bourne shell
  • David Bradley – coder on the IBM PC project team who wrote the Control-Alt-Delete keyboard handler, embedded in all PC-compatible BIOSes
  • Andrew Braybrook – video games Paradroid and Uridium
  • Larry Breed – implementation of Iverson Notation (APL), co-developed APL\360, Scientific Time Sharing Corporation cofounder
  • Jack Elton Bresenham – created Bresenham's line algorithm
  • Dan Bricklin – cocreated VisiCalc, the first personal spreadsheet program
  • Walter BrightDigital Mars, First C++ compiler, authored D (programming language)
  • Sergey Brin – cofounded Google Inc.
  • Per Brinch Hansen (surname "Brinch Hansen") – RC 4000 multiprogramming system, operating system kernels, microkernels, monitors, concurrent programming, Concurrent Pascal, distributed computing & processes, parallel computing
  • Richard BrodieMicrosoft Word
  • Andries BrouwerHack, former maintainer of man pager, Linux kernel hacker
  • Danielle Bunten Berry (Dani Bunten) – M.U.L.E., multiplayer video game and other noted video games
  • Dries Buytaert – created Drupal


  • Steve Capps – cocreated Macintosh and Newton
  • John Carmackfirst-person shooters Doom, Quake
  • Vint CerfTCP/IP, NCP
  • Ward Christensen – wrote the first BBS (Bulletin Board System) system CBBS
  • Edgar F. Codd – principal architect of relational model
  • Bram CohenBitTorrent protocol design and implementation
  • Alain ColmerauerProlog
  • Alan CooperVisual Basic
  • Mike CowlishawREXX and NetRexx, LEXX editor, image processing, decimal arithmetic packages
  • Alan Cox – co-developed Linux kernel
  • Brad CoxObjective-C
  • Mark Crispin – created IMAP, authored UW-IMAP, one of reference implementations of IMAP4
  • William CrowtherColossal Cave Adventure
  • Ward Cunningham – created Wiki concept
  • Dave Cutler – architected RSX-11M, OpenVMS, VAXELN, DEC MICA, Windows NT


  • Ole-Johan Dahl – cocreated Simula, object-oriented programming
  • Ryan Dahl – created Node.js
  • James Duncan Davidson – created Tomcat, now part of Jakarta Project
  • Terry A. Davis – developer of TempleOS
  • Jeff DeanSpanner, Bigtable, MapReduce
  • L. Peter DeutschGhostscript, Assembler for PDP-1, XDS-940 timesharing system, QED original co-author
  • Robert DewarIFIP WG 2.1 member, chairperson, ALGOL 68; AdaCore cofounder, president, CEO
  • Edsger W. Dijkstra – contributions to ALGOL, Dijkstra's algorithm, Go To Statement Considered Harmful, IFIP WG 2.1 member
  • Matt Dillon – programmed various software including DICE and DragonflyBSD
  • Jack Dorsey – created Twitter
  • Martin Dougiamas – creator and lead developed Moodle
  • Adam Dunkels – authored Contiki operating system, the lwIP and uIP embedded TCP/IP stacks, invented protothreads


  • Les Earnest – authored finger program
  • Alan Edelman – Edelman's Law, stochastic operator, Interactive Supercomputing, Julia (programming language) cocreator, high performance computing, numerical computing
  • Brendan Eich – created JavaScript
  • Larry Ellison – cocreated Oracle Database, cofounded Oracle Corporation
  • Andrey Ershov – languages ALPHA, Rapira; first Soviet time-sharing system AIST-0, electronic publishing system RUBIN, multiprocessing workstation MRAMOR, IFIP WG 2.1 member, Aesthetics and the Human Factor in Programming
  • Marc Ewing – created Red Hat Linux


  • Scott Fahlman – created smiley face emoticon :-)
  • Dan Farmer – created COPS and Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN) Security Scanners
  • Steve Fawkner – created Warlords and Puzzle Quest
  • Stuart Feldman – created make, authored Fortran 77 compiler, part of original group that created Unix
  • David Filo – cocreated Yahoo!
  • Brad Fitzpatrick – created memcached, Livejournal and OpenID
  • Andrew Fluegelman – author PC-Talk communications software; considered a cocreated shareware
  • Martin Fowler – created Dependency Injection pattern of software engineering, a form of Inversion of control
  • Brian Fox – created Bash, Readline, GNU Finger


