Louis Carton

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The Villa Stella of Louis Carton in Khereddine near La Goulette.

Louis Carton (born 16 June 1861 in Saint Omer, France ) was a French physician and archaeologist who was active in Tunisia.[1][2][3]

Louis Carton studied medicine at the University of Lille after attending the Lycée in Lille and earned his doctorate in 1883. He then joined the French army as a military doctor and was transferred to Tunisia in 1886. In addition to his work as a physician, he developed a strong interest in archeology. He was first employed in Gabès, then from 1888 in . Here he began to study Bulla Regia. From 1891 he was stationed in Téboursouk, he turned to the archaeological investigation of Thugga. He returned to France for a short time, and In 1902 he was employed in Sousse, where he again turned his attention to his archaeological interests. He founded the , studied the catacombs of the ancient Hadrumetum and the sanctuary of the Tanit in El Kenissia. In 1904 he moved to La Goulette, a suburb of Tunis, from where he devoted himself to archaeological researches in Carthage.[4][5] [6][7]

In 1901 he became knight of the honorary legion, 1918 officer of the honorary legion, 1910 corresponding member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.

Further reading[]


  1. ^ Charles-Victor Langlos: Éloge funèbre de M. Louis Carton, correspondant de l'Académie . In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1925, p. 5-8 ( Digitisat ).
  2. ^ Clémentine Gutron: Carton, Louis . In: François Pouillon (Hrsg.): Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue française. Karthala, Paris, 2008, ISBN 978-2-84586-802-1, pp. 182-184.
  3. ^ Alessandro Teatini: Louis Carton . In: Stefan Heid, Martin Dennert (Hrsg.): Personal Lexicon of Christian Archeology . Researchers and personalities from the 16th to the 21st century. Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-7954-2620-0, vol. 1, pp. 284-285.
  4. ^ Louis Carton, Dokumente zur Aufnahme in die Ehrenlegion]
  5. ^ *Louis Carton, in the "Annuaire de la France savante XVIIe-XXe" on the website of the Comité des travaux historiques et Scientifiques.
  6. ^ Louis-Charles Carton et l'archéologie soussienne
  7. ^ Annie Krieger-Krynicki: Louis Carton bei memoireafriquedunord.net Website of the French National Archives
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