List of protected heritage sites in Visé

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This table shows an overview of the protected heritage sites in the Walloon town Visé. This list is part of Belgium's national heritage.

town hall (nl) (fr)
Wezet rue des Récollets n°1 50°44′06″N 5°41′37″E / 50.735048°N 5.693543°E / 50.735048; 5.693543

62108-CLT-0001-01 Info

St. Martin's Church: choir (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°43′59″N 5°41′45″E / 50.733178°N 5.695915°E / 50.733178; 5.695915

62108-CLT-0002-01 Info

Kerk Saint-Martin: koor
Church of Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°44′17″N 5°41′08″E / 50.738043°N 5.685461°E / 50.738043; 5.685461

62108-CLT-0003-01 Info

Kerk Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel
Ensemble of the Lorette chapel, the farm at the sanctuary and the surrounding area (nl) (fr)
Wezet rue Porte de Lorette. 50°43′55″N 5°41′51″E / 50.732043°N 5.697584°E / 50.732043; 5.697584

62108-CLT-0004-01 Info

Ensemble van de kapel Lorette, de boerderij bij het heiligdom en het omringende gebied
Castle Saroléa and the ensemble of the castle and its surroundings (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°40′44″N 5°40′07″E / 50.678858°N 5.668606°E / 50.678858; 5.668606

62108-CLT-0005-01 Info

Kasteel van Saroléa en het ensemble van het kasteel en diens omgeving
Thiers of Lanaye, vineyards Nivelle, on the eastern slopes of the Montagne Saint-Pierre (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°46′02″N 5°39′49″E / 50.767267°N 5.663639°E / 50.767267; 5.663639

62108-CLT-0006-01 Info

Church of Saint-Lambert (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°45′18″N 5°40′45″E / 50.754973°N 5.679262°E / 50.754973; 5.679262

62108-CLT-0008-01 Info

Kerk Saint-Lambert
Organs of the church Saint-Firmin (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°42′58″N 5°41′33″E / 50.716130°N 5.692432°E / 50.716130; 5.692432

62108-CLT-0011-01 Info

Ile de la Meuse (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°48′28″N 5°41′41″E / 50.807827°N 5.694776°E / 50.807827; 5.694776

62108-CLT-0012-01 Info

Coalmine of Hasard: phalanstery (facades and roofs) and tower No. 1 and its engine, and the ensemble of the garden, and its immediate surroundings and the ensemble of the mine with wooded hill in the east (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°40′53″N 5°40′12″E / 50.681295°N 5.669926°E / 50.681295; 5.669926

62108-CLT-0013-01 Info

Steenkolenmijn van Hasard: phalanstère (gevels en daken) en toren n°1 en diens machinekamers, en het ensemble van de tuin, en diens directe omgeving en het ensemble van de mijn beboste heuvel gelegen in het oosten
Air shafts called "Belle Fleur", a coal mine in Hasard (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°40′51″N 5°40′19″E / 50.680782°N 5.671998°E / 50.680782; 5.671998

62108-CLT-0014-01 Info

Their de Caster, on the eastern slope of the Saint-Pierre (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°48′09″N 5°41′11″E / 50.802451°N 5.686337°E / 50.802451; 5.686337

62108-CLT-0015-01 Info

House facades and roofs, and pavement with pebbles (nl) (fr)
Wezet rue de la Halle n°171 50°45′18″N 5°40′48″E / 50.754864°N 5.679903°E / 50.754864; 5.679903

62108-CLT-0016-01 Info

House de la Tour: facades and roofs and the ensemble of the house, the park, the towpath and the River Meuse (nl) (fr)
Wezet rue de Lixhe, n°186 (M) et ensemble formé par la maison, le parc, le chemin de halage et la rive de la Meuse (S) 50°45′21″N 5°40′52″E / 50.755732°N 5.681030°E / 50.755732; 5.681030

62108-CLT-0017-01 Info

House: walls and roofs (nl) (fr)
Wezet rue F. Roosvelt n°19 50°44′14″N 5°41′11″E / 50.737238°N 5.686444°E / 50.737238; 5.686444

62108-CLT-0018-01 Info

Huis: gevels en daken
Chapel Notre-Dame de Bon Secours and the ensemble of the building and its surroundings (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°43′56″N 5°41′11″E / 50.732173°N 5.686499°E / 50.732173; 5.686499

62108-CLT-0019-01 Info

Kapel Notre-Dame de Bon Secours en het ensemble van het gebouw en diens omgeving
House facades and roofs, and pavement with pebbles (nl) (fr)
Wezet rue de la Halle, n°172 50°45′17″N 5°40′48″E / 50.754858°N 5.679905°E / 50.754858; 5.679905

62108-CLT-0020-01 Info

Thiers of Lanaye of Vignes and Nivelle on the eastern slope of the Saint-Pierre (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°46′02″N 5°39′49″E / 50.767267°N 5.663639°E / 50.767267; 5.663639

62108-PEX-0001-01 Info

Their de Caster, on the eastern slope of the Saint-Pierre (nl) (fr)
Wezet 50°48′09″N 5°41′11″E / 50.802451°N 5.686337°E / 50.802451; 5.686337

62108-PEX-0002-01 Info

See also[]


  • Belgian heritage register: Direction générale opérationnelle - Aménagement du territoire, Logement, Patrimoine et Energie (DG4)[1]
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