Liversidge Award

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The Liversidge Award recognizes outstanding contributions to physical chemistry.[1] Named for the English-born chemist Archibald Liversidge, it is awarded by the Faraday Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry.


The following have won the Liversidge Award:[2]

2017 Warren S. Warren
2016 Peter Bruce
2014 Michael Ashfold
2012  [Wikidata]
2010 David Clary
2009/10 Richard Catlow
2007/08 John Philip Simons [Wikidata]
2005/06  [Wikidata]
2003/04 Robin Clark
2001/02 Ian William Murison Smith
1999/00   Peter Edwards
1997/98 David Anthony King
1995/96  [Wikidata]
1993/94 Richard N. Dixon
1991/92  [Wikidata]
1989/90 Roger Parsons
1987/88 Bernard L. Shaw
1985/86  [Wikidata]
1983/84 Norman Greenwood
1981/82 David W. Turner
1979/80 Robert Williams
1977/78 John Shipley Rowlinson
1975/76 Cyril Clifford Addison
1973/74 Ronald P. Bell
1971/72 Joseph Chatt
1969/70 George Porter
1967/68 Ronald Nyholm
1965/66 Edmund John Bowen
1963/64 John Stuart Anderson
1961/62 Cecil Edwin Henry Bawn
1959/60 Alfred Ubbelohde
1957/58 Ronald Norrish
1955/56 Edgar William Richard Steacie
1954 Harry Julius Emeleus
1951 Harry Melville
1948 Linus Pauling
1946 Harold Urey
1945 Eric Rideal
1943 Samuel Sugden
1941 Nevil Sidgwick
1939 Cyril Hinshelwood
1936 Friedrich Paneth
1935 Robert Whytlaw-Gray
1932 Francis William Aston
1930 William Arthur Bone
1929 Herbert Freundlich
1928 Frederick George Donnan

See also[]


  1. ^ "Liversidge Award". Royal Society of Chemistry. Archived from the original on 2020-09-27. Retrieved 8 September 2018.
  2. ^ "Liversidge Award Previous Winners". Royal Society of Chemistry. Archived from the original on 2020-08-27. Retrieved 9 September 2018.
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