List of rulers of Gwynedd

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This is a list of the rulers of the Kingdom of Gwynedd.

Many of them were also acclaimed "King of the Britons" or "Prince of Wales".

Kings of Gwynedd[]

House of Cunedda[]

With Hywel's death, all male descendants of Maelgwn Gwynedd have expired. Merfyn the Freckled succeeds through his mother Esyllt, eldest daughter of Cynan Dindaethwy and niece of Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog.

House of Manaw[]

  • Merfyn Frych (Merfyn the Freckled) ap Gwriad (825–844)
  • Rhodri Mawr (Rhodri the Great) ap Merfyn (844–878)

House of Aberffraw[]

The warfare among the sons of Rhodri meant that the descendants of Anarawd became considered a separate house – called the House of Aberffraw from their principal seat – from the junior branches in Deheubarth and elsewhere.

  • Anarawd ap Rhodri (878–916) (establishes the Aberffraw dynasty, the senior branch of descendants from Rhodri Mawr)
  • Idwal Foel ab Anarawd (Idwal the Bald) (916–942)
  • Hywel Dda ap Cadell (Howell the Good) (942–950) (Dinefwr dynasty, descended from the second son of Rhodri Mawr who ruled in Deheubarth, usurps Gwynedd from the Aberffraw line.)
  • Iago ab Idwal (950–979) (returns to the Aberffraw branch)
  • Ieuaf ab Idwal (950–969)
  • Hywel ab Ieuaf (974–985)
  • Cadwallon ab Ieuaf (985–986)

House of Dinefwr[]

House of Aberffraw[]


  • Aeddan ap Blegywryd (1005–1018) (minor commote lord usurps Gwynedd from the Aberffraw dynasty)

House of Rhuddlan[]

  • Llywelyn ap Seisyll (1018–1023) (Rhuddlan dynasty in lower Gwynedd usurps from Aeddan ap Blegywryd)

House of Aberffraw[]

Iago ab Idwal ap Meurig
r. 1023–1039
Cynan ab Iago
d. 1060
Gruffydd ap Cynan
Owain Gwynedd
Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd
r. 1170
Iorwerth Drwyndwn
Dafydd ab Owain Gwynedd
Prince 1170–1195
Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd
Prince 1170–1173
Rhodri ab Owain Gwynedd
Prince 1170–1195
Llywelyn the Great

House of Rhuddlan[]

House of Mathrafal[]

House of Aberffraw[]

  • Gruffydd ap Cynan (1081–1137) (Aberffraw dynasty returns)
  • Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd (1137–1170) (After Owain rulers of Gwynedd are styled Prince of Aberffraw and Lord of Snowdon[citation needed])
  • Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd r. 1170; killed by his younger brother Dafydd ab Owain in a conspiracy hatched by his stepmother Cristen, dowager princess of Gwynedd, and her sons Dafydd and Rhodri ab Owain.
  • Dafydd I the Usurper (1170–1195), displaced elder brother Hywel ap Owain Gwynedd, but was himself displaced between 1195 ruling only lower Gwynedd. England recognized Dafydd as Prince of Gwynedd, though Welsh jurists did not.
    • Rhodri ab Owain Gwynedd (1170–1190) Ruling upper Gwynedd until 1174
    • Maelgwn ab Owain Gwynedd (1170–1173), ruling Ynys Mon and supporter of his elder brother Hywel ap Owain's claim as Prince. After Hywel's death, Maelgwn was able to retain Ynys Mon from Dafydd the Usurper.

Princes of Wales[]

Llywelyn the Great
Gruffydd ap Llywelyn Fawr
Dafydd ap Llywelyn
Owain Goch ap Gruffydd
d. 1282
Llywelyn ap Gruffudd
Dafydd ap Gruffydd
Rhodri ap Gruffudd
Gwenllian of Wales
Llywelyn ap Dafydd
Owain ap Dafydd
Tomas ap Rhodri
Owain Lawgoch


See also[]

  • List of Princes of Wales


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