  • Elon Gasper – cofounded Bright Star Technology, patented realistic facial movements for in-game speech; , , etc.
  • Bill GatesAltair BASIC, cofounded Microsoft
  • Nick Gerakines – author, contributor to open-source Erlang projects
  • Jim GettysX Window System, HTTP/1.1, One Laptop per Child, Bufferbloat
  • Steve Gibson – created SpinRite
  • John GilmoreGNU Debugger (GDB)
  • Adele Goldberg – cocreated Smalltalk
  • Ryan C. Gordon (a.k.a. Icculus) – Lokigames, ioquake3
  • James GoslingJava, Gosling Emacs, NeWS
  • Bill GosperMacsyma, Lisp machine, hashlife, helped Donald Knuth on Vol.2 of The Art of Computer Programming (Semi-numerical algorithms)
  • Paul GrahamYahoo! Store, On Lisp, ANSI Common Lisp
  • John Graham-Cumming – authored POPFile, a Bayesian filter-based e-mail classifier
  • Ralph Griswold – cocreated SNOBOL, created Icon (programming language)
  • Richard GreenblattLisp machine, Incompatible Timesharing System, MacHack
  • Neil J. Gunther – authored Pretty Damn Quick (PDQ) performance modeling program
  • Scott Guthrie (a.k.a. ScottGu) – ASP.NET creator
  • Jürg Gutknecht – with Niklaus Wirth: Lilith computer; Modula-2, Oberon, Zonnon programming languages; Oberon operating system
  • Andi Gutmans – cocreated PHP programming language
  • Michael GuyPhoenix, work on number theory, computer algebra, higher dimension polyhedra theory, ALGOL 68C; work with John Horton Conway


  • Daniel Ha – cofounder and CEO of blog comment platform Disqus
  • Nico Habermann – work on operating systems, software engineering, inter-process communication, process synchronization, deadlock avoidance, software verification, programming languages: ALGOL 60, BLISS, Pascal, Ada
  • Jim Hall – started the FreeDOS project
  • Margaret Hamilton – Director of Software Engineering Division of MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for the space Apollo program
  • Eric Hehnerpredicative programming, formal methods, quote notation, ALGOL
  • David Heinemeier Hansson – created the Ruby on Rails framework for developing web applications
  • Rebecca Heineman – authored Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate and Dragon Wars
  • Gernot Heiseroperating system teaching, research, commercialising, Open Kernel Labs, OKL4, Wombat
  • Anders HejlsbergTurbo Pascal, Borland Delphi, C#, TypeScript
  • Ted Henter – founded Henter-Joyce (now part of Freedom Scientific) created JAWS screen reader software for blind people
  • Andy Hertzfeld – cocreated Macintosh, cofounded General Magic, cofounded Eazel
  • D. Richard Hipp – created SQLite
  • C. A. R. Hoare – first implementation of quicksort, ALGOL 60 compiler, Communicating sequential processes
  • Louis HodesLisp, pattern recognition, logic programming, cancer research
  • Grace HopperHarvard Mark I computer, FLOW-MATIC, COBOL
  • David A. Huffman – created the Huffman Code compression algorithm
  • Roger Hui – created J
  • Dave Hyatt – co-authored Mozilla Firefox
  • P. J. Hyett – cofounded GitHub


  • Miguel de IcazaGNOME project leader, initiated Mono project
  • Roberto IerusalimschyLua leading architect
  • Dan Ingalls – cocreated Smalltalk and Bitblt
  • Geir Ivarsøy – cocreated Opera web browser
  • Ken IversonAPL, J
  • Toru Iwatani – created Pac-Man


  • Bo JangeborgSinclair ZX Spectrum games
  • Paul Jardetzky – authored server program for the first webcam
  • Stephen C. Johnsonyacc
  • Lynne Jolitz386BSD
  • William Jolitz386BSD
  • Bill JoyBSD, csh, vi, cofounded Sun Microsystems
  • Robert K. Jung – created ARJ


