Medial pentagonal hexecontahedron

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Medial pentagonal hexecontahedron
DU40 medial pentagonal hexecontahedron.png
Type Star polyhedron
Face DU40 facets.png
Elements F = 60, E = 150
V = 84 (χ = −6)
Symmetry group I, [5,3]+, 532
Index references DU40
dual polyhedron Snub dodecadodecahedron

In geometry, the medial pentagonal hexecontahedron is a nonconvex isohedral polyhedron. It is the dual of the snub dodecadodecahedron. It has 60 intersecting irregular pentagonal faces.


Denote the golden ratio by , and let be the smallest (most negative) real zero of the polynomial . Then each face has three equal angles of , one of and one of . Each face has one medium length edge, two short and two long ones. If the medium length is , then the short edges have length


and the long edges have length


The dihedral angle equals . The other real zero of the polynomial plays a similar role for the medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron.


  • Wenninger, Magnus (1983), Dual Models, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-54325-5, MR 0730208

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