Mayfly optimization algorithm

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In mathematical optimization, computer science and operations research, the Mayfly Optimization Algorithm (MA) was developed by Zervoudakis K. and Dr. Tsafarakis S. to address both continuous and discrete optimization problems and is inspired from the flight behavior and the mating process of mayflies. It is a hybrid algorithmic structure of particle swarm optimization, firefly algorithm and genetic algorithm. The processes of nuptial dance and random flight enhance the balance between the algorithm's exploration and exploitation properties and assist its escape from local optima. Its performance is superior to that of other popular metaheuristics like PSO, DE, GA and FA, in terms of convergence rate and convergence speed.[1]


The MA was developed to address both single objective and multi objective optimization problems.[2] Since its first presentation the mayfly optimization algorithm has been used by researchers to address various optimization problems.[3][4][5][6][7]

Mayfly Optimization Algorithm pseudocodes[]

Single Objective Mayfly Optimization Algorithm (MA)[]

MA pseudocode [8]

Objective function f(x), x=(x_1,…,x_d )^T
Initialize the male mayfly population x_i (i=1,2,…,N) and velocities v_mi
Initialize the female mayfly population y_i (i=1,2,…,M) and velocities v_fi
Evaluate solutions
Find global best gbest
Do While stopping criteria are not met
    Update velocities and positions of males and females
    Evaluate solutions
    Rank the mayflies
    Mate the mayflies
    Evaluate offspring
    Separate offspring to male and female randomly
    Replace worst solutions with the best new ones
    Update pbest and gbest
end while

Multi Objective Mayfly Optimization Algorithm (MOMA)[]

MOMA pseudocode[9]

Initialize the male mayfly population