  • Poul-Henning KampMD5 password hash algorithm, FreeBSD GEOM and GBDE, part of UFS2, FreeBSD Jails, malloc and the Beerware license
  • Mitch KaporLotus 1-2-3, founded Lotus Development Corporation
  • Phil Katz – created Zip (file format), authored PKZIP
  • Ted Kaehler – contributions to Smalltalk, Squeak, HyperCard
  • Alan KaySmalltalk, Dynabook, Object-oriented programming, Squeak
  • Mel KayeLGP-30 and RPC-4000 machine code programmer at Royal McBee in the 1950s, famed as "Real Programmer" in the Story of Mel
  • Stan Kelly-BootleManchester Mark 1, The Devil's DP Dictionary
  • John Kemeny – cocreated BASIC
  • Brian Kernighan – cocreated AWK (being the K in that name), authored ditroff text-formatting tool
  • Gary KildallCP/M, MP/M, BIOS, PL/M, also known for work on data-flow analysis, binary recompilers, multitasking operating systems, graphical user interfaces, disk caching, CD-ROM file system and data structures, early multi-media technologies, founded Digital Research (DRI)
  • Tom KnightIncompatible Timesharing System
  • Jim Knopf – a.k.a. Jim Button, author PC-File flatfile database; cocreated shareware
  • Donald E. KnuthTeX, CWEB, Metafont, The Art of Computer Programming, Concrete Mathematics
  • Andrew R. Koenig – co-authored books on C and C++ and former Project Editor of ISO/ANSI standards committee for C++
  • Cornelis H. A. KosterReport on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68, ALGOL 68 transput


  • Andre LaMothe – created XGameStation, one of world's first video game console development kits
  • Leslie LamportLaTeX
  • Butler LampsonQED original co-author
  • Peter LandinISWIM, J operator, SECD machine, off-side rule, syntactic sugar, ALGOL, IFIP WG 2.1 member
  • Tom Lane – main author of libjpeg, major developer of PostgreSQL
  • Sam Lantinga – created Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)
  • Dick Lathwell – codeveloped APL\360
  • Chris Lattner – main author of LLVM project
  • Samuel J LefflerBSD, FlexFAX, libtiff, FreeBSD Wireless Device Drivers
  • Rasmus Lerdorf – original created PHP
  • Michael LeskLex
  • Gordon Letwin – architected OS/2, authored High Performance File System (HPFS)
  • Jochen Liedtkemicrokernel operating systems Eumel, L3, L4
  • Charles H. LindseyIFIP WG 2.1 member, Revised Report on ALGOL 68
  • Håkon Wium Lie – co-authored Cascading Style Sheets
  • Yanhong Annie Liuprogramming languages, algorithms, program design, program optimization, software systems, optimizing, analysis, and transformations, intelligent systems, distributed computing, computer security, IFIP WG 2.1 member
  • Robert LoveLinux kernel developer
  • Ada Lovelace – first programmer (of Charles Babbages' Analytical Engine)
  • Al Lowe – created Leisure Suit Larry series
  • David LuckhamLisp, Automated theorem proving, Stanford Pascal Verifier, Complex event processing, Rational Software cofounder (Ada compiler)
  • Hans Peter Luhn – hash-coding, linked list, searching and sorting binary tree


