Maxim Kantor

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Maxim Kantor in 2016
Maxim Kantor and his painting ROSE for the church Saint Merri in Paris, 2017

Maxim Karlovich Kantor (Russian: Максим Карлович Кантор, born 22 December 1957), is a Russian painter, writer, essayist and art historian.


Maxim Kantor was born in Moscow on 22 December 1957.

His father, Karl Kantor, who was born in Argentina, was a philosopher, an art historian, and a design theorist who founded the Moscow magazine “Decorative Arts”. His grandfather self-exiled to Argentina in 1909 and returned to Soviet Russia with his family in 1926. His mother Tatiana was a geneticist who created some hybrids that were internationally licensed.

In 1980 Maxim Kantor graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Art. After 1982 he took part in unofficial exhibitions. In 1983 he founded in Moscow the underground art group “Krasnyj Dom” (Red House). In 1984 he was organizer and speaker of a renowned one-day show of the group in Moscow Institute of Philosophy.

In 2016 he became a German citizen.

Maxim Kantor lives and works on Ile de Ré (France), Berlin and Oxford.

Kantor is a member of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts.


As a painter Maxim Kantor "didn't want to study under anybody and his father (the philosopher Karl Kantor) was all he needed", but he was deeply influenced by Michelangelo, Mantegna, Goya, Breughel, Van Gogh, Grunewald and Petrov Vodkin. Maxim Kantor never joined any artistic group, but rather kept to his own independent message. His personal style was never influenced by fashions or current streams. In Soviet times he became a watchful observer of society and a sharp political critic. Kantor holds the same line up to now both in his country and in the West. For years, he has been developing the themes which moved him. Almost always those themes reflected socio-political situation in his Motherland or in the world. He created series of large paintings and graphic works which always dovetailed with his fiction works and public statements and essays.

In 1997 he represented the Russian Federation on 47 Biennale d’Arte di Venezia in the Russian pavilion with the personal Exhibition Criminal Chronicle.

He held exhibitions in many different countries and in a great number of important museums around the world, among which Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery, Saint-Petersburg State Russian Museum, Hannover Sprengel Museum, Frankfurt Staedel Museum, British Museum, Luxembourg National Museum. Some works by Kantor are in the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Paris Saint Merry Church and the Brussels cathedral.

Maxim Kantor has created three more monumental portfolio of etchings and prints with the following titles Metropolis. Atlas (2000-2001), Metropolis. Atlas (2004) and Vulcanus. Atlas (2010).

Maxim Kantor produced "livres d'artiste": in 2013 Henrich von Kleist. Die "Hermannsschlaht" and in 2014 "The Ballades of Robin Hood", in 2018 "Faust" and "Hazard" with text and illustrations by Kantor himself.

Paintings and graphic works by Kantor are shown in his website

Collaboration with universities[]

In 2013 Maxim Kantor was appointed Honorary Fellow of Pembroke College.[citation needed]

In 2015 he became a visiting professor at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, United States.[1]

Books by Maxim Kantor[]

· Дом на пустыре (House in Wasteland) Publisher Shabashnikovykh, Moscow, 1993. ISBN 5-8242-0027-0

· Учебник рисования (Drawing Textbook). Oghi, Moscow, 2006. ISBN 5-94282-410-X, 5-94282-411-8, 5-94282-412-6,978-5-17-051037-5,978-5-17-051038-2

· Медленные челюсти демократии (Slow Jaws of Democracy). АСТ, Moscow, 2008. ISBN 978-5-17-053109-7, 978-5-271-20636-8

· Вечер с бабуином (An Evening with a Baboon). Oghi, Moscow, 2008. ISBN 978-5-94282-464-8

· В ту сторону (On the Other Side). Oghi, Moscow, 2009. ISBN 978-5-94282-568-3

· Советы одинокого курильщика. Тринадцать рассказов про Татарникова (Advises of a Lonely Smoker. Thirteen Tales about Tatarnikov). АСТ, Moscow, 2010. ISBN 978-5-17-064171-0, 978-5-271-26345-3

· Совок и веник (Dustpan and Broom). АСТ, Mosow, 2011. ISBN 978-5-17-068477-9, 978-5-271-29138-8, 978-5-4215-1539-5

· Красный свет (Red Light). АСТ, Moscow, 2013. ISBN 978-5-17-078451-6

· Хроника стрижки овец (Chronicle of Sheep-shearing). АСТ, Moscow, 2013. ISBN 978-5-17-082484-7

