List of public art in Roskilde Municipality

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This list of public art in Roskilde Municipality lists public art in Roskilde Municipality, Denmark.


Roskilde's most well-known public artwork is the Roskilde Jars on Hestetorvet in front of Roskilde Railway Station. The three five meter high jars were designed by Peter Brandes and presented to the City of Roskilde as a gift on the occasion of its 1,000th anniversary. On Stændertorvet, the city's largest and most important public square, is a granite fountain built in 1895 which features various symbols from the city's coat of arms in its design.[1] The fountain stands in front of the former city hall which now houses the tourist information office. On the same square in front of the Royal Mansion stands a statue of Hroar and Helge two legendary kings who ruled Denmark from Roskilde in the 6th century. The statue was created by Johan Galster and was the winning entry in a 1933 competition for a new artwork on the City Hall Square.[2] Roskilde commissioned an equestrian statue of Margaret I of Denmark from Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen in the 1890s. She completed the first model in about 1897 but the final project was not completed due to lack of funding. In 2006, the equestrian statue was finally realized based on a plaster model which had been kept in the storages of Roskilde Museum. It now stands at Københavnsvej, opposite the Ro's Torv Shopping Center.[3] A bronze statue of one of Roskilde's most famous natives, Lise Nørgaard, depicting Nørgaard sitting on a bench, is found on Algade, the city's principal pedestrian street.[4] Outside Roskilde Museum stands a Bjørn Nørgaard statue which presents scenes from the Ragnarök legend on its four sides.[5]


Image Title / individual commemorated Location Sculptor Created Installed Source
Andromeda Garden
Koldekildevej Lars Skov Nielsen 2003 2003 Ref
Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1 Erik Varming 1990 1990 Ref
Himmelev Gymnasium, Himmelev Erik Heide 1981 1981 Ref
Bronze Pigeons Duebrødre Kloster, Sct. Agnesvej 2 Gudrun Lauesen 1898 Ref
Chinese character
Kinesisk skrifttegn
Roskilde Library Helge Holmskov 1986 1986 Ref
Cirkelbuen Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1 Bjarne v. H.H. Solberg 1990 Ref
Cobra Herregårdsvej 30 Jørn Bromann 1991 1991 Ref
Effort commun Roskilde Library, Dr. Margrethesvej 14 Sonja Ferlov Mancoba 1980 Ref
Figures for a space
Figurer til en plads
Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1 Anita Jørgensen 2001 Ref
, Køgevej Gudrun Lauesen 1936 1990 Ref
Fountain with symbols from Toskilde's coat of arms Stændertorvet Volmer Johannes Mørk-Hansen 1895 1895 Ref
Frog Fountain
Klosterengen Karl Glem Ref
Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1 Claes Hake 1990 Ref
Genfortryllelsens Brønd Roskilde Ring, Søndre Ringvej Michael Thejll 1990 1990 Ref
Goose Girl
Himmerlev Gymnasium, Gudrun Lauesen 1981 1981 Ref
Granite and Water
Granit og vand
Klosterengen Finn Nielsen 1995 1995 Ref
Granite faces
Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1 Ole Find Ref
Vækst – Bevægelse
Skomagergade Barbara Shanklin 1993 1993 Ref
Guapa Stændertorvet, Latinerhaven Gottfred Eickhoff 1942 1984 Ref
Gustav-Wied.jpg Gustav Wied Sct. Olsgade 11 Elise Brandes 1909 1909 Ref
Horse Well
Hestetorvet Karl Glem 1945 1945 Ref
How fragile we are ... Roskilde Fair Ground Lars Skov Nielsen 2001 2001 Ref
Imago Skt Olsgade 15 Erik Varming 1994 1994 Ref
Johannes Dam Hage, founder of the savings bank and teacher at the Latin School Stændertorvet 5 Karl Glem Ref
Lenticularis Skomagergade Gunver Hansen Ref
Lise Nørgaard Algade Mette Agerbæk 2010 2010 Ref
Lumo with Strong Supporters
Klumo med stærke støtter
Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1 Jørgen Haugen Sørensen 1993 Ref
Mads the Goat
Mads Ged
Himmelev Bygade, Gudrun Lauesen 1968 1969 Ref
Memorial to the Occupation of Denmark
Mindesten for Danmarks besættelse
Stændertorvet Knud Nellemose 1955 1955 Ref
Monument to Steen Friis
Gravmonument over stiftskriver Steen Friis
Greyfriars Cemetery Vilhelm Bissen 1875 Ref
Roskilde Museum, Skt. Ols Stræde Bjørn Nørgaard Ref
Relief Køgevej 7 Einar Utzon-Frank 1957 1957 Ref
Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1 John Olsen00 2001 Ref
Roar and Helge Stændertorvet Johan Georg Castonier Galster 1939 Ref
Roskilde Jars Roskilde station, Hestetorvet Peter Bonde 199 1999 Ref
Sculpture 2007
Skulptur 2007
Østre Kirkegård Søren Schaarup 2007 2007 Ref
Roskilde City Hall Gottfred Eickhoff 1976 1976 Ref
The Seven Days of the Week
Ugens syv dage
Folkeparken Morten Nielsen Ref
The Thirsty Children
De tørstende børn
Sct. Jørgens Skole, Sønderlundsvej 58 Rudolph Tegner 1926 1058 Ref
Tree of Life
Livets træ
St Jørgensbjerg Graveyard, Sct. Hansgade 51 Erik Varming 1975 1975 Ref
Water stone 2004
Vandsten 2004
Margrethehåbsvej 116 Søren Schaarup 2004 2004 Ref
Water stone 2007
Vandsten 2007
Østre Kirkegård Søren Schaarup 2007 2007 Ref
Maglelunden 2 Helle Vibeke Steffensen 1997 1997 Ref
Woman figures
Køgevej 46B Einar Utzon-Frank 1996 1996 Ref

See also[]


  1. ^ "Springvand med symboler fra Roskilde byvåben" (in Danish). Roskilde Kommune. Retrieved 12 January 2015.
  2. ^ "Johan Georg Castonier Galster (1910-1997)" (in Danish). Roskilde Kommune. Retrieved 12 January 2015.
  3. ^ "Ny bog portrætterer billedhuggeren med forstand på heste" (in Danish). Politiken. Retrieved 12 January 2015.
  4. ^ "Lise Nørgaard i bronze" (in Danish). TV2. Retrieved 12 January 2015.
  5. ^ "Museumstorvet i Roskilde" (in Danish). Kulturstyrelsen. Retrieved 12 January 2015.

External links[]

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