  • Khaled Mardam-Bey – created mIRC (Internet Relay Chat Client)
  • Robert C. Martin – authored Clean Code, The Clean Coder, leader of Clean Code movement, signatory on the Agile Manifesto
  • John Mashey – authored PWB shell, also called Mashey shell
  • Yukihiro MatsumotoRuby
  • John McCarthyLisp, ALGOL, IFIP WG 2.1 member, artificial intelligence
  • Craig McClanahan – original author Jakarta Struts, architect of Tomcat Catalina servlet container
  • Daniel D. McCracken – professor at City College and authored Guide to Algol Programming, Guide to Cobol Programming, Guide to Fortran Programming (1957)
  • Scott A. McGregor – architect and development team lead of Microsoft Windows 1.0, co-authored X Window System version 11, and developed Cedar Viewers Windows System at Xerox PARC
  • Douglas McIlroymacros, pipes and filters, concept of software componentry, Unix tools (spell, diff, sort, join, graph, speak, tr, etc.)
  • Marshall Kirk McKusickBerkeley Software Distribution (BSD), work on FFS, implemented soft updates
  • Sid Meier – author, Civilization and Railroad Tycoon, cofounded Microprose
  • Bertrand MeyerEiffel, Object-oriented Software Construction, design by contract
  • Bob Miner – cocreated Oracle Database, cofounded Oracle Corporation
  • Jeff Minter – psychedelic, and often llama-related video games
  • James G. MitchellWATFOR compiler, Mesa (programming language), Spring (operating system), ARM architecture
  • Arvind Mithalformal verification of large digital systems, developing dynamic dataflow architectures, parallel computing programming languages (Id, pH), compiling on parallel machines
  • Petr Mitrichevcompetitive programmer
  • Cleve Moler – co-authored LINPACK, EISPACK, and MATLAB
  • Lou Montulli – created Lynx browser, cookies, the blink tag, server push and client pull, HTTP proxying, HTTP over SSL, browser integration with animated GIFs, founding member of HTML working group at W3C
  • Bram Moolenaar – authored text-editor Vim
  • David A. MoonMaclisp, ZetaLisp
  • Charles H. Moore – created Forth language
  • Roger Moore – co-developed APL\360, created IPSANET, cofounded I. P. Sharp Associates
  • Matt Mullenweg – authored WordPress
  • Boyd Munro – Australian developed GRASP, owns SDI, one of earliest software development companies
  • Mike Muuss – authored ping, network tool to detect hosts


  • Patrick Naughton – early Java designer, HotJava
  • Peter Naur (1928–2016) – Backus–Naur form (BNF), ALGOL 60, IFIP WG 2.1 member
  • Fredrik Neij – cocreated The Pirate Bay
  • Graham Nelson – created Inform authoring system for interactive fiction
  • Greg Nelson (1953–2015) – satisfiability modulo theories, extended static checking, program verification, Modula-3 committee, Simplify theorem prover in ESC/Java
  • Klára Dán von Neumann (1911–1963) – principal programmer for the MANIAC I
  • Maurice Nivat (1937–2017) – theoretical computer science, Theoretical Computer Science journal, ALGOL, IFIP WG 2.1 member
  • Phiwa Nkambule – cofounded Riovic, founded Cybatar
  • Peter Norton – programmed Norton Utilities
  • Kristen Nygaard (1926–2002) – Simula, object-oriented programming


  • Ed Oates – cocreated Oracle Database, cofounded Oracle Corporation
  • Martin OderskyScala
  • Peter O'Hearnseparation logic, bunched logic, Infer Static Analyzer
  • Jarkko Oikarinen – created Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
  • Andrew and Philip Oliver, the Oliver Twins – many Sinclair ZX Spectrum games including Dizzy
  • John Ousterhout – created Tcl/Tk


  • Keith PackardX Window System
  • Larry Page – cofounded Google, Inc.
  • Alexey Pajitnov – created game Tetris on Electronica 60
  • Seymour PapertLogo (programming language)
  • David Park (1935–1990) – first Lisp implementation, expert in fairness, program schemas, bisimulation in concurrent computing
  • Mike Patersonalgorithms, analysis of algorithms (complexity)
  • Tim Paterson – authored 86-DOS (QDOS)
  • Markus Persson – created Minecraft
  • Jeffrey Peterson – key free and open-source software architect, created Quepasa
  • Charles Petzold – authored many Microsoft Windows programming books
  • Rob Pike – wrote first bitmapped window system for Unix, cocreated UTF-8 character encoding, authored text editor sam and programming environment acme, main author of Plan 9 and Inferno operating systems, and co-authored Go programming language
  • Kent Pitman – technical contributor to the ANSI Common Lisp standard
  • Tom Preston-Werner – cofounded GitHub



