Ljusdal Batholith

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The Ljusdal Batholith is a group of plutons in central Sweden formed during the Svecofennian orogeny. The batholith occupies a NW-SE elongated area of c. 130 x 100 km covering most of Hälsingland.[1] The Ljusdal Bathoilith is mostly made up of granitoids with lesser amounts of mafic intrusions.[2]

The plutons of the batholith crystallized from magma 1840 to 1860 million years ago in Paleoproterozoic times at an ancient convergent boundary.[2]


  1. ^ Sjöström, H.; Bergman, S. (1996). "Regional structures in central Sweden". GFF. 118 (Jubelee Issue): A25. doi:10.1080/11035899609546292.
  2. ^ a b Högdal, Karin; Sjöström, Håkan; Bergman, Stefan (2009). "Ductile shear zones related to crustal shortening and domain boundary evolution in the central Fennoscandian Shield". Tectonics. 28 (1): n/a. Bibcode:2009Tecto..28.1003H. doi:10.1029/2008TC002277.
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