· Стратегия левиафана (The Strategy of Leviathan). АСТ, Moscow, 2014. ISBN 978-5-17-081983-6

· Империя наизнанку. Когда закончится путинская Россия. (An Empire inside out. The End of Putin's Russia). Algorithm, Moscow, 2015. ISBN 978-5-4438-0972-4

· Полное собрание баллад о Робин Гуде (The Ballads of Robin Hood). АСТ, Moscow, 2015. ISBN 978-5-17-087916-8

· Чертополох. Философия живописи (Thistle. Philosophy of Painting). АСТ, Moscow, 2916. ISBN 978-5-17-095985-3

· Азарт (Hazard). АСТ, Mosow, 2017. ISBN 978-5-17-102176-4

. Красный свет. Роман в двух частях (Red Light. Novel in two Parts)Folio, 2017. ISBN 978-966-03-7641-0

Catalogues and Illustrated Books[]

· GLASNOST- Die neue Freiheit der Sowjetischen Maler (GLASNOST. New Frredom of Soviet Painters), Stiftung Henri Nennen, 1988. ISBN 3925564012. ISBN 978-3925564017

· Maxim Kantor. Bilder 1990-1991 (Paintings 1990-1991), Katalog. Verlag der Galerie Eva Poll, 1991.

· Maxim Kantor: Retrospektive (Retrospective), Museum Bochum, 15. Februar-26. April 1992 (Veröffentlichungen zur osteuropäischen Kultur) (German Edition). Das Museum, 1992. ISBN 3809301655. ISBN 978-3809301653

· Maxim Kantor. Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1991 bis 1993 (Paintings from 1991 to 1993), Text by Maxim Kantor; POLLeditionen, Bd. 40, 1993

· Maxim Kantor. Bilder und Zeichnungen 1993-1995 (Paintings and Drawings 1993-1995). Text by Maxim Kantor; POLLeditionen Bd. 43, 1995

· Maxim Kantor. Paintings 1982-1994. Wienand; First edition, 1995. ISBN 3879094152. ISBN 978-3879094158

· Maxim Kantor. Die Radierungen (Etchings), 1997. Text by Margret Stuffmann; POLLeditionen Bd. 48, 1998

· Maxim Kantor: Paintings and Etchings. Schirn Kunsthalle; First edition, 1998. ASIN: B000J0G85W

· Maxim Kantor. Paintings and Etchings. Cantz´sche druckerei, 1998

· Maxim Kantor. Gemälde und Radierungen (Painting and Etchings). Kulturspeicher Oldenburg im Augusteum, Elisabethstr. 1, 26122 Oldenburg, 17. September bis 8. November 1998 Hrsg.: Kulturspeicher im Schloß, Oldenburg. Oldenburg, 1998

· Maxim Kantor. Ödland. Ein Atlas (Wasteland. Atlas), Ausstellungskatalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung des Städelsche Kunstinstituts und der Städtischen Galerie, Graphische Sammlung, Frankfurt am Main. 70 Druckgraphiken und 7 Briefe. Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit. 2001. ISBN 3775711163. ISBN 978-3775711166

· Максим Кантор. Пустырь. Атлас (Wasteland. Atlas). Языки славянской культуры, 2001. ISBN 5-94457-017-2

· Maxim Kantor: New Empire. Rasch, 2004. ISBN 3899460383. ISBN 978-3899460384

· Максим Кантор. Одного достаточно / One is Enough. АСТ, Астрель, Mainstream, Moscow, 2010. ISBN 978-5-17-057743-9, 978-5-271-22932-9

· Maxim Kantor. Palace Editions, 2012. ISBN 3863840194 / ISBN 9783863840198

· Maxim Kantor: Vulcanus: Satires Dans Tous Les Sens. Musee Du Montparnasse/ Arcadia Editions, Paris, 2012. ISBN 979-10-90167-08-7

· Maxim Kantor. Das neue Bestiarium: Gemälde, Graphik, Skulpturen und Puppen (New Bestiary: Paintings, Graphic, Sculptures and Puppets. Wienand Verlag, 2016. ISBN 9783868323627. ISBN 3868323627

· Maxim Kantor. Rodzina kontra Imperium. Family vs Empire. Nationalmuseum Danzig, 2016

  • "Bosch & Kantor – Maxim Kantor: Das Jüngste Gericht" in Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien, 2018

External links[]


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