  • Theo de Raadt – founding member of NetBSD, founded OpenBSD and OpenSSH
  • Brian RandellALGOL 60, software fault tolerance, dependability, pre-1950 history of computing hardware
  • Jef Raskin – started the Macintosh project in Apple Computer, designed Canon Cat computer, developed Archy (The Humane Environment) program
  • Eric S. RaymondOpen Source movement, authored fetchmail
  • Hans Reiser – created ReiserFS file system
  • John Resig – creator and lead developed jQuery JavaScript library
  • Craig Reynolds – created boids computer graphics simulation
  • John C. Reynoldscontinuations, definitional interpreters, defunctionalization, Forsythe, Gedanken language, intersection types, polymorphic lambda calculus, relational parametricity, separation logic, ALGOL
  • Reinder van de Riet – Editor: Europe of Data and Knowledge Engineering, COLOR-X event modeling language
  • Dennis RitchieC, Unix, Plan 9 from Bell Labs, Inferno
  • Ron Rivest – cocreated RSA algorithm (being the R in that name). created RC4 and MD5
  • John Romerofirst-person shooters Doom, Quake
  • Blake Ross – co-authored Mozilla Firefox
  • Douglas T. Ross – Automatically Programmed Tools (APT), Computer-aided design, structured analysis and design technique, ALGOL X
  • Guido van RossumPython
  • Jeff Rulifson – lead programmer on the NLS project
  • Rusty Russell – created iptables for linux
  • Steve Russell – first Lisp interpreter; original Spacewar! graphic video game
  • Mark Russinovich –, Filemon, Regmon, Process Explorer, TCPView and RootkitRevealer


  • Bob SabistonRotoshop, interpolating rotoscope animation software
  • Muni Sakya – Nepalese software
  • Carl SassenrathAmiga, REBOL
  • Chris Sawyer – developed RollerCoaster Tycoon and the Transport Tycoon series
  • Cher ScarlettApple, Webflow, Blizzard Entertainment, World Wide Technology, and USA Today
  • Bob ScheiflerX Window System, Jini
  • Isai ScheinbergIBM engineer, founded PokerStars
  • Bill SchelterGNU Maxima, GNU Common Lisp
  • John ScholesDirect functions
  • Randal L. SchwartzJust another Perl hacker
  • Adi Shamir – cocreated RSA algorithm (being the S in that name)
  • Mike Shaver – founding member of Mozilla Organization
  • Cliff ShawInformation Processing Language (IPL), the first AI language
  • Zed Shaw – wrote the Mongrel Web Server, for Ruby web applications
  • Emily Short – prolific writer of Interactive fiction and co-developed Inform version 7
  • Jacek Sieka – developed DC++ an open-source, peer-to-peer file-sharing client
  • Daniel Siewiorekelectronic design automation, reliability computing, context aware mobile computing, wearable computing, computer-aided design, rapid prototyping, fault tolerance
  • Ken Silverman – created Duke Nukem 3D's graphics engine
  • Charles SimonyiHungarian notation, Bravo (the first WYSIWYG text editor), Microsoft Word
  • Colin Simpson – developed CircuitLogix simulation software
  • Rich Skrenta – cofounded DMOZ
  • Matthew SmithSinclair ZX Spectrum games, including Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy
  • Henry SpencerC News, Regex
  • Joel Spolsky – cofounded Fog Creek Software and Stack Overflow
  • Quentin Stafford-Fraser – authored original VNC viewer, first Windows VNC server, client program for the first webcam
  • Richard StallmanEmacs, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GDB, founder and pioneer of GNU Project, terminal-independent I/O pioneer on Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS), Lisp machine manual
  • Guy L. Steele Jr.Common Lisp, Scheme, Java
  • Alexander Stepanov – created Standard Template Library
  • Christopher Strachey – draughts playing program
  • Ludvig Strigeus – created uTorrent, OpenTTD, ScummVM and the technology behind Spotify
  • Bjarne Stroustrup – created C++
  • Zeev Suraski – cocreated PHP language
  • Gerald Jay SussmanScheme
  • Herb Sutter – chair of ISO C++ standards committee and C++ expert
  • Gottfrid Svartholm – cocreated The Pirate Bay
  • Aaron Swartz – software developer, writer, Internet activist
  • Tim SweeneyThe Unreal engine, UnrealScript, ZZT


  • Amir Taaki – leading developer for Bitcoin project
  • Andrew TanenbaumMinix
  • Audrey "Autrijus" Tang – designed Pugs
  • Simon TathamNetwide Assembler (NASM), PuTTY
  • Larry Tesler – the Smalltalk code browser, debugger and object inspector, and (with Tim Mott) the Gypsy word processor
  • Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner – cocreated Opera web browser
  • Avie Tevanian – authored Mach kernel
  • Ken Thompson – mainly designed and authored Unix, Plan 9 and Inferno operating systems, B and Bon languages (precursors of C), created UTF-8 character encoding, introduced regular expressions in QED and co-authored Go language
  • Michael TiemannG++, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
  • Linus Torvalds – original author and current maintainer of Linux kernel and created Git, a source code management system
  • Andrew TridgellSamba, Rsync
  • Roy TrubshawMUD – together with Richard Bartle, created MUDs
  • Bob Truel – cofounded DMOZ
  • Alan Turing – mathematician, computer scientist and cryptanalyst
  • David TurnerSASL, Kent Recursive Calculator, Miranda, IFIP WG 2.1 member



  • Wietse VenemaPostfix, Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN), TCP Wrapper
  • Pat Villani – original author FreeDOS/DOS-C kernel, maintainer of a defunct Linux for Windows 9x distribution
  • Paul VixieBIND, Cron
  • Patrick Volkerding – original author and current maintainer of Slackware Linux Distribution


  • Eiiti WadaALGOL N, IFIP WG 2.1 member, Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) X 0208, 0212, Happy Hacking Keyboard
  • John Walker – cofounded Autodesk
  • Larry Wall – Warp (1980s space-war game), rn, patch, Perl
  • Bob Wallace – author PC-Write word processor; considered shareware cocreator
  • Chris Wanstrath – cofounded GitHub
  • John Warnock – created PostScript
  • Robert WatsonFreeBSD network stack parallelism, TrustedBSD project and OpenBSM
  • Joseph Henry WegsteinALGOL 58, ALGOL 60, IFIP WG 2.1 member, data processing technical standards, fingerprint analysis
  • Pei-Yuan Wei – authored ViolaWWW, one of earliest graphical browsers
  • Peter J. Weinberger – cocreated AWK (being the W in that name)
  • Jim Weirich – created Rake, Builder, and RubyGems for Ruby; popular teacher and conference speaker
  • Joseph Weizenbaum – created ELIZA
  • David Wheeler – cocreated subroutine; designed WAKE; co-designed Tiny Encryption Algorithm, XTEA, Burrows–Wheeler transform
  • Arthur WhitneyA+, K
  • why the lucky stiff – created libraries and writing for Ruby, including quirky, popular Why's (poignant) Guide to Ruby to teach programming
  • Adriaan van Wijngaarden – Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL, IFIP WG 2.1 member
  • Bruce Wilcox – created Computer Go, programmed NEMESIS Go Master
  • Evan Williams – created and cofounded language Logo
  • Roberta and Ken WilliamsSierra Entertainment, King's Quest, graphic adventure game
  • Sophie Wilson – designed instruction set for Acorn RISC Machine, authored BBC BASIC
  • Dave Winer – developed XML-RPC, Frontier scripting language
  • Niklaus WirthALGOL W, IFIP WG 2.1 member, Pascal, Modula-2, Oberon
  • Stephen Wolfram – created Mathematica
  • Don WoodsINTERCAL, Colossal Cave Adventure
  • Philip Woodwardambiguity function, sinc function, comb operator, rep operator, ALGOL 68-R
  • Steve WozniakBreakout, Apple Integer BASIC, cofounded Apple Inc.
  • Will Wright – created the Sim City series, cofounded Maxis
  • William WulfBLISS system programming language + optimizing compiler, Hydra operating system, Tartan Laboratories


  • Jerry Yang – cocreated Yahoo!
  • Victor Yngve – authored first string processing language, COMIT
  • Nobuo YonedaYoneda lemma, Yoneda product, ALGOL, IFIP WG 2.1 member


  • Matei Zaharia – created Apache Spark
  • Jamie ZawinskiLucid Emacs, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, XScreenSaver
  • Phil Zimmermann – created encryption software PGP, the ZRTP protocol, and Zfone
  • Mark Zuckerberg – created Facebook

See also[]

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